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    Razno razno razno

    zvezda je zivot

    Posts : 7289
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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by zvezda je zivot Wed May 15, 2024 1:52 pm

    pre par nedelja izaso jako dugacak intervju s pedrom kostom https://othoncinema.com/interview-with-pedro-costa/. potpuno se identifikovo sa tonom svojih uzora. i to je dirljivo i pomalo komicno. ceo intervju je doompillovan (sve je u kurcu i svet i filmska kultura, svi su umrli i strauba i riveta se niko nece secati za 10 godina), dosta remblovanja, asocijaciranja i nejasnih primera, sto ja jako volim, ali ima zanimljivih stvari.

    npr. ovaj starinski odnos prema filmofiliji koji je potpuno izgubljen danas, sa kojim se ja 100% slazem i pitam  se da li je moguce uopste biti filmofil a ne biti reditelj

    A minority, a few people against everything, but they were very explosive, very special. There is something that Marguerite Duras said that is very beautiful. She talked about some commercial filmmaker in the seventies or eighties, a big one, like Kubrick, and she said, yes, that guy has three thousand spectators in the cinema, and I have three. But my three spectators, he will never have, and that tells a lot about the special nature and the attitude of even the spectators that had a very punkish attitude. If we liked Straub or Godard, we were against everything else. We didn’t need to see the other things; we just didn’t like them.

    ne voli da pitchuje

    That’s what you have to do today to get financed for a film. You have to tell what you want to do, and I’m completely against that because you get lost in things when you tell your film. You get lost in your own discourse, your own fascination. It’s bad, and the film should be a secret between you and very few people, or between you and the space, you know, it’s that forest, it’s that girl, it’s that man, it should be between you, and it’s very intimate, and it’s a part of secrecy. The pitching idea, method, or politics of pitching is killing a lot of things for those projects; it’s obvious, and then you go into a system which is the normal, conventional, commercial, capitalistic way of making a film. Financing and thinking through the discourse around these things. (...) They need to be judged by people with eyes and ears and feelings again, and there are still people that can do this. It’s very terrifying because most of the films I see suffer from something they lost in the pitching.  I mean, the first idea that you have to make a film, it’s very intimate, it’s sometimes something you are ashamed to tell your girlfriend or boyfriend. It’s also, it makes you shiver, it’s very fragile. You think: Is this really nice? Is it what I think? Is this my idea? You know, there are a lot of things that you have to balance. To sell this first idea immediately… 

    onda ima ovaj godarovski momenat

    The conventions are a mirror of all the situations we see in our society. I mean, a film crew is a very ugly thing to see. It’s competition, it’s dispute, it’s separation. It is a hierarchy of competences, talents. Even worse things, like we are discussing today. The film crews are the place where all the most awful, obnoxious behaviors are in practice. I mean, it’s very easy, the actors, the actresses, the fake love, those kinds of things that you know, the love that the director has for his actors, his actresses, sometimes. Now we’re seeing what happens; I mean, it’s so awful. So, all this system has functions because there is a scenario behind and a budget behind. And those things, you can get rid of easily. 

    ne svidja mu se pojam slow cinema:

    I mean, I’ve never seen faster films than Straub’s. It’s too fast for me. When I was younger and with my friends when we had the guitar band, I used to tell them: we have to play faster than this film. And they would say: Ah, I see, I see. Because there’s so much, it’s the rhythm of the world, it’s the rhythm of nature, you know. Just think about the rhythms of nature if you are in front of a volcano or a mountain. I mean, it’s vertigo really, you are dizzy. So it’s the opposite. I think it was a woman that invented this slow cinema thing. That’s what they told me, some film studies person. If she had said “fast films” or “super speedy films” or “super speedy cinema” or “Speedy Gonzales cinema” or “go go go fast fast fast cute pussycat cinema”, that would be much better. “Slow cinema” doesn’t mean much. It doesn’t mean much and gives a really fake idea of what it is. Because there’s nothing faster than life. So the films we like, I think all agree, Straub and Mizoguchi, are the films that are closer to life. The films that are far away from life are, let’s say again, Ridley Scott.

