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- Post n°677
Re: Kosovo*
dobro je, sve ide kako treba, zagovornici najvece srbije svesce je na najmanju
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- Post n°678
Re: Kosovo*
За грађане Србије косовско питање и даље је веома емотивно, веома болно и везано за реч издаја, тако да је признање независности неприхватљиво за њих чак 78,5 одсто, показало је истраживање Центра за друштвени дијалог и регионалне иницијативе представљено на Београдском безбедносном форуму.
Независност као решење прихватило би, према том истраживању, само 12,4 одсто испитаних.
Представник Центра Никола Јовић рекао је да је за 58,2 одсто грађана неприхватљив и споразум у коме би Србија признала Косово у замену за Заједницу српских општина и екстериторијалност манастира. Ту могућност прихватило би 20,4 одсто грађана.
Договор према коме би Србија признала независност Косова уз замену територија прихвата 15,8 одсто грађана, а сценарио по коме добија три општине на северу и Митровицу као дистрикт подржава 18,9 одсто грађана Србије.
Замену четири општине на северу за независност Косова подржава 21,9 одсто.
Њих 36,4 одсто пристаје да Србија у замену за признање добије четири општине на северу, ЗСО јужно од Ибра и екстериторијалност манастира. Ту могућност не подржава 44,4 одсто грађана.
Уговор који подразумева да Приштина добије столицу у УН, али не и признање за ЗСО подржава 32,6 одсто испитаних. Тај предлог не прихвата 47,5 одсто испитаника.
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Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°679
Re: Kosovo*
Samo da podsetim da ovde ljudi kad im se "objasni" idu da protestuju protiv roditelja kolege koji je poginuo na poslu. Tako da ove procente treba uzeti prilicno relativno. 4 opstine za priznanje glat prolazi na referendumu (ako ga organizuje Vucic)
- Posts : 52474
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°680
Re: Kosovo*
Ono st obi bilo posteno resenje, posto Srbija smatra da je celo Kosovo i dalje Srbija, to je da se bilo kakav sporazum stavi na glasanje na referendumu na teritoriji Srbije SA Kosovom. Samo sto to Albanci nikada nece prihvatiti.
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- Post n°681
Re: Kosovo*
36/44 još malo da se našteluje i brzo će to da prevagne
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- Post n°682
Re: Kosovo*
Њих 36,4 одсто пристаје да Србија у замену за признање добије четири општине на северу, ЗСО јужно од Ибра и екстериторијалност манастира. Ту могућност не подржава 44,4 одсто грађана.
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
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- Post n°683
Re: Kosovo*
Можда, но је проблем што се дотична опција не нуди.MNE wrote:36/44 još malo da se našteluje i brzo će to da prevagne
- Posts : 52474
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- Post n°684
Re: Kosovo*
No Country wrote:Можда, но је проблем што се дотична опција не нуди.MNE wrote:36/44 još malo da se našteluje i brzo će to da prevagne
Videcemo kad se stipendistkinja vrati iz Am'rike.
- Posts : 1037
Join date : 2017-10-28
- Post n°685
Re: Kosovo*
A Kurti je u Londonu, vidja se sa laburistima i ministrom za EU i SAD.
Glasovi jos nisu prebrojani, da vidimo da li ce i komandante Ljimaj da udje u Skupstinu.
Glasovi jos nisu prebrojani, da vidimo da li ce i komandante Ljimaj da udje u Skupstinu.
- Posts : 10694
Join date : 2016-06-25
- Post n°686
Re: Kosovo*
Lepo rekoh, poslednje upozorenje
KURTI IMAO SAOBRAĆAJKU U ALBANIJI: Automobil u kom se vozio udario u policijsko vozilo
KURTI IMAO SAOBRAĆAJKU U ALBANIJI: Automobil u kom se vozio udario u policijsko vozilo
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- Post n°687
Re: Kosovo*
“The EU was formed as a response to fascism, but is now running scared in the face of populists and fascism,”
btw, kad ce ovaj forum da skine zvezdicu sa imena susedne drzave?
“The EU was formed as a response to fascism, but is now running scared in the face of populists and fascism,”
btw, kad ce ovaj forum da skine zvezdicu sa imena susedne drzave?
