šta čitate?
- Guest
- Post n°451
Re: šta čitate?
Uz Sedam hiljada dana dobro ide i Ruka iz groba. Dopuna prve, plus nekoliko intervjua sa Štajnerom.
- Posts : 3620
Join date : 2018-07-03
- Post n°452
Re: šta čitate?
Vladimir Sorokin je zaredjao odlicnu seriju distopijskih romana a zajednicka odrednica ima neo-feudalizm buducnosti. Ne znam da li je neko citao Terluriju koju je izdala Geopoetika. Evo opisa:
"Telurija Vladimira Sorokina vodi čitaoca u ne tako daleku budućnost. Upravo je završen novi veliki rat, ali oslobađanje Evrope od vahabitsko-talibanskog ropstva nije dovelo do ujedinjenja, nego do stvaranja niza novih drćavica i podizanja novih zidova između njih. Posle rata svako želi da živi po svome, u sreći i zadovoljstvu. U svakoj državici vlada drugačije društveno uređenje, ali stanovnici svih njih, od Atlantika do Pacifika, kako oni koji žive u „demokratijama“ tako i oni koji žive u „despotijama“, bogati i siromašni, ljudi običnog rasta, ali i mali, veliki, psoglavi, antropomorfni, sazdani u laboratorijama, silno žele ono što taj, najboljih od svih svetova, čoveku ne može da pruži: svi čeznu za novim „horizontima nada“, žude za telurom koji „poput božanskog skalpela zaranja u mozgove miliona... širi granice ljudskog i uliva sigurnost u Prošlost, Sadašnjost i Budućnost“.
Ratnike i revolucionare, novo i staro plemstvo, filozofe i umetnike, pljačkaše i švercere, obične trudbenikei krstaše nove Evrope povezuje večna ljudska žudnja za prevladavanjem vremena i prostora, za pobedom nad smrću, konačno za telurom – to nije droga, ali jeste element koji ljude čini savršenima. Telur čoveku daruje ono što on sâm želi, za čime traga, pa tako Lukomski, jedan od junaka Telurije, pod dejstvom telura prisustvuje svadbi u Kani Galilejskoj i nemoćno plače na Golgoti kad koplje Rimljanina probode raspetog Hrista.
Ali šta preostaje onima koji nemaju telur? Da li je dovoljan samo krov nad glavom, „trud za sebe voljenog“ i „klanjanje jedino sunašcu“ koje nas greje?"
"Telurija Vladimira Sorokina vodi čitaoca u ne tako daleku budućnost. Upravo je završen novi veliki rat, ali oslobađanje Evrope od vahabitsko-talibanskog ropstva nije dovelo do ujedinjenja, nego do stvaranja niza novih drćavica i podizanja novih zidova između njih. Posle rata svako želi da živi po svome, u sreći i zadovoljstvu. U svakoj državici vlada drugačije društveno uređenje, ali stanovnici svih njih, od Atlantika do Pacifika, kako oni koji žive u „demokratijama“ tako i oni koji žive u „despotijama“, bogati i siromašni, ljudi običnog rasta, ali i mali, veliki, psoglavi, antropomorfni, sazdani u laboratorijama, silno žele ono što taj, najboljih od svih svetova, čoveku ne može da pruži: svi čeznu za novim „horizontima nada“, žude za telurom koji „poput božanskog skalpela zaranja u mozgove miliona... širi granice ljudskog i uliva sigurnost u Prošlost, Sadašnjost i Budućnost“.
Ratnike i revolucionare, novo i staro plemstvo, filozofe i umetnike, pljačkaše i švercere, obične trudbenikei krstaše nove Evrope povezuje večna ljudska žudnja za prevladavanjem vremena i prostora, za pobedom nad smrću, konačno za telurom – to nije droga, ali jeste element koji ljude čini savršenima. Telur čoveku daruje ono što on sâm želi, za čime traga, pa tako Lukomski, jedan od junaka Telurije, pod dejstvom telura prisustvuje svadbi u Kani Galilejskoj i nemoćno plače na Golgoti kad koplje Rimljanina probode raspetog Hrista.
Ali šta preostaje onima koji nemaju telur? Da li je dovoljan samo krov nad glavom, „trud za sebe voljenog“ i „klanjanje jedino sunašcu“ koje nas greje?"
"Sisaj kurac, Boomere. Spletkario si i nameštao ban pa se sad izvlačiš. Radiša je format a ti si mali iskompleksirani miš. Katastrofa za Burundi čoveče.
