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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Летећи Полип

    Posts : 11396
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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Летећи Полип Tue Oct 04, 2022 6:17 pm

    I kad smo vec kod Irana:

    The new religious government that came to be established after the 1979 Iranian Revolution classed transgender people and crossdressers with gays and lesbians, who were condemned in shah's era and faced the punishment of lashing or even death under Iran's penal code.
    One early campaigner for transgender rights was Maryam Hatoon Molkara, a transgender woman. Before the revolution, she had longed to become physically female but could not afford surgery and wanted religious authorization. In 1975, she began to write letters to Khomeini, who was to become the leader of the revolution and was in exile. After the revolution, she was fired, forcibly injected with male hormones, and institutionalized. She was later released with help from her connections and continued to lobby many other leaders. Later she went to see Khomeini, who had returned to Iran. During this visit, she was subjected to beatings from his guards because she was wearing a binder and they suspected she could be armed. Khomeini, however, did give her a letter to authorize her sex reassignment operation, which she later did in 1997.[11] Due to this fatwa, issued in 1987, transgender women in Iran have been able to live as women until they can afford surgery, have surgical reassignment, have their birth certificates and all official documents issued to them in their new gender, and marry men.[12]
    Khomeini's original fatwa has since been reconfirmed by the current leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and is also supported by many other Iranian clerics.[13] Hojatoleslam Kariminia, a mid-level cleric who is in favor of transgender rights, has stated that he wishes "to suggest that the right of transsexuals to change their gender is a human right" and that he is attempting to "introduce transsexuals to the people through my work and in fact remove the stigma or the insults that sometimes attach to these people."[2] In 2010, the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization formulated the first national standardised protocol of the diagnosis and treatment of gender dysphoria.[14] In 2014, the Transgender Studies Center was founded as part of the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.[14]

    Dakle, nije tacno da se mora sve preko zapada, revolucije i sise. Sveki poredak ima neke mehanizme promene. Arapska jurisprudencija je legalizovala sve zivo kreativno tumaceci kuran. Problem je sto neko ne zeli da ostvari prava unutar sistema, nego upravo da ga rusi na nepopularnim pitanjima, a da bi provukao neoliberalizam i zapadne amabasadore u paketu.

    Sve čega ima na filmu, rekao sam, ima i na Zlatiboru.


    Ne dajte da vas prevare! Sačuvajte svoje pojene!
    boomer crook

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by boomer crook Tue Oct 04, 2022 6:21 pm

    da, postoji neko teolosko objasnjenje ali takodje mozemo reci da je to, iz nekog razloga, zapravo prihvatljivije patrijarhatu.

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by plachkica Tue Oct 04, 2022 7:09 pm

    ovaj iranski protest nema veze sa zapadom i ambasadama (njegova interpretacija u zapadnim medijima je druga priča i ona je krenula naknadno posle zasedanja GS UN-a i govora iranskog predsednika, ne mislim da ima veze sa tim, već sa protestom koji je ispred sedišta un-a sačekao raisa), zapadno mešanje ništa dobro irancima, posebno irankama, neće doneti, i najveća usluga irankama bi bila da ih ignorišu, a da svaka potencijalna intervencija ide pre un-a. no jbg, to ne ide tako i to me izluđuje.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:44 pm

    Летећи Полип wrote:
    Mór Thököly wrote:Problem sa nama (konkretno Srbima) ovde je sto su se slicne stvari kod nas dogadjale u sada vec dovoljno dalekoj proslosti da smo totalno liseni empatije prema onima kojima se desava danas. Uz sve ono sto se desavalo skorije. Iliti, i "iranska sisa" nosi zastavu Irana sa lavom. Mnogo tih zastava. I Peti oktobar je nosio srpske rojalisticke zastave. O Ukrajincima da ne.pricam sta sve nose. To sto se te "revolucije" naslanjaju na Zapad je nesto sto namece i 1 cista politicka logika. Nemaju na koga drugog, a na nekog moraju.

    Pa ako nastupaju sa pozicija zapadnih vrednosti, ko ce im pomoci nego zapad?

