Rat u Ukrajini
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Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°801
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Crna magija. Sad samo sede i cekaju kako ce njihovi trolovi neke reakcije da predstave kao rasisticke i slicno.
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- Post n°802
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
https://www.reuters.com/world/putin-sees-certain-positive-shifts-talks-with-ukraine-2022-03-11/Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday there had been some progress in Moscow's talks with Ukraine, but provided no details.
"There are certain positive shifts, negotiators on our side tell me," Putin said in a meeting with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko, adding that talks continued "practically on a daily basis".
Putin did not elaborate, but said in the televised remarks that he would go into more detail with Lukashenko.
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- Post n°803
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Oliver Carroll
Now Kremlin’s Peskov confirms possible meeting between Putin and Zelensky
Now Kremlin’s Peskov confirms possible meeting between Putin and Zelensky
- Guest
- Post n°804
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Janko Suvar wrote:Oliver Carroll
Now Kremlin’s Peskov confirms possible meeting between Putin and Zelensky
Loša interpretacija. Samo je ponovio Lavrovljev talking point od juče
[size=44]No one rules out the possibility of a Putin-Zelensky summit. Yes, indeed, conceptually, it is possible, but first delegations and ministers must do their part so that presidents do not meet just for the sake of process and talks, but meet to achieve a result," said Peskov[/size]
- Posts : 37661
Join date : 2014-10-27
- Post n°805
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
vidim da ce informer da pise o velikoj pobedi rusije uskoro.
And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
- Posts : 28265
Join date : 2015-03-20
- Post n°806
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Iatros zatvorio vrata za Ruse i Beloruse kao pacijente
Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.
- Posts : 11141
Join date : 2014-10-28
Age : 45
- Post n°807
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
da se nadju putin i zelenovski bez nekih posrednika je vec jedna mala pobeda nad zapadom
radikalni patrijarhalni feminista
smrk kod dijane hrk
- Posts : 11141
Join date : 2014-10-28
Age : 45
- Post n°808
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
zelenovski je trazio prijem u nato i eu - i oba puta je popusio i dobio odgovore tipa hm, pa sad...
radikalni patrijarhalni feminista
smrk kod dijane hrk
- Posts : 37661
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- Post n°809
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
i narkomana klovna nad chekistom koji je sam odbranio zgradu KGB dok je fircao gorilu koja se kupa u podne. ako malo posustane ovo onanisanje na taj imidz cvrstog momka eto neke koristi od ovog sranja.
And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
- Posts : 62
Join date : 2018-03-03
- Post n°810
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Filipenko wrote:Jbt, sinoc se sprdam sa kojotom kako je u Zagrebu mozda pao ukrajinski avion jer polecu odande samo ne smeju da objave, a jutros ladno ispada da jeste ukrajinska letelica i nagadjanja da je cilj bio mesto Yarun, koji se zove isto kao i deo Zagreba.
Kako da vam kazem, nadam se da znaju razliku izmedju Belgoroda i Beograda, a ne zaboravite da je vrlo verovatno da su te dronove programirali Turci, ili jos gore, srpski IT-jevci.
Pokusaj Ukrajinaca da skinu glavu Zokiju Milanovicu zbog komentara o ratu.
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Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°811
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
boomer crook wrote:vidim da ce informer da pise o velikoj pobedi rusije uskoro.
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- Post n°812
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Zabrana Instagrama i Whatsappa u Rusiji
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Join date : 2016-02-01
- Post n°813
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
kondo wrote:Iatros zatvorio vrata za Ruse i Beloruse kao pacijente
To je bajato (staro 7 dana) i povučeno.
https://www.rtl.de/cms/muenchen-iatros-privatklinik-will-keine-russen-belarussen-behandeln-es-folgt-heftige-kritik-4932473.html (prevod: Deepl)The clinic did not leave the many negative Google reviews and comments on Facebook unanswered. On its homepage, the private clinic has published a statement. It says: "Our intention was to express sympathy with the Ukrainian people". In addition, the clinic admits the mistake: "This thought was not completed in its entirety at that time." It goes on to say, "We fully accept this criticism."