    i da iz nekog razloga proziva ridlija skota u svakom odgovoru

    Cinema is something that brings us together, in a way, it’s a gentle thing, it’s a peaceful thing. I think Godard said that. Images are peaceful things. They can be violent and clashing and colorful and tell about difficult things like “In Vanda’s Room”, for instance. It’s very difficult to watch that film. People refuse this film, many other films, like Straub’s films. Actually, I talked a lot with Danièle especially about why people sometimes are not prepared, or they refuse “Othon” or “The Death of Empedocles”. They refuse it. They say it’s boring, it’s theater. It’s not about that. It’s just they don’t want to think with the film. They want to be amused. Life is violent; life is a very violent thing. Cinema should not forget that, but should be something like medicine almost. I know that when I see a Straub film, I’m better. Immediately, it’s like taking a pill. I’m not saying drugs, but it can be like drugs, like aspirin. I’m better. If I see a film by Straub or by Godard or by John Ford or Mizoguchi, the moment after it’s super. And then I know I will have more ideas; it’s like feeling that I’m back. I’m sure you feel the same thing. We are here now, super stupid and awful. Then we see this film or read a book, but cinema is more punchy. You think, “I’m back”, “I’m back to myself”, “I’m back in the world I like”, back in the world I feel that could be the world for all of us. I mean, it’s the world that Straub invented and Ford. That would be our world. So that’s the fascism I’m talking about when I say fascist films that are the opposite of Straub and Ford. Of course, Ridley Scott is absolute fascism; there’s nothing there to take; you see that and you say no, I won’t take anything. Because it’s real populist, like you say in politics. He is a populist guy. He will abuse you, promise to give you everything, that you will be happy and free, etcetera.

    ili npr

    Well, until now, I was always very respectful, a little bit fearful, not afraid, and I think if you put music in your film, it’s difficult. It’s already so difficult to do a film, and then with music, and not being Jean-Luc Godard. He’s completely alone in that field of music and film; he is completely alone and unique in an absolute way. Except for Straub, in a different way, that took and worked with music and images in the most beautiful, productive, interesting, and rich way. And I’m not Godard; nobody is. And the system, the codes, the American codification, that’s gone. I mean, if you do a musical like that today, there are some attempts, “La La Land” and things like that. I don’t know. I’m not super critical of that. But I think they should have worked a bit more. But I’m not saying it’s bad. There is something interesting to be done with music, I think. That’s what music does in film; it elevates everything. It gives enchantment and gives it a sentimental dimension that is not in the image. So that’s the problem. Ridley Scott, poor guy. People like him, they put music because there’s nothing in their films. And the music will help.

    ova zemlja to je to
    zvezda je zivot

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by zvezda je zivot Wed May 15, 2024 4:15 pm

    beli listići wrote:Otvaranje u Kanu

    Ugl bzvz previse crvene i bele Razno razno razno - Page 9 1150481534 Od manje bitnih vesti, premijera Kopolinog Metropolisa u petak.



    el gledo neko ovde kopoline filmove iz ovog stoleca? ja nisam. znam da imaju postovaoce ali onako stidljivo, niko nije fazon zapostavljeni masterpisovi. misim nije bitno za ovaj film jer ovo je povratak megalomana kopole i zato se hajpuje a ono su mali filmovi, samo me zanima

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    zvezda je zivot

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by zvezda je zivot Sun May 19, 2024 10:58 am

    film bi ima neke sanse da nema glumaca

     About 10 years ago Robert De Niro said you’d tried approaching a “Taxi Driver” sequel. I’m curious if a) that’s true; b) what that might have entailed.

