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    UK - Politika i društvo


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    Post by ontheotherhand Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:19 pm

    The BBC has always cultivated a close relationship with the British military, despite the inherent journalistic conflicts of interest present. “In theory the BBC is supposed to hold power to account, but this is not how impartiality has tended to work in practice,” Tom Mills, an academic and author of “The BBC: Myth of a Public Service,” told MintPress, adding that “a certain deference is expected of you…It’s a structural feature of the organization, and to some extent journalism more broadly.”

    Yet, studying employment databases and websites reveals the existence of a revolving door between the broadcaster and NATO.


    I naše gore list.

    Another operative with one foot in both NATO and the BBC was Bojan Lazic. At the same time as being a full-time psychological operations specialist for NATO, Lazic moonlighted as a BBC technical consultant. This employment coincided with NATO’s bombing of Lazic’s native Yugoslavia.

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    Post by Notxor Mon Dec 19, 2022 1:37 pm

    Pre nekoliko meseci pričali smo o zemlji u koju se treba skloniti u slučaju nuklearnog rata, pa je neko pomenuo Argentinu. Napisao sam da je zemlja koja nema vojnu avijaciju sigurno mesto jer joj vojska nije u prvom planu.
    Pošto mi je to bilo čudno potražio sam odgovor na to pitanje i pronašao nešto što military freakovima može biti zanimljivo.
    Argentina nema vojnu avijaciju jer joj to onemogućava UK ugovorima kojima sklapa sa drugim zemljama kojima prodaje delove za avione, a razlog je naravno Foklandski rat.
    Procena je da bi sa sadašnjom vojnom tehnikom i posebno avijacijom Argentina vrlo lako pobedila u ratu za ta ostrva pa Britanci koji proizvode sve i svašta za avione ograničavaju izvoz u Argentinu.
    Ako se dobro sećam čak i Kina ugrađuje nešto u sedišta za katapultiranje što se proizvodi u UK.
    Mislim da samo Rusija potpuno samostalno proizvodi svu tehniku za avione ali im je sad izvoz hmmm ograničen.

    Kako god, pošto mene vojna tehnika nimalo ne zanima, ovo je možda za one koje zanima i koji ovo nisu znali i nekakav predlog za čitanje.

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  

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    Post by kondo Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:28 pm

    fantastičan podatak


    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.
    Del Cap

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    Post by Del Cap Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:49 pm


    Mogli su od Rusa da kupuju do pre par godina kad su Ameri uveli one CATSA sankcije onome ko kupuje rusku vojnu opremu (zato je Egipat odustao od kupovine Su-35 koji su već bili napravljeni a koji će, možda. završiti u Iranu).
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:26 pm

    Minister for 


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    Post by паће Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:49 pm

    What about domestic national offenders? Прво почисти пред својом капијом...

       cousin for roasting the rakija
       зрењанинска клима је идеална - кад има блата, нема прашине, кад има прашине, нема снега, а кад има снега нема блата.

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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by rumbeando Fri Jan 20, 2023 9:54 am


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    Post by паће Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:06 am

    Да се препусти њима може само болестан човек.

       cousin for roasting the rakija
       зрењанинска клима је идеална - кад има блата, нема прашине, кад има прашине, нема снега, а кад има снега нема блата.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:07 am

    Erős Pista

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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by Erős Pista Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:09 am


    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:12 am

    Istopice se to malo do izbora, samo koji procenat gore i vec ce imati...100 poslanika UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 1399639816
    Erős Pista

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    Post by Erős Pista Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:15 am

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:17 am

    Moze i na ovaj topik UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 1399639816
    Erős Pista

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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by Erős Pista Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:20 am

    Hahah, zajeb. Okačići sad gde treba.

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:20 am

    Ali zamisli izbore sada, vlada LAB, preko puta vodja opozicije SNP UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 1399639816
    Erős Pista

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    Post by Erős Pista Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:22 am

    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 3579118792

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:07 am

    Packe drugom oku u pet očiju


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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by Anduril Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:02 am

    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 1f606  Da, Toriji su stvarno neverovatni luzeri. Jos gori je samo njihov Sun/DM-reading elektorat.
    Zato i nema leba tamo dok se Murdok i kompanija ne isteraju.

    Mór Thököly wrote:Packe drugom oku u pet očiju


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    Post by паће Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:11 am

    Anduril wrote:UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 1f606  Da, Toriji su stvarno neverovatni luzeri. Jos gori je samo njihov Sun/DM-reading elektorat.
    Zato i nema leba tamo dok se Murdok i kompanija ne isteraju.

