radio sam nešto na temu tekstila, posle dugo vremena i nadam se ne skoro
u jednom radu naiđem na sledeće:
"Apart from the polymer substrate, 366 chemicals are indentified as residual chemicals in polyester textiles on an average level, and the total concentration is 11.5 % of the textile substrate. CAS numbers of these chemicals are provided. Despite the list contains 366 chemicals, It does not mean any textile products will contain all of these chemicals, and it does not mean substances not included in this list cannot be found on polyester textile products in reality either."
Citirao sam iz rada:
Estimation of Average Chemical Content in Textile Products
Master of Science Thesis in the Master Degree Programme of Environmental
Measurements and Assessments
Ovo me je podsetilo na listu od preko 8000 različitih hemikalija koje se upotrebljavaju u proizvodnji tekstila.
Jedna plastična kesa ima u sebi skoro ništa osim plastike, za njenu proizvodnju je potrebno malo energije i malo polimera. Postaje zagađivač kada je bacimo.
Sa druge strane tekstil - par zanimljivih detalja:
Several studies on chemicals in textile have been made during the years. They include biocides [35], hexabromocyclododecane flame-retardants [36], organophosphorous pesticides [37], per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances [38-40], polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [41, 42], formaldehyde [43], nonylphenol ethoxylate and the release through laundering [44], azo-dyes and their reduction products [45, 46], polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and octachlorodibenzofuran [47, 48]. Dioxins have been shown to be present in dyes and to magnify their concentration in textile after the dyeing processes [49]; they were also formed during textile processing and incineration [32, 50, 51].
To estimate the emission into household wastewater for 5 kg of clothes, the average concentration of quinoline and benzothiazole and their respective average loss were used. In this way the amount of released benzothiazole was calculated to 0.5 g and the amount of quinoline 0.24 g. This suggests that laundry is a source of emission of these compounds into household wastewater. The loss of some compounds, e.g. quinolines, was slow (20% after ten washings), demonstrating that significant amounts of the chemicals remain in the clothes for a long time and thus have the potential of a chronic impact on human health.
Citirano iz:
Chemicals in textiles - A potential source for human exposure and environmental pollution
Giovanna Luongo, Doctoral Thesis, Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, Stockholm University 2015
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