Kapitalizam 101
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- Post n°801
Re: Kapitalizam 101
[size=36]Surging Wealth Inequality Is A Happy Sign That Life Is Becoming Much More Convenient [/size]
- Posts : 37661
Join date : 2014-10-27
- Post n°802
Re: Kapitalizam 101
da jebote pre 200 godina smo imali robove i duznicke sluge te tukli zene i trebili indijance. ZIVOT JE BIO JEDNAKIJI!
And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
- Posts : 37661
Join date : 2014-10-27
- Post n°803
Re: Kapitalizam 101
mislim ocigledno cist socijalizam.
And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
- Guest
- Post n°804
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Neko je pitao od čega živi Miša Brkić. Evo primera - fantomsko pisanje za Miodraga Kostića
- Posts : 22555
Join date : 2014-12-01
- Post n°805
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Sok! Kinez komunista!
Inace mi je neverovatno do koje mere ljudi odbijaju da poveruju da su svi ti ljudi samo paravan za kineske drzavne projekte i tupe da u Kini zapravo vlada kapitalizam ( ), da bi se potom cudili kakoto kakoto kakoto da se ispostavi da je drzava iza svega i njen svi hoce a tudje niko nece kakoto nijemijasno!
Inace mi je neverovatno do koje mere ljudi odbijaju da poveruju da su svi ti ljudi samo paravan za kineske drzavne projekte i tupe da u Kini zapravo vlada kapitalizam ( ), da bi se potom cudili kakoto kakoto kakoto da se ispostavi da je drzava iza svega i njen svi hoce a tudje niko nece kakoto nijemijasno!
- Korisnik
- Posts : 4670
Join date : 2015-02-17
- Post n°806
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Šta pričaš ti Filipe, kakav komunizam, i kakve veze ima kako se nešto formalno zove ako je kancer kao i njegov navodna suprotnost?
- Korisnik
- Posts : 4670
Join date : 2015-02-17
- Post n°808
Re: Kapitalizam 101[0]=68.ARAaKtrV59UFjwSoNEsifut7Q6BV6APXdcV-uyYos3fA0YR6Pnvl5Gv9wiZTgnsFXLvVoRXmgA17U9BWVwTXpOVyhKDw1i1UQ3rk0YXvqHfFbZ5C2r_dfEXE7lSPIrMudrKEzPUbWJCyM8OHfnHrsCovStEDd-WjNMaiDYCdktGG37Ath75iAeRv5R-H6CRT3_M9z7I-Vh0ZtdN0RVIjsFWCxOefF1OYqykpvJ1RPcvllNdEVGzLzkX_0c5gd03GzmVnIO_f6vhJPLn2wMyhTVjJom8zqtO53973BM3_P3YUXbYjxfZc6GV2BujrHLkALvwsmDwwYC-3MQtrl-kS&__tn__=C-Rništa ne govori o dekadenciji mladih kao loženje na elon musk-a
- Korisnik
- Posts : 4670
Join date : 2015-02-17
- Post n°809
Re: Kapitalizam 101
GM’s decline truly began with its quest to turn people into machines
When General Motors announced last month that it was shutting down small-car production and mothballing its Lordstown Assembly plant outside of Youngstown, in northeast Ohio, the news felt inevitable. While GM once built nine of every 20 new cars sold in America between 1950 and 1980, its market dominance has long since faded. Along with the other two of Detroit’s “Big Three” automakers, GM has been slashing shifts and shuttering factories for decades, gutting cities like Youngstown across America.
But nothing that led to the layoff of Lordstown’s 1,500 workers was inevitable—not GM’s failure, not the triumph of foreign small cars, and not even the withering of Detroit’s industrial might—provided you know where to look. Nearly a half-century ago, as the first gusts of global competition began buffeting the US economy, an iconic strike in Lordstown presented GM with an alternative path—and incited the rest of America to rethink our relationship to work.
In the late winter of 1972, Lordstown workers rebelled against GM’s experiment with a bold new management style that put a premium on automation while treating assemblers as though they were little whirring parts of one giant machine. Their uprising became a national symbol of blue-collar disaffection. “Lordstown syndrome,” as the media dubbed it, was fueled by the idea that, for American society to thrive, people needed work, yes, but more specifically, meaningful work—a purpose that went beyond the simple act of fastening a spring to a 1,100 Chevrolet’s left rear axle. In the national debate that ensued, America pondered how a society that neglected to treat work holistically would hurt the competitiveness of its workers, and, ultimately, the health of its communities.
