kondo wrote:kakvo je ovo zegzi američko vozilo u društvu oficijelnih mercedesa? ko se time vozio?
babo nacije
kondo wrote:kakvo je ovo zegzi američko vozilo u društvu oficijelnih mercedesa? ko se time vozio?
Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:al vidi ti sa kakvim oduševljenjem raja gledaju to auto dok prolazi, ko da im se ukazao Sotona lično.
Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:brt nas pionire kad postave na Terazije da dočekamo Maršala sa dalekog puta to bude mahanje zastavicama, cika & vriska level oduševljenje. Ovi gledaju Maršalov auto praznim pogledom, Džoni Štulić bi od ovog napravio pesmu da je fotku video 1981.
When the wind was in the north you could hear them, the horses and the breath of the horses and the horses’ hooves that were shod in rawhide and the rattle of lances and the constant drag of the travois poles in the sand like the passing of some enormous serpent and the young boys naked on wild horses jaunty as circus riders and hazing wild horses before them and the dogs trotting with their tongues aloll and foot-slaves following half naked and sorely burdened and above all the low chant of their traveling song which the riders sang as they rode, nation and ghost of nation passing in a soft chorale across that mineral waste to darkness bearing lost to all history and all remembrance like a grail the sum of their secular and transitory and violent lives.