Ima ovih dana na Pink klasik.
Đani di Venanco, jedan od najvećih snimatelja, a i ostali tvorci nisu za baciti.
Lo-faast! Nehod[y] maar! Te vad[y] a Blade... Blade Runner!
(from Silverman's transcription:)
The meaning of Gaff's sentences in Hungarian:
lo-faast is a rude expression, originally written as lofaszt, a combined form of lo, "horse" and fasz, "prick", "dick". Together, and with the accusative suffix -t, it's a shortened form of lofaszt a seggedbe, "have a horse's dick in your ass". In this context it means that Gaff tolerates Deckard's answer as nuts and refuses to be ignored.
nehod[y] maar, originally nehogy mar, is an informal spoken formula, shortened from nehogy mar ugy legyen! meaning "wish it wouldn't be that way!", enforcing Gaff's expression about Deckard's lame "leave-me-alone-sucker" answer.
te vad[y] originally te vagy, simply means "you are", and a is "the"
So, a close translation is:Ah, don't shit me man, you're the Blade... Blade Runner.
Летећи Полип wrote:Jeste, ali to je medju sinetistima poznatiji kao scenarista. O filistejcima sa sedeljki govorim. De oni znaju scenariste. Svima su puna usta Tarantina, Linca, Skorsezea, Kjubrika, Leonea, Dzarmusa... Sa druge strane - Majkl Man, Vudi Alen, Sem Pekinpo, Pol Sreder. Mihael Haneke... o njima tek poneko, i tek ponesto.