Nemačka - sve sto želite da znate a ne smete da pitate Filipenka
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Tebi nacoši dobri samo u Srbiji?
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Location : bizarr nők hazája
moglo bi tu biti i nekih prihvatljivih posledica npr da poćeraju gastose nazad pa cena radnog sata blebne na prihvatljivih 10 din/čas
Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence
- Posts : 418
Join date : 2024-06-10
Mask juce u "Welt am Sonntag" opisao probleme Nemacke koje je on iskusio kada je otvorio Teslinu frabriku pokraj Berlina.
A onda otvoreno podrzao AfD kao jedinu opciju koja po njemu moze da resi te probleme.
Haos nastao sa sve ostavkom urednika Welt-a.
A onda otvoreno podrzao AfD kao jedinu opciju koja po njemu moze da resi te probleme.
Haos nastao sa sve ostavkom urednika Welt-a.
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Urednika rubrike komentara
Gdje punac drži pive?
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Join date : 2024-06-10
Posledice "lumpovanja" za NG noc u Berlinu
Bombe u kucnoj radinosti, mahom po imigrantskim krajevima, gde je bilo sukoba sa policijom.
Opet se po Nemackoj dize prica o imigraciji i posledicama.
Bombe u kucnoj radinosti, mahom po imigrantskim krajevima, gde je bilo sukoba sa policijom.
Opet se po Nemackoj dize prica o imigraciji i posledicama.
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glupača opštenacoške prakse
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Bukvalno sve, od A do SCH, je pogrešno (što ona naravno zna)
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Location : wife privilege
Nektivni Ugnelj wrote:Bukvalno sve, od A do SCH, je pogrešno (što ona naravno zna)
Што није много битно, јер ће у неком наредном пичвајзу на друштвењачким мрежама њене речи бити узете здраво за готово, нешто што не треба доказивати, него је изван сваке сумње.
with modem on UPS, I will have wife even when power goes down.
нама је потребно да ви будете на робији.
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Join date : 2016-07-06
Location : Belgrade
Ovo sto ona naglas prica se vec decenijama uci na zapadnim univerzitetima bajo moj
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Nije bas tako, ali libertarijanci i konzervativci valjaju tu pricu vec decenijama. Kod nas ju je i Suvar u nekom trenutku probao da uvalja, pa onda i njemu bilo blam. Desnicarski talking point kojim se nekad sluzio desni centar i mejnstrim desnica, a sad ga mirne duse ponavljaju pravi nacisti.
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
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Location : Belgrade
Ma sprdam se, naravno da nije tako.
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Join date : 2024-08-22
Ne postoji uvreda istini koju je danas štetno izreći. Štaviše, što glomaznija laž - to bolje zvekeće po društvenim mrežama, a to je - zveketanje - ovde jedini pravi ćar.
That being said, mogu da shvatim da današnji konzervativci ne vole Hitlera, ne zato što navodno nije bio dovoljno desno (bio je, nema dalje) nego zato što je bio revolucionar, što je pokušao da sruši ”tradicionalne vrednosti” i izgradi jedno potpuno novo društvo. U tom smislu - i samo u tom smislu - nacisti nisu bili manje radikalni od Lenjinovih komunista u SSSR-u.
That being said, mogu da shvatim da današnji konzervativci ne vole Hitlera, ne zato što navodno nije bio dovoljno desno (bio je, nema dalje) nego zato što je bio revolucionar, što je pokušao da sruši ”tradicionalne vrednosti” i izgradi jedno potpuno novo društvo. U tom smislu - i samo u tom smislu - nacisti nisu bili manje radikalni od Lenjinovih komunista u SSSR-u.
- Posts : 42412
Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : wife privilege
Нешто је госпоја натрчала на вест да и Немци скидају звезду.
Тј на мечкама више неће бити оне трокраке звезде, фабрика која је то правила је штогод прднула у чабар.
Тј на мечкама више неће бити оне трокраке звезде, фабрика која је то правила је штогод прднула у чабар.
with modem on UPS, I will have wife even when power goes down.
нама је потребно да ви будете на робији.
- Posts : 7773
Join date : 2019-11-04
Co-leader of Germany’s far-right AfD calls for mass deportations
The co-leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany has called for mass deportations of immigrants as the party launched its programme for next month’s nationwide elections.
In a fiery speech to supporters in the small town of Riesa in Saxony, east Germany, Alice Weidel said that under the AfD — which is second in the polls with a record vote share of around 20 per cent — Germany would witness “repatriations on a large scale”.
The co-leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany has called for mass deportations of immigrants as the party launched its programme for next month’s nationwide elections.
In a fiery speech to supporters in the small town of Riesa in Saxony, east Germany, Alice Weidel said that under the AfD — which is second in the polls with a record vote share of around 20 per cent — Germany would witness “repatriations on a large scale”.
