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    USA - США - SAD

    Erős Pista

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    USA - США - SAD - Page 14 Empty Re: USA - США - SAD

    Post by Erős Pista Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:05 pm

    Moraš razlikovati milijardere i (((milijardere))).

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

    Posts : 11141
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    Age : 44

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    Post by Mr.Pink Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:09 pm

    pa daj da napravimo neki burundijevski projwkat i konkurisemo

    msm, ako vec bacaju pare.i lenin je rado uzimao 'prljave' pare, a ako kazu da sam soroseva kurva - to mi je cak i ok

    bolje sorosev sluga nego komunjara

    USA - США - SAD - Page 14 Empty Re: USA - США - SAD

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 14, 2018 1:57 pm

    Jednom, dok smo živeli u Kruševcu, velika familija, socijalistički stan i nama bil odosta premda bi po današnjim merilima bilo tesno, ja u osnovnoj školi, dve babe se prerano penzionisale pa eksperimentisale na meni, otac u javnom preduzeću, keva u značajnoj instituciji, i babe reše da premeštaju nameštaj. Nateraju one kevu i ćaleta da se sve ispretumba, po njihvooj zamisli.
    Nagurasmo smo se mi ormana i regala, izbušismo nove kuke za slike, premestismo TV, usput i okrečismo (to jest oni su to radili, ja sam se igrao napolju), a baba jedna je imala anvik uda premešta nameštaj dok su neke lomljive stvari bile na policama, pa je tak orazbila jedan kič keramički javorov list, kupljen u Italiji. Keva se baš iznervirala, ali babe su bile majke, "mi smo vas rodili mi će da vas ubijemo", i posle nedelj udana tumbanja i spavanja na dušecima s nameštajem prvi pokrivenim plastikom zbog krečenja a onda obrisanim i odguranim na nova, bolja, mesta, ispostavilo se da ja vizija dve babe bil potpuno pogrešna. Neki ormani nisu mogli n ida stanu gde su one "zamislile", jer se niko nije setio da prethodno  izmeri, u jednom slučaju je pokriven važna utičnica (u socijalizmu ije bilo toliko utičnica, znate), i jedno mrečju ispostavilo se da je sve bilo džabe. Pa čak i krečenje u izvesnom smislu. Keva se jako iznervirala, ćale je ionako morao da brine brige kao diša, jelte, i - morali smo sve da vratimo na staro.
    Babe su zvocale, ja sams e igrao napolju, tata je malo vukao a onda je doveo dva radnika fizikalca i eto to je bila avantura premetšanja bez plana. Kavaleri neodrćanog premera od Radovana Belog Markovića. Šta ja pišem ovo na ovoj temi, pitate se vi, možda i izbezumljeno, pod uslovom da ste uopšte pročitali ovo, u šta sumnjam. Pa, ovo je bila parabola. Nije nam valjala Hilarica jer nas je bombardovala i jer je baba i žena onog pedera koji nas je bombardovao, baba jedna bolesna, a Berni Sanders nam je bio Ješa smrdljivi, ko ga jebe, pa smo glasali za Trampa, dasu i domaćina, "koji nikada nije pio ni pušio" i jebe dobre pičke.
    I - loše smo premestili. Ostaje nam samo jedno, kao mi u Kruševcu u vreme Tita, da vratimo nameštaj na staro. Da prihbatimo da će Demokrate da nas jebu, ali to nije bitno, važna je demokratija. S Hilaricom ćemo lakše da izgubimo Kosovo i lakše ćemo da besimo naše političare.
    Dajmo amerikancima jedan mandat da pokušajuda poprave sve ovo što je Tramp razmontirao: da vrate socijalno o zdravstveno osiguranje koje ionako nisu imali, da vrate pravo državljanstva rođenjem tako da nove Tanje Boškovići i novi karići i nove Lepe Brene imaju rašta da se porađaju tamo, da ponovo počnu da mlate Meksikance i koriste jeftine Venecualnke kao kućne pomoćnice na crno, da ponovo krenu da ubijaju zbog nafte i da ponovo prave šarade kaobajagi da čubaju ekologiju Antarktika. Džabe smo krečili.

