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    Stižu dolari

    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:46 am

    Is Putin concerned?

    Moskva -- Ruski predsednik rekao je predsedniku Azerbejdžana da čuva hrišćanske svetinje u delovima Nagorno-Karabaha koje je zemlja dobila ovonedeljnim sporazumom o miru

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by plachkica Sun Nov 15, 2020 1:25 am


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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by rumbeando Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:01 am

    Jermeni u delovima koji se vraćaju Azerima ne spaljuju samo kuće, već i škole, a neki i seku drveće pre odlaska.

    Azerske džamije pretvorene u štale i svinjce u Karabahu:


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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by rumbeando Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:07 am

    Jermenske izbeglice vraćaju se u Stepanakert i druga mesta koja ostaju pod ruskim mirotvorcima.

    First Refugees Return To Karabakh

    Նոյեմբեր 14, 2020
    Gayane Saribekian

    First groups of ethnic Armenian refugees returned to Nagorno-Karabakh on Saturday four days after a Russian-brokered ceasefire agreement stopped the Armenian-Azerbaijani war.

    According to authorities in Stepanakert, the six-week war displaced at least 90,000 Karabakh Armenian civilians making up around 60 percent of the territory’s population. Most of them took refuge in Armenia.

    The authorities urged the refugees to return home immediately after the entry into force of the truce. The Karabakh president, Ara Harutiunian, assured them that the impending deployment of about 2,000 Russian peacekeepers in and around Karabakh will serve as an additional guarantee of their security.

    Harutiunian also said that his administration will act quickly to restore many homes and public infrastructures damaged during the fierce fighting.

    On Friday Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian met with senior Armenian government officials to discuss further aid programs for the Karabakh refugees.

    “Our priority is to have them receive that aid in Artsakh (Karabakh),” Pashinian said in his opening remarks at the meeting. “That is to say that it must be a program that will contribute to the return of our compatriots to Artsakh.”

    Yerevan Mayor Hayk Marutian met, meanwhile, with Harutiunian in Stepanakert. It was announced afterwards that Yerevan’s municipal administration will provide buses that will transport refugees from the Armenian capital to Karabakh free of charge on a daily basis.

    About 200 refugees were bused to Stepanakert on Saturday. Among them was Tatevik Hovakimian, a resident of the Karabakh capital whose home was seriously damaged by Azerbaijani shelling.

    “Never mind, we will somehow get by,”
    Hovakimian told RFE/RL’s Armenian Service. “The main thing is to return home, to be in our land. We are used to difficulties. We will overcome this one as well.”

    “Whether or not it’s dangerous, we must go back, we have no other option,” said Inna Sarukhanian, another Stepanakert resident.

    Arevik Abrahamian, another Karabakh Armenian woman, likewise chose to return to Askeran, a small town 10 kilometers east of Stepanakert, despite being wary of lingering security risks. “It’s dangerous, but where else could we live if we don’t go back?” she said.

    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:46 pm


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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by rumbeando Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:23 pm

    Tako je: po sovjetskom popisu u Kalbadžarskoj oblasti pre sukoba praktično nije bilo Jermena.

    Inače, u pitanju je mrtva trka do dna započeta još pod Gorbačovom.


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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by rumbeando Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:35 pm

    Putin: Pashinyan rejected a peace deal accepted by Azerbaijan on 19-20 October

    In an interview with Russia 24 Vladimir Putin said that he had managed to convince Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to ‘end military actions’ during discussions on 19 and 20 October, but Armenia turned the offer down.

    ‘I managed to convince Aliyev that it's possible to end military actions, but a mandatory condition on his side was the return of refugees, including to the city of Shusha. To my surprise, the position of our Armenian partners was formulated in such a way that this was unacceptable to them. (Armenian Prime Minister) Pashinyan told me directly, that he saw in this a direct threat to the interests of Armenia and Karabakh’, the Russian President said.

    ‘Now, I can’t really understand what this threat was supposed to be, considering that this would presume the return of peaceful civilians, with the maintenance of control by the Armenian side over this part of the territory in Karabakh, including Shusha, along with the presence of our peacekeepers, which we were already discussing with Armenia and Azerbaijan.’

