Летећи Полип wrote:Nisam ni mislio na tebe. Već apstraktno na strane koje upućuju jedni drugima takve komntare.
Znam da nisi. Samo ističem da je to isti mentalni model.
Летећи Полип wrote:Nisam ni mislio na tebe. Već apstraktno na strane koje upućuju jedni drugima takve komntare.
Papa Lazarou wrote:Zuper wrote:Vasilije, kada si vec ovde, zasto sam diskriminisan na forumu?
Kako moze disident da ima pristupe delu foruma koji ja nemam i zbog cega, Vasilije.
Da li je to jedini deo i sta krijete?
Postoji i topik na kome nekoliko starijih članova govori samo o tebi. Ne zajebavam se.
Svaki forum ima više slojeva pristupa, pa tako i ovaj.
Boze koliko se osećam pocastvovano :3Zuper wrote:Vasilije, kada si vec ovde, zasto sam diskriminisan na forumu?
Kako moze disident da ima pristupe delu foruma kojem ja nemam pristup i zbog cega, Vasilije.
Da li je to jedini deo i sta krijete?
Летећи Полип wrote:Santino wrote:
za spenglera je mrtva i srednjevekovna "magijska" evropa, pa je iz nje nastala faustijanska. iako obe imaju isusa, to nisu iste civilizacije, kao sto nije isto dinastija qing i komunisticka kina.
Semiti su Magijska civilizacija. Faustovska je nastala na ruševinama Apolonijske, i pokrenula svoj ciklus.
nikakav problem samo bilo bi fino da stavite zvaničan spisak dozvoljenih mišljenja da vam ostali ne zagađuju forum rasizmom i fašizmom(nešto poput SSSRa ili S. Koreje), u svakom slučaju vrijeme će pokazati ko je bio u pravu, ja vas sad pozdravljam a sa zuperom vidite šta ćetePapa Lazarou wrote:Vas dva debila ste u nekom dogovoru da zajedno gnojite?
Ajde marš u kurac i sa topika i sa foruma.
Летећи Полип wrote:Inače, da se razumemo - ja ne prihvatam Špenglerovu cikličnu teoriju civilizacija. Meni je sve to trućanje provincijskog štrebera.
Mada moram da priznam da mi Glabov "The Fate of Empires" mnogo bolje leži.
XXII The influx of foreigners
One of the oft-repeated phenomena of great empires is the influx of foreigners to the capital city. Roman historians often complain of the number of Asians and Africans in Rome. Baghdad, in its prime in the ninth century, was international in its population—Persians, Turks, Arabs, Armenians, Egyptians, Africans and Greeks mingled in its streets.
In London today, Cypriots, Greeks, Italians, Russians, Africans, Germans and Indians jostle one another on the buses and in the underground, so that it sometimes seems difficult to find any British. The same applies to New York, perhaps even more so. This problem does not consist in any inferiority of one race as compared with another, but simply in the differences between them.
In the age of the first outburst and the subsequent Age of Conquests, the race is normally ethnically more or less homogeneous. This state of affairs facilitates a feeling of solidarity and comradeship. But in the Ages of Commerce and Affluence, every type of foreigner floods into the great city, the streets of which are reputed to be paved with gold. As, in most cases, this great city is also the capital of the empire, the cosmopolitan crowd at the seat of empire exercises a political influence greatly in excess of its relative numbers.
Second- or third-generation foreign immigrants may appear outwardly to be entirely assimilated, but they often constitute a weakness in two directions. First, their basic human nature often differs from that of the original imperial stock. If the earlier imperial race was stubborn and slowmoving, the immigrants might come from more emotional races, thereby introducing cracks and schisms into the national policies, even if all were equally loyal.