That 1972 strike—or, more precisely, GM’s response to it—marked the beginning of the company’s long but uneven descent, which would be characterized by a repeated impulse to bet on fancy, futuristic but unproven technologies while undervaluing its workers. And so, long before GM CEO Mary Barra’s announcement in late November, we’ve known how the story of GM ends. But Lordstown’s strange moment in 1972 teaches us about what could have been written instead.
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Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : wife privilege
- Post n°810
Re: Kapitalizam 101
ЏМ је, беше, кад је одлазио у банкрот, имао две врсте уговора. Оне које мора да испоштује и оне које мора да пусти низ воду. Једни су са банкама, други са радницима.
Сад овде дође неки мим са типом који мрмља да је уговор светиња и двојицом рмпалија који га закопчавају с леђа.
Сад овде дође неки мим са типом који мрмља да је уговор светиња и двојицом рмпалија који га закопчавају с леђа.
cousin for roasting the rakija
И кажем себи у сну, еј бре коњу па ти ни немаш озвучење, имаш оне две кутијице око монитора, видећеш кад се пробудиш...
- Korisnik
- Posts : 4670
Join date : 2015-02-17
- Post n°811
Re: Kapitalizam 101
1 jak upis.
The failed socialist experiment of capitalist Scandinavian countries
The failed socialist experiment of capitalist Scandinavian countries
The welfare state is different from socialism only in that the theft in the name of redistribution takes place in the welfare state through the tax system instead of through direct confiscation of property under socialism. In the end this difference doesn’t matter since work incentives are severely distorted in both systems. Welfare or socialism – both end up creating poverty and reducing opportunities for the poor. Our party firmly opposes the welfare state, even as we are committed to equality of opportunity for all.
- Korisnik
- Posts : 4670
Join date : 2015-02-17
- Post n°812
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Juče sam odgovarao na pitanja o svom radu, o tome kako i zašto sam se pre više od 30 godina posvetio proučavanju nejednakosti, šta su bili moji motivi, kako je bilo baviti se problemom nejednakosti u navodno besklasnom (i nedemokratskom) društvu kakvo je bilo jugoslovensko, koliko je Svetska banka u kojoj sam radio bila zainteresovana za taj problem i tako dalje. Moj sagovornik i ja smo najzad stigli do metodoloških pitanja i neizbežnog uticaja Marxa na moj rad. Pokušaću da taj uticaj ovde sistematično prikažem.
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- Post n°813
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Zna li neko da kaže koji je najveći pronalazak kapitalizma? Onaj koji je doneo prosperitet Zapadnim zemljama a da ga nisu imale socijalističke.
To je Kapitalizam 101.
To je Kapitalizam 101.
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Location : wife privilege
- Post n°815
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Не налазим тему коју бих назвао "мобилнизација", о провидуримаРЖ телефонских услуга, па засад овде, а после модулаторРЖ нека задрује, шибенује ил' трогира, слабо памтим бројеве.
Елем, пошто је минут разговора у претплати код домаћих провидура? Био сам код Теленора већ скоро осам година, и знам отприлике колико ми је трајала лова кад уплатим - то колико ја разговарам је било цирка 1200 динџи годишње. Сад ми је појео 600 динара за две недеље. Одем данас до пословнице њихове, било ми штогод успут, да питам пошто минут у претплати. Јер на њиховом сајту јако тешко може да се нађе ценовник, а и кад се нађе има свашта (чак и гомила ствари за које ми није јасно шта су), само нема цене минута. Каже луче "минут разговора је 30 динара". Аууу јеботе.
Кад сам први пут узео мобилни, још у тамоу, било је 10 центи минут, па је у року од годину две то пало на 7. Ко зна пошто је сад. Ово је бар четири пута скупље.
Пошто је код осталих?
