Kapitalizam 101
- Posts : 11141
Join date : 2014-10-28
Age : 45
- Post n°926
Re: Kapitalizam 101
malo se zuper lozi
radikalni patrijarhalni feminista
smrk kod dijane hrk
- Posts : 10694
Join date : 2016-06-25
- Post n°927
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Mr.Pink wrote:nije vladao balkan nego istocna despotija
Uzasno oklevetana i pokradena. Ko je bio u Veneciji mogao je da vidi.
Pa Srbija u Srednjem veku napredovala kulturno-umetnicki za vreme Despotije...
- Posts : 11141
Join date : 2014-10-28
Age : 45
- Post n°928
Re: Kapitalizam 101
m da. lukavi trgovci sto kradu relikvije sa istoka
prvi nazovi sprski bukvar je stampan u veneciji btw
prvi nazovi sprski bukvar je stampan u veneciji btw
radikalni patrijarhalni feminista
smrk kod dijane hrk
- Korisnik
- Posts : 4670
Join date : 2015-02-17
- Post n°929
Re: Kapitalizam 101
To je taj napredni Japan.
Why some Japanese pensioners want to go to jail
Michael Newman, an Australian-born demographer with the Tokyo-based research house, Custom Products Research Group points out that the "measly" basic state pension in Japan is very hard to live on.
In a paper published in 2016 he calculates that the costs of rent, food and healthcare alone will leave recipients in debt if they have no other income - and that's before they've paid for heating or clothes. In the past it was traditional for children to look after their parents, but in the provinces a lack of economic opportunities has led many younger people to move away, leaving their parents to fend for themselves.
The pensioners don't want to be a burden to their children, and feel that if they can't survive on the state pension then pretty much the only way not to be a burden is to shuffle themselves away into prison," he says.
The repeat offending is a way "to get back into prison" where there are three square meals a day and no bills, he says.
"It's almost as though you're rolled out, so you roll yourself back in."
Newman points out that suicide is also becoming more common among the elderly - another way for them to fulfil what he they may regard as "their duty to bow out".
Why some Japanese pensioners want to go to jail
- Guest
- Post n°930
Re: Kapitalizam 101
ontheotherhand wrote:To je taj napredni Japan.
Pošalješ ti njima svoje vlasti da im pokažeš kako se brine o penzionerima. Pa da i oni jedu srebrnim escajgom kao penzioneri u Srbiji.
Još bi vlasti, čiji jaram kao stoka nosiš, mogle da šalju japanskim penzionerima skenere u bolnice.
Kada se podeli ušteđevina u bankama i Japan Post, ispada da svaki muškarac, žena i dete u Japanu imaju na računu ušteđeno 150,000 dolara po glavi. Pitaj za Ameriku: imaju toliko - samo duga.
Glupavi googlatoru, to što si našao Kinezi lansiraju, kao kada bi Hrvati puštali iza leđa kako se srpski penzioneri zbog bede bacaju sa zgrada a mlad majmun kao ti to dovuče sa neta kao on nešto ima da kaže. U jaram bre, za bolje nisi!
- Posts : 4505
Join date : 2016-09-29
- Post n°932
Re: Kapitalizam 101
glupavi googlator da, ali mlad majmun... zaboravite gospodo
THE space age is upon us. Rockets are leaving our globe at
speeds unheard of only a few years ago, to orbit earth, moon, and
sun. People have visited the moon, we have sent space probes to
all but one of the planets, and words like "orbit" and "satellite" are
picked up by children in the nursery.
- Posts : 82754
Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°933
Re: Kapitalizam 101
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Guest
- Post n°934
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Sa smećem sa neta, na koje se sapleo, pa odmah dohvatio i doneo da i on nešto kaže, sa šešeljisanjem "To je napredni Japan", šta je drugo mogao da očekuje?
Da je rekao "Da li je ovo tačno ili se dešava?" dobio bi odgovor bez uvreda.
Da je rekao "Da li je ovo tačno ili se dešava?" dobio bi odgovor bez uvreda.
- Korisnik
- Posts : 4670
Join date : 2015-02-17
- Post n°935
Re: Kapitalizam 101
To je sve kineska zavera protiv komšija.
- Posts : 8696
Join date : 2016-10-04
- Post n°936
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Овај текст није ништа ново, пензионери у Јапану иду на село јер су трошкови живота у граду превелики.
И не знам шта је лоше у томе, на селу је свакако пријатније, а имају тамо и добар превоз, лекаре и радње. Код нас то и да хоћеш да урадиш, не можеш. Они који то и раде се на зиму враћају у станове код деце.
И не знам шта је лоше у томе, на селу је свакако пријатније, а имају тамо и добар превоз, лекаре и радње. Код нас то и да хоћеш да урадиш, не можеш. Они који то и раде се на зиму враћају у станове код деце.
- Guest
- Post n°937
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Sotir wrote:Овај текст није ништа ново, пензионери у Јапану иду на село јер су трошкови живота у граду превелики.
И не знам шта је лоше у томе, на селу је свакако пријатније, а имају тамо и добар превоз, лекаре и радње. Код нас то и да хоћеш да урадиш, не можеш. Они који то и раде се на зиму враћају у станове код деце.
Penzioneri, poljoprivrednici, ostaju na selu. Tačno da imaju pogodnosti i javne servise. Nikada nisam čuo da idu kod dece u gradove i njihove stanove preko zime.
Ono što je tačno, ne masovno, neki penzioneri se isele iz gradova (ne poljoprivrednici, sve bivši službenici, bele kragne) i odu u neko banjsko mesto da tamo ostanu do kraja.
- Posts : 1033
Join date : 2015-01-09
- Post n°938
Re: Kapitalizam 101
preleteo na brzinu, i analiza koju je odradio Newman je go qrac. pun đavo korelacija kojima se ne može dokazati uzročnost.ontheotherhand wrote:In a paper published in 2016 he calculates that the costs of rent, food and healthcare alone will leave recipients in debt if they have no other income - and that's before they've paid for heating or clothes. In the past it was traditional for children to look after their parents, but in the provinces a lack of economic opportunities has led many younger people to move away, leaving their parents to fend for themselves.
to obično znači nekakvo muvanje. the ‘Old-age Basic Pension’ nets an individual ¥780,000 annually from age 65. If one’s spouse dies, that gets boosted to ¥1,004,600 per annum... A on dokazuje da 700K nije dovoljno da pokrije osnovne troškove? Ako samac ili samica dobiju milionce, onda imaju taman dovoljno da (po njegovom proračunu) pokriju osnovne troškove.
čemu ovakvo muljanje?
- Spoiler:
- Are Public Private Initiatives (PPI) an option?
Last edited by Gargamel on Fri Feb 01, 2019 6:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
- Posts : 1033
Join date : 2015-01-09
- Post n°939
Re: Kapitalizam 101
yoyogi wrote:Glupavi googlatoru, to što si našao Kinezi lansiraju, kao kada bi Hrvati puštali iza leđa kako se srpski penzioneri zbog bede bacaju sa zgrada a mlad majmun kao ti to dovuče sa neta kao on nešto ima da kaže. U jaram bre, za bolje nisi!
- Posts : 1033
Join date : 2015-01-09
- Post n°940
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Nothing, therefore, can hinder the predetermined march of events; the present logically involves the future, and produces it from its own inherent unrest. This fatalism, more than all else, gives to Social Democracy its religious faith and power; this inspires patience, and controls the natural inclination to forcible revolution. There is an almost oriental tinge in the belief, shared by all orthodox Marxians, that capitalistic society is doomed, and the advent of the communist state a foreordained necessity.KinderLad wrote:To nije religija. To je filozofija. E sad, u kojoj meri filozofija moze igrati ulogu religije to ostavljam strucnijima (odgovor na prvi citat)
Religion, science, the State – in short, all branches of human activity – are, in the last resort, determined by economic causes. This is the great leading idea of Marx’s view of history; this it is which makes a religion and a philosophy, coextensive with human life, assume the specially economic form of a work on Capital.
Bertrand Russell, German Social Democracy
- Guest
- Post n°941
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Gargamel wrote:preleteo na brzinu, i analiza koju je odradio Newman je go qrac. pun đavo korelacija kojima se ne može dokazati uzročnost.ontheotherhand wrote:In a paper published in 2016 he calculates that the costs of rent, food and healthcare alone will leave recipients in debt if they have no other income - and that's before they've paid for heating or clothes. In the past it was traditional for children to look after their parents, but in the provinces a lack of economic opportunities has led many younger people to move away, leaving their parents to fend for themselves.
to obično znači nekakvo muvanje. the ‘Old-age Basic Pension’ nets an individual ¥780,000 annually from age 65. If one’s spouse dies, that gets boosted to ¥1,004,600 per annum... A on dokazuje da 700K nije dovoljno da pokrije osnovne troškove? Ako samac ili samica dobiju milionce, onda imaju taman dovoljno da (po njegovom proračunu) pokriju osnovne troškove.