A i deluje da te napustio drugar u odsudnom trenutku pa te spašavaju ova tovarka što vrv ni ne dismr na ribu, to joj se gadi, i ovaj južnjak koji o niškim kafanama čita na forumu. Prejaka šarža." - Monsier K.
- Posts : 41630
Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : wife privilege
- Post n°453
Re: šta čitate?
Ајд сад сви да читате Бенксову "Културу", јер ми је пун курац свих тих аутора који већ неколико генерација нису у стању да замисле будућност а да није овакав или онакав феудализам или тоталитаризам или дивљина са ратним бандама, уз повремено робовласништво за мезе.
cousin for roasting the rakija
И кажем себи у сну, еј бре коњу па ти ни немаш озвучење, имаш оне две кутијице око монитора, видећеш кад се пробудиш...
- Posts : 4503
Join date : 2016-09-29
- Post n°454
Re: šta čitate?
čitaćemo kad insistiraš
THE space age is upon us. Rockets are leaving our globe at
speeds unheard of only a few years ago, to orbit earth, moon, and
sun. People have visited the moon, we have sent space probes to
all but one of the planets, and words like "orbit" and "satellite" are
picked up by children in the nursery.
- Posts : 15552
Join date : 2016-03-28
- Post n°456
Re: šta čitate?
Citao i tesko je biti bog i kantikulum za lajbovica, eto preporuka i za mene, mada nisam nesto preterano bio odusevljen. Kantikulum mnogo bolje legao doduse
Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
Jedini proleter Burundija
Pristalica krvne osvete
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Location : wife privilege
- Post n°457
Re: šta čitate?
kuku wrote:čitaćemo kad insistiraš
Једва чекам да прође још година-две па да навалим да читам трећи пут. Иначе сам тотално попиздео кад сам чуо да је писац умро ваљда две недеље пре него што сам почео да га читам. А онда још једном кад сам чуо да је пола каријере писао ужас. У овом свемиру би ваљало написати бар колико је написано за Стари Дрек и Лукасове ратове заједно.
Да се сви они у со претворе не би могли да замисле лика који себи уграђује три додатна срца да би могао да на телу одржи 51 надигнут курац за велику журку. Или рибу која задржава трудноћу четрдесетак година док не буде начисто. Или лика који наручи десет на не знам колико савршено сферних зрнаца песка да би у својој приватној пустињи изводио бесне глисте са физиком. Или сателит са орбитом негативне надморске висине. Човек је имао маште, и умећа да то преточи у одлично сложен свемир где нема привилегија јер их сви имају.
cousin for roasting the rakija
И кажем себи у сну, еј бре коњу па ти ни немаш озвучење, имаш оне две кутијице око монитора, видећеш кад се пробудиш...
- Posts : 4503
Join date : 2016-09-29
- Post n°458
Re: šta čitate?
smanjicu doprinos trecem svetskom ratu i to vreme iskoristiti za K U L T U R U
THE space age is upon us. Rockets are leaving our globe at
speeds unheard of only a few years ago, to orbit earth, moon, and
sun. People have visited the moon, we have sent space probes to
all but one of the planets, and words like "orbit" and "satellite" are
picked up by children in the nursery.
- Guest
- Post n°459
Re: šta čitate?
Čitam Milovana Danojlića, "Dobro jeste živeti" i po stoti put pripovetke Milovana Glišića.
Milovan Glišić, iz Valjeva, tvrdi se da je tamo najčistiji srpski jezik.
Milovan Glišić, iz Valjeva, tvrdi se da je tamo najčistiji srpski jezik.
- Posts : 3620
Join date : 2018-07-03
- Post n°461
Re: šta čitate?
Pazario juče iz izloga Fiće Zeptera. Dobro je da se posle pola veka neko setio da prevede i objavi bar prvi tom ove hronike o propasti levice tokom tridesetih. Sad vidim da americko izdanje ima ceo naucni rad od cetrdeset strana sa sve dijagramima koje kao predgovor potpisuje Dzejmson. Ocekivanja od romana su ovim jos vise porasla.
- Posts : 3620
Join date : 2018-07-03
- Post n°462
Re: šta čitate?
kud_genijalci wrote:U subotu sam se naterao u Gradsku samo da mi ne naplate kaznu (a već sam produžavao telefonom) i uzmem, reda radi, Pinčona "V.", ono što sam tražio nisu imali, plus Bolanjove Divlje detektive u uzdanju Loma, kao neki "I tom"?!