Second, while the nation is still affluent, all the diverse races may appear equally loyal. But in an acute emergency, the immigrants will often be less willing to sacrifice their lives and their property than will be the original descendants of the founder race. Third, the immigrants are liable to form communities of their own, protecting primarily their own interests, and only in the second degree that of the nation as a whole. Fourth, many of the foreign immigrants will probably belong to races originally conquered by and absorbed into the empire. While the empire is enjoying its High Noon of prosperity, all these people are proud and glad to be imperial citizens. But when decline sets in, it is extraordinary how the memory of ancient wars, perhaps centuries before, is suddenly revived, and local or provincial movements appear demanding secession or independence. Some day this phenomenon will doubtless appear in the now apparently monolithic and authoritarian Soviet empire. It is amazing for how long such provincial sentiments can survive.
Historical examples of this phenomenon are scarcely needed. The idle and captious Roman mob, with its endless appetite for free distributions of food—bread and games—is notorious, and utterly different from that stern Roman spirit which we associate with the wars of the early republic. In Baghdad, in the golden days of Harun al-Rashid, Arabs were a minority in the imperial capital. Istanbul, in the great days of Ottoman rule, was peopled by inhabitants remarkably few of whom were descendants of Turkish conquerors. In New York, descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers are few and far between.
This interesting phenomenon is largely limited to great cities. The original conquering race is often to be found in relative purity in rural districts and on far frontiers. It is the wealth of the great cities which draws the immigrants. As, with the growth of industry, cities nowadays achieve an ever greater preponderance over the countryside, so will the influence of foreigners increasingly dominate old empires. Once more it may be emphasised that I do not wish to convey the impression that immigrants are inferior to older stocks. They are just different, and they thus tend to introduce cracks and divisions.
KinderLad wrote:Zuper wrote:Zato sto je zapad dekadentan.
Zato sto maca i drugar daca nece da imaju decu jer su konformisti, jer su tako nauceni da valja.
U ovakvoj postavci prava i pravila u EU nemoguce je imati veci porast radjanja dece ma koliko bili bogati-nemoguce.
Dobro se zna da sa uplivom zena u radnu snagu i njihovih prava dolazi do pada radjanja u svakoj zemlji.
I sada kako to resiti? Nije moguce sada vracati zenska prava unazad, niti treba.
Liberalnim metodama je nemoguce resiti taj problem.
A onda moras da uvozis ljude da ne bi ekonomski pukao, a ti ljudi nisu bas nauceni istim pravilima kao domaci, znate postoje razlicite kulture koliko god vi to odbacivali, pa Macu moze preko noci da neko zaskoci.
E, onda radikalna desnica raste, kao u Svedskoj gde dele prvo mesto po popularnosti trenutno sa socijal-demokratama, jer stvarno postoje zabranjeni delovi svedskih gradova gde je silovanje i kriminal jako prisutno koliko god svedska vlast to pokusavala da sakrije pa napravi jos veci problem.
Inace ce najvise nastradati zemlje sa Istoka Evrope, tipa Srbija, Hrvatska, Bugarska ili Ukrajina. Zapad moze da se izvlaci na bogatstvo jos neko vreme i da uvozi ljude a na istoku vlada najgore od svega: nema novca a ponasanje kao na zapadu.
Samo sto Vilijamu to jos nisu objasnili na seminarima.
Nije niko "dekadentan" nego je to normalna posledica emancipacije i poboljsanja uslova zivota. Slicna prica je i u Kini.
disident wrote:Pa jedna od posledica politike jednog deteta je femicid zastrasujucih razmera, toliki da sada kineskoj populaciji fali 40 miliona žena za brak. Ništa u društvu ne može da se rešava dekretima.
Da, msm da je aljazira objavila priču. Međutim ni trgovina robljem ne može da pokrije toliki jaz. Nije pomogla ni Srbiji sa ženama iz Albanije, osim za bljuv reportaže i članke po tabloidima i rtsЛетећи Полип wrote:disident wrote:Pa jedna od posledica politike jednog deteta je femicid zastrasujucih razmera, toliki da sada kineskoj populaciji fali 40 miliona žena za brak. Ništa u društvu ne može da se rešava dekretima.
Kako ne može? Eno uvoze pakistanske hrišćanke.