Talason wrote:Začudo, opet sve ide na ruku Kini.
Imaju snage. Kad imas snagu, onda imas svest da imas vremena. Putin je poceo da "oseca" da Rusiji "odlazi" vreme. To je jako opasan osecaj kad su velike sile u pitanju.
Talason wrote:Začudo, opet sve ide na ruku Kini.
Mór Thököly wrote:Talason wrote:Začudo, opet sve ide na ruku Kini.
Imaju snage. Kad imas snagu, onda imas svest da imas vremena. Putin je poceo da "oseca" da Rusiji "odlazi" vreme. To je jako opasan osecaj kad su velike sile u pitanju.
Mór Thököly wrote:Talason wrote:Začudo, opet sve ide na ruku Kini.
Imaju snage. Kad imas snagu, onda imas svest da imas vremena. Putin je poceo da "oseca" da Rusiji "odlazi" vreme. To je jako opasan osecaj kad su velike sile u pitanju.
kondo wrote:Ma to je budalaština. Rusija može opušteno da dodžuje sankcije preko Kine. 4,000km kopnene granice i more je dovoljno za to. Neće biti Apple, biće Xiaomi - toliko o tome. Postoji potpuno paralelni svet tamo negde gde ne doseže moć CNN i NYT.
Srednju klasu ko jebe, ionako sve ide preko njihovih leđa.
A i Šulc je rekao sve što je trebalo da se pročita juče. Koliko ima toga što neće ići u medije, bog sveti zna.
Nije Putinov problem sankcije nego što nije naučio značenje reči blic krig i to preneo svojim đeneralima. Ovo je trebalo da bude gotovo i da se pregovara o modalitetima za Ukrajinsku teritoriju i Rusku ekonomiju.
BREAKING: China — “The US has 336 labs in 30 countries under its control, including 26 in Ukraine alone. It should give a full account of its biological military activities at home and abroad and subject itself to multilateral verification.“ pic.twitter.com/KDjhYs6zvP
— ASB News / MILITARY:part_alternation_mark: (@ASBMilitary) March 8, 2022
The US Embassy in #Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine. I have published all these documents (now deleted by the Embassy) here https://t.co/Odc0ermmZe and in the thread below pic.twitter.com/benFmDwguI
— Dilyana Gaytandzhieva (@dgaytandzhieva) February 26, 2022
“There were the two flags of United States and Venezuela, and they looked pretty, the two flags” — says Maduro who clearly was expecting for this moment long time ago. pic.twitter.com/eMgER95HuK
— Juan Camilo Merlano (@JuanCMerlano) March 8, 2022
BREAKING: Venezuela's President Maduro describes talks with US officials as being 'respectful, cordial and very diplomatic'
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) March 8, 2022
Maduro on TV last night was far more open and less hostile towards the US than usual, he said they were returning to the Mexico negotiations and that talks with the US had been respectful and that conversations with a ‘positive attitude’ would continue.#Venezuela
— CNW (@ConflictsW) March 8, 2022
It appears a deal may be close to resume Venezuelan oil exports on the open market as maduro claimed they would be able to produce 3 million barrels of oil a day to “contribute to world peace”, although a lot of money and time will be needed before they reach those output levels
— CNW (@ConflictsW) March 8, 2022
It’s hard to believe that the UN could essentially impose the same kind of censorship as the Kremlin imposes inside Russia now by banning the use of words ‘war’ and ‘invasion’ among UN staff. I urge the UN to swiftly refute such reports if they are false. UN reputation at stake.
— Dmytro Kuleba (@DmytroKuleba) March 8, 2022
— Susan Li (@SusanLiTV) March 8, 2022
NEW: U.S. will "share in the responsibility" with Europe of taking care of more than 1 million refugees who have fled war in Ukraine: President Biden
— Jack Detsch (@JackDetsch) March 8, 2022