PrskatorVlado: Pofukani po običaju jugoslaveniše, a ovaj bradati mesopust suptilno srbendiše
Viking1986: eto nakon malo pohvala na članak mate mijića večernji me odmah vrati u surovu stvarnost ! I ide velikosrpska propaganda opet .. zašto ga niste pitali što misli o izjavama patrijarha irineja ?! I ovaj je poznat po velikosrpskim težnjama i tezama o "srpskoj dalmaciji " što je nedavno pisalo u slobodnoj dalmaciji i odmah naišlo na veliko odobravanje "Hrvatskih" ljevičara i antifa parazita koji su ga prozvali čovjekom mira ?! Majko naša što mi moramo trpit u slobodnoj Hrvatskoj za koju je toliko krvi proliveno protiv ovih bradatih ..
jimdo: I Adolf je bio ljevicar.
_____ "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
koji mrak u ostalim komentarima, ta hajlajtovana 3 su potpuno reprezentativna.
_____ i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
Vatican scrambles after pope appears to deny existence of hell
The Vatican has scrambled to clarify comments made by Pope Francis to a well-known Italian journalist that appeared to deny the existence of hell.
The Holy See issued a terse statement saying a lengthy article published in La Repubblica on Wednesday by Eugenio Scalfari, 93, the newspaper’s founder, was “the fruit of his reconstruction” and not “a faithful transcription of the Holy Father’s words”.
While the Vatican conceded that Scalfari, an atheist who struck up a friendship with Francis in 2013, had held a private meeting with the pontiff before the Easter weekend, it said an interview had not been granted.
During the meeting Scalfari asked the pope where “bad souls” go, to which he was quoted as responding: “They are not punished. Those who repent obtain God’s forgiveness and take their place among the ranks of those who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot be forgiven disappear. A hell doesn’t exist, the disappearance of sinning souls exists.”
The Vatican said the “literal words pronounced by the pope are not quoted” and that “no quotation of the article should be considered as a faithful transcription of the words of the Holy Father”.
Scalfari is said to pride himself on not taking notes or recording high-profile interviews. But this is not the first time he has been accused of misrepresenting the pope: in 2014 he was rebuked by the Vatican for an article saying Francis had abolished sin.
The friendship has been criticised in the past, with Scalfari once saying that it was the pope who asked for the meetings as he liked to “exchange ideas and sentiments with non-believers”.
The Catholic church’s teachings affirm the existence of hell and its eternity, saying “the chief punishment of hell is eternal separation of God”.
Pope Benedict XVI said in 2007 that hell “really exists and is eternal, even if nobody talks about it much anymore”, while in 1999 Pope John Paul II announced that hell was “the ultimate consequence of sin itself … rather than a place, hell indicates the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy”.
Pope faces indigenous Canadians' anger over refusal to apologize for past abuse Read more The controversy came as Pope Francis washed the feet of 12 prisoners at Rome’s Regina Coeli prison on Holy Thursday. Among the inmates were two Muslims, an Orthodox Christian and a Buddhist. He told them: “Everyone has the opportunity to change life and one cannot judge.”
It was the fourth time since becoming pope that he held mass in an Italian prison. “I am a sinner like you but today I represent Jesus … God never abandons us, never tires of forgiving us,” he added.
_____ The thing that so pleases me about DMT is that, you know, a lot of people will not take a psychedelic like LSD and Psilocybin or something because it lasts hours and hours and inevitably when dealing with things that last that long you're gonna end up dealing with 'your stuff'. Your anxieties, your fears, your this & that.. A lot of people dont care for that sort of thing, whether that's good or bad is another issue. With DMT -it lasts four minutes- and how *lost* can you get in an examination of childhood trauma in four minutes, especially when you've got hundreds of elves tugging at your coatsleaves?
Finally, I cannot but speak of the serious risks associated with the invasion, at high levels of culture and education in both universities and in schools, of positions of libertarian individualism. A common feature of this fallacious paradigm is that it minimizes the common good, that is, “living well”, a “good life” in the community framework, and exalts the selfish ideal that deceptively proposes a “beautiful life”. If individualism affirms that it is only the individual who gives value to things and interpersonal relationships, and so it is only the individual who decides what is good and what is bad, then libertarianism, today in fashion, preaches that to establish freedom and individual responsibility, it is necessary to resort to the idea of “self-causation”. Thus libertarian individualism denies the validity of the common good because on the one hand it supposes that the very idea of “common” implies the constriction of at least some individuals, and the other that the notion of “good” deprives freedom of its essence.
Даље се наводи да није тајна да папа Фрањо није био задовољан начином на који се води Црква у Хрватској, пре свега због конзервативних бискупа који су својим десничарењем, а нажалост и подилажењем пораженим идеологијама, често компромитирали Цркву.