The question remains open as to whether the decision will be reversed. Even if the apologetic lines suggest it, "Far be it from us to discriminate or exclude patients on the basis of their origin. We apologize that this impression was created." In addition, the clinic had donated 10,000 euros to the organization Doctors Without Borders to support its mission in Ukraine.
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- Post n°814
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
"Nevjerojatno je da usred rata u Europi poleti jedna letjelica brzinom lovačkog aviona i doleti sve do glavnog grada jedne NATO države i tamo se sruši jer je ostala bez goriva. To je letjelica koja je kroz NATO zemlje Rumunjsku, Mađarsku i Hrvatsku prošla nezapaženo", rekao je Selak.
"To je za mene sramota, to je sramota za NATO, to je sramota za zaštitu zračnog prostora država članica ovog saveza koji bi taj prostor treba štititi, ali to u ovom slučaju nije radio", poručio je vojni pilot u mirovini Ivan Selak.
"Oni sad tamo negdje u španjolskom Torrejónu, gdje je zrakoplovno operativno središte NATO-a, smišljaju odgovore koji će biti, u smislu, da su vidjeli sve, ali su kontrolirali stvari. Ali nisu kontrolirali. Demantira ih činjenica da pukom srećom letjelica nije pogodila studentski dom", poručio je.
"Ako nije viđena u zraku, onda radari koje imamo vrijede 0 bodova"
Pitamo ga oko odgovornosti hrvatske protuzračne obrane.
"To može biti isključivo krivica NATO-a. VI ne dižete svoje avione u ovom slučaju, nego je NATO taj koji reagira, procjenjuje, koordinira i upravlja zaštitom zračnog prostora. Ako letjelica nije viđena u zraku, onda radari koje imaju Rumunji, Mađari i mi vrijede nula bodova", govori.
"Letjelica je letjela na 1300 metara visine, morala je biti vidljiva. Ona je dužine Rafalea, aviona F-16 ili MiG-a 21, morala je biti primjetna. Čak nije išla brzo, išla je samo oko 700 km/h", dodao je.
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- Post n°815
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Серем вам се у тон филм...
electric pencil sharpener is useless, electric pencils don't need to be sharpened at all
И кажем себи у сну, еј бре коњу па ти ни немаш озвучење, имаш оне две кутијице око монитора, видећеш кад се пробудиш...
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Join date : 2016-10-04
- Post n°816
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Не знадем зашто мисле да је прошла кроз Румуњску.
А зашто га нису видели, па због физике. Не може радар са земље да види на великој даљини ниско летећи циљ. За циљеве типа крстарећа ракета мора радар из ваздуха да би покрио велику површину.
Да додам и да су га видели и они и Мађари, шанса да пресретну такав циљ је врло мала.
А ово за Јарун у Хр и Украјини је наравно глупост.
Смисленије, али и даље не превише паметно, је да на домету те летелице у другом смеру - Москва.
А зашто га нису видели, па због физике. Не може радар са земље да види на великој даљини ниско летећи циљ. За циљеве типа крстарећа ракета мора радар из ваздуха да би покрио велику површину.
Да додам и да су га видели и они и Мађари, шанса да пресретну такав циљ је врло мала.
А ово за Јарун у Хр и Украјини је наравно глупост.
Смисленије, али и даље не превише паметно, је да на домету те летелице у другом смеру - Москва.
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Join date : 2020-09-27
Location : Waystone Inn
- Post n°817
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Vojni analitičar Robert Barić u razgovoru za Net.hr objašnjava da je riječ o modelu Tupolev 141 Strizh, izvidničkoj besposadnoj letjelici koja je bila u naoružanju Crvene armije od 1979. do 1989. godine, namijenjena je prikupljanju podataka na većim dometima do 500 kilometara.
Ta je letjelica, navodi Barić, poslije 1989. povučena, a kasnije je iz nje razvijena novija verzija, Tu-243.
