Bodis Gabor, novinar iz Budimpešte, gostovao je u Dnevniku N1 kod Domagoja Novokmeta gdje je komentirao ostavku mađarske predsjednice Katalin Novak koja je odstupila nakon skandala s pomilovanjem muškarca koji je optužen za pomaganje pedofilima.
Gabor objašnjava da je to naredio premijer Viktor Orban jer je osjetio da bi ga ta afera mogla ugroziti. “Afera je izbila početkom tjedna kada se slučajno saznalo da je predsjednica pomilovala čovjeka koji je bio zamjenik direktora u jednoj državnoj školi, a koji je zataškavao aktivnosti šefa koji je 12 godina seksualno zlostavljao djecu”, rekao je.
“On je primorao djecu da potpišu da nije istina ono što su prethodno tvrdili o direktoru škole”, dodao je.
“Ne bi se nikada saznalo da za vrijeme posjete pape Franje, kada je predsjednica pomilovala 20 osoba, među kojima i tog zamjenika koji je bio u kućnom pritvoru, on nije tražio neko formalno objašnjenje odluke”, tvrdi Gabor.
Kada je izbio skandal četiri dana se nije ništa događalo, oporbene stranke su davale izjave na jednom malom medijskom prostoru jer je 90 posto medija pod totalnom kontrolom vlade. U državnim medijima i tim medijima se o tome ništa nije govorilo”, objasnio je.
Smatra da se znalo da će doći do ostavke jer je Orban predložio izmjenu Ustava koji kaže da se ne mogu pomilovati ljudi koji su kažnjeni zbog pedofilije. “To je bilo poniženje predsjednice, i znalo se kakav će biti ishod. Treba znati da je Novak bila predsjednica samo voljom Orbana, ona je vjerna članica partije. Orban je brzo djelovao i napravio čistku, ali svi kažu da nije bilo drugog izbora”, rekao je Gabor.
Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
- Posts : 10741
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- Post n°926
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
Međuopštinski pustolov.
Zli stolar.
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- Post n°927
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
fun fact: he speaks a perfect Russian, and has the collected works of Lenin on his office bookshelf
— Csaba Tóth (@tothcsabatibor) February 12, 2024
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Join date : 2014-10-27
- Post n°928
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
- Posts : 3244
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Location : bizarr nők hazája
- Post n°929
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence
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Location : bizarr nők hazája
- Post n°930
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
A Hungarian government funded proxy/GONGO is running new anti-American billboards alleging that leaders of Hungary's opposition are on US payroll (using iconic Dead Kennedys visuals, likely infringing copyright laws, lol). You can guess what comes next after these hate campaigns.
— Szabolcs Panyi (@panyiszabolcs) March 24, 2024
blamaža lvl 1 prilikom pokojni septik ide preko pešačkog propisno skockan a neke natapirane tinejdž paljevine iz kola poletno zaurlaju tooo brate tokio hotel forevr fak jea
ko ne zna za dk
- Spoiler:
The Bay Area Music Awards, also known as the Bammies, was a yearly awards show held in San Francisco where well known bands from the city would perform, the winner would then be selected through viewer polls. For the 1980 Bay Area Music Awards, the event was to open with the punk rock band Dead Kennedys where they were scheduled to play their increasingly popular song, "California Über Alles".
The band came on stage wearing white shirts with a black "S" spray painted onto them and started to play the first few seconds of the song, where then lead singer, Jello Biafra, stopped them and said:
"Hold it! We gotta prove we're adults now, we're not a punk rock band we're a new wave band"
After this, the members each pulled a black necktie from behind their necks and brought it to the front to turn the "S" on their shirts into dollar symbols. They then begun to play a new song called "Pull My Strings", the only time they would play this live.[1]
The songs lyrics insult the music industry in a satirical but lighthearted way, with the opening lines being: "I'm tired of self-respect, I can't afford a car, I wanna be a prefab superstar". Other notable sections of the song include short portions of the song being a parody of the song "My Sharona" by The Knack, a huge hit song at the time, where they played the chorus of this song and replaced the words with "Drool, drool, drool, drool, drool, drool, my payola", 'payola' being the illegal practice of record companies paying radio hosts to play specific songs and have them act like it is just a normal part of their broadcast.
The show was broadcasted live to radio stations such as KMEL and there is video footage of Huey Lewis and the News performing that night, proving there were cameras there but still no recordings of the Dead Kennedys performance from the night have ever surfaced. An audio recording of the event, however, was released on the band's compilation album Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death (1987). In an interview with the bands bassist, Klaus Flouride, he said "Nobody's gotten in touch with us about the existence of the video, so I don't think it exists I don't think they did any video of it, it'd be something worth trying to look into". This footage is considered one of the most sought after items in the world of punk rock.
Last edited by konjski nil on Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence
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- Post n°931
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
konjski nil wrote:
Нешто ти се ту појебало.
А, исправио, minden jó.
with modem on UPS, I will have wife even when power goes down.
нама је потребно да ви будете на робији.
- Posts : 83257
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- Post n°932
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 53646
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°933
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
- Posts : 83257
Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°934
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 53646
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°935
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
- Posts : 83257
Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°936
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 3182
Join date : 2015-08-13
- Post n°937
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
Gdje punac drži pive?
- Posts : 53646
Join date : 2017-11-16
- Post n°938
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
- ne
- tad sam ti bio dobar
- pa, ne, ali...
- Posts : 38259
Join date : 2014-10-27
- Post n°939
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
- Posts : 10741
Join date : 2020-06-19
- Post n°940
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
Hungary, which will hold the EU presidency from July 1, has chosen Make Europe Great Again, (MEGA) as the slogan for its term in office.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) June 18, 2024
Donald Trump used a similar phrase in his 2016 election campaign: Make America Great Again, (MAGA).
Waiting for Orbán to wear a MEGA cap.
Međuopštinski pustolov.
Zli stolar.
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- Post n°941
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
Međuopštinski pustolov.
Zli stolar.
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Location : wife privilege
- Post n°943
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
with modem on UPS, I will have wife even when power goes down.
нама је потребно да ви будете на робији.
- Posts : 3244
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Location : bizarr nők hazája
- Post n°944
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence
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Location : wife privilege
- Post n°945
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
with modem on UPS, I will have wife even when power goes down.
нама је потребно да ви будете на робији.
- Posts : 10741
Join date : 2020-06-19
- Post n°946
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
Međuopštinski pustolov.
Zli stolar.
- Posts : 83257
Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°947
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 42412
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Location : wife privilege
- Post n°948
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
with modem on UPS, I will have wife even when power goes down.
нама је потребно да ви будете на робији.
- Posts : 3182
Join date : 2015-08-13
- Post n°949
Re: Smrt fašizmu, sloboda Mađarskoj!
Gdje punac drži pive?