_____ "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Ili neka nađu novinare koji znaju srpski ili neka (protiv čega nemam ništa protiv) prenose test u originalu. Ne samo Politika, nego i svi ostali. Prebacuju iz ijekavskog u ekavski, sve ostalo ostave, izgleda ko neki izmišljeni jezik.
KinderLad wrote:Ili neka nađu novinare koji znaju srpski ili neka (protiv čega nemam ništa protiv) prenose test u originalu. Ne samo Politika, nego i svi ostali. Prebacuju iz ijekavskog u ekavski, sve ostalo ostave, izgleda ko neki izmišljeni jezik.
Sad si me natjerao da pročitam i ništa nisam našao čudno. Šta je privuklo tvoju pozornost? :usvakomodnasčučiPaće: Inače u cro medijima brižljivo kroatiziraju srpske izjave da im ne daj bog ne promakne koji utisak ili tačka.
_____ Ha rendelkezésre áll a szükséges pénz, a vége általában jó.
KinderLad wrote:Ili neka nađu novinare koji znaju srpski ili neka (protiv čega nemam ništa protiv) prenose test u originalu. Ne samo Politika, nego i svi ostali. Prebacuju iz ijekavskog u ekavski, sve ostalo ostave, izgleda ko neki izmišljeni jezik.
Sad si me natjerao da pročitam i ništa nisam našao čudno. Šta je privuklo tvoju pozornost? :usvakomodnasčučiPaće: Inače u cro medijima brižljivo kroatiziraju srpske izjave da im ne daj bog ne promakne koji utisak ili tačka.
promakne im, vrlo retko ali video sam "doprinijeti" ili da+prezent, a mislim da sam jednom pronašao i lubenicu, ali jako davno. Ređe nego u srpskim, gde je smešan "prevod" skoro svakodnevna pojava, ali promakne ponekad. Ali nije to prenošenje vesti ono što me nervira, nego citiranje. Ide citat recimo nekog hrv političara i ja to čitam i potpuno mi je nestvarno, pošto znam kako čovek govori kad ga pročitam na ekavici i sa "nedeljama" i u "direktnom prenosu". Ili obrnuto. Zato pto to što čuješ na bazičnom nivou ne doživljavaš kao strani jezik, nego kao drugi dijalekat svog. Prosto veze koje se stvaraju u mozgu nisu kao kad neko sluša engleski ili neki drugi jezik, pa taman ga znao fantastično dobro.
Last edited by KinderLad on Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
otto katz wrote:Ček šta je sad problem s lubenicom? Ili si pronašao baš pravu lubenicu? Ali to onda više nije jezičko pitanje, nego botaničko ili nutricionističko.
U posljednjih godinu dana je hrvatski jezički prostor preplavio "srbizam" uhljeb. Kapiram da je to ok, jer ima negativnu konotaciju.
au greška, to je samo u Dalmaciji da je dinja za lubenicu
Ne znam, naleteo sam tu i tamo na srbizme, ali defo mnogo mnogo ređe.
Ne, ok, posle Tudjmana je divljanje prestalo u dobroj meri, šta je od novogovora ostalo ostalo je, sve drugo se vratilo u...normalu
Ono gdje je Tuđmanova rekroatizacija hrvatskog potpuno provedena je jezik administracije, prava, državne uprave, vojske i udžbenika. Potpuno u skladu s idejom sakrosanktnosti države koja govori jezikom nerazumljivim običnim smrtnicima.
_____ Ha rendelkezésre áll a szükséges pénz, a vége általában jó.
otto katz wrote:Ono gdje je Tuđmanova rekroatizacija hrvatskog potpuno provedena je jezik administracije, prava, državne uprave, vojske i udžbenika. Potpuno u skladu s idejom sakrosanktnosti države koja govori jezikom nerazumljivim običnim smrtnicima.
Pa dobro, s protokom vremena postaće razumljiviji i običnim smrtnicima.
Ja u kući imam Hrvata koji već 6 godina živi u Srbiji, pored njega sad više ništa ne znam, ni da li se kod nas kaže kafa ili kava a kamoli nešto kompliciranije lol. Inače auto korekt je pokušao da me ispravi i napiše komplikovanije al se nisam dala.
_____ most of us probably not getting better but not getting better together
KinderLad wrote:To sa spekulacijom, ubi me ako i u Srbiji postoji 10% ljudi koji bi se mogli zakleti je li š ili s
Nekada je bilo š, sada su obe varijante u upotrebi.
_____ "Ne morate krenuti odavde da biste dosli tamo. Moguce je krenuti odavde i vratiti se ponovo tu, ali preko onoga tamo." Aca Seltik, Sabrana razmisljanja o topologiji, tom cetvrti.