А то што бајаги радничка странка има тај погоспођен назив је управо одраз тога.
UK - Politika i društvo
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Location : wife privilege
- Post n°926
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Да, зато се месо не зове на енглеском. Не постоје овчетина, телетина, пилетина него све то из француског, јер су животње гајили сељаци на енглеском а месо јела господа, на француском.
А то што бајаги радничка странка има тај погоспођен назив је управо одраз тога.
А то што бајаги радничка странка има тај погоспођен назив је управо одраз тога.
with modem on UPS, I will have wife even when power goes down.
нама је потребно да ви будете на робији.
- Posts : 418
Join date : 2024-06-10
- Post n°927
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Cak neke vazne istroijske figure za Engleze, poput Ricarda "Lavlje Srce" pitanje da li su znali rec staroengleskog i skoro su iskljucivo komunicirali na francuskom. Na straniu sto Ricard nije bio tako uspesan i dobar kralj kako postoji predanje.
Postoji nesto slicno kao kod Nemaca, samo je kod njih latinski obozvan a ne francuski. Drugi su koreni, Nemci su bili "jahani" od Rima stotinama godina a onda su kroz Istocnu Franacku pokusali da oni budu Rim pa su zemlju nazvali Sveto Rimsko Cartsvo gde je latinski jezik bio jezik elite i ceremonija kroz Srednji vek.
Tako titula Kancelar, ima etimiloske korene u latinskom. Mada se istoimena titula koristi u engleskom za nizesluzbenicke pozicije od Premijera, koji opet rec francuko-latinskog porekla. Takodje dosla iz Francuske, ali relativno skoro i bila je pezorativno koriscena u Engleskoj u pocetku.
Rec Prmeijer u XVIII stolecu je oznacavala preteranu zelju za moc u Engleskoj.
Postoji nesto slicno kao kod Nemaca, samo je kod njih latinski obozvan a ne francuski. Drugi su koreni, Nemci su bili "jahani" od Rima stotinama godina a onda su kroz Istocnu Franacku pokusali da oni budu Rim pa su zemlju nazvali Sveto Rimsko Cartsvo gde je latinski jezik bio jezik elite i ceremonija kroz Srednji vek.
Tako titula Kancelar, ima etimiloske korene u latinskom. Mada se istoimena titula koristi u engleskom za nizesluzbenicke pozicije od Premijera, koji opet rec francuko-latinskog porekla. Takodje dosla iz Francuske, ali relativno skoro i bila je pezorativno koriscena u Engleskoj u pocetku.
Rec Prmeijer u XVIII stolecu je oznacavala preteranu zelju za moc u Engleskoj.
- Posts : 15722
Join date : 2016-03-28
- Post n°928
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Komentari su još bolji
Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
Jedini proleter Burundija
Pristalica krvne osvete
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Join date : 2014-10-28
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- Post n°929
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
de se dede caca ?
Trump, Farage and Hancock have done it. Now, the ex-Conservative minister joins the list seeking to reinvent himself via reality TV – is it really ok, though?
We have to start by getting all of the Jacob Rees-Mogg caveats out of the way: Jacob Rees-Mogg is staunchly anti-abortion, even in cases of incest and rape; Jacob Rees-Mogg is still, amazingly, pro-Brexit; Jacob Rees-Mogg admires the political machinations of Nigel Farage and Donald Trump; Jacob Rees-Mogg once slouched down in Parliament in a way that made Caroline Lucas get mad at him. Then we have to cover the “MPs on television” caveats: Matt Hancock shouldn’t have been allowed to reform his image on I’m a Celebrity, Farage shouldn’t have been either, and while I’m at it I don’t like Ed Balls on Good Morning Britain. Now all the caveats are out of the way, a fun one just for me: Jacob Rees-Mogg looks like an umbrella Dracula threw away so he wouldn’t have to take too much baggage on to the ship Demeter.There. Now we can get going.
All that is to say, Jacob Rees-Mogg this week launches a reality show on Discovery+ (from Monday). It’s one of those statements that makes you feel you perhaps made the wrong sandwich choice once in 2014, leapt on to an alternative timeline as a direct result, and now we’re here. But no: ham and cheese was correct, this is really happening. His wife Helena is in it, his various children are in it, his castle is in it, his SW1 townhouse is in it, his nanny is in it, a man called Sean who buffs his vintage Bentley is in it, his mother – whom he calls “Lady Rees-Mogg”! – is in it, the buildup to the 2024 general election is in it. There’s a lot of idle playing with cricket balls, dressing too formally for dinner at home, actually saying “yah”, and a big coordinated two-car drive to Boris Johnson’s birthday party. It has to-camera confessionals and scenes of unbelievably familiar domesticity and a few snatched glances of moments you can very much tell they would have preferred had not been captured in full HD by a crew. It is, by any measure you’ve got, fairly impeccable reality TV show-making.
But I do have to be quite boring and question whether it should have been made in the first place, sorry. Let me set out my stall: I don’t think Hancock should ever have been allowed to go on I’m a Celebrity and do his “Mate, mate, hear me out mate: I feel bloody awful about Covid mate” shtick. Even though the public consistently voted for him to consume anuses, he was given a chance to change hearts and minds and probably managed with a few of them, and there’s a squeamish moral grey area there: Hancock should not have been allowed to wash some of the blood from his hands in jungle water just because ITV needed a ratings hit. It would be easy, too, for me to point out that giving cosy-edged reality platforms to people with nerve-janglingly right-leaning opinions – I’ve already done Farage, so I may as well mention “former Apprentice host Donald Trump” here instead – feels like a similarly slippery slope, one that seems harmless until the exact day it isn’t. But none of these people align with my immaculately perfect politics, so it’s easy for me to say that them being on TV is “dangerous, actually”. So do I want to say the same about Jacob Rees-Mogg? Well, hmm.
