Hubert de Montmirail wrote:Za Filipenka
Samo ovu nisam imao u kolekciji, i moram priznati da je vrhunska
Hubert de Montmirail wrote:Za Filipenka
jfk’s harvard application essay sounds like you asked a 3rd grader what he wants to be when he grows up
Wow. Without fanfare, a comprehensive archive of White House documents covering nearly all of Bill Clinton’s meetings and phone calls with Boris Yeltsin from 1993-1999 has been declassified and is now online. 1/
— Andrew S. Weiss (@andrewsweiss) August 30, 2018
Maybe after a first round of airstrikes, he will be ready to give diplomacy a chance.
President Yeltsin: I think that now we should try and seek at least some ways in order to retain, to save, some of what we have managed to develop during these years. But our people will certainly from now have a bad attitude with regard to America and with NATO. I remember how difficult it was for me to try and turn the heads of our people, the heads of the politicians towards the. West, towards the United States, but I succeeded in doing that, and now to lose all that. Well, since I failed to convince the President, that means there is in store for us a very difficult, difficult road of contacts, if they prove to be possible. Goodbye.
Well, we also got a written request from, Milosevic forwarded by his people regarding the union between Russia and Belarus and Yugoslavia. I tried to delay this, and we are saying we are not ready for this. I can tell you confidentially that this will never happen.
KinderLad wrote:Mislim, vidi se da tada (tokom bombardovanja) Jeljcin aktvno mrzi i Miloševića, a i Klintona
Gargantua wrote:Ovo je IK-3... Sotire?
disident wrote:
Imali neke slike tih monopolskih upaljaca i zigova i zasto su bili tretirani tako strogo u smislu dozvola?
Msm Vermaht arhiv...Gargantua wrote:Ovo je IK-3... Sotire?
Ako nepostojeći arhiv nije bio dovoljan hint...xie saike wrote:
ovo je avion nekog vuka aleksica iz aprilskog rata