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    Post by паће Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:49 pm

    Узалуд се надаш. Рушење система није премештање намештаја. Метод је да се нанесе непоправљива штета. За један мој мандат, пет ваших не могу све да поправе, и да притом још управљају кризом која ће тек да исплива.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.

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    Post by Anduril Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:14 pm

    William Murderface wrote:Odmah nakon pada Slobe, i to znatno. Oni sada dobijaju otprilike 20 puta manja sredstva nego devedesetih (i 20 puta manja nego što bi bilo potrebno za bilo kakvu smislenu političku akciju sličnu onoj iz devedesetih). Pritom postoji još jedan problem - ta pomoć je bila smislena samo u kontekstu istorijskog trenutka u kojem se činilo da istorija neminovno vodi ka "otvorenom društvu". Ceo taj sistem, na čelu sa samim Sorosem, je žrtva jedne prevaziđene ideološke pozicije, i zapravo ne ume da se pozicionira u današnjem svetu. Stara ideologija je propala, nove nema, oni po navici rade što su radili i ranije, ali bez rezultata.

    Otvoreno drustvo je i danas jos uvek dominantna realnost u zapadnoj Evropi i pored naleta nacionalizma.

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    Post by kondo Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:24 pm

    bruno sulak wrote:inace bas mi idu na zivce ova jankova samoubistva. WMD sadisticke pasivne agresije. potpuno razumem gag sto je otisla nakon jedne takve epizode.

    s njim?


    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.

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    Post by kondo Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:27 pm

    disident wrote:Aj sad cu da procitam
    jedino sto znam da domacim nvo sredstva jesu skresana



    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.

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    Post by паће Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:32 pm

    Kondo wrote:
    bruno sulak wrote:inace bas mi idu na zivce ova jankova samoubistva. WMD sadisticke pasivne agresije. potpuno razumem gag sto je otisla nakon jedne takve epizode.

    s njim?

    Ал' видели смо колико је он поштује. Мислим, тај gag order. Расфениксује се сваки час и све испаочетка.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.

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    Post by Gargamel Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:42 pm

    William Murderface wrote:https://pescanik.net/sorosova-filozofija-i-njena-fatalna-greska/
    promašio je u jako bitnoj stvari...

    Tip kome je intelektualno nadahnuće Karl Poper baš i nije materijal za revolucionarne projekte. U najboljem slučaju, može da bude nekakav konzervativni i cinični socijal-demokrata ili socijal-liberal. Neuspesi i razočaranja se podrazumevaju - dva koraka napred, jedan nazad, dva napred, dva nazad. I tako do kraja sveta.
    Erős Pista

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    Post by Erős Pista Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:55 pm

    Pa gde je promasaj u tekstu? Autor to i kaze.

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

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    Post by Gargamel Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:37 pm

    u suštini, teza teksta je da Soroš veruje u neku verziju linearne istorije u kojoj se stvari kreću u željenom smeru. ali njegova pripadnost eliti dovodi do toga da ne shvata da su postojeće kapitalističke strukture prepreka njegovoj viziji sveta.

    hebem li ga... malo verovatno da u nekakvu linearnost veruje čovek kome je Karl Poper nadahnuće. očekivano je upravo suprotno.

    Soroš u odgovoru na taj članak:
    I don’t think I have ever expressed an optimism that history is headed in the right direction. Martin Luther King famously said “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice”. I am less of an optimist, which is why I have spent my life actively trying to bend the arc in a positive direction.

    USA - США - SAD - Page 14 Empty Re: USA - США - SAD

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:35 am

    haha jbt kakav im je trn u oku AOC.tekst je teško sranje, ali povod da se AOC napadne je baš onako... mind.blown...
    i nekako u isto vreme je došao i onaj pičvajz sa kaputom, neverovatno šta sve mora da istrpi samo što je izabrana. šta li će da bude kad zapravo bude pokušala nešto da radi USA - США - SAD - Page 14 3579118792

    Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), made headlines when she revealed that she wouldn’t be able to afford Washington, D.C. rent until her government salary kicks in.