Posle dva poglavlha Pinčona znam da ću dovršiti.
Prevod neka Mažduka sa mnogo kroatizama, kao da je ekavizuran hrvatski prevod, mada ne bi smelo posle dugog pederskog uvoda Borislava iz Čarobne knjige.
Prepiznajem jedva apotaksični rutam Pinčona, trapav mi je prevod, kao Valerija Por kada je ubukvarisala Lekareovig Noćnog menadžera, ne znam zašto he redimejd umetnički delo prevodila u "već gotovo deli", ali Pinčon je najbolji kada pronalazi neočekivane metafore u opisu duševnih stanja, u obom romanu čak i prohodan, nudi rešenja na izvol'te, Nabokov i tako to.
Reci nam Kude-e, da li si preziveo avanture Stensila i Profejna i da li je bilo vredno truda? Mene je toliko iznurilo ono bombardovanjem Valete da sam jednostavno odustao od poslednjih tridest strana. Kontam ja da je V. alegorija o kolonizaciji prirodnih ciklusa uvijena u virtuelnu istoriju belle epoque ali svejedno, iskustvo citanja ucinilo mi se bez poente.
- Guest
- Post n°463
Re: šta čitate?
Vrlo je vjerovatno da ćeš se načekati Kudovog odgovora, zna da nestane i na po šest-sedam godina sa foruma.
- Posts : 3620
Join date : 2018-07-03
- Post n°464
Re: šta čitate?
"Sisaj kurac, Boomere. Spletkario si i nameštao ban pa se sad izvlačiš. Radiša je format a ti si mali iskompleksirani miš. Katastrofa za Burundi čoveče.
A i deluje da te napustio drugar u odsudnom trenutku pa te spašavaju ova tovarka što vrv ni ne dismr na ribu, to joj se gadi, i ovaj južnjak koji o niškim kafanama čita na forumu. Prejaka šarža." - Monsier K.
- Korisnik
- Posts : 4670
Join date : 2015-02-17
- Post n°465
Re: šta čitate?
fikret selimbašić wrote:Vrlo je vjerovatno da ćeš se načekati Kudovog odgovora, zna da nestane i na po šest-sedam godina sa foruma.
Mislim da se naljutio nakon onoga što mu je Ujak napisao.
- Posts : 10317
Join date : 2012-02-10
- Post n°466
Re: šta čitate?
Završio sam sinoć poslednju knjigu Adriana Mola i baš sam nešto tužan.
- Posts : 15552
Join date : 2016-03-28
- Post n°467
Re: šta čitate?
Angry White Men: American Masculinity at the End of an Era - Michael Kimmel
Odlican, pokoj mu dusi
Odlican, pokoj mu dusi
Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
Jedini proleter Burundija
Pristalica krvne osvete
- Posts : 15552
Join date : 2016-03-28
- Post n°468
Re: šta čitate?
Post and Glenda returned to Las Vegas and found an easier way to get money.
“Glenda was incredibly sexy, so we decided she would hang out in this hotel bar and
when some john hit on her, she would take him upstairs where I would be waiting.” At
first Post jumped out of the hotel bathroom and robbed the men, who were so
embarrassed many of them never reported the robberies. Later, Post gave Thomas a gun
and she robbed the johns herself. “We didn’t even bother renting a room because Glenda
was jamming them right on the elevator. I’d be waiting in a hallway and the elevator
door would open and out would fly some guy with a knot on his head. She began really
getting off on the power. She started making them drop their pants and bend over and
grab their ankles while she got away. She’d stick the gun up in their face and threaten to
kill them.”
Post said he noticed a change in her. “All Glenda’s life, she’d been fucked over by
men. She was nothing but a cunt, the slut, a worthless piece of flesh, but now she had a
gun and these fat bastards had to admit that this little girl was making them bend over,
with their butts naked. She was getting off on the power, so much so that we talked
about her killing someone just to see what it was like. We talked about forcing some guy
into the car and taking him out to the desert somewhere and having her shoot him just
for the experience of it, and I think she could have done it. She was starting to get a
thirst for the kill.
“She realized when you have that kind of power you are a shark, and when a shark
comes out, all the little minnows put their heads down and hide.”
Post had never considered Thomas his equal, nor did he think any woman was.
