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Anđe'o wrote:
Hepi end mi izgleda jako ironično, naročito kadrovi Moskve koja gori u pozadini.
a hidden gem
30 April 2007 | by Michael N. (Moscow, Russia) – See all my reviews
Okraina is an epic movie about family, land and patriotism. It's a pity this movie is little known in Russia. I wish it had the marketing budget of Nochnoi Dozor but sadly that kind of thing never happens.
I'm afraid that non-Russians won't understand the message of this movie, not to say of the cultural/folklore references. "Surreal slapstick" would be the most probable foreign viewer's reaction.
Grotesque at first sight, the movie is actually dead-serious. It appeals to deepest instincts of a Russian soul. Personally, I think this is number one most important movie shot in Russia in last 15 years.
Slapstick in slow motion
Author: jp-powell from Auckland, New Zealand
8 December 2004
Having read the few other comments i have clearly missed most of the Russian cultural significance and jokes in this film. However, as a new zealander who enjoys all kinds of film i saw this at one of our festivals and absolutely loved it.
as mentioned in the title, to a non Russian eye it moved like slapstick in slow motion. Plenty of accessible deadpan, morose humour was on show as well as some great backdrops and scenery.
i particularly enjoyed the long close-up shot/scene on the farm four wheel motorcycle thing. funny how such a pastoral setting can become so surreal.
towards the end it seemed to change gear and moved quite quickly to black comedy and on into b-grade style action - with an explosion and getaway worthy of ed wood. amongst all this is still managed to be quite gripping and had me keyed in wondering how their quest would turn out.
If you liked this film I would suggest seeing:
American Astronaut, The Beaver Trilogy
Definitely worth a look if you like something a bit different. Jacob.
To. A dopada mi se i ovo tvoje razmišljanje na temu Hobita, koji mu valjda dođe isto neka vrsta bajke.William MUrderface wrote:prikaz nemoguće pobune, pobune kao bajke?
William Murderface wrote:
Ja sam očekivao da će njihov konačni dolazak do vrha zavere otkriti nešto neočekivano, ali ne, sve je u skladu sa očekivanjima.
Anđe'o wrote:Ali, ne, film i ne treba da se bavi filozofskim pitanjima - već životom, ovim koji živimo.