    Schrader: It’s not true. Robert is the one who wanted to do that. He asked Marty and I. Now, I don’t want to slag De Niro, but a lot of his decisions sometimes have financial motivations. I’m sure someone had said to him, “You know, if you do ‘Taxi Driver 2,’ they can pay.” So he pressed Marty on it and Marty asked me and I said, “Marty, that’s the worst fucking idea I’ve ever heard.” He said, “Yeah, but you tell him. Let’s have dinner.” So we had dinner at Bob’s restaurant and Bob was talking about it. I said, “Wow, that’s the worst fucking idea I’ve ever heard. That character dies at the end of that movie or dies shortly thereafter. He’s gone. Oh, but maybe there is a version of him that I could do. Maybe he became Ted Kaczynski and maybe he’s in a cabin somewhere and just sitting there, making letter bombs. Now, that would be cool. That would be a nice Travis. He doesn’t have a cab anymore. He just sits there [laughs] making letter bombs.” But Bob didn’t cotton to that idea, either. [Laughs.]

    i zasto po festivalskim zirijima sede glumci. neko je okacio ziri iz venecije 83,  10+ ljudi u ziriju i svi su reditelji i petar handke. i onda je i pobednik dobar.

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    Bleeding Blitva

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by Bleeding Blitva Sun May 19, 2024 11:31 am

    Merkelica uvijek pričala kako Grci ništa ne rade a Grk već snimio novi film, nije se ni Bella Baxter ohladila.

    Pogledala sam i novog Talijana sa Zendayom, meh, južnjaci propo.

    my goosebumps have goosebumps
    zvezda je zivot

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by zvezda je zivot Sun May 19, 2024 11:36 am

    ma sta snimio, snimio je film i juce najavio novi film sa njom koji se snima sad odmah.

    ja sam gledo taj sa zendajom za prvi maj u bioskopu. meni bio okej, ali 1 od onih filmova kod koga svako moze da vidi 1 ociglednu manu. potpuno neodgovarajuca forma za taj film. necu da kazem da je problem u montazi, jer nije, posto je film smisljen pre montaze, ali da je neko pametan uso u montazu s tim materijalom, moglo bi tu svasta da se izvuce. sreder je lepo primetio da se vidi da je taj film pravljen za striming.

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    zvezda je zivot

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by zvezda je zivot Wed May 22, 2024 9:36 pm

    u kanu veliki hajp oko novog gomesa! kazu njegov sans soleil.

    kolko sam ispratio kazu da je su on i djija najbolji u takmicarskom programu. neki hvale i kronenberga. karaks  je snimio kolaz o sebi koji je posveta godaru (?)

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by disident Thu May 23, 2024 12:31 am

    Odes ko covek na mad max i dobijes seksipra sa ali expresa  
    Tako mi i treba kad idem u jbn bioskop  Razno razno razno - Page 9 2304934895

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
    Jedini proleter Burundija
    Pristalica krvne osvete

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by beatakeshi Sat May 25, 2024 8:33 pm


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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by beatakeshi Sat May 25, 2024 8:34 pm

    Zlatna palma za kratki Razno razno razno - Page 9 3137070404
    zvezda je zivot

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by zvezda je zivot Sat May 25, 2024 9:01 pm

    sve u svemu, izbor je  Razno razno razno - Page 9 513177329 al nije ni moglo bolje od ovog zirija

    jedino zabavno sto je selena gomez dobila palmu Razno razno razno - Page 9 286371741

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by disident Sat May 25, 2024 9:38 pm

    Pa da vidimo

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
    Jedini proleter Burundija
    Pristalica krvne osvete
    One Eyed Bob

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by One Eyed Bob Sat May 25, 2024 9:53 pm

    Daj onu fotku sa Srbendom koji jede kokice i gleda 9/11

    Gdje punac drži pive?