“Prisons ruin your relationships with women because all of your close associates are
males,” he explained. “Women are dirty-legs, cunts, weaklings. Part of it has to do with
guys who get fucked in prison. Everyone calls them ‘girls’ or ‘punks’ and that carries
over into the outside world. Anyone without a dick is weak, and you might fuck weak
people but you don’t really respect them. But Glenda was becoming different. It wasn’t
just the sex between us. It was the mutual thrill of the kill. I remember the first time she
jammed a guy. I was hiding in the closet, and after we got the money we went to
another room in the hotel and we ripped each other’s clothes off and went after each
other like fucking animals because of the incredible power that we had over someone
else. We had fucking robbed this guy and scared him shitless and that was an
unbelievable high.”
“Glenda was incredibly sexy, so we decided she would hang out in this hotel bar and
when some john hit on her, she would take him upstairs where I would be waiting.” At
first Post jumped out of the hotel bathroom and robbed the men, who were so
embarrassed many of them never reported the robberies. Later, Post gave Thomas a gun
and she robbed the johns herself. “We didn’t even bother renting a room because Glenda
was jamming them right on the elevator. I’d be waiting in a hallway and the elevator
door would open and out would fly some guy with a knot on his head. She began really
getting off on the power. She started making them drop their pants and bend over and
grab their ankles while she got away. She’d stick the gun up in their face and threaten to
kill them.”
Post said he noticed a change in her. “All Glenda’s life, she’d been fucked over by
men. She was nothing but a cunt, the slut, a worthless piece of flesh, but now she had a
gun and these fat bastards had to admit that this little girl was making them bend over,
with their butts naked. She was getting off on the power, so much so that we talked
about her killing someone just to see what it was like. We talked about forcing some guy
into the car and taking him out to the desert somewhere and having her shoot him just
for the experience of it, and I think she could have done it. She was starting to get a
thirst for the kill.
“She realized when you have that kind of power you are a shark, and when a shark
comes out, all the little minnows put their heads down and hide.”
Post had never considered Thomas his equal, nor did he think any woman was.
“Prisons ruin your relationships with women because all of your close associates are
males,” he explained. “Women are dirty-legs, cunts, weaklings. Part of it has to do with
guys who get fucked in prison. Everyone calls them ‘girls’ or ‘punks’ and that carries
over into the outside world. Anyone without a dick is weak, and you might fuck weak
people but you don’t really respect them. But Glenda was becoming different. It wasn’t
just the sex between us. It was the mutual thrill of the kill. I remember the first time she
jammed a guy. I was hiding in the closet, and after we got the money we went to
another room in the hotel and we ripped each other’s clothes off and went after each
other like fucking animals because of the incredible power that we had over someone
else. We had fucking robbed this guy and scared him shitless and that was an
unbelievable high.”
Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
Jedini proleter Burundija
Pristalica krvne osvete
- Guest
- Post n°469
Re: šta čitate?
Things were looking gloomy and Glenda she was sad, Kevin had been out with Carol Sands.
- Posts : 15552
Join date : 2016-03-28
- Post n°470
Re: šta čitate?
ova love story ima drugaciji kraj
He was sent to the federal prison in Marion, and one month later he received two
letters on the same day. He recognized Thomas’s writing and opened her letter first. “It
was a birthday card and a love letter telling me that she’d wait for me. It really made
me feel good,” he said. The other letter was from someone in Detroit whom Post didn’t
know. The letter was dated the day after Thomas had mailed Post his birthday card and
the writer identified herself as a friend of hers. It said Glenda had died from an overdose
of heroin. This time, there hadn’t been anyone around to save her.
He was sent to the federal prison in Marion, and one month later he received two
letters on the same day. He recognized Thomas’s writing and opened her letter first. “It
was a birthday card and a love letter telling me that she’d wait for me. It really made
me feel good,” he said. The other letter was from someone in Detroit whom Post didn’t
know. The letter was dated the day after Thomas had mailed Post his birthday card and
the writer identified herself as a friend of hers. It said Glenda had died from an overdose
of heroin. This time, there hadn’t been anyone around to save her.
Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
Jedini proleter Burundija
Pristalica krvne osvete
- Posts : 15552
Join date : 2016-03-28
- Post n°471
Re: šta čitate?
i pocetak
Post had always had a way with women. The employee was not the first one he had
seduced while in prison. But of all the women he had known, only Glenda Thomas had
been, as he later put it, “my perfect criminal soulmate.”
Glenda Thomas was nineteen when she first met Post in Glendale, California, in early
1972. She had a slender figure, a sad face, and a heavy heroin habit. Post, then twentysix,
had just been paroled from San Quentin and was also using drugs. A mutual friend
had introduced them, and one day when Post stopped by Thomas’s apartment, he found
her naked in bed with three men who had given her amphetamines in return for sex.
