by Guest Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:18 am
Nemoj se dalje uguglavati, ništa ne razumeš na šta si se sapleo.
Dokument Američka Akademija Nauka kaže isto što i ja: radijacija je bila beznačajna.
Evo ti za cezijum, ti ko babe na kafi kada naplašuju jedna drugu nečime što ne razumeju.
Još jedan glupački čanak, je li moguće da sve što ne zna ništa završi po novinskim redakcijama?
Budala poveruje u katastrofu iako sam članak kaže da je beznačajna radijacija koja je detektovana, baš tako, detektovana i da je daleko od bilo kakvog rizika za bilo koga, ni za biljni ni za životinjski svet u okeanu. Opet, neki kao ovaj googlator kada vidi madrkne ko mlad majmun pomisli da je gotovo.
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012
Cesium found 640 km off Fukushima in June
SALT LAKE CITY — Radioactivity from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant disaster has been detected as far away as 643 km offshore in the Pacific Ocean.
Scientists say ocean water showed readings of up to 1,000 times prior levels of cesium-137 from the stricken Fukushima plant. But they say the new readings are far below the levels that are generally considered harmful, either to marine animals or people who eat seafood.
The results are from water samples taken in June, about three months after the disaster caused by a powerful earthquake and the tsunami that followed.
The findings were reported Tuesday at a scientific meeting in the United States.