čemu ovakvo muljanje?
Tek ovo nije ništa, google university ne kaže da se pri penzionisanju dobija otpremnina koje je jednaka broj godina rada x poslednja bruto plata. Kolegin otac, policajac, njemu je to iznosilo 400 hiljada EUR (da, četiristotinehiljada). On se penzionisao u 60-oj (mora u državnim službama) a penzija teče kada se napuni 65. Još 5 godina je radio kao security u banci.
Sa napunjenih 65 dolazi ta penzija od 700 EUR mesečno.
To važi za svakoga u državi. Recimo, ko je bio na nekoj poziciji i plati 180,000 EUR godišnje (mnogi sa fakultetom završe na toj plati ako ne i poziciji) dobije otpremninu 15,000 x 40 (15000 bruto mesečna plata puta 40 godina službe) = 600 hiljada EUR.
Saće taj da krade po radnjama da ga zatvore?
To objašnjava one silne ušteđevine koje građani imaju u Japan Post i u bankama.
Tek sada se vidi kolika je kolosalna budalaština bilo ono smeće dovučeno sa neta.
- Posts : 4505
Join date : 2016-09-29
- Post n°942
Re: Kapitalizam 101
yoyo jesi gledo Tsumetai nettaigyo?
odlican film a posebno sisata Megumi Kagurazaka!
kome ruka nije skliznula u gace nije covek
odlican film a posebno sisata Megumi Kagurazaka!
kome ruka nije skliznula u gace nije covek
THE space age is upon us. Rockets are leaving our globe at
speeds unheard of only a few years ago, to orbit earth, moon, and
sun. People have visited the moon, we have sent space probes to
all but one of the planets, and words like "orbit" and "satellite" are
picked up by children in the nursery.
- Guest
- Post n°943
Re: Kapitalizam 101
kuku wrote:yoyo jesi gledo Tsumetai nettaigyo?
odlican film a posebno sisata Megumi Kagurazaka!
kome ruka nije skliznula u gace nije covek
Nisam gledao taj film.
Ako su velike sise neka prednost, (pokojna) Anna Smith, koja ih je imala velike, izjavila je "Sve što imam, je došlo od njih".
Toliko, da ostanemo u "Kapitalizam 101".
- Posts : 713
Join date : 2015-08-30
- Post n°944
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Zanimljiv tekst o spekulacijama investitora kada pokusavaju da guraju "winner takes it all" monopole:
The corollary, though, is that you have to grow so fast that you get to be the winner. And for that you need money, tons of it, which you have to spend like water to undercut incumbent firms that you plan to disrupt and eliminate. In that quest, you need to be both ruthless and profligate, because those incumbents are normal firms that have to make profits – a tiresome obligation that does not trouble you. So the deal you offer to investors is this: you give us shedloads of money and stick with us until we get to be the winner that takes all. And then you can cash out.
And that, in a nutshell, is what is happening. In the process, incumbents are wiped out, because they cannot match your predatory pricing. In some cases that may be a good thing because incumbents can sometimes be lazy or corrupt. But in other cases the collateral damage – in terms of jobs, social dislocation and tax revenues – may be terrible.
Kenney and Zysman are too judicious to claim that the unicorn investment racket is definitely a bubble. My guess is that it is, which means that it’s worth thinking about what happens after the bust. What will be its legacy?
And here’s where the Cheshire Cat comes in. When the dotcom bubble burst, one of the things it left behind was the colossal fibre-optic communications infrastructure that had been built at the height of the frenzy. This was what enabled the ensuing rollout of wired and wireless broadband and the exploitation of smartphone technology. So something good emerged from the madness.
But when the unicorn bubble bursts? Since it hasn’t built much, all that will be left is... the grin. Just like in Alice in Wonderland.
- Posts : 41640
Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : wife privilege
- Post n°945
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Притисак лове која хоће да се размножи је сјебао и јаче ствари, а да неће пар стотина доткомуњара.
cousin for roasting the rakija
И кажем себи у сну, еј бре коњу па ти ни немаш озвучење, имаш оне две кутијице око монитора, видећеш кад се пробудиш...
