Bendegúz Somogyi wrote:
jel postoji nekakav nacin d ase sazna koliko je Srbija dobila cega od Kine?
Bendegúz Somogyi wrote:
Кинеска предузећа у Србији брину о Србији. Линглонг, који гради своју фабрику за производњу гума у Зрењанину донирао је Србији 300,000 медицинских маски, 2,000 комплета медицинске заштитне одеће и 10,000 тестова за детекцију.
— Chen Bo (@AmbChenBo) March 25, 2020
Privremena bolnica. Lezaji na 3 kata.#Spain #Barcelona #Covid19
— Jovana Preradović (@JovanaXYZ) March 26, 2020
sreda 25. mart, holandija - ukupna cifra potvrdjenih je 6412 (852 potvrdjena od juce). 1836 zarazenih su zdravstveni radnici. od juce je umrlo 80 ljudi, ukpuno do sada 356.
— Milica Milic (@milicica24) March 25, 2020
Savetnica za medije predsednika Srbije Suzana Vasiljević najavila je da bi nove mere za Beograd, Niš i Valjevo mogle biti saopštene uskoro i da se još ne zna kakve će biti.
Ona je za televiziju Prva rekla da je predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić juče na sastanku kriznih štabova pitao lekare da li je potrebno zatvaranje ta tri grada i da su oni rekli da za sada to ne treba raditi i da situaciju ponovo treba razmotriti za 24 sata.
Vasiljević je istakla da mera izolacije celog grada podrazumeva da ne postoji transport između gradova i da ljudi ne mogu da izađu i uđu u grad, da se zaraza ne bi širila, ali da bi u tom trebalo da bude omogućeno snabdevanje hranom.
Ona je rekla da više nema resornih ministara, već da su svi resorni i zaduženi da pomognu Srbiji, jer Srbija mora da se bori skoro sama, jer nema solidarnosti, ali je naglasila važnost pomoći iz Kine i Norveške.
Upitana kojih se mera pridržava kabinet predsednika, Vasiljević je rekla da svi članovi kabineta pa i predsednik prolaze merenje temperature, dezinfekciju ruku, stavljanje maski i rukavica, a da su konferencije pomerene u Palatu "Srbija" jer tamo može da se napravi dovoljan razmak među ljudima.
Ona je rekla da su novinari podeljeni u dve grupe i da su u jednoj televizije i novinske agencije, kojima se predsednik obraća po najvažnijim pitanjima, a da su u drugoj grupi novine i portali kojima će se predsednik obratiti kasnije i dodala da je država velikim medijskim kućama poslala i zaštitnu opremu.
Vasiljević je ocenila da je tokom pandemije koronavirusa većina medija u Srbiji na visini zadatka i da je situacija sa medijima bolja nego u vreme poplava i da novinari proveravaju informacije koje dobiju preko društvenih mreža pre nego što nešto objave.
"Većina njih dosta dobro radi", poručila je Vasiljević i dodala da mediji treba da prikazuju ljudima ono što se dešava u svetskim metropolama.
Ona je rekla da državni organi po nekoliko puta proveravaju informacije pre nego što ih daju medijima i da su predsednik, premijerka, oba krizna štaba i lekari doneli odluku da od prvog dana građani imaju sve podatke i da se ništa ne krije.
Kapetanm wrote:Kriva pada
Coronavirus: London hospitals facing 'tsunami' of patients
Hospital bosses say trusts will be overwhelmed in a few days as staff sickness rates rise
London hospitals are facing a “continuous tsunami” of coronavirus patients and some are likely to be overwhelmed in a few days, according to Chris Hopson, the chief executive of NHS Providers – which represents hospital bosses.
Hopson said hospitals had expanded critical care capacity between five and sevenfold in the last weeks, but chief executives have been alarmed by the speed at which beds are filling up in the capital.
He said the problems had been exacerbated by medical staff off sick with suspected coronavirus or in vulnerable groups, with 30% to 50% not at work in some trusts.
Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, he said: “They are struggling with the explosion of demand in seriously ill patients. They are saying it’s the number arriving and the speed with which they are arriving and how ill they are. They talk about wave after wave after wave. The words that are used to me are that it’s a continuous tsunami. As one said to me, it’s much bigger and large numbers with a greater degree of stretch than you can ever have possibly imagined.
“The CEOs are concerned that all that extra capacity is now being used up very, very quickly. We’ve got the surge capacity at the ExCel centre but this is filling up very quickly.”
He said this was forming a “wicked combination” with the problem of up to 50% staff sickness rates in some trusts, which is “an unprecedented absence rate”.
Earlier, he tweeted that the surge in demand for coronavirus treatment was “off the scale” in London already and it was “evident that a number of hospitals are on a trajectory where their critical care capacity will become full within a few days”.
He added: “London CEOs saying they urgently want a lot more of everything – staff, ventilators, critical care capacity, PPE, testing capacity – but they recognise that their job is to do absolutely the best with what they have got and that’s what they are focused on.”
On Tuesday, a study by doctors warned that hospitals in England will run short of critical care beds for Covid-19 patients within the next two weeks if the numbers becoming severely ill reach those experienced in Italy.
A paper by a team at the University of Cambridge said that five of the seven NHS commissioning regions will have more patients needing critical care than the number of beds normally available in hospital intensive care units (ICUs) within a fortnight.
But Prof Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, who is advising the government, struck a more optimistic note on Thursday as he predicted the NHS will manage to get through the crisis without being totally overwhelmed.
“We are going to have a very difficult few weeks by we think overall with the capacity being rapidly put in place that whilst the health system will be stressed it won’t break,” he told the same programme.
Jonathan Ashworth, the shadow health secretary, said Labour was concerned that doctors and nurses were short of protective equipment, with some sourcing goggles and masks from DIY stores.
In a round of broadcast interviews, Edward Argar, the health minister, defended the government’s ability to protect NHS staff, insisting that “masses of supplies” were being distributed by the army around the clock.
He also said testing for NHS staff was coming on stream in the weeks to come, following criticism that the government has been slow to ramp it up from around 6,000 a day up to a target of 25,000.
Bendegúz Somogyi wrote:Pomozimo zemljama Trećeg sveta da prebrode krizu:
Washington (CNN) The Trump administration is appealing to countries around the world to give or sell the US items as basic as hand sanitizer and as complex as respirators to combat the surging coronavirus pandemic.
In a list obtained by CNN, the State Department lays out 25 items, telling diplomats to ask their host countries for these supplies with a clear priority on items available "today" and a secondary focus on equipment and items available in weeks.
Holy freaking hell. A nursing manager at Mt Sinai Hospital in NYC just died from coronavirus. Nurses at the hospital have been wearing trash bags because of the lack of protective gear.
— Mark Elliott (@markmobility) March 26, 2020
— @Nebojsha (@Flukkkkkkkkkkkk) 26. март 2020.
NASLOV U POSRANE @Vijestime u vezi tri respiratora NIJE TAČAN jebem im majku gadnu...NE NASIJEDAJTE
kapetanm wrote:Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote: U Srbiji, lekari u Dragiše Mišovića već postupaju po tom propisu.
Imas li izvor za to uputstvo lekarima? Kad si to video?
Španija je od kineskog proizvođača naručila ukupno 340.000 neispravnih testova.
— Nikola Tomic (@TomiccNikola) March 26, 2020
Pakovanje ovako izgleda:
plachkica wrote:У Републици Србији је до 15 часова 26. марта 2020. године регистровано укупно 457 потврђених случајева COVID 19.
Од последњег извештаја до 15 часова 26. марта 2020. године тестирани су узорци 295 особa од којих je 73 позитивнo и 222 негативнo на нови корона вирус.
До 15 часова 26. марта 2020. године, у националној референтној лабораторији Института Торлак тестирано је укупно 1456 особа које су испуњавале критеријуме дефиниције случаја.