I’ve chewed on it and decided: weirdly, no. Meet the Rees-Moggs is in the language of the Kardashians but paints a British eccentric unique to our shores. He’s an exceptionally spooky guy – every UK university had a first-year student whose whole bit was “wears a suit to class”, and Rees-Mogg is the final boss you have to kill once you have defeated all of them – and watching him do normal things (go to Greggs, interact with children’s toys, and I have to say it made my fight-or-flight response go off to watch the man look at a television) is one of the more curious and jarring TV experiences I’ve ever had.
ima trejler
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
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Join date : 2020-03-05
- Post n°930
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
I alluded to the NHS experience being shocking, here is what happened. This is "the envy of the world"
— Peter Hague (@peterrhague) December 7, 2024
My wife has been ill so tried to get a GP appointment. Normal process of phoning at 8:30am and staying on hold for an hour to speak to someone.
"Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."
“Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
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Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°932
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
- Posts : 418
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- Post n°933
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Izbori ce biti ranije, narocito ako Laburisti ostanu slabi i budu tek treci po snazi.
Faraz za par meseci skocio za 10% i to na racun laburista.
Faraz za par meseci skocio za 10% i to na racun laburista.
- Posts : 53646
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°934
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Jako je teško sa fixed parliament act-om da budu ranije. Može ali tesko
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- Post n°935
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Zar nije FTPA ukinut pre par godina?
Gdje punac drži pive?
- Posts : 53646
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°936
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Ju, jeste, 2022. To mi je promaklo.
Still, šansa da će Starmer raspustiti parlament bilokad uskoro je jako mala. I torijevci su bili nepopularni, pa su dočekali 2024 za izbore.
Still, šansa da će Starmer raspustiti parlament bilokad uskoro je jako mala. I torijevci su bili nepopularni, pa su dočekali 2024 za izbore.
- Posts : 418
Join date : 2024-06-10
- Post n°937
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Mask obecao da ce oboriti Laburisticku vladu.
Kazu da je vec namenio $100 miliona kao pomoc Reform. Neki od jacih Torijevaca prelaze u Reform
Kazu da je vec namenio $100 miliona kao pomoc Reform. Neki od jacih Torijevaca prelaze u Reform
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Join date : 2014-12-12
- Post n°938
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Lepo je znati da svuda ima ludaka.
Nadam se da će uložiti i neke milione u Nestora (i Danu).
Nadam se da će uložiti i neke milione u Nestora (i Danu).
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Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°939
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Zašto bi to radio? U Srbiji su njegovi već na vlasti.
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
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- Post n°940
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Laburisti ostvarili najgori rezultat neke vladajuce stranke u poslednjih 40 godina na izborima za savete, prvi indikator posle 150 dana od izbora za Parlament. Najveci dobitnik Faraz tj. Reform UK, najveci skok u %, takodje u poslednjih 40ak godina
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Join date : 2024-06-10
- Post n°941
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Video sam da je Reform UK preuzimao mesta u savetima i od Laurista kao i od Torijevaca.
Sredinom sledece godine su lokalni izbori u UK. Ako se Laburisti raspadnu i padnu na oko 20% podrske tesko ce izgurati ceo mandat, narocito sa novom vlascu preko Atlantika.
Sredinom sledece godine su lokalni izbori u UK. Ako se Laburisti raspadnu i padnu na oko 20% podrske tesko ce izgurati ceo mandat, narocito sa novom vlascu preko Atlantika.
- Posts : 53646
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°942
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Pitanje je da li će Starmer izgradi, Laburisti vrv hoće.
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Join date : 2024-06-10
- Post n°943
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Opasni trendovi se strvaraju u Zapadnoj Evropi.
- Posts : 418
Join date : 2024-06-10
- Post n°944
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Da sve bude zanimljivije, Brexit se desio jer su mnogi Englezi smatrali da je posle prosirenja EU, 2004 i 2007, na istok, doslo previse radnika koji su bili uspesniji od njih i uzeli im poslove.
Brexit nije pomogao da se taj osecaj smanji, stavise, iako je broj npr.Poljaka u UK znacajno manje.
Brexit nije pomogao da se taj osecaj smanji, stavise, iako je broj npr.Poljaka u UK znacajno manje.
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- Post n°945
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
ja se rukovodim logikom gvozdenih determinizama
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Location : gotta have those beans
- Post n°946
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Sox wrote:Opasni trendovi se strvaraju u Zapadnoj Evropi.
- Posts : 418
Join date : 2024-06-10
- Post n°947
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
"Zaratili" Faraz i Mask.
Faraz nije hteo da ispuni neke zahteve Maska, rekao bih da zaostri pricu u UK.
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Join date : 2015-08-13
- Post n°948
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Mask radi nešto sasvim novo u politici, vodi one-man privatni hibridni osvajački rat putem propagande i upumpavanja novca. Nekako mi se čini da se tu nazire jedan novi politički trend koji bi mogao da jako erodira postojeće institucije.
Gdje punac drži pive?
- Posts : 19700
Join date : 2014-12-12
- Post n°949
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Hoće li se poništavati izbori zbog toga?
Mislim da demokratija mora da se preobražava ako želi da preživi ovaj hiperplutokratijski udar.
Mislim da demokratija mora da se preobražava ako želi da preživi ovaj hiperplutokratijski udar.
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Join date : 2015-08-13
- Post n°950
Re: UK - Politika i društvo
Poništavanja, internet blokade, praćenje tokova novca, svega će biti i neće izgledati lepo. Najbolje da će svi kao Amerikanci dozvoliti da im pomahnitali manchild kupuje države.
Gdje punac drži pive?