Post pulled a gun and ordered them to leave. Later, when Thomas asked Post why he
had kicked them out, he said, “I think there is more to you than being a doped-up
“She was like a wounded animal,” Post said of her later. “Her mother had been an
alcoholic hooker who used to bring her tricks home and then pass out. Some of the johns
had crawled into bed with Glenda. Can you imagine—she was only eight years old. No
one had ever given her a break. I thought maybe she’d be different if anyone just let up
a little bit.”
Post began stopping by to check on Thomas and one afternoon he found her
unconscious from a drug overdose. He forced her to walk the floor, made her drink
coffee, put her under a cold shower. “She wanted to die,” he recalled. When she
recovered, he took her to his apartment.
“You eat here, you sleep here, but you don’t fuck no one here,” he explained to her,
“and you don’t have to fuck for your rent. You are just here. There’s the bathroom,
there’s the kitchen, there’s the food, rent is free, just kick back and take a break for a
Post had been supporting himself by robbing banks, and he and another ex-convict,
Robert Butler, left the apartment a few hours later to pull a robbery. Before they
reached their target, the car developed mechanical trouble, forcing them to turn back to
Post’s apartment. Glenda was gone. She had left behind a suicide note written in
mascara. Post hurried to her apartment and found her unconscious and lying in her own
vomit, a bag of amphetamines nearby. A neighbor called an ambulance while Post gave
Glenda mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Later, at the hospital, doctors told Post that he
had saved her life.
Post returned to his apartment and found Butler waiting, drunk and angry. Butler
suggested that they rob an all-night market a few blocks away. “You’re nuts,” said Post.
“We’d be lucky to get twenty bucks from that place.” He was wrong. They got sixty-five
dollars. They also were seen by a customer as they ran from the store. He followed them
and took down the license number of their car. Within minutes, a Glendale police car
was giving chase. Post pulled his still crippled car to the curb and Butler flung open the
passenger door and ran. “I had planned on running,” recalled Post, “but as I opened the
door I thought, ‘You coward. You have been people, waving a pistol in their faces,
taking their money, and the first time a guy with a gun comes at you, you want to run
and surrender. What kind of punk are you?’ That’s why I decided to shoot it out.”
Post emptied the clip in his .45 automatic, shattering the police car’s windshield and
hitting the front tire, spotlight, radiator and grille. Racing into a nearby apartment
building, he dashed up a stairwell and paused to reload. Just then a tenant opened the
door to her apartment to see what was happening. Post pushed his way inside, waving
the handgun in her face. For the next eight hours, he hid in the apartment. He kept the
woman and her husband, ironically an off-duty policeman, as hostages while police
searched the area. By morning, Post felt it was safe for him to escape. He tied up the
couple, stole their car, and fled. “I decided not to kill them, because they had done
everything I asked.”
Post drove to Detroit, Michigan, where he and another ex-convict, Gary Tanksley,
began robbing banks. Several weeks later, Post telephoned Glenda.
“I want to be with you,” she said, so he arranged to meet her in Las Vegas, Nevada,
where they celebrated their reunion by spending and gambling away $12,000 that Post
had gotten in his last bank heist.
In need of cash, they drove to Oregon intending to rob a bank. They stopped at a
roadside cafe and Post robbed the cashier of $900, but as he bolted outside, the cafe’s
owner grabbed a shotgun and went after him. Post jumped into the backseat of his car
and Glenda hit the accelerator just as the owner fired his first blast. It shattered the rear
window. “I’m shaking real bad ’cause there is glass everywhere and this nut is pumping
rounds at us, but Glenda is just as serene and as happy as could be.
Post had always had a way with women. The employee was not the first one he had
seduced while in prison. But of all the women he had known, only Glenda Thomas had
been, as he later put it, “my perfect criminal soulmate.”
Glenda Thomas was nineteen when she first met Post in Glendale, California, in early
1972. She had a slender figure, a sad face, and a heavy heroin habit. Post, then twentysix,
had just been paroled from San Quentin and was also using drugs. A mutual friend
had introduced them, and one day when Post stopped by Thomas’s apartment, he found
her naked in bed with three men who had given her amphetamines in return for sex.