    Ne videh, sorry. I da ne nastupaju - nema ko drugi. Ali i nacija je - zapadna vrednost.
    Del Cap

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Del Cap Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:47 pm

    Kirill Rogov on what Russians really think of the war in Ukraine
    The Russian political scientist says it is too early to declare mobilisation a failure

    Oct 5th 2022

    Vladimir Putin began the war in Ukraine in the belief that it would be a cosplay of triumphs in 1945, that his troops would be marching through Kyiv and he, like Stalin, would be watching the parade in the Red Square. Now it looks as though he is trying to cosplay 1941—the dramatic start of the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany.

    This is the third version of the Kremlin’s original plan. The first, a blitzkrieg to capture Kyiv, failed within the first month. The second, the seemingly inevitable offensive, stalled in the summer and was abandoned in early September following the success of Ukraine’s counter-offensive. In the third version, the Russian motherland has been declared in danger and hundreds of thousands of men are being drafted to fight. The “partial mobilisation” declared by Vladimir Putin on September 21st looks like forced improvisation and it is disrupting the balance of interests and loyalties in Russian society, where views on the war are very mixed.

    According to recent opinion polls, conducted by pollsters such as the Levada Centre which has offices in Moscow, 70-75% of respondents in Russia support the war with Ukraine. (These surveys were conducted before Mr Putin announced his mobilisation drive.) But these shocking figures are deceptive. Public opposition to the war can result in criminal prosecution, so people who are critical of the war and the regime are less likely to agree to speak to a pollster. This results in skewed samples and inflates the level of support for the war.

    To understand the nature and composition of the pro-war majority, you need to dig deeper. By analysing some additional questions, taken from a survey by the independent pollster the Russian Field Group, we know that about a third of the Russian population constitutes a solid party of war; some 15% support the war with reservations; another 20% support the war but would have preferred it had the war never happened. Russian state television—instrumental in shaping public opinion—serves all these audiences.

    Two main narratives circulate. One is peddled by the best-known talk-show hosts who tell viewers that the “special operation” is part of Russia’s total and existential war with the West—which is, of course, hell-bent on obliterating Russia. This apocalyptic narrative sets up Ukraine as the site of this great battle. The second narrative, prevalent on news programmes, emphasises that the “special military operation” in Ukraine is being conducted by professionals to liberate the Russian people of Donbas and other regions. It is presented as a “just war” predicated upon Russia’s responsibility to help Russians in need. Conflict with the West is a secondary consideration.

    The pro-war party consists of three main groups: one is in favour of total war and a decisive confrontation with the West; the second believes that Russians are fighting a just war under the banner “responsibility to protect”. The third group mostly supports military action, but they conform possibly because they fear to confront Mr Putin and his supporters. The first group passionately supports the way because they feel that the enemy is already on Russia’s doorstep; the other two see the threat as far away.

    In his mobilisation speech on September 21st, Mr Putin used choice rhetoric of the party of total war to persuade Russian citizens of the enemy’s proximity and the need to defend the motherland. Many commentators declared that this rhetoric would undermine the fragile support of the majority for the war. I urge more caution. Mr Putin has a long record of masterfully manipulating public sentiment. By siding with the more militant part of the pro-war camp, which has long demanded mobilisation, Mr Putin may force doubters to pick a side and thus polarise society. He calculates that the greater (though still limited) involvement of the Russian population in Ukraine may push Russians to support their boys in uniform more strongly. It will drive a wedge between families whose members fight, and those whose run for the border or curse the war.

    In theory, this could work. The educated and the wealthy, many of them urban residents, are fleeing mobilisation. Those with more meagre resources are going to recruiting stations. They may be frightened and apprehensive, and not very keen to fight, but they are not ready to break away from the imaginary “national body” whose will and aspirations are expressed for them by Mr Putin. The fraught nature of their decisions to enlist will increase their hostility toward those who make the opposite choice. The idea may be that the departure of defectors will leave a more faithful nation that will fight and die without hesitation.

    In practice, however, the chaotic nature of the mobilisation is throwing off Mr Putin’s calculations. It has undermined the common man’s confidence in the state machine, its efficiency and its dedication to a common cause. Thus it has undermined the very sense of unity and nationhood that Mr Putin hoped to manipulate. For one thing the mobilisation was announced too late, when Russian troops were already being defeated by Ukrainian ones. For another, it has exposed how the centralised administrative machinery, built by Mr Putin, struggles in an emergency. That is because it is built on corruption and sycophancy, not competence.

