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    Rat u Ukrajini

    Del Cap

    Posts : 6444
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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Del Cap 2022-03-23, 22:45

    Nektivni Ugnelj

    Posts : 50926
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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 2022-03-23, 22:47

    Del Cap wrote:

    Tend to agree. U velikoj meri u svakom slucaju.

    Posts : 8095
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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Notxor 2022-03-23, 22:48

    MNE wrote:
    kondo wrote:

    mogu i to, kad ih vec nisu okupirali sto su jurisali na lenjingrad sa nemcima

    mislim ovde su oslobodjeni svi demoni WW2. ovaj rat je 10. maj 1945.
    a 6. oktobar još ne dođe

    Dobri Milo je rekao da su izbori u fucking Beranama u stvari izbor između Haga i Brisela, tako da je realno sve moguće.

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  
    boomer crook

    Posts : 37125
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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by boomer crook 2022-03-23, 23:01


    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

    Posts : 7254
    Join date : 2020-03-05

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú 2022-03-23, 23:02

    rumbeando wrote:

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 FOADuF0XoAIoO71?format=jpg&name=medium

    (ovde je prećutala da prve tri tačke predstavljaju vrlo značajan deo gde se spominje zabrana trgovine, pomorska blokada i zaplena brodova)

    Na Putinovom koncertu pre neki dan pevala se pesma kojom se veliča SSSR i spominju bivše republike.

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 FOSxIwnWQAEDUsB?format=png&name=small

    Što se pak Ukrajine tiče:

    Ovo mi se svidja. 

    Rusija je, sto bi rekao Filipenko, prihvatila realnost na terenu. Videla je da je Ukrajina preveliki zalogaj, pa ce zajedno sa bracom Belorusima da napadne protivnike po meri svojih vojski: Svedsku, Litvaniju, Letoniju i Estoniju. Ova prva je koketirala sa nacizmom pre 80 godina, a u ove tri ima potomaka istih, iver nikad ne pada daleko od klade. Mislim da im se posle bledunjave partije na gostujucem terenu smesi pobeda u sledecem kolu, ovo je blickrig koji ne mogu da fulaju jer ne moraju daleko da voze po blatu.

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by kapetanm 2022-03-23, 23:04

    I Švedsku ce malo morgen

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by rumbeando 2022-03-23, 23:04

    Izašao je svež intervju sa kanadskim snajperistom Valijem za koga su Rusi tvrdili da je ubijen u Mariupolju maltene odmah pošto je objavljeno da je stigao u Ukrajinu.

    Last edited by rumbeando on 2022-03-23, 23:06; edited 1 time in total

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by kondo 2022-03-23, 23:05

    nešto za filipa...



    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Guest 2022-03-23, 23:07

    taj Koročenko je onako malo klovn, budala, nobody. ne bih ga baš uzimao za ozbiljno.
    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

    Posts : 7254
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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú 2022-03-23, 23:25

    Cousin Billy wrote:taj Koročenko je onako malo klovn, budala, nobody. ne bih ga baš uzimao za ozbiljno.
    Ma da bre ovo je momenat Šešelj došao na RTB1 i preti Slovencima da ne seru da ne bi radile zardjale kašike.

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”

    Posts : 7563
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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by MNE 2022-03-23, 23:29

    jbg moraju sad izbacivate takve na TV da bi ovi u Kremlju djelovali koliko toliko normalni, bar za domaću publiku

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by kondo 2022-03-23, 23:30

    rusi su oduvek propalitet ali da su ovolike prskotine.... za nas je mnogo veci problem kako cemo se mi izbaviti iz nase kloake koja je isto loša


    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 2022-03-23, 23:31

    U svakom slucaju brze ako se njih manemo

    Posts : 13817
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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by rumbeando 2022-03-24, 00:30


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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Sotir 2022-03-24, 00:42

    Украјинци тренутно нападају западно од Кијева и око Изјума.
    Мислим да још увек немају да покажу некакав напредак - иако су по неким вестима већ опколили Русе.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

    Posts : 50926
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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 2022-03-24, 06:14

    Ruske snage su vec pocele da se krecu od Mariupolja prema severu. Krece bitka za Donbas za par dana. Za sada, gledajuci gde se vode borbe tamo, cini mi se da je ukrajinska ideja fighting retreat prema Harkovu ili prema nekoj liniji Harkov-Poltava
    Del Cap

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Del Cap 2022-03-24, 06:46

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 3086066_900
    boomer crook

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by boomer crook 2022-03-24, 07:02

    globalni vudu

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
    Del Cap

    Posts : 6444
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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Del Cap 2022-03-24, 07:19


    Opinion: Putin has long fantasized about a world without Ukrainians. Now we see what that means.
    By Timothy Snyder
    Today at 11:30 a.m. EDT

    Vladimir Putin has been making a case for genocide against Ukrainians for years. Have we been listening?

    A decade ago he proposed that politics begins with friend or foe, following the Nazi legal thinker Carl Schmitt and the Russian fascist philosopher Ivan Ilyin, whom Putin regards as a teacher. Ukraine was a forced friend: Anyone who did not understand that Ukrainians were part of Russian civilization was an enemy. For Putin, the “unity in the souls” of Russians and Ukrainians was the will of God defended by an act of cleansing violence.

    In a long essay in July, Putin argued that there was no Ukrainian nation. Complementing his earlier claims with some that he presented as historical, Putin wrote of the “unity” of Russians and Ukrainians. The West had confused Ukrainians to believe that they had their own separate identity, but that could be corrected.

    This echoed Hitler’s view. The führer also thought the Ukrainians were natural colonial people, who, once liberated from the supposedly Jewish leadership of the Soviet Union, would happily serve new masters. Dmitry Medvedev closed the gap between these two positions, making clear that what disqualified Ukrainian government was its Jewish president. In the weeks before the invasion, Russia refused to negotiate with Ukraine, presenting it as a vassal.