Елем, пошто је минут разговора у претплати код домаћих провидура? Био сам код Теленора већ скоро осам година, и знам отприлике колико ми је трајала лова кад уплатим - то колико ја разговарам је било цирка 1200 динџи годишње. Сад ми је појео 600 динара за две недеље. Одем данас до пословнице њихове, било ми штогод успут, да питам пошто минут у претплати. Јер на њиховом сајту јако тешко може да се нађе ценовник, а и кад се нађе има свашта (чак и гомила ствари за које ми није јасно шта су), само нема цене минута. Каже луче "минут разговора је 30 динара". Аууу јеботе.
Кад сам први пут узео мобилни, још у тамоу, било је 10 центи минут, па је у року од годину две то пало на 7. Ко зна пошто је сад. Ово је бар четири пута скупље.
Пошто је код осталих?
cousin for roasting the rakija
И кажем себи у сну, еј бре коњу па ти ни немаш озвучење, имаш оне две кутијице око монитора, видећеш кад се пробудиш...
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- Post n°816
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Nemam pojma, u paketima je toliko jeftino da minute ne možeš potrošiti ma koliko razgovarao. Često je i neograničen broj minuta, i u jeftinijim paketima. Verovatno obeshrabruju prepaid model.
- Posts : 41642
Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : wife privilege
- Post n°817
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Не дам се обесхрабрити. Пошто је код осталих?
cousin for roasting the rakija
И кажем себи у сну, еј бре коњу па ти ни немаш озвучење, имаш оне две кутијице око монитора, видећеш кад се пробудиш...
- Posts : 41642
Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : wife privilege
- Post n°818
Re: Kapitalizam 101
'Вако бива: Теленор је у расулу, на продају су, цена је априла негде била 11,90 дин/мин, сад је 30, с тим што та цена не пише нигде на сајту. ВИП каже 11,90 што није нигде истакнуто али бар имају срчку па тражиш ценовник. МТС исто нема ценовник на сајту, срчку такође нема. Нашао сам неки њихов ценовник по ком је 10 динара минут али нема датум.
Видећу са Глобалтелом, не могу бити много гори.
п.с. ево ћерка каже да јој Тимоубл узима 25 центи по минуту кад зове одавде :челоклеп:
Видећу са Глобалтелом, не могу бити много гори.
п.с. ево ћерка каже да јој Тимоубл узима 25 центи по минуту кад зове одавде :челоклеп:
cousin for roasting the rakija
И кажем себи у сну, еј бре коњу па ти ни немаш озвучење, имаш оне две кутијице око монитора, видећеш кад се пробудиш...
- Korisnik
- Posts : 4670
Join date : 2015-02-17
- Post n°819
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Douglas Rushkoff – Universal Basic Income Is Silicon Valley’s Latest Scam
Dobra mu je ova o softverašima kao vazalima. Koristiće mi.
Shouldn’t we applaud the developers at Uber — as well as other prominent Silicon Valley titans like Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, bond investor Bill Gross, and Y Combinator’s Sam Altman — for coming to their senses and proposing we provide money for the masses to spend? Maybe not. Because to them, UBI is really just a way for them to keep doing business as usual.
Uber’s business plan, like that of so many other digital unicorns, is based on extracting all the value from the markets it enters. This ultimately means squeezing employees, customers, and suppliers alike in the name of continued growth. When people eventually become too poor to continue working as drivers or paying for rides, UBI supplies the required cash infusion for the business to keep operating.
When it’s looked at the way a software developer would, it’s clear that UBI is really little more than a patch to a program that’s fundamentally flawed.
The real purpose of digital capitalism is to extract value from the economy and deliver it to those at the top. If consumers find a way to retain some of that value for themselves, the thinking goes, you’re doing something wrong or “leaving money on the table.”
Uber’s business plan, like that of so many other digital unicorns, is based on extracting all the value from the markets it enters.
Back in the 1500s, residents of various colonized islands developed a good business making rope and selling it to visiting ships owned by the Dutch East India Company. Sensing an opportunity, the executives of what was then the most powerful corporation the world had ever seen obtained a charter from the king to be the exclusive manufacturer of rope on the islands. Then they hired the displaced workers to do the job they’d done before. The company still spent money on rope — paying wages now instead of purchasing the rope outright — but it also controlled the trade, the means of production, and the market itself.