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- Post n°691
Re: Kosovo*
Вучић: Нема признања Косова у актуелним границама
уторак, 22.10.2019. у 08:23
БЕЧ – Председник Србије Александар Вучић искључио је, у интервјуу бечком дневнику „Стандард”, могућност да Београд призна Косово у актуелним границама и додаје да је мало вероватно да ће Београд уопште признати Косово, иако каже да је од САД чуо да је ЕУ променила став и да би од Београда могла тражити признање.
Упитан да ли ће Србија икада признати Косово као равноправну чланицу међународне заједнице, Вучић је одговорио да је то за Србе тешко питање.
„Међутим, желимо да видимо шта они (приштински преговарачи) кажу и зашто нешто кажу. Наравно желимо да чујемо и шта ЕУ има да каже. До сада ЕУ није постављала никакве предуслове Србији. Ми смо, међутим, од Американаца чули да се то можда променило, али желимо то да чујемо од наших европских партнера. Не могу да искључим да ће ЕУ тражити признање, али то до сада није учинила”, објаснио је он.
Вучић је казао да је идеја ЕУ био модел споразума две Немачке, без формалног признавања од стране Београда, што би, наравно, како констатује, било једноставније за Србију.
Упитан да ли, уколико дође до признања Косова од стране Београда, то могло да уследи у постојећим границама, Вучић је казао: „Могу вам рећи, да то готово апсолутно искључујем”.
На додатно питање да ли то значи да би се то могло учинити само променом граница или разменом територија он је одговорио да не зна шта ће се десити.
„Није веома вероватно да ћемо признати Косово. Не мислим да ће се то догодити, али не можемо затворити врата дијалогу. Обе стране морају изгубити, како би настала вин-вин ситуација. Не може бити да једна страна добије све – признање, нашу територију и наше људе. Шта би ми добили ? Могуће чланство у ЕУ за десет година ? И ко би нам то гарантовао ? Да ли би то била гаранција какву је добила Северна Македонија, којој је било обећано отварање приступних преговора”, упитао је Вучић.
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- Post n°692
Re: Kosovo*
Malo verovatno i gotovo apsolutno. Dakle ništa.
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- Post n°693
Re: Kosovo*
taj tekst mora da se cita mnogo pazljivo. Receno je za svakoga po nesto.
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Join date : 2016-02-01
- Post n°694
Re: Kosovo*
Ceo intervju (mašinski preveo Deepl):
Edit: intervju je u međuvremenu dopunjen pitanjima iza onih o Handkeu
- Spoiler:
Vučić: "Not very likely that we recognize Kosovo"
The Serbian President virtually ruled out Serbia's recognition of Kosovo within the existing borders following the resumption of dialogue
Adelheid Wölfl 21 October 2019, 18:43 46 Postings
Serbia has been negotiating with the EU since 2014. Aleksandar Vucic has above all ensured a strict budget policy. But the necessary reforms of the rule of law failed to materialise. Serbia is increasingly turning to Hungary.
STANDARD: You have just agreed with the prime ministers of northern Macedonia and Albania to create a kind of mini-Schengen. So do you want a customs union - and when should it come into force?
Vučić: You can no longer just talk about enlargement fatigue in the EU states, but now it's about avoiding any admission of new states in the foreseeable future. That is why we should now look after ourselves and concentrate on achieving the four freedoms here - the free movement of goods, capital, people and services. At the moment we need our passports when we go to Tirana or Shkodra. By the end of the year we will probably have reached the point where we can only travel with our identity card.
STANDARD: I travel in the region with my identity card, that already works.
Vučić: Yes, if you travel from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Serbia.
STANDARD: Even if I travel to Northern Macedonia and Albania.
Vučić: Yes, but not when travelling from Serbia to Albania (there is no border between Serbia and Albania because Kosovo is in between, editor's note). Our ultimate goal is that there should be no more border controls. But that will not be easy to achieve. At the same time, we must remove barriers and obstacles to the transport of goods at the borders, because this will enable us to save more than seven percent of operational costs. And we are working to ensure that work permits issued in Albania will also be valid here in Serbia.
STANDARD: When could a customs union be implemented?
Vučić: At the end of 2022 it could be realistic.
STANDARD: What are the conditions for resuming dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia?
Vučić: There is only one condition. You have to lift the 100 per cent tariffs and then we should discuss all matters without preconditions. But if you say before a possible dialogue: we are not discussing territories, we are not discussing an autonomous status for the North, then what are we supposed to discuss at all? Under these circumstances, there are no negotiations.
