Tursko leto - strukture saraja
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Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Srecom pa je AV predsednik Srbije
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- Post n°2
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
ja samo da primetim da je brod Oruç Reis krenuo ka planiranoj lokaciji, kao i da su Grci takođe, kako se čini, pokrenuli svoju flotu.
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- Post n°3
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Turkey launched naval exercises off two Greek islands and announced energy exploration research in the same area, projecting its military might amid heightened territorial tussles in the eastern Mediterranean.
The two-day naval drill to the east and south of Rhodes and Kastellorizo signals that Ankara won’t accept any agreement or move that would limit its own maritime interests in the waters.
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Join date : 2012-02-12
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- Post n°4
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
They plan to find oil using naval drill.
with modem on UPS, I will have wife even when power goes down.
нама је потребно да ви будете на робији.
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- Post n°6
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Kako nam je dopisnik Burundija sa grckih ostrva? Brinem.
"Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."
“Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
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- Post n°7
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Daleko je od njega Dodekaneska Krajina
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- Post n°8
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Би и више кад би имао војску а ловачко друштво.buffalo bill wrote:Some @NATO ally!#Turkey's President #Erdogan dares his enemies challenge him in open battlefield, believes he is on a war path, prophesies the collapse of the West and 'blessed' birth of a mighty, powerful Turkey, says his nation is ready to sacrifice everything including lives pic.twitter.com/tlMmGpo5Y9
— Abdullah Bozkurt (@abdbozkurt) July 30, 2020
Mislim da bi AV potpisao bar pola rečenog )
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- Post n°9
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
The Oruc Reis vessel is currently within the Greek continental shelf accompanied by Turkish naval units while forces of the Hellenic Navy are also in the area, Kathimerini understands.
The Turkish research vessel has taken out the cables in order to proceed with the next steps but, so far, is not conducting research, due to the noise caused by the presence of the Greek fleet in the area.
The Hellenic Navy is closely monitoring the Oruc Reis while every 15 minutes messages are broadcast requesting its removal from the area.
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- Post n°11
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Sad je baš nezgodacija - obe strane su prisiljene da vuku ofanzivne poteze. Nemam pojma kako će se ispetljati iz ovoga.
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- Post n°12
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
More je zajeban teatar, mnogo lakse dodje do ozbiljnijeg puskaranja. Ali ipak ne verujem da ce ga biti.
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- Post n°13
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Ne verujem ni ja, ali ovo sad zahteva baš ozbiljan napor za deeskalaciju bez gubljenja obraza. Grci kažu da je gotovo cela njihova flota upućena ka Oruč Rejsu. Nisam pametan koji se sad tu kompromis može napraviti, a nema teorije ni da se Turci povuku pod pritiskom, niti da Grci kažu "dobro, bušite, tužićemo vas Savetu bezbednosti".
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- Post n°14
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Mada...možda je baš ta buka sasvim dovoljna. Poslali smo brod kao što smo obećali, ali ne možemo, zbog buke, vršiti ispitivanja. Nastavićemo kada Grčka prestane da flagrantno krši blablabla.
- Posts : 53646
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- Post n°15
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
U normalnim situacijama reagovao bi veliki beli brat, kohi je trenutno na odmoru bar do novembra/januara, a menja ga naranjito
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- Post n°17
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
U da. Eh, kako je to bilo nekad, velike sile se makljaju, a na Balkanu sve mirno, plus Srbi prolaze najbolje od svih.
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- Post n°18
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Izgleda da su grčki mediji preneli da Oruč Rejs mora da napusti grčku ekonomsku zonu do 22h po našem vremenu.
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- Post n°19
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Mene u 2020. više ništa ne bi iznenadilo, pa ni tepanje Grka i Turaka na moru.
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- Post n°20
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Last edited by Vasa on Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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- Post n°21
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
#Turkey :flag_tr: warships are now issuing warnings to #Greece :flag_gr: warships ⇢ @skywatcherintel
— George Mastropavlos (@g_mastropavlos) August 10, 2020
Reports that the #Turkey’s ships have one hour notice to exit Greek EEZ before naval intervention from #Greece. Also, sources report tha Greek Ministry of Defense soon to make announcements. pic.twitter.com/HmROH8AoCp
— George Mastropavlos (@g_mastropavlos) August 10, 2020
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- Post n°22
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
od kada se turska ekonomija survava, erdogan vuče sve sumanutije poteze da prebaci fokus sa boljeg života na bilo šta
- Posts : 53646
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°23
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Kondo, jel letu štuke nad tvojim malim mistom?
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- Post n°24
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
ne može da ti odgovori, mobilisali ga da kuva za grčku vojsku
za par meseci neće biti grčkog vojnika na koga će delovati vakcina
za par meseci neće biti grčkog vojnika na koga će delovati vakcina
- Posts : 42412
Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : wife privilege
- Post n°25
Re: Tursko leto - strukture saraja
Vasa wrote:Mene u 2020. više ništa ne bi iznenadilo, pa ni tepanje Grka i Turaka na moru.
Talason wrote:od kada se turska ekonomija survava, erdogan vuče sve sumanutije poteze da prebaci fokus sa boljeg života na bilo šta
Те имамо среће што нема куче за шта да нас ухвати. Нит можемо да шиљимо патку на било кога, нит се иком јебе за нас. Бар то.
А шорка унутар Нато пакта :кокице:
with modem on UPS, I will have wife even when power goes down.
нама је потребно да ви будете на робији.