Tadić, Boris
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Join date : 2012-02-12
Location : wife privilege
- Post n°78
Re: Tadić, Boris
Ал' бар да је дигао 1 обрву. Овај пиљи горе од мене.
with modem on UPS, I will have wife even when power goes down.
нама је потребно да ви будете на робији.
- Posts : 19700
Join date : 2014-12-12
- Post n°80
Re: Tadić, Boris
Šta mu je ovo umesto kravate? Neki mikrofon?
- Posts : 5745
Join date : 2016-01-26
- Post n°81
Re: Tadić, Boris
Burundi is an exception among other nations because it is a country which gave God first place, a God who guards and protects from all misfortune.
Burundi... opskurno udruženje 20ak levičarskih intelektualaca, kojima je fetiš odbrana poniženih i uvredjenih.
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- Post n°82
Re: Tadić, Boris
posledica 11 god u belolistićarskom aušvicuNo Country wrote:Није више леп.
Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence
- Posts : 3244
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Location : bizarr nők hazája
- Post n°83
Re: Tadić, Boris
i svet je skontao s 10ak godina zakašnjenja ali belolistićari neće nikada
Why You Should Consider Hugging a Cow
Their serenity and slow movements have a soothing effect.
Posted December 10, 2023 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader
- Cow cuddling is more than just a novel experience; it’s a therapeutic practice.
- Cows have a serene demeanor and slow, deliberate movements, which can have a soothing effect on people.
- This therapeutic practice is gaining popularity worldwide.
- Spoiler:
Cow cuddling, a trend that has been quietly gaining popularity over the past few years, offers a unique and therapeutic experience that combines the joy of animal interaction with the benefits of mindfulness and stress relief. In this post, we'll explore what cow cuddling is, its origins, the psychological and emotional benefits it offers, and how you can experience it.
Cow cuddling, as the name suggests, involves spending time up close with cows, often lying next to them, petting them, and enjoying their company. Originating from rural areas in Europe, particularly the Netherlands, this practice has spread to various parts of the world, including the United States. Animal sanctuaries offering this experience invite guests to their fields or barns to relax alongside these gentle giants.
The Origins of Cow Cuddling
The practice of cow cuddling is believed to have roots in the rural culture of the Netherlands, where farmers have long recognized the calming nature of cows. Cows are known for their serene demeanor and slow, deliberate movements, which can have a soothing effect on people. Over time, this observation turned into a more formal practice as farm owners began offering cow cuddling sessions to visitors.
The Therapeutic Benefits
This practice is gaining popularity worldwide because it is thought to offer a unique blend of emotional and psychological benefits. This serene activity primarily aids in reducing stress through gentle interaction with cows. As one engages in the act of touching, petting, or even lying beside these tranquil animals, the body responds by releasing oxytocin, a hormone known for promoting feelings of happiness and reducing stress. This hormone release not only alleviates immediate stress but also fosters a general sense of well-being.
Additionally, the slow, deliberate movements and peaceful demeanor of cows encourage a state of mindfulness. Being in their presence allows individuals to anchor themselves in the present moment, setting aside the distractions and worries of daily life. This mindfulness aspect is particularly beneficial for those grappling with anxiety or seeking a form of mental escape.
Moreover, for individuals dealing with emotional trauma or mental health challenges, the non-judgmental and comforting presence of cows offers a unique form of emotional support. The calm environment of a farm, coupled with the therapeutic presence of these gentle giants, creates a space for emotional healing and reconnection with oneself and nature.
How to Experience Cow Cuddling
Experiencing cow cuddling begins with finding a sanctuary that offers this unique interaction. Typically, these farms are located in rural areas, where the natural and peaceful environment adds to the therapeutic effect. Interested individuals can search online for local farms or agritourism sites that provide cow-cuddling sessions.
Once a suitable location is found, it's important to prepare adequately for the visit. Wearing comfortable outdoor clothing and sturdy boots is advisable, as the experience often takes place outdoors. Visitors should also be ready to adhere to any guidelines set by the sanctuary for the safety and well-being of both the animals and guests.
During the cow cuddling session, staff usually guide participants on how to safely interact with the cows. These interactions can vary from simply sitting or lying next to the cows, gently petting them, or even engaging in quiet observation. The cows selected for these sessions are typically breeds known for their calm and gentle nature, making the experience safe and enjoyable for both the animals and participants. The duration of the sessions can vary, offering flexibility for those seeking either a brief encounter or a more extended period of relaxation and connection with these gentle creatures.
