tekst je iz 2005 ali moze da bude zabavno
Indy wrote: (Mada mi je ono sa Imperijom nastalom od Republike veoma otvorilo oči u pogledu SW).
ostap bender wrote:zizek ili osveta sitih
tekst je iz 2005 ali moze da bude zabavno
Захваљујући свему томе творцима филма полази за руком да публици, уместо опорог утиска „већ виђеног“ остави утисак „повратка кући“, у духу сада већ култне реченице такође Хана Солоа. Са сваком сценом филма је очигледно да су га са великом бригом и љубављу снимали људи који искрено воле оригиналне филмове, чији је главни задатак био да у другу деценију XXI века пренесу онај осећај чаролије који је одушевио светску јавност пре више од тридесет година, али тако да изворник не оскрнаве, а да новом делу омогуће самостални живот. Утолико је „Буђење силе“ пре свега постављање терена за нове „Звездане ратове“, чији јунаци имају све предуслове да буду једнако вољени као и њихови славни претходници.
Када је „Дизни“ од Лукаса купио ову франшизу, идеја им је била да ову богату и инспиративну митологију, која је иза себе већ оставила прегршт сјајних стрипова, романа, видео-игара и цртаних филмова, поново на велика врата врати на велика платна. Без икакве сумње, то им је и успело, а публика је добила прилику да скоро сваке године гледа неки нови филм из свемира „Звезданих ратова“. „Буђење силе“ је један одличан почетак, и доказ да је митологија далеке, далеке галаксије данас једнако жива и инспиративна, као и када се први пут појавила на биоскопском платну.
ostap bender wrote:e sad i ti. sto?
Thus the Christian stance is radically different from the teachings of paganism. In clear contrast to the pagan wisdom that the universe is the abyss of the primordial Ground in which all “false” opposites–Good and Evil, appearance and reality, folly and wisdom, etc.–coincide, Christianity proclaims as the highest action precisely what paganism condemns as the source of all evil–the gesture of separation, of drawing the line, of clinging to an element that disturbs the balance of All.
Radagast wrote:
zabavno brbljanje koje pokusava da zaseni citaoca smelim spekulacijama i uplitanjem gomile najrazlicitijih tema
Consequently, why complain that financial speculations with futures markets are “divorced from objective reality,” when the basic premise of Buddhist ontology is that there is no “objective reality”?
Jordan Rivers wrote:Teze koje je izneo o budizmu protive se i klasičnom tumačenju Bude i većini savremeih interpretacija, ako izuzmemo najpovršnija new age tumačenja. Uzeo je budističku postavku o prirodi svesti (u kojoj nema razlike između opaženog i privremene svesti onog koji opaža) i pretvorio je u relativizujući stav o kapitalu.
Ne postoji nijedan način da se u ovo ugradi filozofija sebičnosti a da se ne sudariš sa delom Osmostruke staze koji govori o pravilnom delanju (samyak-karmānta). Da je čitao, na primer Buddhadasa Bhikhu-a i njegova shvatanja o Dammi kao dužnosti koja se može individualno sozercati i koja uopšte ne isključuje društvenu akciju i čak poziva na odbacivanje sebičnih gledišta kapitalizma i individualizma, u njemu bi našao odličan primer da kanonski budizam nije (ili ne mora da bude) nimalo daleko od socijalističkog pogleda na svet.
Da zaključim, u delatnom centru budističke dogme nije relativizacija pojavnog univerzuma već umanjenje patnje.
Indy wrote:Ne govori on o budizmu, vec pop-budizmu (ovo sto je popularno medju executives i sasvim oslobodjeno etike).
Indy wrote:Ne govori on o budizmu, vec pop-budizmu (ovo sto je popularno medju executives i sasvim oslobodjeno etike). Jedino sto ne govori i o pop-hriscanstvu, a mogao bi, ima primera buljuk.