    Како сам ја то чуо, домороци то изговарају више као Мрдак.

       cousin for roasting the rakija
       зрењанинска клима је идеална - кад има блата, нема прашине, кад има прашине, нема снега, а кад има снега нема блата.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:52 pm

    Global Britain

    Erős Pista

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    Post by Erős Pista Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:13 pm


    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by Filipenko Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:44 pm

    Mór Thököly wrote:Global Britain

    Pravi Sir Humphrey bi im povecao broj zaposlenih na vise od 500, dodao jos 50 godina istorije u nekim izmisljenim knjigama, i lazno im predstavio publiku kao 15 miliona u Britaniji i 1,2 milijarde van Britanije, cime bi opravdao povecanje budzeta na 50 miliona funti. Eh, Sir Humphrey...

    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 EyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250ZW50Lmhzd3N0YXRpYy5jb20iLCJrZXkiOiJnaWZcL3BsYXlcL2ExN2Y5Njk3LTVlNDYtNGQ5ZC1iODQ2LWI0ZWJlNWZjZDRiNy0xMjEwLTY4MC5KUEciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjgyOH19fQ==

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    Post by kondo Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:23 pm

    "Šta smo ono rekli, koliko čiken tika karija a koliko birjanija, recite pa da donosim...."

    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Skynews-sunak-troops-estonia_6039923


    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.

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    Post by Zus Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:45 pm

    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 1233199462
    Del Cap

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    UK - Politika i društvo  - Page 20 Empty Re: UK - Politika i društvo

    Post by Del Cap Wed Feb 01, 2023 11:34 am


    Yes, Britain is corrupt. But it’s a lot worse than you think
    OPINION: The UK has dropped in the Corruption Perception Index. But corruption is global – and we are its engine

    Adam Ramsay
    31 January 2023, 5.45pm

    League tables make for good campaign tools. News of the UK sinking down Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perception Index has triggered a bounty of headlines that shine a light on some of the more nefarious inner workings of the British state. This is, of course, a good thing.

    Some of those nefariousnesses pointed to by Transparency International are things uncovered by my colleagues here at openDemocracy, and we’re pleased all that hard work has been noticed.

    But such league tables come with risks, too.

    Perhaps the first is that they split the countries of the world into separate players, and help hide the fact that corruption isn’t a cluster of individual happenings. It’s a team sport, an international process of enrichment and impoverishment.

    Under this process, the global super-rich use their power to extract wealth from the world’s poorer countries, and then store that wealth in richer countries. They use their might to destabilise and undermine political systems in the global south, then store the money they make under the protection of the relatively stable political systems in the global north.

    The risk with league tables is, as journalist Oliver Bullough puts it, that you end up calling “poor countries who are looted by kleptocrats corrupt,” while rating highly “the rich countries that host the kleptocrats’ money”.

    Positions in the rankings are based on surveys of “experts and business executives,” and the second problem is that there are serious questions about what sorts of things are perceived by these people as ‘corruption’ and what is just treated as normal business or politics.

    Pay $100 to a Kenyan police officer so they turn a blind eye, and you’re corrupt. Pay $100,000 to a US senator’s re-election campaign, so they ensure legislation turns a blind eye, and that’s ‘just how things work’. Lowly public officials doling out jobs to their nephews is corruption. The prime minister handing out peerages to his mates is normal. And don’t even mention the Queen getting to hand the sovereignty of the nation – and the vast wealth that comes with it – to her oldest son.

    And that takes us to the third problem. The very word ‘corruption’ implies deviance from a system that is in some way right and proper. But what if that system itself is the problem? What if the issue isn’t that a few miscreants corrupt a process which is designed to be just and honest, but that they are the system?

    If kleptocracy is a global process which spans both the rich world (further enriching it) and the poor world (further impoverishing it), then it’s true that it doesn’t fall evenly in either of those categories. And there is one particular jurisdiction that is particularly known for harbouring corruptly gained wealth.

    I’m talking, of course, about Britain.

    British territories like the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Bermuda and Gibraltar; British dependencies like Guernsey, Jersey, and Mann; and the City of London itself are, more often than anywhere else, the lair to which kleptocratic dragons return with the wealth.

    While most of the headlines about the Panama papers, the Paradise papers and the Pandora papers were about corrupt figures from the global south, most of the companies listed in them were registered in British territories.

    It’s not just a fluke of history that the British state has ended up using its diplomatic and legal might to act as protector to most of the smuggling holes, pirates coves and secret stashes on the planet.

    Unlike almost anywhere else on earth, Britain doesn’t have a codified constitution to describe how the sovereignty of its state can be applied. Instead, it’s left to the ruling class to make it up as they go along: a flexibility of which they have long taken full advantage. Over the last century or so, as Britain retreated from most of its land empire, its wealthy elites took full advantage of this laxity, and carved jurisdictions for themselves beyond the sorts of laws the rest of us are supposed to follow.

    Transparency International’s corruption index does something important. It tells us what a certain kind of powerful person perceives; that Britain’s reputation is falling even among elites. But once we understand that kleptocracy is a process at the heart of the modern global economy, we see that Britain is a lot worse than it seems at first.

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