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    Veštačka inteligencija


    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:03 pm

    Mislim da bi bilo zgodno da ovde kačimo vesti o AI i da ćaskamo o tome.

    Sve mi se više dopada ChatGPT. Ovo sam mu danas zadao. Malo je glupo da se o toj alatki govori kao o konverzacionom produžetku Gugla: mogućnost povezivanja raznorodnih koncepata je ipak korak dalje od Gugla.

    Show me the example of maximin rule using bunnies as a metaphor.

    Sure, here's an example of the maximin rule using bunnies as a metaphor:
    Imagine you are a farmer and you have two bunnies, Bunny A and Bunny B. You can only keep one of the bunnies and you need to decide which one to keep based on their potential reproductive rate. Bunny A has a 50% chance of having 5 offspring per year and a 50% chance of having 2 offspring per year. Bunny B has a 70% chance of having 4 offspring per year and a 30% chance of having 1 offspring per year.
    Using the maximin rule, you would choose the bunny with the highest minimum potential reproductive rate. In this case, Bunny B has a minimum potential reproductive rate of 1 offspring per year, while Bunny A has a minimum potential reproductive rate of 2 offspring per year. Therefore, according to the maximin rule, you would choose to keep Bunny B.
    The maximin rule is often used in decision-making when there is uncertainty or risk involved, as it helps to ensure that the decision-maker gets the best possible outcome under the worst-case scenario.

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by паће Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:52 pm

    Мени није хтео да се инсталише, фалио му неки фајл, а мрзело ме да чачкам. Имао сам нешто слично и раније код нечег другог... ал' ништа, нек сачека до следеће освежишке система или гепетеа, такве ствари обично временом дођу на место.
    Ал' добро је да имамо тему, да ме подсети да повремено прове(т)рим.

       ordinary maga or krav maga?
       не, не представља проблем, него баш јесте проблем.

    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2023 5:57 pm

    Hteo si da instaliraš lokalno? Instalirao sam Chrome ekstenziju, koristim je za sve i svašta već, recimo da ima ekvivalent dobro obaveštne dvorske lude: kada poželim da se malo zabavim, zapovedim da mi piše haikue o Ktuluu ili pesme o zečićima pisane u jampskom pentametru, a ume i da pomogne oko recepata, istorije, logike, čega god. Kuca se u klasičnom Google polju. Levo su Google rezultati, a desno - rezultat koji daje ChatGPT. Naravno ovo je sve još uvek samo zajebancija jer zna stvari do 2021. godine. Kada proradi u realnom vremenu, to će biti štogod. Uopšte je minula godina bila prelomna za AI. Neće baš Skynet postati svestan sebe ali ćemo koristiti AI za mnoge svakodnevne stvari, i to vrlo brzo.


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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Notxor Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:16 pm

    Biće bolje

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  
    konjski nil

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by konjski nil Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:31 pm

    ovo su smislili da negde uposle diplomirane sjw dženderlije Veštačka inteligencija 2304934895

    Erős Pista

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Erős Pista Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:24 pm


    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:33 pm

    tražio sam mu neutralnu recenziju i dobio ovo. nije baš za Pulicera, ali...

    Therion's album "Theli" is a symphonic metal release that features a mix of heavy guitar riffs, operatic vocals, and a full orchestra. The production on the album is top-notch, with all of the instruments and vocals being given a clear and powerful mix. The songwriting is solid, with catchy hooks and memorable melodies throughout.
    One of the standout tracks on the album is "To Mega Therion," which showcases the band's ability to blend their heavier metal elements with more epic and grandiose symphonic arrangements. Another highlight is "Cults of the Shadow," which features a guest appearance by Quorthon of Bathory and has a more traditional heavy metal sound.
    Overall, "Theli" is a well-crafted and enjoyable album that should appeal to fans of symphonic metal and power metal. While it may not be the most groundbreaking release in the genre, it is a solid addition to Therion's discography and a good entry point for newcomers to the band.
    boomer crook

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by boomer crook Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:48 pm

    pa iskreno ne razumem sta se ovde dobija sto se ne moze naci sa guglanjem neke recenzije. ono mogu da naredim AI da mi da recenziju gigerove rane zbirke crteza atomkinder a mogu i da procitam recenziju stivene helera. s druge steane grammerly je super koristan.