    The lack of affordable housing in Washington is no joke, but the predicament also speaks to the young lawmaker’s financial literacy — or lack thereof. The 29-year-old didn’t think to consider something as basic as the relocation expenses of a new job opportunity. USA - США - SAD - Page 14 1336943286

    If she doesn’t know how much an apartment costs, how much confidence should taxpayers have in her ability to effectively deliver trillions of dollars in campaign promises?  

    Ocasio-Cortez has proposed free "Medicare for All," free college tuition, guaranteed federal employment at $15 an hour and free houses for the nation’s poorest. These ideas have been conservatively priced at $40 trillion — twice as much money currently listed on the national debt.

    It’s the kind of extremist proposal you’d expect to hear from someone who has never made a budget, never been responsible for a business and payroll and never had taxes deducted from a hard-earned paycheck. It's the kind of proposal you've heard from Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro and Hugo Chavez before him. 

    While an undergraduate student at Boston University, Ocasio-Cortez’s coursework in economics apparently didn’t make much of an impression about the power of market enterprise.

    The problem with her myriad of “free” giveaways is it’s unbelievably naïve and empirically falsifiable to think the federal government is more cost-efficient than the free market. The first rule of economic thinking is that "there's no such thing as a free lunch." Choices have costs.

    Economics helps us understand that it is entrepreneurs, inventors and new ideas propelled by ordinary people that power an economy. She should have learned that at BU.

    If you want to see young, successful people who are making a real difference, look at someone who started his or her own business, got his or her foot in the door at a prestigious company or worked for what they achieved.

    Most people don’t want to be stuck in a $15-an-hour, guaranteed government job because it stunts their long-term opportunities. The private sector incentivizes hard work and lessons learned, and it pays better than any government position.
    Unfortunately, the world view espoused by Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders paints the economy as a zero-sum equation unless the government directs the choices. Their proposals call for showering benefits on certain groups and paying for it by taking money from the wealthy. If millionaires and corporations are losing, then surely welfare recipients will be winning, their logic holds.
    That’s not how the global economy works. The free market is the world's largest and most successful poverty alleviation program. Market investment and entrepreneurship far outperform government investment, and the resulting surges in economic activity benefits everyone, particularly the poorest.

    There’s also an inadvertently tragic ramification of today’s trendy Democratic Socialist ideas. If you actually added $40 trillion to the U.S. national debt, as Ocasio-Cortez has proposed, it would be younger people and future generations that have to bear the astronomical tax burden when the bills come due.  
    The proliferation of these ill-conceived economic ideas over the past few years speaks to the lack of economic literacy in our education system.

    Graduates of Boston University’s economics program are supposed to be able to “understand economic theory … and be able to apply these models to evaluate policies and real­-world events,” according to the school’s website. 

    Ocasio-Cortez would do well to understand that the path to prosperity is not built on government handouts but on free people unleashing their human creativity to advance the common good. An honest to goodness economics debate between Ocasio-Cortez and her opponent could have been a sorely-needed corrective lesson. By exposing the flimsy arguments of central planners like Ocasio-Cortez, it may have helped young people understand economics better than any college course ever could. USA - США - SAD - Page 14 3137070404

    Anne Rathbone Bradley, Ph.D., is the George and Sally Mayer fellow for economic education and academic director at The Fund for American Studies (TFAS), an organization that advocates for limited government and free-market economics. She is also a visiting professor at Georgetown University.
    Ferenc Puskás

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    Post by Ferenc Puskás Sun Nov 18, 2018 1:14 am

    Ocasio-Cortez would do well to understand that the path to prosperity is not built on government handouts but on free people unleashing their human creativity to advance the common good. An honest to goodness economics debate between Ocasio-Cortez and her opponent could have been a sorely-needed corrective lesson. By exposing the flimsy arguments of central planners like Ocasio-Cortez, it may have helped young people understand economics better than any college course ever could.

