Indy wrote:Super, sad kad Rio Tinto dođe i sve zasere...
Зар већ нису власници Трепче?
Indy wrote:Super, sad kad Rio Tinto dođe i sve zasere...
паће wrote:Зар већ нису власници Трепче?
паће wrote:Indy wrote:Super, sad kad Rio Tinto dođe i sve zasere...
Зар већ нису власници Трепче?
The federal government adopted its Energiekonzept (energy plan) in October 2010. At this time, it assumed life extensions of German nuclear power plants up to the late 2030s. In 2011, after the Fukushima incident, it was decided to phase out nuclear power generation in Germany by the end of 2022. From the beginning, the focus has been on ambitious climate protection policies: a greenhouse gas emission reduction of 80% to 95% by 2050 with step-by-step objectives for each decade, including a 40% reduction by 2020 (compared with 1990); a massive increase in energy efficiency to yield total energy savings of 20% by 2020 and 50% by 2050; and the steady development of renewables to a 60% share of final energy consumption and 80% of power consumption by 2050. Thus, Germany’s climate protection targets go beyond EU targets. In order to achieve the 2020 CO2-reduction target, the German government decided in 2015 to implement a “Climate Action Programme 2020” (Aktionsprogramm Klimaschutz 2020)). This includes specific measures for the electricity sector which will have a direct impact on the use of lignite and hard coal. In November 2016, the German federal government also agreed upon a “Climate Protection Plan 2050” (Klimaschutzplan 2050) which sets out strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 61% to 62% by 2030 compared with 1990. The plan was presented at the UNFCCC COP 22 meeting in Marrakesh and means a move away from EU-wide efforts towards national climate action. However, up to now, there are no concrete actions concerning coal.
Indy wrote:Ok, jedno je pričati o novim rudnicima i eksploataciji novih nalazišta, a drugo je "odbacivanje uglja". Jasno je da će (i u bogatim zemljama) ugalj igrati ulogu u energetskom miksu još dugo vremena. (Na žalost, ali je tako.)
Inače, sa tom logikom ("neka to urade oni prvo") smo apsolutno na tragu kataklizme (u vreme generacije naše unučadi), tako da samozadovoljstvu nema mesta.
(Zanimljivo je da i ovde bogati kažu to isto, "neka prvo Kinezi i Indijci prestanu da upumpavaju gasove staklene bašte, šta smo mi u odnosu na njih..." Super će nam svima biti sa tom logikom, na čelu sa drugom Trampom, koji je ovaploćenje tog principa.)
Zuper wrote:U Nemackoj ugalj+gas cine preko 50% prozivodnje el.energije tzv. obnovljivi izvori negde oko 1/3 i taj rast obnovljivih izvora ide na uglavnom na racun nuklearne energije.
Energiewende ima dosta problema zato ugalj i opstaje.