"Ukrajinci su, čini se, barem tako navode izvori, 2014. godine ponovo reaktivirali te besposadne letjelice, koje su bile u skladištu i koristili su ih za prikupljanje podataka nad Donbasom. Jedini scenarij koji ima smisla jest da je ta letjelica lansirana radi prikupljanja podataka s ukrajinske strane, a onda se nešto dogodilo, možda kvar sustava navođenja", kaže nam Barić.
"Vi kada lansirate tu letjelicu, ona nema nikakav dodir s postajom na zemlji, već leti prema programiranom smjeru leta i obavlja zadaću. Vraća se otprilike na mjesto gdje je programirano da će biti pokupljena", pojašnjava nam vojni analitičar te dodaje da se ona može više puta koristiti.
"Tu-141 nema nikakvo podvozje, nikakvu mogućnost slijetanja. Umjesto toga, prvo se aktiviraju zračne kočnice koje je dovoljno uspore da se aktiviraju dva padobrana koji je onda jednostavno spuste na zemlju, nakon čega se pokupi, ponovo pripremi i može se ponovo lansirati s lansirne rampe", veli nam Barić.
Brzina leta ove letjelice je oko 1000 km/h maksimalno, a domet joj je do 1000 kilometara, s time da treba uračunati da letjelica mora doći do područja operacije i vratiti se natrag, napominje Barić.
Originalni projekt Tu-141 bio je inače zamišljen kao malo kompleksniji uređaj. "Originalni plan predviđao je da se napravi besposadna letjelica koja bi išla u takozvanom dvostrukom modu. Pri probijanju i ulasku u protivnički prostor, išla bi na maloj visini supersoničnom brzinom, a onda bi usporila na subsoničnu brzinu, snimila podatke i ponovo supersonično probila protivničku obranu. Međutim, to je bio preambiciozni zahtjev, koji se jednostavno nije mogao ostvariti", govori nam Barić, dodajući da je konstruktor Tupolev nakon tog zahtjeva rekao da je to previše za to što su predvidjeli te da se letjelicu mora značajno povećati.
Barić dodaje kako neki strani izvori navode da je letjelica došla iz područja zapadne Ukrajine.
"Ako su je Ukrajinci upotrijebili, a sada već neki izvori navode da je došla iz područja zapadne Ukrajine, sasvim je moguće da je bila namijenjena za izvidnički let iznad južne i jugozapadne Bjelorusije, gdje se nalaze koncentrirane ruske snage te neke bjeloruske snage za koje se spekulira da bi možda mogle sudjelovati u bojnim djelovanjima", kaže analitičar. "Jednostavno se nešto poremetilo u sustavu navođenja i ona je otišla suprotnim smjerom i došla do Hrvatske preko cijele Mađarske", kaže Barić.
Na pitanje kako je moguće da je niti u Mađarskoj niti u Hrvatskoj nitko nije primijetio, Barić pojašnjava da su te letjelice ipak namijenjene za let na malim visinama te imaju relativno mali radarski odraz.
"Lakše se otkrivaju letećim zrakoplovnim postajama, koje nemamo niti mi niti Mađari. Nije ju lako zamijetiti i prošla je", zaključuje Barić, dodajući da je to "dokaz koji pokazuje koliko je ovaj rat u Ukrajini zapravo relativno blizu."
Nato je javio da su pratili objekt
my goosebumps have goosebumps
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Join date : 2019-11-04
- Post n°819
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Mar 10, 2022 at 5:46 am ET
EU Orders Removal of Russian State-Owned Media From Search Results, Social-Media Reshares
By Sam Schechner
Europe’s effort to cut off access to Russian state-owned media extends to search engines and social-media posts, not just their television channels and online-video feeds, according to a copy of an email from the bloc’s executive arm.