Walmart perfected the softer version of this model in the 20th century. Move into a town, undercut the local merchants by selling items below cost, and put everyone else out of business. Then, as sole retailer and sole employer, set the prices and wages you want. So what if your workers have to go on welfare and food stamps.
Now, digital companies are accomplishing the same thing, only faster and more completely. Instead of merely rewriting the law like colonial corporations did or utilizing the power of capital like retail conglomerates do, digital companies are using code. Amazon’s control over the retail market and increasingly the production of the goods it sells, has created an automated wealth-extraction platform that the slave drivers who ran the Dutch East India Company couldn’t have even imagined.
Of course, it all comes at a price: Digital monopolists drain all their markets at once and more completely than their analog predecessors. Soon, consumers simply can’t consume enough to keep the revenues flowing in. Even the prospect of stockpiling everyone’s data, like Facebook or Google do, begins to lose its allure if none of the people behind the data have any money to spend.
To the rescue comes UBI. The policy was once thought of as a way of taking extreme poverty off the table. In this new incarnation, however, it merely serves as a way to keep the wealthiest people (and their loyal vassals, the software developers) entrenched at the very top of the economic operating system. Because of course, the cash doled out to citizens by the government will inevitably flow to them.
Think of it: The government prints more money or perhaps — god forbid — it taxes some corporate profits, then it showers the cash down on the people so they can continue to spend. As a result, more and more capital accumulates at the top. And with that capital comes more power to dictate the terms governing human existence.
Meanwhile, UBI also obviates the need for people to consider true alternatives to living lives as passive consumers. Solutions like platform cooperatives, alternative currencies, favor banks, or employee-owned businesses, which actually threaten the status quo under which extractive monopolies have thrived, will seem unnecessary. Why bother signing up for the revolution if our bellies are full? Or just full enough?
Under the guise of compassion, UBI really just turns us from stakeholders or even citizens to mere consumers. Once the ability to create or exchange value is stripped from us, all we can do with every consumptive act is deliver more power to people who can finally, without any exaggeration, be called our corporate overlords.
No, income is nothing but a booby prize. If we’re going to get a handout, we should demand not an allowance but assets. That’s right: an ownership stake.
As appealing as it may sound, UBI is nothing more than a way for corporations to increase their power over us, all under the pretense of putting us on the payroll. It’s the candy that a creep offers a kid to get into the car or the raise a sleazy employer gives a staff member who they’ve sexually harassed. It’s hush money.
If the good folks of Uber or any other extractive digital enterprise really want to reprogram the economy to everyone’s advantage and guarantee a sustainable supply of wealthy customers for themselves, they should start by tweaking their own operating systems. Instead of asking the government to make up the difference for unlivable wages, what about making one’s workers the owners of the company? Instead of kicking over additional, say, 10% in tax for a government UBI fund, how about offering a 10% stake in the company to the people who supply the labor? Or another 10% to the towns and cities who supply the roads and traffic signals? Not just a kickback or tax but a stake.
Whether its proponents are cynical or simply naive, UBI is not the patch we need. A weekly handout doesn’t promote economic equality — much less empowerment. The only meaningful change we can make to the economic operating system is to distribute ownership, control, and governance of the real world to the people who live in it.
Dobra mu je ova o softverašima kao vazalima. Koristiće mi.
- Korisnik
- Posts : 4670
Join date : 2015-02-17
- Post n°820
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Marihuana kapitalizam bato.
Investiraj u njihove akcije No Kantri.
Indeed, virtually the entire business world is grappling with the sudden arrival of cannabis as a force of disruption, even as marijuana teeters on the grayish line of legitimacy. Pot is now legal for either medical or recreational use in some 36 countries and 33 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia. And while its use and sale remain illegal in the U.S. at the federal level, many on Wall Street and beyond see that changing too. The recently passed Farm Bill exempted the hemp plant and its derivative cannabidiol, or CBD, from the federal ban, clearing the way for an anticipated surge in a product category that in some states has already swept across store shelves and café and cocktail menus. A new report from Arcview Market Research and BDS Analytics forecasts that legal pot sales will more than double from $10.5 billion in 2018 to $22.2 billion in the U.S. in 2022, and to $31.6 billion worldwide. By then, Kennedy and others expect the U.S. will have legalized the drug, an issue that could even dictate who wins the 2020 presidential election.