STANDARD: Albin Kurti, the possible new prime minister in Kosovo, should lift the tariffs, but he wants Serbia to recognise the Kosovar number plates. Can you imagine that?
Vučić: Kurti does not read the agreements. There is already an agreement on the number plates, according to which cars with Kosovar numbers have to stick a label on the number plates and vice versa. But if Kurti wants to rearrange something, let's see what we can do. You know, they've never been a state and they're frustrated and talk about stupid things.
STANDARD: Will you ever recognize Kosovo as an equal member of the international community as a state?
Vučić: This is a difficult question for us. But we want to see what they say and why they say something. Of course we also want to hear what the EU has to say. So far, the EU has not imposed any preconditions on Serbia. However, we have heard from the Americans that this could have changed, but we want to hear from our European partners. I cannot rule out the EU asking for recognition, but so far they have not. Their idea was a model like the German-German Basic Treaty - without formal recognition by Serbia. That would, of course, be much easier for Serbia.
STANDARD: If Serbia were to recognise Kosovo, would it do so within the existing borders? Or do you rule that out?
Vučić: I can tell you that I almost completely rule it out.
STANDARD: Does this mean that this would only be done if there was a change of border or an exchange of territory?
Vučić: I don't know what will happen. Because it is not very likely that we will recognise Kosovo. I do not think that will happen. But we cannot close the doors to dialogue. Both sides must lose in order to create a win-win situation. It can't be that they (meaning the Kosovar negotiating team, editor's note) get everything, the recognition, our territories and our people. What do we get? A possible EU membership in ten years? And who will guarantee it? Will it be such a guarantee as it was given to Northern Macedonia, which was promised that accession negotiations would be opened?
STANDARD: Recently there was a generational change in the elections in Kosovo. Will this have an impact on the dialogue?
Vučić: I am afraid of this influence. In recent days their public statements have been three times worse than those of Hashim Thaçi and Ramush Haradinaj (President and Prime Minister of Kosovo).
STANDARD: France has blocked the opening of accession negotiations for Northern Macedonia and Albania. What is this signal for the Western Balkans?
Vučić: The no to the EU negotiations in Serbia will lead to the EU becoming even more unpopular and less trusting. But anyway, we hope that Emmanuel Macron will stand up for the future of Europe from a French point of view. But we take care of ourselves. We must resolve our relations in the region. And we also have good relations with China, Russia and Turkey.
Vučić: No that's not Plan B, but I won't start crying or go on a hunger strike in front of the buildings in Brussels to open one, two or three chapters. I am not a dreamer, I am very rational.
STANDARD: What was the most important reform in Serbia in the last five years?
Vučić: When I became prime minister, the average income was 329 euros net, now it's 510 euros. We are still a very poor country, but we have now overtaken Bosnia-Herzegovina and we will overtake Montenegro. And we have a budget surplus for the fourth consecutive year.
STANDARD: When will the people who are leaving the Balkans for economic reasons return?
Vučić: The Estonian President told me that 50 percent of the population had left Estonia. These people began to come back when average wages rose to 1,100 euros. We have now introduced certain measures for doctors and hospital staff. The wages for the nurses were increased by 15 percent.
STANDARD: Because otherwise they go to Germany.
Vučić: Yes, I talked about it with the German Health Minister Jens Spahn. He told me that he was coming to my country because he needed more nurses. I said to him: "Don't give me that!
STANDARD: Doyouthey realize in Berlin that there are negative consequences when so many nurses go to Germany?
Vučić: Yes, of course, but they take care of their own interests. That's why we take care of ourselves. They don't care about us.
STANDARD: For the EU, Chapters 23 and 24 of EU law, which deal with the rule of law, are a priority. They have tried to amend the Constitution to improve the independence of the courts, but they have not succeeded.
Vučić: We will do that. But we must see what we do with Kosovo. For both issues require a referendum in order to change the constitution, and we cannot hold two referenda in one year. A successful referendum requires a turnout of over 50%. But only two to three percent of voters would vote for a referendum on judicial reform.
STANDARD: So far, Kosovo has been enshrined in the constitution as part of Serbia. So is a change and an agreement possible?
Vučić: I will do my best to get such an agreement. Because that will secure the future of this nation. What concerns me is what will be in the history books in 30 or 40 years' time.
STANDARD: Parliamentary elections will be held in March. Is climate change an issue?
Vučić: No, not at all. People here in Serbia have a thousand times bigger problems than climate change.
STANDARD: You congratulated Mr Handke on the Nobel Prize. Do you know him?