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by disident Sat May 25, 2024 9:57 pm

    Dobro, prvih 15 min je nesnosno propagandno proseravanje.
    Jos nesnosnije jer su glavni junaci i tema novinari.
    Doduše stalno ima smrti, eksplozija i požara dok prikazuju umiranje Imperije Zla, poštenom čoveku dosta  Razno razno razno - Page 9 1727922752

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
    Jedini proleter Burundija
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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by disident Sat May 25, 2024 10:01 pm

    One Eyed Bob wrote:Daj onu fotku sa Srbendom koji jede kokice i gleda 9/11
    Razno razno razno - Page 9 3579118792

    Jedino nilski da iskopa to negde, nema je na internetima

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
    Jedini proleter Burundija
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    One Eyed Bob

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by One Eyed Bob Sat May 25, 2024 10:02 pm

    A daj jbt

    Gdje punac drži pive?
    Летећи Полип

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by Летећи Полип Sat May 25, 2024 10:03 pm

    Ma to bre nešto ko ona turneja od Markovića.

    Sve čega ima na filmu, rekao sam, ima i na Zlatiboru.


    Ne dajte da vas prevare! Sačuvajte svoje pojene!

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by disident Sat May 25, 2024 10:26 pm

    Kad su Ameri izgubili sposobnost da snime bilo kakvu suptilnu ili uspešnu propagandu, ili bar gledljivu?

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
    Jedini proleter Burundija
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    zvezda je zivot

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by zvezda je zivot Sun May 26, 2024 12:24 pm

    ne znam za propagandne (vrv akcijasi kameronove zene) ali poslednji tzv dobri tzv akcioni filmovi koje su amerikanci pravili vezani su za osamdesete i paranoju oko uspona japana (lol). umri muski i blejdraner. 


    ja isto nisam gledao nijedan, pa ni djijin, ali bih se iznenadio ako nije najbolji film u takimcarskom delu. i scenarios najbolji film ove godine.

    ova zemlja to je to
    Летећи Полип

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by Летећи Полип Sun May 26, 2024 1:44 pm

    zvezda je zivot wrote:ne znam za propagandne (vrv akcijasi kameronove zene) ali poslednji tzv dobri tzv akcioni filmovi koje su amerikanci pravili vezani su za osamdesete i paranoju oko uspona japana (lol). umri muski i blejdraner. 

    I Black Rain.

    Sve čega ima na filmu, rekao sam, ima i na Zlatiboru.


    Ne dajte da vas prevare! Sačuvajte svoje pojene!
    boomer crook

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by boomer crook Sun May 26, 2024 6:45 pm

    zvezda je zivot wrote:ne znam za propagandne (vrv akcijasi kameronove zene) ali poslednji tzv dobri tzv akcioni filmovi koje su amerikanci pravili vezani su za osamdesete i paranoju oko uspona japana (lol). umri muski i blejdraner. 


    ja isto nisam gledao nijedan, pa ni djijin, ali bih se iznenadio ako nije najbolji film u takimcarskom delu. i scenarios najbolji film ove godine.

    pa ona poslednje sto je radila je detroit

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
    boomer crook

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by boomer crook Sun May 26, 2024 6:46 pm

    to je ono bas za disija. police brutality film.

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
    boomer crook

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by boomer crook Sun May 26, 2024 6:48 pm

    btw garland nije snimio nikada dobar film a i englez je

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
    zvezda je zivot

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by zvezda je zivot Sun May 26, 2024 6:53 pm

    boomer crook wrote: a i englez je

    eto zasto nikad nije snimio dobar film


    ova zemlja to je to
    boomer crook

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by boomer crook Sun May 26, 2024 9:15 pm

    Razno razno razno - Page 9 1399639816

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by disident Sun May 26, 2024 9:19 pm

    Evo da ne bude samo hejt, ovo je preporuka 10/10

    *Mrzi me da tražim temu za dokumenterce 


    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
    Jedini proleter Burundija
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    Razno razno razno - Page 9 Empty Re: Razno razno razno

    Post by Sponsored content

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