    Evo i snimka na ruskom:


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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by kondo Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:54 pm

    hehe, odaslan svilen gajtan


    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by rumbeando Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:28 am

    Autor jedne od najpreporučivanijih knjiga o sukobu oko Karabaha, Crna bašta (Black Garden tj. značenje reči Karabah), Tomas de Val nabraja uništavanja istorijskih spomenika i pokušaje falsifikovanja istorije kod jednih i drugih:

    Perspectives | Now comes a Karabakh war over cultural heritage

    Fears are growing in particular for Armenian monuments being handed over.

    Thomas de Waal Nov 16, 2020

    Azerbaijan’s military success confirmed by a Russian-brokered ceasefire has rapidly changed the map of the South Caucasus. Attention has now turned to the rich cultural heritage, in particular the Armenian churches falling under Azerbaijani control.

    Beyond preserving these precious monuments for future generations and as places of worship, this is a test of goodwill. Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed to a cessation of hostilities but are still a long way from peace. On an issue where human lives are not at stake, can the parties agree to a more inclusive narrative of regional history that does not seek to erase the identity of the other? The early signs are not positive.

    This is not a simple story. As Azerbaijani armed forces recaptured territories this autumn that had been under Armenian occupation since 1993, the scale of cultural devastation became apparent. Armenians had not just destroyed almost all the houses, but also, in many cases, wrecked graveyards. Pictures of a mosque in Alkhanli village of Fizuli region, which had been turned into a cowshed, caused outrage.

    The Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture also expressed indignation at Armenian excavations at the famous Azykh cave, a prehistoric site in the Martuni region which was extensively researched in the Soviet period, and at alterations to the Shahbulaq fortress in Aghdam region.

    As Azerbaijani forces moved deeper into Karabakh, the issue then arose of the hundreds of Armenian churches, tombstones and monuments there. Azerbaijan now controls most of Hadrut region and its monuments such as the Gtichavank church, which dates back to the 13th century.

    As Armenians prepare to cede Azerbaijani territories under the November 10 deal, they are handing over many significant monuments. These include the Tsitsernavank basilica church in Lachin region and the archaeological site of the old city of Tigranakert in Aghdam region. The Amaras monastery in Martuni region, which contains a 5th century mausoleum and is said to date back to the era of St. Gregory the Illuminator, the founder of the Armenian church, is situated on the new front line and it is not clear whether Armenians or Azerbaijanis currently control it.

    Most attention has focused on the 12th century Dadivank monastery in Kelbajar region, now due to be returned to Azerbaijan on November 25. News footage showed Russian peacekeepers at the site.

    Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Culture has said it regards churches such as Dadivank to be “Albanian,” not Armenian. Anar Karimov, first deputy culture minister of Azerbaijan, posted a controversial tweet in which he referred to the monastery as having been “built by wife of Albanian prince Vakhtang.”

    The “Albanian” reference is to a bitter political-historical quarrel that has raged in parallel to the military Karabakh conflict.

    The idea that churches in Karabakh are not Armenian but actually “Caucasian Albanian” stems from a 1960s Soviet Azerbaijani thesis advanced by Ziya Buniatov, an influential scholar who was later regarded as Azerbaijan’s national historian.

    The Albanians were a small Christian people in the Caucasus region who had mostly died out by the 10th century – although the Udins, a small ethnic group in northern Azerbaijan, are their likely successors. A handful of old fragments of Albanian script have survived and been deciphered.

    However, Buniatov and others argued that a Christian ecclesiastical eparchy named the “Church of Albania” had lasted until the 19th century and that this was proof of a separate Albanian identity lasting hundreds of years longer than previously thought. This ambiguity allowed Azerbaijani politicians to assert that Karabakh’s churches were not actually Armenian (and its people were therefore not either) – while ignoring the fact that they were built in an Armenian style and covered in Armenian-language inscriptions.

    What will happen to Karabakh’s Christian monuments now? Judging on past experience, their future may be one of preservation, unilateral restoration or destruction.

    Destruction has been the fate of almost all Armenian monuments in Azerbaijan’s exclave of Nakhchivan. The most egregious case was the razing of the famous medieval Armenian cemetery at Djulfa, with thousands of khachkar cross-stones, in Nakhchivan in 2005-06. As Nakhchivan is relatively unvisited, this story has not received the attention it would if the region were more accessible.