What to Expect
When embarking on a cow cuddling experience, one can expect to enter a world of tranquility and gentle interaction. The setting is usually a quiet, rural sanctuary, where the serene surroundings contribute significantly to the calming effect. Participants are typically introduced to cows that are accustomed to human contact and are of breeds known for their docile and friendly nature. These cows often exhibit a relaxed demeanor, which helps create a comfortable and safe environment for the activity. The sessions themselves are usually intimate, allowing for a personal and close-up interaction with the animals. As participants pet, hug, or simply lie beside the cows, they often find themselves enveloped in a peaceful atmosphere, distinct from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The duration of these sessions can vary, with some lasting an hour and others extending for a longer period, depending on the sanctuary's offerings and the individual's preference. It's an immersive experience where the slow pace and the warm, soft presence of the cows encourage a sense of mindfulness and presence in the moment. This interaction not only brings joy and relaxation but also fosters a unique connection with these magnificent creatures, offering a rare opportunity to engage with nature in a profoundly personal way.
Ethical Considerations
It’s important to choose a sanctuary that treats its animals well. Ethical sanctuaries ensure that their cows are not overworked and are kept in comfortable, healthy environments. Maintaining good animal welfare during cow cuddling is crucial. It starts with choosing sanctuaries that prioritize the health and comfort of their cows, ensuring they are not overworked and are kept in stress-free environments. During interactions, it's important to approach the cows gently and with respect, avoiding sudden movements or loud noises that could startle them. Participants should follow the guidance of the staff, who are trained to read the animals' cues and can indicate when a cow is comfortable or needs space. Providing the cows with breaks and not overcrowding them ensures that the experience remains positive for both the animals and the visitors. By respecting these guidelines, cow cuddling can be a mutually beneficial experience, promoting well-being for both the animals and the people involved.
Cow cuddling is more than just a novel experience; it’s a therapeutic practice that offers numerous mental and emotional health benefits. By promoting relaxation, mindfulness, and a connection with nature, it provides a unique way to de-stress and find peace in today's fast-paced world. Whether you're an animal lover, someone seeking a new mindfulness practice, or just curious about this unique experience, cow cuddling is definitely worth trying.
Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence
- Posts : 324
Join date : 2018-11-26
- Post n°85
Re: Tadić, Boris
Ovo je oftopik, ali setih se. 1990-ih u vreme nestasica neki tip resio da se proslavi dobrim delom, cuo da u starackom domu ki zna kolko nisu jeli mesa, sirotinja i beda, i on im doveo nekog starog vola. "Da se i stari omrse!", rekao je taj brka i kliberio se. Vo je jedva hodao koliko je bio tezak i mozda i
star, klecao je i kao da je bio slep. Darodavac ga je tapsao kao trener boksera u pretposlednjoj rundi izgubljenog meca. Stanari doma su se takodje kezili i snebivajuci se izrazavali veliku zahvalnost.
star, klecao je i kao da je bio slep. Darodavac ga je tapsao kao trener boksera u pretposlednjoj rundi izgubljenog meca. Stanari doma su se takodje kezili i snebivajuci se izrazavali veliku zahvalnost.
- Posts : 36565
Join date : 2012-02-10
- Post n°86
Re: Tadić, Boris
Danas wrote:Poštenje Tadića, oca i sina
Bio sam kolega Ljubomiru Tadiću na Filozofskom fakultetu, a Boris, sin njegov, bio je profesor mojoj deci u Prvoj beogradskoj gimnaziji.
Borisa sam upoznao kao student, na basketu, a Ljubu kao student i kao asistent na sednici fakulteta 1975. godine, kada su osam nastavnika uklonjeni iz nastave i oterani voljom Broza i srbijanskih komunista.
Ljuba je bio stameni borac protiv diktature Tita, potom diktature Miloševića, i čvrst pobornik crnogorsko-srbijanskog jedinstva. Sve vreme bio je u samom vrhu opozicionih delatnika, hrabar i nepokolebljiv, i tim darovima ljudskim i božjim, privlačio mnoge, pa i mene.
S Ljubomirom Tadićem sam se bliže upoznao tek kada sam bio direktor Zavoda za udžbenike. Tada je banuo u Zavod kod mene, nenajavljen, Slobodan Gavrilović, potpredsednik Demokratske stranke i direktor Službenog glasnika i predložio mi da zajedno, Glasnik i Zavod, publikuju izabrana dela Ljubomira Tadića.