Weidel, AfD’s candidate for chancellor in the elections, used the controversial term “remigration” to describe the policy.
The word was coined by right-wing Austrian ideologue Martin Sellner, who defines “remigration” as forcibly removing immigrants who break the law or “refuse to integrate”, regardless of their citizenship status — an idea that critics say is akin to ethnic cleansing.
On Saturday Weidel said: “I have to tell you quite honestly: if it’s called remigration, then it’s called remigration.”
She was met with loud applause from party delegates who also repeatedly shouted “Alice für Deutschland” — a play on the forbidden Nazi-era slogan “Alles für Deutschland”, meaning “everything for Germany”.
Weidel, a former Goldman Sachs analyst, has positioned herself as the more presentable face of a party that includes ultraradicals who have been classified as right-wing extremists by Germany’s domestic intelligence agency.
Earlier this week in a joint appearance on X with Elon Musk, Weidel used the unprecedented public platform to argue that the AfD — which also promotes normalisation of relations with Moscow and the tearing down of wind turbines — had become a mainstream political force.
However, it has little chance of coming to power in the upcoming elections because all of Germany’s other major parties have ruled out going into coalition with it.
Weidel’s embrace of remigration was seen by some in the party as a nod to Björn Höcke, the flag-bearer of the radical right who led AfD to a historic first-place finish in regional elections in the east German state of Thuringia in September.
“It is a concession to Björn Höcke,” said Kay Gottschalk, a member of the German Bundestag who belongs to the more moderate flank of the party. “It is a word, of course. I would express it in another way — sending them back — but that is what delegates want.”
Weidel also used her speech to repeat her call for the Nord Stream gas pipeline from Russia to Germany to be brought back into operation, to bring back nuclear power and to rail against gender studies programmes.
The party gathering was met with large-scale protests. Around 10,000 anti-AfD demonstrators turned up and police put Riesa, a town of 30,000 people, under lockdown, delaying the start of the conference by two hours.
The co-leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany has called for mass deportations of immigrants as the party launched its programme for next month’s nationwide elections.
In a fiery speech to supporters in the small town of Riesa in Saxony, east Germany, Alice Weidel said that under the AfD — which is second in the polls with a record vote share of around 20 per cent — Germany would witness “repatriations on a large scale”.
The co-leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany has called for mass deportations of immigrants as the party launched its programme for next month’s nationwide elections.
In a fiery speech to supporters in the small town of Riesa in Saxony, east Germany, Alice Weidel said that under the AfD — which is second in the polls with a record vote share of around 20 per cent — Germany would witness “repatriations on a large scale”.
Weidel, AfD’s candidate for chancellor in the elections, used the controversial term “remigration” to describe the policy.
The word was coined by right-wing Austrian ideologue Martin Sellner, who defines “remigration” as forcibly removing immigrants who break the law or “refuse to integrate”, regardless of their citizenship status — an idea that critics say is akin to ethnic cleansing.
On Saturday Weidel said: “I have to tell you quite honestly: if it’s called remigration, then it’s called remigration.”
She was met with loud applause from party delegates who also repeatedly shouted “Alice für Deutschland” — a play on the forbidden Nazi-era slogan “Alles für Deutschland”, meaning “everything for Germany”.
Weidel, a former Goldman Sachs analyst, has positioned herself as the more presentable face of a party that includes ultraradicals who have been classified as right-wing extremists by Germany’s domestic intelligence agency.
Earlier this week in a joint appearance on X with Elon Musk, Weidel used the unprecedented public platform to argue that the AfD — which also promotes normalisation of relations with Moscow and the tearing down of wind turbines — had become a mainstream political force.
However, it has little chance of coming to power in the upcoming elections because all of Germany’s other major parties have ruled out going into coalition with it.
Weidel’s embrace of remigration was seen by some in the party as a nod to Björn Höcke, the flag-bearer of the radical right who led AfD to a historic first-place finish in regional elections in the east German state of Thuringia in September.
“It is a concession to Björn Höcke,” said Kay Gottschalk, a member of the German Bundestag who belongs to the more moderate flank of the party. “It is a word, of course. I would express it in another way — sending them back — but that is what delegates want.”
Weidel also used her speech to repeat her call for the Nord Stream gas pipeline from Russia to Germany to be brought back into operation, to bring back nuclear power and to rail against gender studies programmes.
The party gathering was met with large-scale protests. Around 10,000 anti-AfD demonstrators turned up and police put Riesa, a town of 30,000 people, under lockdown, delaying the start of the conference by two hours.
- Posts : 756
Join date : 2024-11-26
Nacoši kao nacoši, umesto da pozovu na deportaciju i proterivanje okupatorske američke vojske i pretvaranje njihovih vojnih baza u školska odmarališta ili obrazovno rekreativne ustanove, oni će da teraju prodavačice iz TK Maxxa i vozače autobusa iz Sirije.
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Join date : 2014-11-06
i srbe i srbe
Man hat keine Worte für dieses Verbrechen: Drei #Serben schlagen in der #Notaufnahme einen #Arzt bewusstlos und greifen dann einen Pfleger an. Mit der #AfD wären die Serben längst wieder im Heimatland!
— AfD (@AfD) January 4, 2024
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Join date : 2020-06-19
Location : bizarr nők hazája
kako vidim to su neke hindu manjine koje imaju sva pravaplachkica wrote:i srbe i srbe
Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence
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Join date : 2024-11-26
Srbi koji bi smetali najviše su tamo davno rešeni, još 2000te, kada je Srbiju zapljusnuo talas slobode i demokratije, pa su desetine hiljada ljudi, od kojih je 90% bilo potpuno uklopljeno u tamošnji život, i društveno i socijalno, proterane nazad, jer stigla sloboda, niste više političke izbeglice. Serijal o Kenediju Želimira Žilnika je sjajno svedočanstvo o tome. Tako će sada Sirijci proći, zato je Analena i išla tamo da se pokloni novoj demokratskoj ISIS vlasti, i da dogovore masovne deportacije.
- Posts : 83257
Join date : 2012-06-10
Elektro Lazzi wrote:Nacoši kao nacoši, umesto da pozovu na deportaciju i proterivanje okupatorske američke vojske i pretvaranje njihovih vojnih baza u školska odmarališta ili obrazovno rekreativne ustanove, oni će da teraju prodavačice iz TK Maxxa i vozače autobusa iz Sirije.
Strasno je kako je Amerika okupirala Nemacku 45.
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 756
Join date : 2024-11-26
Ali Nemaćka je klekla, denacifikovala se (doduše tako što je većina preživelih nacista preseljena u Ameriku), čemu nuklearno oružje i baze još dan danas u Nemačkoj?
- Posts : 3182
Join date : 2015-08-13
Elektro Lazzi wrote:Ali Nemaćka je klekla, denacifikovala se (doduše tako što je većina preživelih nacista preseljena u Ameriku), čemu nuklearno oružje i baze još dan danas u Nemačkoj?
Pa valjda je to tu protiv Rusije? Ako postoji potreba da se nemački nacionalni duh suzbija putem vojnih baza, onda bi i ti to valjda trebalo da potpišeš? Ili je ovo neko tankie ludilo u kome nemačke proleterske mase samo čekaju trenutak da se oslobode američkog jarma?
Dakle šta je iza ovoga: prvo se dekretom, ab nihil, dokine mogućnost da USA može da ima saveznike, i onda se svako njeno savezništvo proglasi za okupaciju.
Gdje punac drži pive?
- Posts : 10741
Join date : 2020-06-19
Elektro Lazzi wrote:Ali Nemaćka je klekla, denacifikovala se (doduše tako što je većina preživelih nacista preseljena u Ameriku), čemu nuklearno oružje i baze još dan danas u Nemačkoj?
Old Dry Keith wrote:Elektro Lazzi wrote:Ali Nemaćka je klekla, denacifikovala se (doduše tako što je većina preživelih nacista preseljena u Ameriku), čemu nuklearno oružje i baze još dan danas u Nemačkoj?
Pa valjda je to tu protiv Rusije? Ako postoji potreba da se nemački nacionalni duh suzbija putem vojnih baza, onda bi i ti to valjda trebalo da potpišeš? Ili je ovo neko tankie ludilo u kome nemačke proleterske mase samo čekaju trenutak da se oslobode američkog jarma?
Dakle šta je iza ovoga: prvo se dekretom, ab nihil, dokine mogućnost da USA može da ima saveznike, i onda se svako njeno savezništvo proglasi za okupaciju.
Rusija se povukla iz svoje postww2 okupacione zone u Njemačkoj, Ameri nisu + :filipenko:
Međuopštinski pustolov.
Zli stolar.
- Posts : 756
Join date : 2024-11-26
Pa do kada američke baze treba da budu tu konkretno, koji je to momenat kada ćemo zaključiti da Nemačka više nije pretnja kakva je bilo pre WW2? Amerika uopšte više i ne krije da joj savezinici i nisu saveznici već podjarmljene države. No sačekajmo ishod transakcije sa Nord Strimom, da vidimo kako će savezništvo dalje da se odvija, i od koga će Nemačkoj trebati zaštita.
- Posts : 848
Join date : 2024-08-22
I Milenko Puzigaća je jednom bio normalan.