    Unilateral and tendentious restoration has been visited on several monuments on both sides of the conflict.

    For example, Armenians have restored and re-opened a “Blue Mosque” in Yerevan, a city which had a strong Muslim identity in the 18th and 19th centuries. The mosque is mostly used for worship by resident or visiting Iranians. A smaller less conspicuous mosque in Yerevan situated at Vardanants Street near the city center was pulled down as the Karabakh conflict began.

    The Karabakh Armenian authorities also controversially restored the two mosques in the town of Shusha. The Yerevan and Shusha restorations used the mirror image of the “Albanian theory.” Armenian restorers called the mosques “Iranian” or “Persian,” seeking to deny any Azerbaijani identity to them – even though it is clear that the Turkic-speaking Shiite builders of these mosques were the ancestors of modern-day Azerbaijanis.

    Similarly, the Azerbaijani authorities have restored the Armenian church in the center of Baku. However they have not put a cross on the dome, and the only public service in the church in the last 30 years occurred when Catholicos Karekin visited Baku in 2010. A smaller 18th century church of the Virgin Mary near Baku’s Maiden Tower was pulled down in 1992. In 2008 many graves in the Christian cemetery in the north part of Baku, known as Montino (the main Armenian cemetery in the city), were also hastily razed to make way for a new road.  

    The Azerbaijani authorities have also restored churches in the towns of Nij and Gabala in controversial fashion. The Nij church – which has good reason to be called “Albanian” as it is located in a region populated by the Udin ethnic group – was restored with the support of a Norwegian NGO, Norwegian Humanitarian Enterprise. However, Armenian-language inscriptions on the church were erased at the end of December 2004, with the result that foreign ambassadors declined to attend the re-opening of the church.

    Based on that experience, Steinar Gil, Norwegian ambassador to Azerbaijan at that time, commented, “I am worried because Azerbaijan has a sad reputation related to Armenian religious monuments,” and referred to “the almost total Albanization of Armenian churches and monasteries, irrespective of their time of construction.”

    As members of UNESCO, Armenia and Azerbaijan are both obliged to honor international cultural conventions, including the 1954 Hague Convention which is designed to protect monuments at risk due to armed conflict. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also invoked UNESCO in comments on November 12. But UNESCO mainly operates in a country at the discretion of a national government. So pressure to preserve monuments may come down to mobilization by international heritage experts.

    Well-known monuments may remain untouched after the intervention of no less an authority than Russian President Vladimir Putin, who personally asked President Ilham Aliyev for – and reportedly received – reassurances on the “preservation and normal operation” of churches such as Dadivank.  

    Simon Maghakyan, an Armenian scholar who researched the Djulfa cemetery destruction, says he is more worried about the fate of lesser-known Armenian monuments. He said, “My fear is that the monuments at the highest risk for immediate erasure are being overlooked, including smaller medieval churches and especially the numerous statuesque khachkars that are nearly impossible to ‘Albanize,’ given their rich Armenian inscriptions. One of the most prominent khachkars at grave risk is the 14th century Angels and the Cross in the Vank village of Hadrut region, which Azerbaijan captured last month.”

    Those Armenian and Azerbaijani experts who work to an international standard rather than a nationalist agenda can play a positive role – but only if given the space to do so. Azerbaijani scholar Cavid Aga argues, “By preserving Armenian heritage, we can learn Caucasian Albanian heritage too.”

    Thomas de Waal is a senior fellow with Carnegie Europe, specializing in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region. He is the author of numerous publications about the region.

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by rumbeando Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:02 am

    Ceo Putinov današnji nastup (na ruskom) i Deepl prevod transkripta.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87URcZZj9_4 (ne može se embedovati)


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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by rumbeando Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:27 pm


    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:02 pm

    fikret selimbašić

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by fikret selimbašić Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:43 am

    Generalštab jermenske vojske zatražio ostavku Pašanijana.
    Pašanijan odmah smijenio načelnika GŠ. Kazao da je u toku pokušaj državnog udara, pozvao svoje pristalice na okupljanje, izveo silnu policiju na ulice Jerevana i najavio da se uskoro obraća javnosti preko tv-a.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    fikret selimbašić

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by fikret selimbašić Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:22 pm

    Neću da kačim na donje, laugh, no comment ili wtf topickće, ipak je skoro dest tisuća ljudi izginulo ali jeste prilično bizar.