Chasing this buzz, U.S. industries, including Big Beer, Big Tobacco, and Big Pharma, have made bets on cannabis companies, observing that consumers are increasingly turning to the drug as an alternative to booze, cigarettes, and painkillers. That has fueled tie-ups like Tilray’s with AB InBev, as well as a global distribution deal Tilray struck with Sandoz, a division of Swiss drugmaker Novartis, for co-branded cannabis oils and pills to treat ailments such as epilepsy, sleep disorders, and post-traumatic stress—the only partnership to date between a cannabis company and a big drug company. Elsewhere, Constellation Brands, which makes Corona, and Marlboro cigarette purveyor Altria have made multibillion-dollar investments in Canadian cannabis companies.
Investiraj u njihove akcije No Kantri.
- Guest
- Post n°821
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Mr. Moonlight wrote:Taj deo je naplatio budućnost i potrošio je u sadašnjosti.
Najveći pronalazak kapitalizma je malo shvaćeni ".Ltd".
To znači, da osnivač firme nije lično odgovoran za njenu uspešnost. Ako prođe dobro, dobro je. Ako pođe na loše, bankrot, on lično nije odgovoran, ne ide u zatvor. Odgovorna je firma .ltd kao pravno lice.
To je dovelo do osnivanja stotina miliona firmi po svetu koje su, sumarno, unapredile ljudske živote. Take a risk and you can walk away from your failure, if that happens.
To je Kapitalizam 101, ne vaši copy/paste.
- Posts : 41642
Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : wife privilege
- Post n°823
Re: Kapitalizam 101
паће wrote:Видећу са Глобалтелом, не могу бити много гори.
Већ два позотивна бројања: кад купиш картицу на њој има 50 минута а не 15, и знају латиницу.
Збогом Теленоре, нисмо се заволели.
cousin for roasting the rakija
И кажем себи у сну, еј бре коњу па ти ни немаш озвучење, имаш оне две кутијице око монитора, видећеш кад се пробудиш...
- Guest
- Post n°824
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Сад сам добио имејл од неког лика који се зове Savio Joe.ontheotherhand wrote:Marihuana kapitalizam bato.
Indeed, virtually the entire business world is grappling with the sudden arrival of cannabis as a force of disruption, even as marijuana teeters on the grayish line of legitimacy. Pot is now legal for either medical or recreational use in some 36 countries and 33 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia. And while its use and sale remain illegal in the U.S. at the federal level, many on Wall Street and beyond see that changing too. The recently passed Farm Bill exempted the hemp plant and its derivative cannabidiol, or CBD, from the federal ban, clearing the way for an anticipated surge in a product category that in some states has already swept across store shelves and café and cocktail menus. A new report from Arcview Market Research and BDS Analytics forecasts that legal pot sales will more than double from $10.5 billion in 2018 to $22.2 billion in the U.S. in 2022, and to $31.6 billion worldwide. By then, Kennedy and others expect the U.S. will have legalized the drug, an issue that could even dictate who wins the 2020 presidential election.
Chasing this buzz, U.S. industries, including Big Beer, Big Tobacco, and Big Pharma, have made bets on cannabis companies, observing that consumers are increasingly turning to the drug as an alternative to booze, cigarettes, and painkillers. That has fueled tie-ups like Tilray’s with AB InBev, as well as a global distribution deal Tilray struck with Sandoz, a division of Swiss drugmaker Novartis, for co-branded cannabis oils and pills to treat ailments such as epilepsy, sleep disorders, and post-traumatic stress—the only partnership to date between a cannabis company and a big drug company. Elsewhere, Constellation Brands, which makes Corona, and Marlboro cigarette purveyor Altria have made multibillion-dollar investments in Canadian cannabis companies.
Investiraj u njihove akcije No Kantri.
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- Post n°825
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Mr. Moonlight wrote:mislim da imaš mali mali problem sa razumevanjem napisanog
Tvoj (i vaš) problem je da nemate svoje mišljenje, dovlačite cut/paste govna sa neta koje pišu isti kao i vi.