The so-called oriental spirituality, Buddhism, with its, so we are told, more gentle balanced, holistic, ecological approach. You know, all the stories about how, when digging up earth for the foundation of a house, Tibetan Buddhists are careful to not kill any worms and such. In the whole of the last 150 years Japan’s rapid industrialization and militarization, with the ethics of discipline and sacrifice, was sustained by the large majority of Zen Buddhist thinkers. Who today knows that Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki himself, the high guru of Zen in the United States of the 1960’s, supported in his youth in Japan of the 1940’s the spirit of utter discipline and militaristic expansion. There is no contradiction here, no manipulative perversion of some authentic, compassionate insight. The attitude of total immersion into the selfless now, of the Instant, this so-called Buddhist enlightenment in which all reflexive distance is lost, in short in which absolute discipline coincides with total spontaneity, perfectly legitimizes our subordination to the militaristic social machine. It’s quite interesting to read Buddhist texts on war, where they claim openly that, for ordinary people, who don’t have time to meditate for years, the best shortcut for overcoming you false self and reaching nirvana, satori whatever we call it, is total subordination to the military discipline. And Suzuki himself wrote a wonderful text, where he even gives advice to the military how to use Buddhism to make killing easier. He says that if I persist in my everyday attitude of false belief in that I have a self, which is the free agent of its acts, and let’s say I have to kill one of you, this is difficult, I look into your eyes, I find it difficult, [I hesitate whether] I should stab the knife into you, I feel responsible. Then Suzuki says if you reach Buddhist enlightenment it’s much easier. You no longer believe in your autonomous self, your perceive yourself as just a void, an anonymous, impassive observer of life around you where phenomena simply are engaged in their cosmic dance, which is a totally neutral process. From this distance, as Suzuki puts it, you simply observe your knife in a cosmic dance of phenomena hitting the eye or the throat of your enemy. This is no joking matter, because I’m not blaming Buddhism for this. I’m just saying how even the most radical spirituality is no guarantee that we will not be doing horrible things in our daily life.
What this means is that the Buddhist all-encompassing compassion has to be opposed to the Christian intolerant violent love. I want to praise the Christian love. Though Christian will probably lynch me for what I will say now. The Buddhist stance is that of indifference, of quenching all passions which strive to establishing differences. While the Christian love is a violent passion introducing difference, a gap in the order of being, to privilege and elevate some object at the expense of others. Love is violence, not in the vulgar sense of the well-known Balkan proverb “if he doesn’t beat me, he doesn’t love me”, [but] violence is already the love choice as such which tears its object out of its context elevating it to the sublime absolute thing. In Montenegrin folklore the origin of Evil is a beautiful woman. She makes men lose their balance, she literally destabilizes the universe, coloring all things with a tone of partiality. Among Christian theologists it was Gilbert Keith Chesterton who fully assumed the consequences of this violent aspect of love: one has to get rid of the old Platonic topos of love as Eros which gradually elevates itself from the love for a particular individual through the love for the beauty of a human body in general and the love of the beautiful form as such to the love for the supreme Good beyond all forms: true love is precisely the opposite move of forsaking the promise of Eternity itself for an imperfect individual. What if the gesture of choosing temporal existence, of giving up eternal existence for the sake of love, from Jesus Christ to, for example Siegmund in Act II of Richard Wagner’s Die Walküre, who prefers to remain a common mortal if his beloved Sieglinde cannot follow him to Walhalla, the eternal dwelling of the dead heroes. What if this is the highest ethical act of them all? I think this is the message of Christianity which is still alive. Not forsake all terrestrial things for eternity, but love means I know you are a miserable, mortal being but I am ready to forsake eternity itself for you. Based on this insight Chesterton rejected the fashionable claim about the alleged spiritual identity of Buddhism and Christianity. To quote Chesterton from his Orthodoxy:
Love desires personality; therefore love desires division. It is the instinct of Christianity to be glad that God has broken the universe into little pieces. […] This is the intellectual abyss between Buddhism and Christianity; what for the Buddhist (or Theosophist) personality is the fall of man, for the Christian is the purpose of God, the whole point of his cosmic idea. The world-soul of the Theosophists [or Buddhist] asks man to love it only in order that man may throw himself into it. But the divine center of Christianity actually threw man out of it in order that he might love it. […] All modern philosophies are chains which connect and fetter; Christianity is a sword which separates and sets free. No other philosophy makes God actually rejoice in the separation of the universe into different living souls.”
Nastavak o inherentnoj superiornosti hriscanstva u odnosu na sve ostale pagane:
Indy wrote:Pročitaću to kasnije, ali samo da kažem (premda sam lično nestručnjak za budizam, što mislim da i treba ostati, pošto je intelektualno razumevanje u budizam nekako kao plesanje o arhitekturi) da postoji dosta nezadovoljstva s tim kako se budizam integrisao u ovu varijantu društva koje imamo ovde po zapadima. Kačio sam ranije drugde ovaj link, Is Mindfulness the New Opiate Of the Masses? Critical Reflections from a Buddhist Perspective - meni on dosta pogađa u metu.
A Žižeka volim da čitam (u principu) najviše zbog tih nekih totalno "unhinged" asocijacija, tipa kreketanje žaba iz mog ribnjaka doprinosi povećanju income inequality... mene to silno zabavlja.