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
    boomer crook

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by boomer crook Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:49 pm

    konjski nil wrote:ovo su smislili da negde uposle diplomirane sjw dženderlije Veštačka inteligencija 2304934895


    Veštačka inteligencija 1399639816

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:54 pm

    boomer crook wrote:pa iskreno ne razumem sta se ovde dobija sto se ne moze naci sa guglanjem neke recenzije. ono mogu da naredim AI da mi da recenziju gigerove rane zbirke crteza atomkinder a mogu i da procitam recenziju stivene helera. s druge steane grammerly je super koristan.

    create the short warhammer rpg encounter that takes place in Altdorf sewers

    Certainly! Here is a short Warhammer RPG encounter that takes place in the Altdorf sewers:

    The characters are hired by a wealthy merchant to retrieve a valuable item that was lost in the Altdorf sewers. As they make their way through the dark and dingy tunnels, they begin to hear the sound of footsteps approaching from behind.
    Suddenly, a group of Skaven (rat-like creatures) emerge from the shadows, brandishing weapons and snarling. The merchant reveals that he hired the characters as bait to draw out the Skaven, whom he claims have been stealing from his shipments.
    The characters must now fight for their lives against the vicious Skaven, using all of their skills and cunning to survive the ambush and emerge victorious.

    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:55 pm

    ponovo ništa grandiozno, ali ovo je OK random encounter. 
    nije stvar toliko u današnjim mogućnostima AI generisanih sadržaja, nego u sutrašnjim.

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by ficfiric Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:00 pm

    Moze li se covek razbuditi hladnom kokiskom?

    It is not recommended to use cold water to try to wake someone up. While splashing cold water on the face or body may cause a person to awaken briefly, it is not a healthy or effective way to rouse someone from sleep. In fact, using cold water to wake someone up can be dangerous, as it can cause the person to become disoriented and potentially fall or hurt themselves. If you need to wake someone up, it is best to gently shake them or speak to them in a calm and gentle voice. If the person does not wake up or appears to be unconscious, it is important to seek medical help immediately.


    I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?


    Uprava napolje!


    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:02 pm

    Veštačka inteligencija 3579118792

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by beatakeshi Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:29 pm

    Eto. Đoku mašina ne može da zameni.
    Erős Pista

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Erős Pista Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:58 pm

    Veštačka inteligencija 3579118792

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

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    Location : wife privilege

    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by паће Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:03 pm


    Veštačka inteligencija Fls9R6GWYAEiUAQ?format=png&name=small

       ordinary maga or krav maga?
       не, не представља проблем, него баш јесте проблем.

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Notxor Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:15 am

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  
    Bleeding Blitva

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Bleeding Blitva Thu Jan 19, 2023 8:46 pm

    my goosebumps have goosebumps

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by паће Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:10 pm

    А добро, економија...

    С друге стране, знам онолике који не би прошли Турингов тест. На крају ће испасти да су сви ти ботови исто неко чудо српског народног програмирања.

       ordinary maga or krav maga?
       не, не представља проблем, него баш јесте проблем.
    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:39 pm

    Jel si ti prošo Turingov test?

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Notxor Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:41 pm

    jebeš turingov, voight-kampff test je zajebaniji

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by паће Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:06 am

    Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:Jel si ti prošo Turingov test?

    На преписивање.

       ordinary maga or krav maga?
       не, не представља проблем, него баш јесте проблем.

    Posts : 19572
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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by beatakeshi Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:16 am

    Veštačka inteligencija 3579118792
    Vilmos Tehenészfiú

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Vilmos Tehenészfiú Fri Jan 20, 2023 2:50 pm

    Veštačka inteligencija 1233199462

    "Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."

    “Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
    Del Cap

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    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

    Post by Del Cap Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:31 pm

    Veštačka inteligencija Img-9c10

    Veštačka inteligencija Empty Re: Veštačka inteligencija

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