The email, disclosed by Alphabet Inc.’s Google in a public database of removal requests, shows how the European Union’s sanctions last week against RT—the Kremlin-backed outfit previously known as Russia Today—and sister online media outlet Sputnik News, are broader than some initially understood. The EU imposed the sanctions in an effort to cut off what officials described as Kremlin war propaganda during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
A Google spokeswoman said disclosure of government take-down requests is a longstanding practice. A spokesman for the European Commission, said that the ban applies regardless of distribution channel, including internet service providers.
A spokesman for RT’s French-language outlet said Thursday that the sanctions "have no legal basis and violate the principle of free expression." RT France has appealed to the EU’s Court of Justice against the EU’s sanctions, according to court filings.
In response to last week’s sanctions, telecommunications companies were obliged to remove the RT television channel from their TV services in Europe, and so far in at least some EU countries, they have also blocked the RT and Sputnik websites from being accessible to internet users.
Google also made the outlets’ YouTube video channels inaccessible in Europe, while Meta Platforms Inc.’s Facebook, Twitter Inc. and ByteDance Inc.’s TikTok said last week that they have restricted access to the outlets in Europe.
Representatives of Meta, TikTok and Twitter didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.
The email from the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, specifies that its sanctions order should be interpreted to cover search engines because they “facilitate the public’s access to the content of RT and Sputnik.” It also says that social-media companies must either not post or delete posts from individuals that broadcast or recopy content from RT or Sputnik.
Google searches conducted Thursday morning in Europe for Sputnik and Russia Today turned up results including news articles about their being banned and Wikipedia pages about the outlets, but not links to their websites. In the U.S., those websites remained among the top results for the same query.
The EU sanctions provide exceptions for media outlets reporting on RT and Sputnik, the email says, adding that companies must draw a line between content from the state-owned outlets and users’ own social media content, which should be allowed.
“Admittedly, that line might be difficult to draw in certain cases in practice,” the email says.
EU Orders Removal of Russian State-Owned Media From Search Results, Social-Media Reshares
By Sam Schechner
Europe’s effort to cut off access to Russian state-owned media extends to search engines and social-media posts, not just their television channels and online-video feeds, according to a copy of an email from the bloc’s executive arm.
The email, disclosed by Alphabet Inc.’s Google in a public database of removal requests, shows how the European Union’s sanctions last week against RT—the Kremlin-backed outfit previously known as Russia Today—and sister online media outlet Sputnik News, are broader than some initially understood. The EU imposed the sanctions in an effort to cut off what officials described as Kremlin war propaganda during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
A Google spokeswoman said disclosure of government take-down requests is a longstanding practice. A spokesman for the European Commission, said that the ban applies regardless of distribution channel, including internet service providers.
A spokesman for RT’s French-language outlet said Thursday that the sanctions "have no legal basis and violate the principle of free expression." RT France has appealed to the EU’s Court of Justice against the EU’s sanctions, according to court filings.
In response to last week’s sanctions, telecommunications companies were obliged to remove the RT television channel from their TV services in Europe, and so far in at least some EU countries, they have also blocked the RT and Sputnik websites from being accessible to internet users.
Google also made the outlets’ YouTube video channels inaccessible in Europe, while Meta Platforms Inc.’s Facebook, Twitter Inc. and ByteDance Inc.’s TikTok said last week that they have restricted access to the outlets in Europe.
Representatives of Meta, TikTok and Twitter didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.
The email from the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, specifies that its sanctions order should be interpreted to cover search engines because they “facilitate the public’s access to the content of RT and Sputnik.” It also says that social-media companies must either not post or delete posts from individuals that broadcast or recopy content from RT or Sputnik.
Google searches conducted Thursday morning in Europe for Sputnik and Russia Today turned up results including news articles about their being banned and Wikipedia pages about the outlets, but not links to their websites. In the U.S., those websites remained among the top results for the same query.
The EU sanctions provide exceptions for media outlets reporting on RT and Sputnik, the email says, adding that companies must draw a line between content from the state-owned outlets and users’ own social media content, which should be allowed.
“Admittedly, that line might be difficult to draw in certain cases in practice,” the email says.