Vučić: I never met him, so I called him and congratulated him. Now I got the books he wrote and I would like to read them before he comes to Serbia.
STANDARD: Does he plan to come here?
Vučić: Yes, he will be my guest very soon and I am very proud of it. He has shown how intellectuals should behave. He acted in a very moral way during the crisis in former Yugoslavia. He was different from everyone else. He lost a lot because of his political attitudes, but he didn't care. His intellectual view of the situation was more important to him than money or anything else. In France and other countries his plays were removed from the repertoire. But he didn't change his position. This shows that he is a very strong man who dares to say what he thinks and who cares about moral credibility, regardless of which of his attitudes we like or don't like.
STANDARD: You think he was right about his positions?
Vučić: I'm not going to talk about that. He was right from his point of view. But if you ask me about Milošević then my question would be: How did he calculate things? After all, we lost the largest number of people, destroyed our country, and now we've just reached the level of gross national product we had in 1990. So we have lost 30 years. Was that his fault or the fault of others? I think it was very much the fault of the others, but also his misjudgment and also our fault. Everyone else in Serbia thinks the same way. But Handke was absolutely right when it came to the role of the Western states. It was absolutely avoidable to bomb this country.
STANDARD: His first book about this region was about the Bosnian war, although he wasn't in Bosnia at that time, but in Serbia.
Vučić: It was about the disintegration of Yugoslavia. And I don't think that was Serbia's fault or just Serbia's fault. The international community allowed something to happen.
STANDARD: There were referendums in this process.
Vučić: And why not allow such a referendum in the Republika Srpska today?
STANDARD: Because the Republika Srpska was not a republic in the former Yugoslavia.
Vučić: I know the realities, I try to lead this country in a pragmatic way and bring it closer to the EU. I do not dream of joining in two or three years. But the Serbs are the only ones who have no right to self-determination. It makes the Serbs angry when they hear that the others have done everything according to international standards, but when they themselves ask for something, no "sui generis" case is made for them. The Kosovo Albanians had the right to found a second Albanian state in Europe.
STANDARD: Kosovo is not an Albanian state according to the constitution.
Vučić: Where did you see the Kosovar flag in Kosovo apart from the Kosovan institutions?
STANDARD: You can see it in the streets of Prishtina.
Vučić: You can only see them on public buildings.
STANDARD: No, they sell these flags on every street corner. When I come to Kosovo, I speak Serbian to the people.
Vučić: Andyouthey likethemyou?
STANDARD: It wasn't possible a few years ago, but it's getting better.
Vučić: But people know that you're not Serbian. It's nice to talk to you because you're a romantic person. But they only want to make an Albanian state.
STANDARD: Some, but not all.
Vučić: All.
(Adelheid Wölfl from Belgrade, 21.10.2019)
Aleksandar Vučić (49) has been President of Serbia since 2017 and at the same time Chairman of the Serbian Progressive Party. He was previously Prime Minister since 2014. From 1993 to 2008 he was a member of the Serbian Radical Party, for which he served as Information Minister from 1998 to 2000. Vučić has a rocking policy between the West and Russia. He is repeatedly criticized for his authoritarian tendencies and restrictions on media freedom. Vučić has two children from a previous marriage and a son with his current wife Tamara Đukanović.
Edit: intervju je u međuvremenu dopunjen pitanjima iza onih o Handkeu
Last edited by rumbeando on Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:02 pm; edited 5 times in total
- Posts : 82704
Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°695
Re: Kosovo*
KinderLad wrote:taj tekst mora da se cita mnogo pazljivo. Receno je za svakoga po nesto.
Da, da...
BTW, iskijaćemo svi kolektivno ovo Makronovo odjebavanje Zaeva.
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 82704
Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°696
Re: Kosovo*
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 52474
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°697
Re: Kosovo*
William Murderface wrote:KinderLad wrote:taj tekst mora da se cita mnogo pazljivo. Receno je za svakoga po nesto.
Da, da...
BTW, iskijaćemo svi kolektivno ovo Makronovo odjebavanje Zaeva.
Njagora posledica je da Albanci shvate da nikad nece u EU i onda ih zabole za sve. U NATO-u su svejedno: "Toeto, mozemo da se bacimo na oslobodjenje i ujedinjenje".
- Posts : 16537
Join date : 2014-11-06
- Post n°700
Re: Kosovo*
yihr-ova kosovska hronika