Dakle, tigar je NATO, a zvonce je Ukrajina?... ne, ne,... zvonce je rat, a tigar je Ukrajina?... Ma ne može Ukrajina da bude tigar - Kina je tigar, a zvonce je alarm za uzbunu zbog propasti ekonomije.
Ok, ali gde su tu Rusi?
Can you help me fight your friend so that I can concentrate on fighting you later?
— CGTN LIU Xin 刘欣 (@LiuXininBeijing) March 19, 2022
https://english.news.cn/20220319/3e721d52bec440dc913f4ffdc68106c7/c.html"All sides need to jointly support Russia and Ukraine in having dialogue and negotiation that will produce results and lead to peace," Xi said, adding that the U.S. and NATO should also have dialogue with Russia to address the crux of the Ukraine crisis and ease the security concerns of both Russia and Ukraine.
Xi stressed that with the need to fight COVID-19 on the one hand and protect the economy and people's livelihood on the other, things are already very difficult for countries around the world.
"As leaders of major countries, we need to think about how to properly address global hotspot issues and, more importantly, keep in mind global stability and the work and life of billions of people," Xi said.
Sweeping and indiscriminate sanctions would only make the people suffer. If further escalated, they could trigger serious crises in global economy and trade, finance, energy, food, and industrial and supply chains, crippling the already languishing world economy and causing irrevocable losses, Xi added.
"The more complex the situation, the greater the need to remain cool-headed and rational," Xi said, adding that whatever the circumstances, there is always a need for political courage to create space for peace and leave room for political settlement.
"As two Chinese sayings go, 'It takes two hands to clap.' 'He who tied the bell to the tiger must take it off.' It is imperative that the parties involved demonstrate political will and find a proper settlement in view of both immediate and long-term needs," Xi said.
Xi said other parties can and should create conditions to that end. The pressing priority is to keep the dialogue and negotiation going, avoid civilian casualties, prevent a humanitarian crisis, and cease hostilities as soon as possible.
He said an enduring solution would be for major countries to respect each other, reject the Cold War mentality, refrain from bloc confrontation, and build step by step a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture for the region and for the world.
"China has been doing its best for peace and will continue to play a constructive role," Xi said.
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60804949 Russian cosmonauts have arrived at the International Space Station wearing Ukrainian colours, in what appears to be a statement opposing the invasion. (...)
Russian cosmonauts Denis Matveyev, Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Korsakov docked at the ISS after a three-hour flight which blasted off from a Russian-owned facility in Kazakhstan. (...)
A few hours later, two sets of hatches were opened and the three smiling men floated into the space station one by one wearing bright yellow space suits with blue accents.
The standard-issue Russian uniform is plain blue, and at least one of the men was seen wearing this before take-off. (...)
"It became our turn to pick a colour," Mr Artemyev said when he was asked about the suits in a live-streamed press conference.
"We had accumulated a lot of yellow material so we needed to use it," he joked. "That's why we had to wear yellow."
Udarnih twiter brigada i specijalnih tik tok jedinica bi svakako bilo da smišljaju smešne mimove kako čiča Miloje vilama goni do zuba naoružanog Jenkija, i fejk video kako Mig 29 skida F35. Ali bukvy niko ne bi izašao napolje posle prvog vazdušnog udara, a kamoli uzeo pušku u ruke da puca na osvajača. Jok, prvo bi mudro zaključili #izdaja, pa #svisuisti, a onda bi revnosno drukali novoj policiji lokacije Paje Levitijana ili ko već bude bio vidjen da najebe od novih vlasti, jer #čuvamsvojedupenećetemezajebati.kondo wrote:Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:Momci. To što vi nikada ni po koju cenu ne bi branili Srbiju ni od koga ne znači i da Ukrajinac ne treba svoju državu da brani. Nisu svi ljudi na svetu obavezni da dele vaš cinizam u vezi patriotizma.
Tebra, mislim da bi ti bio među poslednjim na forumu koji bi želeo da vidi patriotizam u odbrani Srbije a mislim da u slučaju sličnog rata ovde ne bi izostao čak ni u ukrajinskim, dosta velikim gabaritima.
Isti tren sam išla viti što kaže Rogozin u pauzi od mimanja i svađanja s Muskom i što - pa neće valjda forsat svoje astronaute da ne nose boje fakulteta kojeg su pohađalirumbeando wrote:
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60804949 Russian cosmonauts have arrived at the International Space Station wearing Ukrainian colours, in what appears to be a statement opposing the invasion. (...)