- Posts : 11141
Join date : 2014-10-28
Age : 45
- Post n°820
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
kako se smejem citav dan na vest da se dron raketa sa cirilicnim natpisima srucio na zagreb
radikalni patrijarhalni feminista
smrk kod dijane hrk
- Posts : 11141
Join date : 2014-10-28
Age : 45
- Post n°821
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
a za fikretov sovjetski sampanjac imam prigodne case YU
slikam kad dodjem gajbi
slikam kad dodjem gajbi
radikalni patrijarhalni feminista
smrk kod dijane hrk
- Posts : 7238
Join date : 2019-11-04
- Post n°822
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
A Russian nuclear strike on the UK could be used as an example of Vladimir Putin's power, according to a senior analyst. Ben Judah, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, revealed that US strategists had war-gamed how a no-fly zone in Ukraine would play out. He warned that the situation could escalate into a nuclear strike on Britain, adding that the country is "actually in the frontline of countries that will be targeted".
He also warned that NATO would cease to exist "within five hours" of a no-fly zone in Ukraine.
Mr Judah told LBC's Iain Dale: "A no-fly zone would lead to NATO forces shooting down Russian planes. That would lead to outright war with Russia in Ukraine.
"If you start shooting down Russian planes over the sky of Ukraine, there will be no more NATO as we know it within five hours.
"Countries like France, Germany, Spain, and Italy, countries that do not want a war with Russia, they will drop out of NATO command structure or even the alliance itself."
The foreign policy analyst continued: "That would be a win for Putin. Then you have to fight that war with Putin in Ukraine.
"Russia has a lot of tactical nuclear weapons. They are smaller, still radioactive, still really dangerous. They would use them in Ukraine.
"They will not care about the civilian causalities. The UK does not have that many tactical nuclear weapons. We don't want to be using them in cities with horrific collateral damage.
"But once that kind of war has begun, the passions of war will be unleashed.
"In Washington DC, the leading experts have war-gamed such a scenario countless times, and they have found it always led to a major nuclear exchange between Russia and the US.
"If it does come to nuclear warfare, Britain is actually in the frontline of countries that will be targeted.
"It has been understood by strategists that before Russia sends a nuclear weapon to the US they would send one to the US' closest ally - the UK - as a final warning to the Americans."
The threat of nuclear war in Ukraine has prompted a run on iodine tablets in pharmacies across Europe.
He also warned that NATO would cease to exist "within five hours" of a no-fly zone in Ukraine.
Mr Judah told LBC's Iain Dale: "A no-fly zone would lead to NATO forces shooting down Russian planes. That would lead to outright war with Russia in Ukraine.
"If you start shooting down Russian planes over the sky of Ukraine, there will be no more NATO as we know it within five hours.
"Countries like France, Germany, Spain, and Italy, countries that do not want a war with Russia, they will drop out of NATO command structure or even the alliance itself."
The foreign policy analyst continued: "That would be a win for Putin. Then you have to fight that war with Putin in Ukraine.
"Russia has a lot of tactical nuclear weapons. They are smaller, still radioactive, still really dangerous. They would use them in Ukraine.
"They will not care about the civilian causalities. The UK does not have that many tactical nuclear weapons. We don't want to be using them in cities with horrific collateral damage.
"But once that kind of war has begun, the passions of war will be unleashed.
"In Washington DC, the leading experts have war-gamed such a scenario countless times, and they have found it always led to a major nuclear exchange between Russia and the US.
"If it does come to nuclear warfare, Britain is actually in the frontline of countries that will be targeted.
"It has been understood by strategists that before Russia sends a nuclear weapon to the US they would send one to the US' closest ally - the UK - as a final warning to the Americans."
The threat of nuclear war in Ukraine has prompted a run on iodine tablets in pharmacies across Europe.
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Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°823
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 10415
Join date : 2020-06-19
- Post n°824
Re: Rat u Ukrajini
Međuopštinski pustolov.
Zli stolar.