dadaMr.Pink wrote:i meni
znas kako su plakali ko picke 5. oktobra u majke jevrosime
panduri imaju svoj feudalni posed 70 godina, polubogovi u svakom smislu
Dobili po nosu i plakali jedan dan pre dvaes godina
jasno je ko je tu gore prosao
dadaMr.Pink wrote:i meni
znas kako su plakali ko picke 5. oktobra u majke jevrosime
Japanese island suffering second wave of coronavirus after lifting lockdown too early
A northern region of Japan is experiencing a second wave of coronavirus infections - and deaths - that experts say could have been avoided if the state of emergency had not been lifted too early.
The island of Hokkaido had been held up as a model of how to control the spread of the virus, but it has now become a case study for the impact the disease can have if a lockdown is relaxed too soon.
In tandem with the state of emergency - under which schools were closed, large-scale gatherings were cancelled and people were officially “encouraged” to stay at home - the local government introduced aggressive measures to trace and isolate anyone who had been in contact with victims. The approach appeared to have been effective and, just a week later, the number of new cases had fallen to one or two a day.
Assuming that they had weathered the storm - and keen to get the local economy operating again - local authorities lifted the state of emergency on March 19, with schools and businesses reopening.
With hindsight, experts agree, it was too early and, just 26 days later and after 135 new infections were reported in the space of a week, the lockdown was reimposed on Hokkaido’s 5.3 million residents.
Mr.Pink wrote:ne vracaju sa vrata peMzose i boomere privilegovane nego studente
to je tako sve pogresno
Halászlé wrote:Tako sam razumeo. Ali pre 8 dana bilo je 150....
Mr.Pink wrote:sta znaci urbani dorcolac? i barajevo je danas urbano
"Na primer, ulaziće se na jedna vrata, obavezno sa maskom, a oni koji ne budu imali masku na ulazu će moći da je uzmu. Zatim, mora da se poštuje bezbedna razdaljina. Jedan i po metar do dva je bezbedno, ali ako se koriste maske, može se dozvoliti i nešto gušći smeštaj ljudi. Takođe, neće se koristiti veštačka klimatizacija", navela je dr Kisić Tepavčević za RTS.
Tests in recovered patients in S. Korea found false positives, not reinfections, experts say
SEOUL — South Korea’s infectious disease experts said Thursday that dead virus fragments were the likely cause of over 260 people here testing positive again for the novel coronavirus days and even weeks after marking full recoveries.
Oh Myoung-don, who leads the central clinical committee for emerging disease control, said the committee members found little reason to believe that those cases could be COVID-19 reinfections or reactivations, which would have made global efforts to contain the virus much more daunting.
“The tests detected the ribonucleic acid of the dead virus,” said Oh, a Seoul National University hospital doctor, at a press conference Thursday held at the National Medical Center.
He went on to explain that in PCR tests, or polymerase chain reaction tests, used for COVID-19 diagnosis, genetic materials of the virus amplify during testing, whether it is from a live virus or just from fragments of dead virus cells that can take months to clear from recovered patients.
The PCR tests cannot distinguish whether the virus is alive or dead, he added, and this can lead to false positives.
“PCR testing that amplifies genetics of the virus is used in Korea to test COVID-19, and relapse cases are due to technical limits of the PCR testing.”
As of Sunday, 263 people in Korea tested positive for the disease again after being declared virus-free, of which 17 were minors or teens, the National Medical Center said.
“The respiratory epithelial cell has a half-life of up to three months, and RNA virus in the cell can be detected with PCR testing one to two months after the elimination of the cell,” Oh said.
The committee’s findings confirmed an earlier assessment from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that repeat patients appear to have little or no contagiousness. The KCDC cited results of virus culture tests that all failed to find live virus in recovered patients.
A resurgence of the virus has raised health concerns, as Korea has flattened the curve, reporting around 10 new infections daily for the past 11 days.
On Wednesday, Korea confirmed nine new cases of the COVID-19, bringing the total to 10,761, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Of the new cases, five were from overseas, with three from Daegu and one in Gyeonggi Province.
The virus claimed the lives of two more patients, putting the death toll at 246, according to the KCDC.
The committee ruled out reactivation of COVID-19 as a reason for relapses and said there was little to no possibility that reinfections would occur due to antibodies that patients develop.
“The process in which COVID-19 produces a new virus takes place only in host cells and does not infiltrate the nucleus. This means it does not cause chronic infection or recurrence,” Oh said.
Halászlé wrote:Precizirana je ta odluka. Klima se neće koristiti u vozilima u kojima prozori mogu da se otvore. Biće sve isto kao i prošle godine.
Marius Lăcătuș wrote:Mr.Pink wrote:sta znaci urbani dorcolac? i barajevo je danas urbano
ali meljak nije
Cuj suzavac, dace bog drugove aliene na strani proletera i plazma topove oko kruga dvojkeMr.Pink wrote:he he
spomenuo sam barajevo jer sam na bivsem poslu, sada to mogu da kazem i na forumu otvorenom za siru javnost, imao jednu koleginicu iz barajeva. imala je oko 25 godina, i dolazila je svaki dan u punoj ratnoj opremi iz barajeva na posao. to je sve u mojoj knjizi bio jedan veliki plus
i jednom prilikom odemo mi na pauzu neku kolektivnu u lorenzu kakalambu, prevrcem ocima, i ona se meni nakaci, sedne tu pored mene i kao trep trep
ja pocirkao malo nekog vinceta, i uzeh da pricam sa njom, a ja sam inace tip koji ne prica puno, ali eto, desi se nekad. razvela se i ona! sva onako bitna
a malo onako visocija, i krsnija u kuku i dupetu. udavila bi me nogama. trenirala tekvondo. i na putu nazad ka kancelariji, opet idemo ona i ja zajedno, malo na celu kolone, malo na kraju. razmenjujemo razne pleasantries sto bi rekli
i kao, odakle si. pa iz beograda, ali prodali smo stan. ok. i ja obratim malo vise paznje na nju u narednom periodu sa namerom da imam snosaj. a ja kad sam u tom rezimu sakalskom, umem da budem onako gadan i prgav i sve gledam, ko da cu dete da pravim
i tako prolaze dani u ofisu, a ja ko kobac ju samo snimam. kad eto nje malo malo pa kaze otiso, onako kako opancari umeju da kazu. tu je za mene usledio mali kultur-sok. pa zar se vec u jebenom barajevu tako prica? manje je bilo bitno to, nego ta glupa prica da je iz beograda. a ja naivan, otisao tamo devedesetih iz bg, vratio se dveiljadite i neke, drzao se svoje ekipe - pojma ja nemam kakvo je stanje u populaciji pa evo do skora. drzao sam se svojih urbanih zidova, gledao svoja posla
no to me naravno nije sprecavalo da imam fantazije raznorazne, iako je meni sve to jedan veliki no no jer posao i koleginice ne valja mesati
naravno da je ona osetila to, a onako krsna ali lepa, odma pomisli da bi ona mogla odatle celu igru da preuzme jer tatina cera alfica. tu je naravno jos vise porasla u mojim...ocima. medjutim naravno, to je kao u vecini slucajeva bogom dano zensko pravo bilo sasvim neosnovano u realnosti. bavila se raznoraznim zvrckama, jer dabome, ja nikako nisam poentirao. a zeleo sam jako da poentiram, i to mozda cak u kancelariji. i to da sve puca
na kraju me je optuzila da sam je udario u hodniku. ne direktno, ali pocele su da kruze neke price
tad sam otprilike shvatio da mi treba novi posao
toliko o barajevu
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