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    Rat u Ukrajini


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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by MNE Sun Oct 01, 2023 7:44 pm

    saće brzo da otpraši

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by rumbeando Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:22 pm

    Del Cap

    Posts : 6843
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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Del Cap Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:38 pm

    ko se usuđuje da kvari podvodnu infrastrukturu na baltiku, to do sada nije viđeno...

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Filipenko Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:40 pm

    Suzu pustam Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 4135669698
    fikret selimbašić

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by fikret selimbašić Wed Oct 11, 2023 3:45 pm


    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    Del Cap

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Del Cap Thu Oct 12, 2023 1:29 pm

    Ukraine tells NATO: Forget me not
    The alliance insists it can handle crises in Ukraine and Israel at the same time.

    OCTOBER 11, 2023 7:56 PM CET

    BRUSSELS — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in Brussels on Wednesday to discover a Europe no longer completely focused on the war Russia has unleashed on his country, but he's rolling with the punches.

    He insisted that there was no danger of Israel crowding Ukraine out of the limelight, and instead encouraged Western politicians to visit Israel — replicating similar treks to Kyiv by most of the world's leaders.

    "My recommendation to the leaders [is] to go to Israel," said Zelenskyy. "Unity is more important than to be alone."

    He also sought to tie the two conflicts together, saying that divisions in the alliance will only help the Kremlin: "Russia’s counting on it, on dividing support," he said during an appearance with Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo. He then made the link between the two crises explicit, calling both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hamas "terrorists" that "seek to hold free and democratic nations as hostages."

    Russia "still has enough resources to incite conflicts and turn them into full-scale tragedies. This is happening in the Sahel, and it can happen even more painfully in Israel and in the Middle East as a whole. We must not allow this to happen," Zelenskyy told NATO defense ministers.

    Zelenskyy's appearance was a surprise at a meeting that was supposed to be at the ministerial level, but with Ukraine facing a renewed Russian offensive in the east and the prospect of widespread attacks over the winter, Kyiv is desperate to ramp up shipments of Western weapons and ammunition.

    "Air defense is a significant part of the answer to the question of when this war will end and whether it will end justly for Ukraine," Zelenskyy said.

    Western countries are responding to those appeals, and insisting that they can support both Israel and Ukraine at the same time — a message underlined by U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

    “Absolutely we can do both and we will do both," Austin said, referring to security assistance to Ukraine and Israel. "We are the strongest nation in the world and we are going to do what’s necessary to help our allies and partners.”

    The same signals came from smaller allies.

    "I got the word from the U.S. secretary of defense that they can manage both conflicts, so this is important," said Hanno Pevkur, the defense minister of Estonia — which borders Russia and relies on American security guarantees to fend off threats from Moscow.

    Wednesday saw a rush of military promises made to Kyiv.

    The U.K. promised a £100 million package of military support that includes mine-clearing equipment and shoring up fortifications. London also announced a separate £70 million package that includes the MSI-DS Terrahawk Paladin drone destroyer.

    "During my recent visit to Kyiv, I assured President Zelenskyy that the U.K.’s support for Ukraine and their most urgent needs is unwavering," said Defense Secretary Grant Shapps.

    Belgium pledged to deliver F-16 fighters by 2025, as long as the next government agrees.

    "Let’s be very clear, Belgian F-16s will be available,” De Croo said.

    Austin said allies in the security bloc’s Ukraine Defense Contact Group had decided to form smaller “capability coalitions” focusing on specific areas of support for Kyiv. For example, Estonia and Luxembourg will lead on supporting Ukraine’s IT infrastructure to “defend its networks,” while Lithuania will help with demining.

    He added that the United States will head up a coalition of countries training Ukrainian pilots and crews to operate and maintain F-16 fighter jets alongside the Netherlands and Denmark.

    Still, NATO countries are increasingly preoccupied with the Middle East.