Russian cosmonauts Denis Matveyev, Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Korsakov docked at the ISS after a three-hour flight which blasted off from a Russian-owned facility in Kazakhstan. (...)
A few hours later, two sets of hatches were opened and the three smiling men floated into the space station one by one wearing bright yellow space suits with blue accents.
The standard-issue Russian uniform is plain blue, and at least one of the men was seen wearing this before take-off. (...)
"It became our turn to pick a colour," Mr Artemyev said when he was asked about the suits in a live-streamed press conference.
"We had accumulated a lot of yellow material so we needed to use it," he joked. "That's why we had to wear yellow."
kondo wrote:Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:Momci. To što vi nikada ni po koju cenu ne bi branili Srbiju ni od koga ne znači i da Ukrajinac ne treba svoju državu da brani. Nisu svi ljudi na svetu obavezni da dele vaš cinizam u vezi patriotizma.
Tebra, mislim da bi ti bio među poslednjim na forumu koji bi želeo da vidi patriotizam u odbrani Srbije a mislim da u slučaju sličnog rata ovde ne bi izostao čak ni u ukrajinskim, dosta velikim gabaritima.
Ja sigurno ne bi voleo da u odbrani bilo čega saučestvujem sa Levijatanom, Patrolama, i sličnima.
Ovo u Ukrajini je ludost posebne vrste, ovaj rat se mogao izbeći, ali ne sada.
Filipenko wrote:Nisam jedini koji ne konta ovog lika.
+1Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:I to je ok. Ali nije ok da se a priori ne dozvoli mogućnost nekom drugom da bude junak, ako mu se već ukazala prilika.
Cousin Billy wrote:Ako sam dobro razumeo a ti me Filipenko ispravi, Zelenski je izdajnik zato što ne želi da potpiše kapitulaciju i inokosan je da donese takvu odluku, nema slobodnu volju već je NATO marioneta koja radi isključivo po nalogu alijanse, a ni ne može da potpiše kapitulaciju jer bi ga trenutno ubili Azovci i Desni sektor koji su tajni vladari Ukrajine.
Filipenko wrote:Cousin Billy wrote:Ako sam dobro razumeo a ti me Filipenko ispravi, Zelenski je izdajnik zato što ne želi da potpiše kapitulaciju i inokosan je da donese takvu odluku, nema slobodnu volju već je NATO marioneta koja radi isključivo po nalogu alijanse, a ni ne može da potpiše kapitulaciju jer bi ga trenutno ubili Azovci i Desni sektor koji su tajni vladari Ukrajine.
Ne, Zelenski je tragicno nesposobna bitanga, narkoman koji je nesrecom izabran od strane Ukrajinaca da upravlja drzavom koja nije sasvim svoja, odnosno koja je izlozena najstrasnijim napadima i busenjima, a nema realnu vlast na terenu. Na sve to, on se ne ponasa najodgovornije sto moze, vec u skladu sa svojom folirantskom, patolosko lazovskom prirodom - u dusi je on i dalje prljavi smrdljivi biznismen koji je otvorio producentsku kucu pa sebe proglasio glumcem i snimio seriju gde je sebe stavio u prvi plan.
Postoji razlog zasto su staaaari Rimljani glumce sahranjivali na grobljima sa psima i prostitutkama, Minhauzelenski je odlican primer toga.
rumbeando wrote:
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60804949 Russian cosmonauts have arrived at the International Space Station wearing Ukrainian colours, in what appears to be a statement opposing the invasion. (...)
Russian cosmonauts Denis Matveyev, Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Korsakov docked at the ISS after a three-hour flight which blasted off from a Russian-owned facility in Kazakhstan. (...)
A few hours later, two sets of hatches were opened and the three smiling men floated into the space station one by one wearing bright yellow space suits with blue accents.
The standard-issue Russian uniform is plain blue, and at least one of the men was seen wearing this before take-off. (...)
"It became our turn to pick a colour," Mr Artemyev said when he was asked about the suits in a live-streamed press conference.
"We had accumulated a lot of yellow material so we needed to use it," he joked. "That's why we had to wear yellow."
this is embarrassing.@thetimes literally just forced a political statement onto these cosmonauts, they've worn this uniform before lmao pic.twitter.com/b5TdrE2cJ1
— Perfect Sweetie Pagliacci (Devilish!) (@NeoPagliacci) March 19, 2022
Moravjecki predlaže nove sankcije protiv Rusije
Premijer Poljske Mateuš Moravjecki predložio je da EU na sledećem samitu razmotri novi paket sankcija protiv Ruske Federacije, proširujući ih do nivoa "trgovinske blokade" i na moru i na kopnu.