    Overall, the war’s outcome will depend on the mood of the group who support it and on the group of conformists who go along with it. That is because its most avid proponents, and its most intractable opponents, will not change their minds. If those who see it as a “just” war start to suspect that it is slipping into an existential conflict with the West, or if conformists change their risk calculations because they face being drafted, the balance of opinion may shift decisively.

    That is why recent protests in Dagestan and Yakutia, organised by the relatives of those being mobilised, are more important than the protests in Moscow and St Petersburg organised by anti-war activists. The more radical the narrative justifying the war, the higher the cost and the more hopeless the management of the mobilisation, the more likely it is that the consensus in favour of the war will crack. After the muddled start of the mobilisation campaign, this looks probable. But it would be premature and irresponsible to say that this has already happened, or that it is inevitable.

    Kirill Rogov is a Russian political scientist, journalist and writer. He is a fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna and the founder of Re: Russia, a policy network.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:11 am

    Samo sto Putinu treba uspesna mobilizacija, a ne.prosto samo neka koja je jedva izbegla da bu de neuspeh.
    Erős Pista

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Erős Pista Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:11 am


    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
    Летећи Полип

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Летећи Полип Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:15 pm

    Sve čega ima na filmu, rekao sam, ima i na Zlatiboru.


    Ne dajte da vas prevare! Sačuvajte svoje pojene!
    fikret selimbašić

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by fikret selimbašić Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:19 pm

    Ima i ovaj, još tužniji snimak.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by паће Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:28 pm

    Само мали подсетник... шта сте јебали, јебали сте, сад готово.

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
       зрењанинска клима је идеална - кад има блата, нема прашине, кад има прашине, нема снега, а кад има снега нема блата.

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Solus_Rex Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:11 pm

    Ali onaj mideget što šlajfuje ručicame je načistija vinjeta iz filmova Alekseja Germana!
    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 1670177810

    "Sisaj kurac, Boomere. Spletkario si i nameštao ban pa se sad izvlačiš. Radiša je format a ti si mali iskompleksirani miš. Katastrofa za Burundi čoveče.
    A i deluje da te napustio drugar u odsudnom trenutku pa te spašavaju ova tovarka što vrv ni ne dismr na ribu, to joj se gadi, i ovaj južnjak koji o niškim kafanama čita na forumu. Prejaka šarža."  - Monsier K.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:44 pm

    fikret selimbašić wrote:Ima i ovaj, još tužniji snimak.


    Sta oni zamisljaju da rade sa ovim...
    fikret selimbašić

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by fikret selimbašić Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:50 pm

    Konsolidciiju fronta pa onda duboke prodore.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by паће Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:12 pm

    fikret selimbašić wrote:Konsolidciiju fronta pa onda duboke prodore.

    То са оном првом.

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
       зрењанинска клима је идеална - кад има блата, нема прашине, кад има прашине, нема снега, а кад има снега нема блата.
    boomer crook

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by boomer crook Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:48 pm

    fikret selimbašić wrote:Konsolidciiju fronta pa onda duboke prodore.

    kada se smrzne tlo u novembru

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

    Posts : 13817
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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by rumbeando Fri Oct 07, 2022 12:44 am


    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:08 am

    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:16 am

    Ne znam za druge, ali Memorial je to apsolutno zasluzio

    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 07, 2022 2:25 pm

    jedan kretenski tejk iz Kijeva.

    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Fri Oct 07, 2022 2:29 pm

    E ovo jeste idiotizam

    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 07, 2022 2:33 pm

    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 FedgPCpXoAAK5Zn?format=jpg&name=large
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Fri Oct 07, 2022 2:35 pm

    Ma Memorial su totalni carevi
    Erős Pista

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Erős Pista Fri Oct 07, 2022 3:27 pm

    Cousin Billy wrote:jedan kretenski tejk iz Kijeva.

    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 3274312807

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by Notxor Fri Oct 07, 2022 3:31 pm

    This year's Nobel is "awesome".

    Na kurcu te nosam!

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  

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    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

    Post by MNE Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:13 pm

    ukrajinski Emir Suljagić

    Rusija i sve vezano za nju - Page 9 Empty Re: Rusija i sve vezano za nju

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