Ponudu sam rado prihvatio jer sam bio uveren da on zavređuje takvo izdanje. Gavrilovićevu iznenadnu ponudu nisam mogao odbiti i zbog toga da ga ne bi optuživali da čini jednu stranačku uslugu, budući da je Ljuba bio jedan od osnivač Demokratske stranke. Imao sam dovoljno motiva da izađem u susret i Tadiću i Gavriloviću.
Posao smo brzo i korektno obavili. Glasnik je štampao, Zavod isplaćivao račune, a tiraž i trošak delili smo na ravne časti. Tadić je dobio honorar kao i svaki drugi autor, ni više ni manje, prema pravilniku Zavoda za udžbenike o honorarima.
Stariji Tadić nije postavljao nikakve posebne zahteve o visini honorara. Izabrana dela promovisali smo na Sajmu knjiga, na štandu Službenog glasnika. Promociji je prisustvovo Boris Tadić, koji je, u to vreme, obavljao najvišu funkciju – predsednika države.
Sve rečeno je uobičajeno, normalno i nimalo neobično. Ali ovo što sledi retkost je kod savremnih Srba, te zato i pišem o njemu.
U Zavodu za udžbenike zaveo sam red, a jedna od mera bila je da se honorari ne isplaćuju pre nego knjiga izađe iz štampe, iz razloga što se kasnilo sa predajom rukopisa ili ih nismo dobijali, kada smo unapred isplaćivali honorare.
Tadić je predao Zavodu svoj poslednji rukopis i on je ušao u proceduru pripreme i štampanja. Ljuba me je pozvao jednog majskog dana i rekao: „Moj Rade, znam da si doneo odluku da ne plaćaš honorare pre nego knjiga izađe iz štampe. Zamolio bih te da meni isplatiš honorar pošto sam rukopis predao, jer mi je potreban da bih otišao u Igalo da se lečim“.
I to je sve što mi je njegov drhtavi starački glas saopštio.
Znao sam za njegovu boljku i naredio da se Tadiću isplati honorar, što je istog dana i učinjeno.
Sutradan me je Ljuba pozvao i zahvalio. Bio je to jedan od onih trenutaka koji dan čine lepšim.
Njegov sin nije intervenisao, ni kod Gavrilovića, ni kod mene, iako je bio predsednik države, ni lično, niti iko iz njegovog kabineta. Kod Srba zaista neobično i nesvakidašnje.
A kada su naprednjaci izborili predsedničko mesto, Boris Tadić je napustio predsedničku palatu na Dedinju, a da nije na zadovoljavajući način rešio stambeno pitanje.
Kada svi vide i znaju kako je Koštuničin i Tadićev naslednik postupio u istovetnom slučaju, posle isteka mandata, ne upuštajući se u problematiku moralnih iskušenja, jasno je koliko i kakvo je poštenje Tadića, oca i sina, u navedenim slučajevima.
A tek Koštunice, koji je sve vreme obavljanja državnih funkcija, ostao u svom stanu, u kojem živi i sada.
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Radoš Ljušić
Uprava napolje!
- Posts : 7897
Join date : 2020-03-05
- Post n°87
Re: Tadić, Boris
1 topla ljudska priča. aj živeli.
"Burundi je svakako sharmantno mesto cinika i knjiskih ljudi koji gledaju stvar sa svog olimpa od kartona."
“Here he was then, cruising the deserts of Mexico in my Ford Torino with my wife and my credit cards and his black-tongued dog. He had a chow dog that went everywhere with him, to the post office and ball games, and now that red beast was making free with his lion feet on my Torino seats.”
- Posts : 3712
Join date : 2018-07-03
- Post n°88
Re: Tadić, Boris
Professor Jeffrey Sachs: The US is the most "lawless" country in the world... pic.twitter.com/D6sO36I004
— Johann Spischak (@SDGMasterglass) December 5, 2024
"Sisaj kurac, Boomere. Spletkario si i nameštao ban pa se sad izvlačiš. Radiša je format a ti si mali iskompleksirani miš. Katastrofa za Burundi čoveče.
A i deluje da te napustio drugar u odsudnom trenutku pa te spašavaju ova tovarka što vrv ni ne dismr na ribu, to joj se gadi, i ovaj južnjak koji o niškim kafanama čita na forumu. Prejaka šarža." - Monsier K.