    U.S. President Joe Biden made a 10-minute televised speech on Tuesday highlighting American commitment to Israel's right to self-defense, while the British government dispatched Foreign Secretary James Cleverly to Tel Aviv on Wednesday. French President Emmanuel Macron, meanwhile, lashed out at Iran's potential "aid" and "cooperation" for Hamas.

    Israel isn't the only distraction facing NATO allies.

    Just hours before the defense meeting started, news broke in Finland and Estonia that undersea gas and telecom links were disrupted.

    "We have contacts at the highest political level [on the pipeline incident]," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said, referring to his calls on Tuesday with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö and Estonia's Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

    The blizzard of news highlights the crucial role that NATO is playing.

    "We don't have the luxury of choosing only one threat and one challenge," Stoltenberg said.

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by rumbeando Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:07 am

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 RIsYsGR
    Izvor slike: washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/10/13/north-korea-russia-weapons-ukraine/
    Летећи Полип

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Летећи Полип Sat Oct 14, 2023 3:05 pm

    Ne razumem poentu ove ilustracije.

    Sve čega ima na filmu, rekao sam, ima i na Zlatiboru.


    Ne dajte da vas prevare! Sačuvajte svoje pojene!
    Улични ходач

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Улични ходач Sat Oct 14, 2023 3:40 pm

    Тешко схватљиво

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Filipenko Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:10 pm

    Pa treba nesto sto ce da ostavi utisak da su oni ozbiljno istrazivali stvar i zakljucili da Severna Koreja isporucuje Rusiji...municiju.

    Ocekujem da u narednoj iteraciji isplivaju dokazi da Severna Koreja isporucuje Rusiji hranu, a nakon toga i kompjutere i opremu za satelite.
    fikret selimbašić

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by fikret selimbašić Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:31 pm

    Filipenko wrote:Pa treba nesto sto ce da ostavi utisak da su oni ozbiljno istrazivali stvar i zakljucili da Severna Koreja isporucuje Rusiji...municiju.

    Ocekujem da u narednoj iteraciji isplivaju dokazi da Severna Koreja isporucuje Rusiji hranu, a nakon toga i kompjutere i opremu za satelite.

    Zašto misliš da je to nemoguće ili da se ne dešava? Rusiji i Iran isporučuje municiju, ne samo dronove i nou hau za njih već i vbr rakete i haubičke granate. Utrošak je sumanut, vidio si slike na šta liče ukrajinska polja a front je hiljadu km dug. Dosta municije je uništeno po skladištiima ili u transportu prema položajima, a oteglo se ovo preko svakeg planiranog roka i mjere. NK je sasvim logičan izbor za hitnu dostavu, proizvodnja u Rusiji nije na CCCP nivou niti može biti.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Filipenko Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:40 pm

    Nema teorije da zaostala i nikakva Severna Koreja isporucuje konvencionalno oruzje koje je potrebno Rusiji. Ukoliko se neki transport i odvija preko njih, to Kina isporucuje Rusiji, pa opet dolazimo do toga da Severna Koreja ne isporucuje nista Rusiji. Severnokorejsko oruzje je matoro i zaostalo, samo sto ga ima mnogo. Ove stvari kojima se barata po Ukrajini su pravljene ozbiljnije i novijeg su datuma. Moze tenk iz 1964. da se upotrebi uvek, jer je bolje da imas neko gvozdje ispred sebe nego nista, ali artiljerija iz 1964. je bukvalno zali boze nafte za kamione koji ce je vuci. O stanju granata da ne govorim.
    fikret selimbašić

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by fikret selimbašić Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:44 pm

    Filipenko wrote:Nema teorije da zaostala i nikakva Severna Koreja isporucuje konvencionalno oruzje koje je potrebno Rusiji. Ukoliko se neki transport i odvija preko njih, to Kina isporucuje Rusiji, pa opet dolazimo do toga da Severna Koreja ne isporucuje nista Rusiji. Severnokorejsko oruzje je matoro i zaostalo, samo sto ga ima mnogo. Ove stvari kojima se barata po Ukrajini su pravljene ozbiljnije i novijeg su datuma. Moze tenk iz 1964. da se upotrebi uvek, jer je bolje da imas neko gvozdje ispred sebe nego nista, ali artiljerija iz 1964. je bukvalno zali boze nafte za kamione koji ce je vuci. O stanju granata da ne govorim.

