Erzsébet Biszak wrote:Ne znam samo kako idu zajedno nošenje maski i face recognition
lako, promeni se ime softvera u face with mask recognition
Erzsébet Biszak wrote:Ne znam samo kako idu zajedno nošenje maski i face recognition
No Country wrote:У том смислу је можда боље да *ово* потраје годиницу-две, те нас натера да се заиста променимо? И даље мислим да је шанса за тако нешто минимална, али сада макар постоји.Mór Thököly wrote:ma, upozorenje ludom radovanje. kao sto smo vec zakljucili - spremicemo se, pametniji od nas, za novu epidemiju. al nece doci nova ovakva epidemija nego nesto sasvim deseto i verovatno gore.
Idu odličnoErzsébet Biszak wrote:Ne znam samo kako idu zajedno nošenje maski i face recognition
Наравно, најгора варијанта је увек највероватнија, искуство нас учи. Међутим, не слажем се да је вирус донео само најгоре. Народ се углавном понаша одговорно и солидарно - колико могу из ваших писања и разговора са фамилијом да проценим, то важи и за Србију? Једемо боље и здравије. Одрекли смо се којечега, а сада видимо да нам добар део никада није ни требао. Шетамо се, возом бицикле, дишемо бољи ваздух. Породице се зближавају. Имамо више времена. Читамо књиге.Halászlé wrote:može da nas promeni tako da nas nadziru i kontrolišu, javno i sa sankcijom društva, putem face recognition kamera, aplikacija, dronova i monitora vitalnih parametara i obaveštenja komšija i da pređemo u punu distopiju.
dok se ne pronađe vakcina, nazadovaćemo, jer ova bolest budi i stimuliše sve najgore u ljudskom društvu.
Мислим да још нико није извео инвазију док је под карантином, тако да... Трампара је у паници, ово ће да га кошта другог мандата. Изгледа да ништа јефтиније не би обавило посао.Mór Thököly wrote:No Country wrote:
У том смислу је можда боље да *ово* потраје годиницу-две, те нас натера да се заиста променимо? И даље мислим да је шанса за тако нешто минимална, али сада макар постоји.
Ovo traje dva meseca i US SoS je vec na pola koraka od toga da optuzi Kinu da je namerno proizvela virus i poslala ga po svetu. Zelim da se ovo zavrsi, pa, ono...juce. regulators authorized Sunday emergency use of a coronavirus antibody test that is more than 99% accurate, addressing concerns about high false positive rates that have plagued some of the first tests.
The test is made by Roche, a Swiss giant in the pharmaceutical and diagnostics industries. Roche said Sunday it will boost its manufacturing to produce "high double-digit millions per month" of the test.
Roche stated the test has a 100% sensitivity rating and a 99.8% specificity rating, which are significantly higher than some of the first antibody tests that were cleared for use in the US. The results came from using more than 5,000 samples on its test.
It will take about 18 minutes to process a single test, with Roche's devices able to run up to 300 tests per hour in an automated fashion, the company said.
NYC overall: 19.9% positive for antibodies.
— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) May 2, 2020
Bronx: 27.6%
Brooklyn: 19.2%
Manhattan: 17.3%
Queens: 18.4%
Staten Island: 19.2%
(Results are weighted.)
The Trump administration projects about 3,000 daily deaths by early June.
As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of cases and deaths from the coronavirus over the next several weeks, reaching about 3,000 daily deaths on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, nearly double from the current level of about 1,750.
The projections, based on government modeling pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases now.
The numbers underscore a sobering reality: While the United States has been hunkered down for the past seven weeks, not much has changed. And the reopening to the economy will make matters worse.
“There remains a large number of counties whose burden continues to grow,” the Centers for Disease Control warned.
The projections confirm the primary fear of public health experts: that a reopening of the economy will put the nation right back where it was in mid-March, when cases were rising so rapidly in some parts of the country that patients were dying on gurneys in hospital hallways as the health care system grew overloaded. (translation by Google Translate)10 percent of Stockholmers were infected
1,000 new tests have been sent to the Stockholmers.
Published April 4, 2020
Now, the blood samples for coronate tests that KTH researchers sent to Stockholmers before Easter have come back and analyzed. The results show that 10 percent of those tested had been infected with the new corona virus.
Of 1,000 sent samples, 550 returned. Of these, 446 test responses were approved.
- The analysis method collects information from different virus proteins at the same time and we will now get a clearer picture of the infection and spread by putting together and comparing data from all the puzzle pieces, says Jochen Schwenk, professor at KTH and SciLifeLab.
The antibody tests in the form of provincial collection cards were sent to 1,000 randomly selected residents in Stockholm and its crane municipalities. It is about an even distribution of men and women aged 20 to 74 from a population of 1.22 million people in 717,850 households.
The researchers have now sent a new mail to 1,000 Stockholmers to verify the data from the first collection and to see how the spread of infection has changed since Easter. The average sampling day in the first round of tests was Easter evening on April 11. This measurement shows the spread of infection around the end of March.
- We really need the public's help now. Only with as many grants as possible can we get a true picture of the spread of infection, and this allows us to put in practice samples so that everyone who needs to be able to test themselves. It is very important, says Niclas Roxhed, associate professor at KTH.
Niclas Roxhed (KTH) and Olof Beck (Karolinska Institutet) stand for sampling and mailing. Analysis of antibodies and proteins is led by Jochen Schwenk and Claudia Fredolini (both from KTH / SciLifeLab). Production of viral proteins is handled by Gerald McInerney, Leo Hanke and Benjamin Murrell (all three from the Karolinska Institute).
More: According to the Institute's researchers: "The antibody development phase is over. A goal for international companies to produce the antibody in commercial quantities "
— Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) May 4, 2020
Bendegúz Somogyi wrote:More: According to the Institute's researchers: "The antibody development phase is over. A goal for international companies to produce the antibody in commercial quantities "
— Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) May 4, 2020