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Sweden part owner of AZ, stopped AZ vaccines this morning, Andreas Heddini, medical boss for AstraZeneca in Scandinavia quotes a larger amount of side effects than expected. 1 in 4 hospital workers had side effects bad enough to keep them from working (NOT CLOTS).
— Anton Weye Tranberg (@AntonWeye) March 16, 2021
clot also up.
MNE wrote:https://www.planet-today.com/2021/03/top-vaccine-scientist-warns-world-halt.html#gsc.tab=0
He believes that:
- Ongoing mass vaccination deployments are “highly-likely to further enhance ‘adaptive’ immune escape as none of the current vaccines will prevent replication/transmission of viral variants”
- As such, “The more we use these vaccines for immunizing people in the midst of a pandemic, the more infectious the virus will become”.
- And “With increasing infectiousness comes an increased likelihood of viral resistance to the vaccines”.
He claims his beliefs are basic principles taught in a student’s first vaccinology class – “One shouldn’t use a prophylactic vaccine in populations exposed to high infectious pressure (which is now certainly the case as multiple highly infectious variants are currently circulating”).
Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, is a vaccine research expert. He has a long list of companies and organizations he’s worked with on vaccine discovery and preclinical research, including GSK, Novartis, Solvay Biologicals, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Dr Vanden Bossche also coordinated the Ebola vaccine program at GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization).
ovo je jedan svojevrsni show (surprise, surprise kad su u pitanju EU i vakcine), red politike, red panike, red ne znam ni ja cega. sad sam procitala kalkulaciju za USA koliko je ljudi ocekivano da dobije tromb u danima nakon vakcinacije ako se uzme u obzir brzina vakcinacije i regularna stopa tromboze u populaciji i broj je negde 10 - 15 dnevno. znaci, toliki broj ljudi ce prosto dobiti tromb bez ikakve veze sa vakcinom, iako su vakcinisani. da vakcina povecava ucestalost trombova, broj kod vakcinisanih bi trebalo da bude veci nego u generalnoj populaciji, a za sad je manji kad je AZ u pitanju. jedino sto unosi malo suma u celu pricu, i sto je i potaklo one u norveskoj da prijave slucajeve, je to sto je kod nekih primecen pad krvnih plocica. zna se da neke vakcine izazivaju privremni pad broja krvnih plocica koji nije opasan, ali posto je sada sve pod lupom i politike i panike imamo ovakvu situaciju. svaki sumnjiv slucaj treba istraziti, ali ne sme se zaboraviti da nikakvih dokaza jos uvek nema.kapetanm wrote:Do danas nema dokaza da su zdravstveni incidenti prouzrokovani vakcinom AstraZeneca i važno je da se nastavi kampanja vakcinacije kako bismo spasili živote, saopštila je Svetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) za agenciju Rojters 15. marta, nakon što je više država obustavilo primenu vakcine protiv korona virusa proizvođača AstraZeneca.
Cela drama oko Astre mi više liči na nesposobnost EU da upravlja krizom, već u svakoj prilici vrluda levo desno zahvaćena panikom
Mór Thököly wrote:I mozda nije zavera ali zemlje kojima licno kad su ovakve stvari u pitanju verujem (UK, Kanada) kazu da nema problema. Za sada mi je dovoljno. Recimo Slovenci su rekli - nemamo razloga da sumnjamo u AZ, ali pauziracemo do odluke neke EMA. Cini mi se da je vise od pola ovih odluka taj fazon
https://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2021/01/26/news/interview_pascal_soriot_ceo_astrazeneca_coronavirus_covid_vaccines-284349628/“So maybe I need to give you a little bit of explanation as to how we manufacture those vaccines. Essentially, we have cell cultures, big batches, 1000-litre or 2000-litre batches. We have cell cultures inside those batches and we inject them with the virus, the vaccine, if you will. Then those cells produce the vaccine, it’s a biotechnology protection. Now, some of those batches have very high yield and others have low yield. Particularly in Europe, we had one site with large capacity that experienced yield issues. So it's essentially a question of when you scale up to the level we are scaling up to - something like this that's never been done. We are scaling up to hundreds of millions, billions of doses of vaccines at a very high speed".
“A year ago, we didn't have a vaccine. When you do that, you have glitches, you have scale-up problems. Therefore, the yield varies from one to three, by the factor of three. The best site we have produces three times more vaccine out of a batch than the lowest producing site. We do this with a series of partners: in the US, those partners are actually approved by BARDA, the US administration, the group that manages those things and manages the capacity”.
"In the US, we also have issues of yield and essentially our engineers have worked with our partners to identify what the issues are. We believe we have sorted out the issues now. The issues are different, for instance, in Belgium: we believe it was more a question of downstream filtering because when you finish making the vaccine, you have to filter it. When you filter it, you put it into vials. Our partner in Australia for instance also had yield issues. And they have been in the vaccine business for 20 years. But it's complicated, especially in the early phase where you have to really kind of sort out all sorts of issues. We believe we've sorted out those issues, but we are basically two months behind where we wanted to be. We've had also teething issues like this in the UK supply chain. But the UK contract was signed three months before the European vaccine deal. So with the UK we have had an extra three months to fix all the glitches we experienced. As for Europe, we are three months behind in fixing those glitches. Would I like to do better? Of course. But, you know, if we deliver in February what we are planning to deliver, it's not a small volume. We are planning to deliver millions of doses to Europe, it is not small”.