- Guest
- Post n°946
Re: Kapitalizam 101
rajna ima nizak nivo, ne ide dobro proizvodnja adp-a, problem je već treću godinu sa najlonom tzv pa 6.6
mene to raduje, stvarno više nema smisla objašnjavati ljudima gde je problem sa ekonomskim modelom koji je doveo do današnjeg blagostanja
za sada su problemi poput pomenutog sporadični i tiču se malog % ukupnog broja osnovnih sirovina, ali se umnožavaju, konstantno
tako da je samo pitanje da li ću dočekam trenutak zbog otrovnog načina života - da se iscerim i kažem - pa to si hteo pička ti materina smrdljiva, jebo te pinker
mene to raduje, stvarno više nema smisla objašnjavati ljudima gde je problem sa ekonomskim modelom koji je doveo do današnjeg blagostanja
za sada su problemi poput pomenutog sporadični i tiču se malog % ukupnog broja osnovnih sirovina, ali se umnožavaju, konstantno
tako da je samo pitanje da li ću dočekam trenutak zbog otrovnog načina života - da se iscerim i kažem - pa to si hteo pička ti materina smrdljiva, jebo te pinker
- Guest
- Post n°947
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Anduril wrote:Zanimljiv tekst o spekulacijama investitora kada pokusavaju da guraju "winner takes it all" monopole:
The corollary, though, is that you have to grow so fast that you get to be the winner. And for that you need money, tons of it, which you have to spend like water to undercut incumbent firms that you plan to disrupt and eliminate. In that quest, you need to be both ruthless and profligate, because those incumbents are normal firms that have to make profits – a tiresome obligation that does not trouble you. So the deal you offer to investors is this: you give us shedloads of money and stick with us until we get to be the winner that takes all. And then you can cash out.
And that, in a nutshell, is what is happening. In the process, incumbents are wiped out, because they cannot match your predatory pricing. In some cases that may be a good thing because incumbents can sometimes be lazy or corrupt. But in other cases the collateral damage – in terms of jobs, social dislocation and tax revenues – may be terrible.
Kenney and Zysman are too judicious to claim that the unicorn investment racket is definitely a bubble. My guess is that it is, which means that it’s worth thinking about what happens after the bust. What will be its legacy?
And here’s where the Cheshire Cat comes in. When the dotcom bubble burst, one of the things it left behind was the colossal fibre-optic communications infrastructure that had been built at the height of the frenzy. This was what enabled the ensuing rollout of wired and wireless broadband and the exploitation of smartphone technology. So something good emerged from the madness.
But when the unicorn bubble bursts? Since it hasn’t built much, all that will be left is... the grin. Just like in Alice in Wonderland.
dve stvari:
1. možemo sve ovo da posmatramo kao igru špekulativnog kapitala, u odnosu na uspostavljenje norme i uzuse, da kukamo kako su neki sektori pod pritiskom, zaposleni u njima trpe na ovaj ili onaj način itd.
2. možemo da posmatramo kao pozitivan signal na koje su sve načini neki postojeći modeli privređivanja neefikasni, i na kojim tačkama treba probilati ograničenja i redefinisati ekonomiju.
ja inače cenim da ljudi treba da rade sve manje i da tehnologija treba da ih menja gdegod, ali to mora da se prati dramatičnom izmenom društvenog ugovora, polazeći od priznanja da radno mesto ne može i ne sme biti osnovna jedinica društvene uloge na koju su nakačene ostali elementi (imanje novca, laki/podrazumevani pristup nizu povezanih usluga itd). dakle neka vrsta univerzalnog prihoda pa onda polako nadgradnja.
- Guest
- Post n°948
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Kapitalizam je Poncijeva šema, zato mora stalno da raste. Rast od 7% godišnje (kao Kina, koja je imala i više ma kako njihove statistike bile nepouzdane) duplira ekonomiju za 10 godina.
- Posts : 1033
Join date : 2015-01-09
- Post n°949
Re: Kapitalizam 101
we should praise them for a community service they provide, separating fools from their money.Anduril wrote:But when the unicorn bubble bursts? Since it hasn’t built much, all that will be left is... the grin. Just like in Alice in Wonderland.
- Posts : 52539
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°950
Re: Kapitalizam 101
Impressive record on the new pick to head the World Bank. https://t.co/S6AikqwHpy pic.twitter.com/whqilB3yEw
— Quinn Slobodian (@zeithistoriker) 5 February 2019