    Aljev je danas posjetio novoosnovani muzej (na otvorenom) zaplijenjene jermenske tehnike u Bakuu. Zaplijenili su oni dosta toga, tu je sve osim aviona i helikoptera, tenkovi artiljerija, PVO sistemi, razna vozila i ostali vojni hardver. Ali pravi hit su mi rekonstrukisani jermenski rovovi i komandni centari sa lutkama koje glume jermenske vojnike.

    Evo par eksponata.

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    Međuopštinski pustolov.

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by паће Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:50 pm

    Јбт кинеским луткама од сто динала направе боље очи. Шае ово, преотели стручњака из Палминог музеја?

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
       зрењанинска клима је идеална - кад има блата, нема прашине, кад има прашине, нема снега, а кад има снега нема блата.
    fikret selimbašić

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by fikret selimbašić Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:54 pm

    паће wrote:Јбт кинеским луткама од сто динала направе боље очи. Шае ово, преотели стручњака из Палминог музеја?

    Ovo je prosto rasizam, Jermeni za Azere baš ovako izgledaju te su ih takvim i napravili.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by паће Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:57 pm

    Па оно сви овдашњи Јермени (пореклом) које знам имају онако нешто од Срђе Злопоглеђе, баш су нешто окати, али бре ово је претерано. Као да је урађено намерно лоше, чиме се уметник оградио од наручиоца.

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
       зрењанинска клима је идеална - кад има блата, нема прашине, кад има прашине, нема снега, а кад има снега нема блата.
    fikret selimbašić

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by fikret selimbašić Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:02 pm

    паће wrote:Па оно сви овдашњи Јермени (пореклом) које знам имају онако нешто од Срђе Злопоглеђе, баш су нешто окати, али бре ово је претерано. Као да је урађено намерно лоше, чиме се уметник оградио од наручиоца.

    Nema šanse da nije po narudžbi.

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by паће Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:03 pm

    Ако је санпаку три стране, како се каже четири?

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
       зрењанинска клима је идеална - кад има блата, нема прашине, кад има прашине, нема снега, а кад има снега нема блата.

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by Sotir Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:34 pm

    Реалност је гора и од Бората.

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by disident Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:44 pm

    fikret hadžiabdić wrote:
    паће wrote:Јбт кинеским луткама од сто динала направе боље очи. Шае ово, преотели стручњака из Палминог музеја?

    Ovo je prosto rasizam, Jermeni za Azere baš ovako izgledaju te su ih takvim i napravili.
    A Alijev i ovaj desno braca rodjena 
    Stižu dolari - Page 10 AeG_0jYejH4

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
    Jedini proleter Burundija
    Pristalica krvne osvete
    fikret selimbašić

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by fikret selimbašić Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:01 pm

    Jermeni su za Azere narod nosonja, a Jermenija zemlja gnjilih breskvi/bresaka, to su najčešće uvrede, monobrow kao uvredu koriste i jedni i drugi. Dok se jesenas ratovalo, na azerskim VK stranicama su uklanjali komentare ukoliko bi riječ nosati ili nosonja bila napisana, ako je znad komentara bila Alijevljevljeva slika, a ćesto jest, bilo bi i blokiranja Stižu dolari - Page 10 4101625831

    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    fikret selimbašić

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by fikret selimbašić Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:16 pm



    Međuopštinski pustolov.

    Zli stolar.
    Daï Djakman Faré

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by Daï Djakman Faré Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:22 pm

    mogli su i da interaktivizuju postavku deljenjem bezbolki da se udaraju lutke

    neam reci kolko je ovo bolesno i varvarski

    i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place

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    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by disident Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:53 pm

    fikret hadžiabdić wrote:

    Na ovim slikama sa lancima hoce da prikazu kako je Jermenija vezivala svoje vojnike lancima da ne bi bezala sa polozaja?
    Stižu dolari - Page 10 P7KKTJ43oug

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
    Jedini proleter Burundija
    Pristalica krvne osvete

    Stižu dolari - Page 10 Empty Re: Stižu dolari

    Post by Sponsored content

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