    Ispucavaju 122 i 152 milimetarske haubičke granate stare pedeset-šezdeset godina, ta municija uz 122 mm rakete se najviše i trošila. Ako može sovjetska, što ne bi mogla i ona za vrijeme djeda Kima pravljena. Ne mislim da su im dali neko hi-tech oružje već baš ono najprostije i najviše trošeno.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    Del Cap

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Del Cap Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:54 pm

    fikret selimbašić wrote:

    Ispucavaju 122 i 152 milimetarske haubičke granate stare pedeset-šezdeset godina, ta municija uz 122 mm rakete se najviše i trošila. Ako može sovjetska, što ne bi mogla i ona za vrijeme djeda Kima pravljena. Ne mislim da su im dali neko hi-tech oružje već baš ono najprostije i najviše trošeno.  

    baš tako.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Sun Oct 15, 2023 2:22 pm

    e samo da ne zaboravimo ovaj rat i sta radi veliki briznik za palestinske civile


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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by MNE Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:05 pm

    apsolutno ne vjerujem da su Rusi trošili Iskander na civile(ostalo im je vrlo malo), vjerovatno je u blizini bilo neko skladište municije ili ko zna čega

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Filipenko Sun Oct 15, 2023 7:36 pm

    MNE wrote:(ostalo im je vrlo malo)

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 3204619380

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by MNE Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:30 am

    malo u odnosu na početni arsenal, nisam mislio da im je ostao baš jednocifren broj raketa

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Filipenko Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:31 pm

    Prva stavka brifinga ruskog ministarstva odbrane:

    - Ruska vojska je na kupjanskom pravcu odbila deset napada ukrajinskih snaga.

    Ovo im ni Zarkovic ne bi poverovao, ceo svet zna da Rusi napadaju na kupjanskom pravcu.
    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:19 pm

    Na kinesko ruskoj granici kineski tenkovi su otvorili vatru na sovjetski traktor. Nas traktor je uzvratio vatru i odleteo u dubinu nase teritorije.

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
    Jack Palance

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Jack Palance Mon Oct 16, 2023 11:25 pm

    MNE wrote:apsolutno ne vjerujem da su Rusi trošili Iskander na civile(ostalo im je vrlo malo), vjerovatno je u blizini bilo neko skladište municije ili ko zna čega
    Ja tu jedino ne verujem da im je ostalo vrlo malo.

    Činjenica da se između Rusije i Srbije nalazi Ukrajina je dokaz da imamo više sreće nego pameti!
    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú Tue Oct 17, 2023 3:21 pm

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
    fikret selimbašić

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by fikret selimbašić Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:49 pm

    Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:

    ATACM zvanično još uvijek nije isporučen Ukrajini.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:02 pm

    isporučen je nezvanično
    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

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    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:01 pm

    CNN potvrdjuje

    CNN — 
    The US secretly provided Ukraine with long-range ATACMS missiles, according to two US officials, providing Ukraine with a significant new capability that could allow its forces to hit new Russian targets that were previously out of reach.

    The confirmation came on Tuesday after images of the missiles’ submunitions inside Ukraine began circulating on social media.

    US officials indicated to CNN on Tuesday that Ukraine has already used the ATACMS, some variants of which have a maximum range of approximately 186 miles, to attack Russia’s Berdyansk and Luhansk airfields in eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian military tweeted on Tuesday that the attack destroyed several Russian helicopters, an ammunition depot and an air defense launcher, but did not specify whether they used ATACMS to do it.

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”

    Rat u Ukrajini - Page 7 Empty Re: Rat u Ukrajini

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