    Ha rendelkezésre áll a szükséges pénz, a vége általában jó.
    Erős Pista

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    Post by Erős Pista Sun Nov 18, 2018 9:12 am

    Ali skroz.

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

    USA - США - SAD - Page 14 Empty Re: USA - США - SAD

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:11 am

    Goodbye, Cold War

    The 2016 election was the last election of the cold war. The conflict that molded generations of American elites has ceased to function as the framing paradigm of American politics. Even decades after the fall of the Soviet Union, an account of the cold war—and of cold war victory—contained disagreement in Washington and formed a consensus that linked the center-left to the center-right. This consensus, based on a set of judgments that coalesced in the aftermath of World War II, concerned everything from the genius of America’s domestic institutions to the indispensability of its global role. These judgments gave coherence to the country’s national identity—allowing both Barack Obama and Bill Kristol to wax poetic about America’s special destiny as a global hegemon—and legitimacy to its economic policy. But with the 2016 election, the cold-war paradigm finally shattered.

    Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, the establishment candidates, found that the value of their political inheritance had collapsed; in a sense, they were the last scions of Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump marked the return of the repressed: the reemergence of two varieties of popular politics that were common until the 1940s but were eventually crushed under the pressure of the long cold war. Socialism was no longer anathema, as memories of the Soviet Union faded, but neither was white nationalism in all its terror and intensity. For good and for bad, a door had been unlocked. Today, the country is more ideologically open than it has been since the 1940s.

    Establishment politicians’ response has been a call for the return to “normalcy.” Democrats and many Republicans continue to reaffirm the moral distinctions between America and its enemies, regardless of who occupies the White House: the United States stands for liberal equality and uses force to serve the world’s interests; its adversaries are threats to democracy that must be contained, undermined, or forcibly confronted. This is a movement to reassert the terms of the cold war, and with those terms, a previous status quo. Although it is hardly the first time politicians have sought to revive cold-war presumptions for their own political purposes (Reagan ended the era of peaceful coexistence and détente with lurid denunciations of the “Evil Empire,” coupled with panegyrics to American exceptionalism and free enterprise), the difference today is that the old-time religion can no longer be revived.


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    Post by Zuper Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:52 am

    Naravno da moze. Samo gledaj.
    Doduse, vratice se tu i rasizma prema zutima...
    Igra tek pocinje mada ce je evropsklo klonovi izgubiti na kraju.
    Ali bice gadno.

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    Post by beatakeshi Sat Dec 01, 2018 5:45 pm


    USA - США - SAD - Page 14 Empty Re: USA - США - SAD

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 01, 2018 6:22 pm

    Kavannahov "supporter" brže-bolje postavio stranicu na Wikipediji o đavoljem trouglu s pićencima?!
    Super štos, obrnuti Orwell.
    Znači, igrao lepeze i kamene face, infuzovalu mu krv slobodne dece Samerhila. Dobar belokućni kadar, scenario iz onog films sa Džefom Bridžisom i Džonom Hjustonom, najboljim filmom o ubistvu Kenedija.

    USA - США - SAD - Page 14 Empty Re: USA - США - SAD

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 02, 2018 1:26 am

    Inače, malo poznat a zanimljiv, iz današnje perspektive, Bušov (matori) govor u ukrajinskoj Radi avgusta 1991.


    USA - США - SAD - Page 14 Empty Re: USA - США - SAD

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 02, 2018 6:28 pm

    Erős Pista

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    Post by Erős Pista Sun Dec 02, 2018 7:34 pm