    Putin continued the argument on Feb. 21, announcing that Russian troops would cross into Ukraine because the Ukrainian state was artificial. Since Ukraine was “entirely created by Russia,” Russia had the right to correct its mistake.

    To assert that there is no nation and no state is to claim the right to destroy them. “Denazification” and “demilitarization,” the two war aims that Putin announced on Feb. 24, the day his invasion began, meant nothing less than this.

    “Denazification” means the elimination of people who do not understand that Ukraine is part of a larger Russia. It is easy to be distracted by the perversity of the Nazi reference, since Ukraine is a democracy with a Jewish president, and Russian bombs even killed a concentration camp survivor. But underneath there is politics: “Denazification” for Putin just means the license to kill or deport. Since the term “Nazi” does not refer to anyone in particular, it is a justification for endless war and cleansing. So long as Ukrainians resist, there will be “Nazis” to punish.

    “Demilitarization” means the destruction of a sovereign state by force, which would include the elimination of anyone capable of preserving the elementary forms of sovereignty. The initial aim of the war was to capture (and presumably kill) the Ukrainian leadership, which Putin characterized on Feb. 24 as an “anti-people junta” and the next day as “drug addicts and neo-Nazis.”

    On March 16, in the course of a feverish speech attacking his domestic critics as “traitors” and “scum,” Putin referred to Russians with ties to the West as “gnats.” In his mind, Ukrainians are Russians who like Westerners. They must be corrected by force — “cleansed” or “spat out,” as he put it in that speech.

    Putin envisioned the collapse of Ukraine in two days. That did not happen, but the appropriate propaganda was in place. A victory declaration was accidentally published by the official Russian press service RIA Novosti on Feb. 26. It reprised all of Putin’s genocidal themes from the perspective of “a new epoch.” The Ukrainian state is no more, and the population of its territory has joyfully accepted Russian domination. “Unity” has been achieved via the “resolution of the Ukrainian question.” A Ukrainian state “will never again exist,” and the masses have settled contentedly into life as “little Russians.”

    The distance between these fantasies and reality guarantees the present atrocities. Putin cannot admit to an error, and he must try to bend the world to his fantasy. Victory can mean only a country so destroyed that the remnants of a stateless population have no choice but to accept that they belong to a foreign nation, submit to Russian police control and reeducation for the rest of their lives, and accept that their children will be raised as Russians without any of the freedoms that they as Ukrainians have known.

    This ambition is visible in the way the war is prosecuted: The teams of assassins keep coming, and local elites keep disappearing. Thousands of Ukrainians have been deported to Russia against their will. Hospitals, schools and civilian bomb shelters are targeted again and again. One-quarter of a population of 44 million people has been displaced by war.

    Putin’s words are clearly reflected by his country’s actions in Ukraine. Article II of the United Nations Convention on Genocide specifies five acts that fulfill its definition of “genocide”; all five have been committed by Russian forces in Ukraine. As for evidence of intention: Putin has been confessing it all along.

    Ukrainians understand all of this; it is why they are fighting. Seeing Putin’s genocidal aspiration can help the rest of us understand where this war has come from, where it is going and why it cannot be lost.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 2022-03-24, 08:02

    Ahead of US president Joe Biden’s scheduled meetings with world leaders in Europe, the White House has quietly assembled a team of national security officials to sketch out scenarios of how the United States and its allies should respond if Russian President Vladimir Putin unleashes his stockpiles of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons.

    The group, known as the Tiger Team, is also examining responses if Putin reaches into Nato territory to attack convoys bringing weapons and aid to Ukraine, according to several officials involved in the process, according to a recent New York Times report.

    The team is also looking at responses if Russia seeks to extend the war to neighbouring nations, including Moldova and Georgia, and how The team is also looking at responses if Russia seeks to extend the war to neighbouring nations, including Moldova and Georgia, to prepare European countries for the refugees flowing in on a scale not seen in decades, the Times reports.

    These plans are expected to be discussed in Brussels on Thursday, when US President Biden meets leaders of the 29 other Nato nations.

    As Biden flew to Europe on Wednesday, both he and Stoltenberg warned of growing evidence that Russia was in fact preparing to use chemical weapons in Ukraine.

    One major issue the Tiger Team is reportedly looking at is the threshold that could prompt the alliance to use military force in Ukraine. Biden has made clear that he is reluctant to to do so, fearing that direct confrontation with Russia could escalate the conflict beyond control. “That’s World War Three,” he said recently.


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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by ficfiric 2022-03-24, 08:07

    1 selotejp za gospodina


    Uprava napolje!

    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú 2022-03-24, 08:14

    Naš Mile pozadinac, dali mu ratni plem da skine obeležja i stavi u magacin rezerve.

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú 2022-03-24, 08:16

    A za to vreme NY Post troluje Bajdenaru za sve pare. “Šta im pričaš šta nećeš da radiš, Tramp ih je držao na lancu jer su nikad nisu znali šta misli a šta će da uradi.”

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj 2022-03-24, 08:20

    Da, to je idealna situacija u odnosima US i Rusije, niko pojma nema sta ce ovaj drugi sutra da uradi.

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Guest 2022-03-24, 08:24

    Mór Thököly wrote:Da, to je idealna situacija u odnosima US i Rusije, niko pojma nema sta ce ovaj drugi sutra da uradi.
    i pritom nema ni minimalnih, neophodnih kontakata. NYT tvrdi da ruski oficiri ne odgovaraju na pozive američkih kolega. to je scary shit ako je istina. mora da postoji kanal za prevenciju incidenata i neželjenih susreta.

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 28 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Sponsored content

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