Post pulled a gun and ordered them to leave. Later, when Thomas asked Post why he
had kicked them out, he said, “I think there is more to you than being a doped-up
“She was like a wounded animal,” Post said of her later. “Her mother had been an
alcoholic hooker who used to bring her tricks home and then pass out. Some of the johns
had crawled into bed with Glenda. Can you imagine—she was only eight years old. No
one had ever given her a break. I thought maybe she’d be different if anyone just let up
a little bit.”
Post began stopping by to check on Thomas and one afternoon he found her
unconscious from a drug overdose. He forced her to walk the floor, made her drink
coffee, put her under a cold shower. “She wanted to die,” he recalled. When she
recovered, he took her to his apartment.
“You eat here, you sleep here, but you don’t fuck no one here,” he explained to her,
“and you don’t have to fuck for your rent. You are just here. There’s the bathroom,
there’s the kitchen, there’s the food, rent is free, just kick back and take a break for a
Post had been supporting himself by robbing banks, and he and another ex-convict,
Robert Butler, left the apartment a few hours later to pull a robbery. Before they
reached their target, the car developed mechanical trouble, forcing them to turn back to
Post’s apartment. Glenda was gone. She had left behind a suicide note written in
mascara. Post hurried to her apartment and found her unconscious and lying in her own
vomit, a bag of amphetamines nearby. A neighbor called an ambulance while Post gave
Glenda mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Later, at the hospital, doctors told Post that he
had saved her life.
Post returned to his apartment and found Butler waiting, drunk and angry. Butler
suggested that they rob an all-night market a few blocks away. “You’re nuts,” said Post.
“We’d be lucky to get twenty bucks from that place.” He was wrong. They got sixty-five
dollars. They also were seen by a customer as they ran from the store. He followed them
and took down the license number of their car. Within minutes, a Glendale police car
was giving chase. Post pulled his still crippled car to the curb and Butler flung open the
passenger door and ran. “I had planned on running,” recalled Post, “but as I opened the
door I thought, ‘You coward. You have been people, waving a pistol in their faces,
taking their money, and the first time a guy with a gun comes at you, you want to run
and surrender. What kind of punk are you?’ That’s why I decided to shoot it out.”
Post emptied the clip in his .45 automatic, shattering the police car’s windshield and
hitting the front tire, spotlight, radiator and grille. Racing into a nearby apartment
building, he dashed up a stairwell and paused to reload. Just then a tenant opened the
door to her apartment to see what was happening. Post pushed his way inside, waving
the handgun in her face. For the next eight hours, he hid in the apartment. He kept the
woman and her husband, ironically an off-duty policeman, as hostages while police
searched the area. By morning, Post felt it was safe for him to escape. He tied up the
couple, stole their car, and fled. “I decided not to kill them, because they had done
everything I asked.”
Post drove to Detroit, Michigan, where he and another ex-convict, Gary Tanksley,
began robbing banks. Several weeks later, Post telephoned Glenda.
“I want to be with you,” she said, so he arranged to meet her in Las Vegas, Nevada,
where they celebrated their reunion by spending and gambling away $12,000 that Post
had gotten in his last bank heist.
In need of cash, they drove to Oregon intending to rob a bank. They stopped at a
roadside cafe and Post robbed the cashier of $900, but as he bolted outside, the cafe’s
owner grabbed a shotgun and went after him. Post jumped into the backseat of his car
and Glenda hit the accelerator just as the owner fired his first blast. It shattered the rear
window. “I’m shaking real bad ’cause there is glass everywhere and this nut is pumping
rounds at us, but Glenda is just as serene and as happy as could be.
Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
Jedini proleter Burundija
Pristalica krvne osvete
- Posts : 15552
Join date : 2016-03-28
- Post n°473
Re: šta čitate?
Oruzana pljacka sa plenom od 65 dolara
Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
Jedini proleter Burundija
Pristalica krvne osvete
- Posts : 11338
Join date : 2014-10-28
- Post n°474
Re: šta čitate?
Serotonin će biti prvi Uelbek koga neću uspeti da završim. Ko nogama da je pisao. Lenjo, bezidejno, sve već viđeno. Mogla sam da kupim pivo za tih 800 dinara, bolje bi utrošeno vreme bilo.
most of us probably not getting better
but not getting better together
- Guest
- Post n°475
Re: šta čitate?
Pripovetke Milovana Glišića, jednom godišnje. Da njegov, valjevski srpski, najčistiji srpski jezik, ne zaboravim.
U toj knjizi ima i "Leptirica" po kojoj je snimljen i (dosta loš) film.
U toj knjizi ima i "Leptirica" po kojoj je snimljen i (dosta loš) film.