    Nije Onion


    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

    USA - США - SAD - Page 14 Empty Re: USA - США - SAD

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:01 am

    Neka je vačna slava Raziji Razi Bijedić, Džemalu i Džordžu Bušu starijem. 
    Bio je glupav čovek. Ali i takav je bio ratni heroj. Posle je bio koristan aparatčik u CIJI. Kao gluplji je izabran da bude potpredsednik tupljem. Ramsfeld je bio bolja opcija. Buš je bio glup kao tampon Margaret Tačer. Jedno vreme se čak zalagao za očuvanje SFRJ, pametniji drćavni sekretar Bejker mu je vodio spoljnu politiku, i da je Predsredništvo SFRJ imalo muda i pameti, možda bi se ona i sačuvala a Buš bi bio kurje oko Vudrpua Uilsona. Ali, izdaja u vrhu naše vlasti i diplomatska agresija Austrije i Nemačke, pizda im materina, sve je pokvarila. Buš je ionako mislio da je Lazar Koliševski predsednik Jugoslavije. Uglavnom, glup čovek, sa kučinom umesto mozga, marioneta naftnog kartela i vojne industrije. Sin mu je bio šaner i pijandura, ali je i takav bio inteligentniji. Bušu nisu morali da kradu mozak pred sahranu.

    Last edited by kud_genijalci on Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:02 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : nekoliko tipfelera i ubacio sam neke odlučujuće zapete bez kojih bi ubica bio oslobođen električne stolice)
    Erős Pista

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    Post by Erős Pista Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:56 am

    Djamolidine Abdoujaparov wrote:Goodbye, Cold War

    The 2016 election was the last election of the cold war. The conflict that molded generations of American elites has ceased to function as the framing paradigm of American politics. Even decades after the fall of the Soviet Union, an account of the cold war—and of cold war victory—contained disagreement in Washington and formed a consensus that linked the center-left to the center-right. This consensus, based on a set of judgments that coalesced in the aftermath of World War II, concerned everything from the genius of America’s domestic institutions to the indispensability of its global role. These judgments gave coherence to the country’s national identity—allowing both Barack Obama and Bill Kristol to wax poetic about America’s special destiny as a global hegemon—and legitimacy to its economic policy. But with the 2016 election, the cold-war paradigm finally shattered.

    Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, the establishment candidates, found that the value of their political inheritance had collapsed; in a sense, they were the last scions of Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump marked the return of the repressed: the reemergence of two varieties of popular politics that were common until the 1940s but were eventually crushed under the pressure of the long cold war. Socialism was no longer anathema, as memories of the Soviet Union faded, but neither was white nationalism in all its terror and intensity. For good and for bad, a door had been unlocked. Today, the country is more ideologically open than it has been since the 1940s.

    Establishment politicians’ response has been a call for the return to “normalcy.” Democrats and many Republicans continue to reaffirm the moral distinctions between America and its enemies, regardless of who occupies the White House: the United States stands for liberal equality and uses force to serve the world’s interests; its adversaries are threats to democracy that must be contained, undermined, or forcibly confronted. This is a movement to reassert the terms of the cold war, and with those terms, a previous status quo. Although it is hardly the first time politicians have sought to revive cold-war presumptions for their own political purposes (Reagan ended the era of peaceful coexistence and détente with lurid denunciations of the “Evil Empire,” coupled with panegyrics to American exceptionalism and free enterprise), the difference today is that the old-time religion can no longer be revived.

    Ista ploča, samo druga strana

    What Cold War Liberalism Can Teach Us Today

    Jan-Werner Müller

    USA - США - SAD - Page 14 Isaiah-berlin-1980s-250x0-c-default
    Liberalism is in crisis, we’re told, assailed on left and right by rising populists and authoritarians. The center cannot hold, they say. But if liberal democracy itself is under threat of collapse because of this weakened center, why are the great defenders of the “open society” such as Isaiah Berlin, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Karl Popper, and Raymond Aron so little invoked?

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

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    Post by Gargamel Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:28 pm

    Gargantua wrote:
    budalaština. izbrisani tvit je bio ogavan, članak je bio žešće sranje.

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    Post by Gargamel Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:44 pm

    Djamolidine Abdoujaparov wrote:haha jbt kakav im je trn u oku AOC.tekst je teško sranje, ali povod da se AOC napadne je baš onako... USA - США - SAD - Page 14 3579118792
    AOC je manje trn u oku, više je idealna meta. to što ona priča je idealno strašilo za konzervativnu bazu. pride je neoprezna sa činjenicama i brojkama, pa povremeno lupi žestoko.

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