Jebi ga, nije svaki humor za svakoga.
Apropo teksta koji sam okacio, on je odlican, ali pomalo nedorecen u tome zasto je Gamergate toliko zaboleo SJW ekipicu. Tip odlicno primecuje da Gamergate pokret Milenijalaca. Generacije koja je odrasla uz meme kulturu, 4Chan, Anime, South Park isl. Dakle, generaciju slobodoumnih, kreativnih, opsesivno kompulsivnih podjebavaca i trolova. I ono sto je meni licno bilo najupecatljivije u sukobu izmedju GGa i SJW ekipe, jeste upravo ta kreatvna
dominacija koju je GG imao u odnosu na potonje. Na svaki suvoparni, patronizirajuci tekst ili twit anti-GGa, ti si imao milion stripova, crteza, gifova, memea, cosplaya... I svaki taj potez GGa je posebno boleo, lii bio posebno otrovan - jer dolazi sa istog bunjista. Opet, gejmergejtlije su liberalno naklonjena omladina. Oni dolaze iz istog kulturnog, klasnog i ideoloskog miljea kao i SJW ekipa. I upravo zbog toga znaju gde da udaraju, i znaju gde boli.
Glavni metod SJWovske borbe je provokacija. Dinamika sukoba izmedju njih i konzervi je da SJW prvo povuku neki kontroverzni potez, pa se onda konzerve na to antonicevski zgrazavaju, a onda na to SJW uzvracaju nadmenim podjebavanjem sa neke umisljene intelektualne hoklice. Opsti znacaj Gejmergejta je sto je tu paradigmu preokrenuo, obrnuo je uloge. Imas masu ludih klinaca koji su okrenuli celu trolersku internet podkulturu protiv njih, i zasuli ih nenormalnom kolicinom kako pozitivne kreativnosti, tako i najgoreg shitpostinga, na koju ove mukice ne umeju da odgovore bilo cime osim NSPMovskim zgrazavanjem (koje Sima i Ostap ovde odlicno odrazavaju).
I autor sada tu odlicno uvidja jednu stvar. Gejmergejtov narativ usled svoje grassroots siline polako pocinje da isplivava u mejnstrim. Termin "SJW", jedan tupavi klinacki izraz sa 4Chana, je usao u svakodnevni govor. Sad ga vidim svugde. I to ne samo u gejmerskoj zajednici, ili u drustvenim mrezama, nego u ozbiljnim medijima. I tu krece zabavni deo, zbog kog sam i postavio tekst, a koji ste komotno izabrali da ignorisete, dok niste bili istrigerovani ovim stripcetom:
The right, in fact, missed an opportunity last year to establish the "SJW" as a stereotype of all Dems and manufacture a narrative out of it. I'm sure they will still try to do this, but the Dems have some time to prepare for it and tamp down the endless outrage emanating from the most doctrinaire of the left-wing outlets. Hence the current raft of "Students are so emotional and scary!" articles from Laura Kipnis and TPM and Vox and the like, and Michelle Obama telling Oberlin students to STFU. Some lefties are starting to run out of the burning social justice house, claiming they didn't set fire to it: "I was abused by these social justice maniacs! I wasn't one of them!" Disingenuousness aside, that will make it harder for the social justice movement to be turned into an icon of All That is Wrong with the Democrats. There was a moment of opportunity where, had the right taken the risk of embracing Gamergate, they could have attracted a lot of left-leaning people by taking on an ideology that was peaking at that very time. This was, I believe, precisely Christina Hoff Sommers' thinking. It's too late to do that now. It might not have worked anyway (it was a risky strategy because of factors 1 and 2), but I was scared that it would.
My mistake, then, was thinking that because the Dems saw Gamergate as a short-term political football, the Repubs did as well. They didn't, because the timing was wrong for them. The Repubs were concerned with their base, just as the Dems were concerned with theirs, but Gamergate was only a relevant issue (pro AND con) for the Dem base. Had Gamergate rolled around a year or two later, I believe the right would have tried to take up the Gamergate mantle more aggressively to peel off support from Hillary, but 2014 was too early for it to seem like a good idea. The long-term outlook was too unpredictable.
Instead, you are seeing a slower movement to peel off anti-social justice Dems through less orthodox right-wing venues like the Washington Examiner (keep an eye on Ashe Schow, Dems; hopefully the right is too dumb to allow her to be effective), Breitbart UK, and possibly the Daily Caller. It provides the best opportunity for Republicans to make inroads among the millennials that they have totally lost on social issues. They can't come out loudly for gay marriage or anything, but they can inveigh against the anti-tolerance of certain obnoxious leftist factions, and I'm sure they will. But the left now seems to be trying to rein in those excesses well ahead of Hillary's candidacy, to prevent the Repubs from capitalizing on it too heavily. Who will win the race?
SJWovi su svojim zilotizmom postali toxic asset Demokratama. Dogadjajima kao sto su Shirtgate, Gamergate, Metalgate itsl. oni su jasno identifikovani pred javnosti, i vise ne mogu svoja ideoloska bulaznjenja nerimeceno da provlace izmedju redova "normalne", ne-levoliberalne levice. A Gamergate je dao citav toolset materijala kojim se mogu prcati od strane sire javnosti. I kao sto autor, ocigledno demokrata, mudro zakljucuje - krece odjebavanje od strane Demokrata i njima naklonjenih mejnstrim medija. Isto kao sto je ovde Druga Srbija, mudro po demokrate, odjebana 2007/8. a njen narativ zauvek ziv zakopan u CZKD.
Toliko od mene, i laku noc.
- Spoiler: