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    EU - what's next?

    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:11 am

    Mada ovo je MIT na gormjoj granici (plate oko 1000 evra), sto je otprilike najbolje cemu se Srbija generalno moze nadati. Ni toga ne bi bilo ni u Portugalu (ili u HR) da nisu u EU.

    Улични ходач

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Улични ходач Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:41 pm

    Док чекамо са великим нестрпљењем резултате из земље Васка де Гаме треба бацити поглед на још један резултат. Бијаше ове недеље референдум у Ирској који је требао да промени преко 80 година стар члан устава који говори да је жена, пре свега, домаћица и да брине о деци као и нове дефиниције породице.
    Све водеће странке подржаше промену али поносни Ирци одбише да промене. Са 2/3 га одбацили.

    Referendum zur Rolle der Frau gescheitert
    Die irischen Wähler haben Verfassungsänderungen zur Ehe und zur Rolle der Frau abgelehnt. Damit ist weiter vom "häuslichen Leben" der Frau die Rede. Der entsprechende Artikel ist mehr als 80 Jahre alt.
    Die Referenden über die Neufassung von Verfassungsartikeln zur Ehe und zur Rolle der Frau in der Familie in Irland sind gescheitert. Der Versuch, zwei Verfassungsartikel mit "sehr altmodischer Sprache" zu ersetzen und die Realitäten des modernen Familienlebens anzuerkennen, sei mit großer Mehrheit abgelehnt worden, räumte Ministerpräsident Leo Varadkar ein.
    Nach den offiziellen Ergebnissen stimmten 67,7 Prozent der Wählerinnen und Wähler gegen eine Neudefinition der Familie. 73,9 Prozent stimmten gegen die Änderungen zur Rolle der Frau. "Es lag in unserer Verantwortung, die Mehrheit der Menschen davon zu überzeugen, mit Ja zu stimmen und das haben wir eindeutig nicht geschafft", sagte er. Seine Regierung werde "das Ergebnis akzeptieren und voll und ganz respektieren"


    Није џаба Ирска порески рај за САД предузећа да га угурају водећим државама Европе. Поносна држава.
    Улични ходач

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Улични ходач Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:35 pm

    Са великим нестрпљењем објављујем сјајан резултат Чеке овај Чеге, тзв. социјалисти-пукли.

    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 GIVcJSAXUAATh50?format=jpg&name=large
    Улични ходач

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Улични ходач Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:36 pm

    Морам ипак приметити да Србија никако да се усгласи са европским трендовима. Пре 30 година је био фазон Инсјеме, јунајтед јунајтед Ојропа...а данас јачају националне снаге свуда. А у Србији све обрнуто.
    Del Cap

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Del Cap Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:26 pm

    'Rani i ćerku pak šalji na vojsku...

    Denmark plans to conscript women for military service, the Danish government revealed Wednesday, becoming one of just a few countries requiring women to serve in the armed forces.

    "More robust conscription, including full gender equality, must contribute to solving defense challenges, national mobilization and manning our armed forces," said Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen at a press conference.

    Women in Denmark can already volunteer for military service. In 2023, they made up about a quarter of the cohort.

    Denmark is now the third country in Europe to introduce female conscription. Norway and Sweden did so in 2015 and in 2017, respectively.
    Del Cap

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    Post by Del Cap Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:27 pm

    Trebaće nam tokom godine neki topičić tipa "Spremanje za novi veliki rat u Evropi", tako nešto, just a heads up.
    bela maca

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    Post by bela maca Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:50 pm

    Del Cap wrote: full gender equality.... and manning our armed forces"

    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 3204619380

    most of us probably not getting better
    but not getting better together
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:46 pm

    Del Cap wrote:Trebaće nam tokom godine neki topičić tipa "Spremanje za novi veliki rat u Evropi", tako nešto, just a heads up.

    Možda to prođe bez nas.

    Šalim se.

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by ficfiric Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:50 pm

    Nektivni Ugnelj wrote:Možda to prođe bez nas.

    Nadrealisti predvideli (5:16)


    Uprava napolje!

    Улични ходач

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Улични ходач Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:02 am

    Del Cap wrote:'Rani i ćerku pak šalji na vojsku...

    Denmark plans to conscript women for military service, the Danish government revealed Wednesday, becoming one of just a few countries requiring women to serve in the armed forces.

    "More robust conscription, including full gender equality, must contribute to solving defense challenges, national mobilization and manning our armed forces," said Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen at a press conference.

    Women in Denmark can already volunteer for military service. In 2023, they made up about a quarter of the cohort.

    Denmark is now the third country in Europe to introduce female conscription. Norway and Sweden did so in 2015 and in 2017, respectively.

    Тако треба. То је дух. Подржавм потпуно јер требамо пратити најпрегресвније. А ко је прогресивнији од тзв. Скандинавије? У Немачкој се велика лево-зелена влада припрема за враћање војног рока али треба и девојке унутра. Једнакост, слобода. Таква нам левица треба-борбена.
    Не само да се први кренули са војним роком и за жене већ су давнијех дана почели протеривање мигранта на "Мадагаскар". Није ни чудо што су узер многима.

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by паће Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:02 am

    bela maca wrote:
    Del Cap wrote: full gender equality.... and manning our armed forces"

    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 3204619380

    Мислим да треба „impersonating“.

       I drove a škodilak before it was cool.
       Морони на власти чешће мењају правила него гаће.
    Улични ходач

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Улични ходач Thu Mar 14, 2024 3:21 pm

    Макрон наставља да пада у подршци пред изборе за ЕП. Велики скок подршке код младих, старосна група 18-24, бележи француско "Национално окупљање", некадашњи "Национални фронт". Иначе почело да цуре "тајни извшетаји" из војске у Француској који су против Макронове приче о слању војске у Украјину и даљој ескалацији.
    Del Cap

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    Post by Del Cap Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:40 pm

    Летећи Полип

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Летећи Полип Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:00 pm


    Sve čega ima na filmu, rekao sam, ima i na Zlatiboru.


    Ne dajte da vas prevare! Sačuvajte svoje pojene!
    boomer crook

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    Post by boomer crook Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:07 pm

    pa sledeci su 2027 ali verovatno ce razbiti na evropskim izborima. in the meanwhile britanci planiraju da izaberu najdosadniju centristicku vladu kao da je 1997.

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:31 pm

    Doduse, nece bas ziveti ko 2004, but yebiga.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:32 pm

    Mislim, to je na minimum 10 godina, mnijem.
    Улични ходач

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Улични ходач Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:28 pm

    У Британији је формирана странка по угледу на АфД и ле Пенову, зове Реформ УК, већ је сада трећа по снази, креће се 10-15%, јачи од Лиебралних-демократа, али због изборног система у Британији питање да ли ће уопште имати представника у скупштини.
    Улични ходач

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    Post by Улични ходач Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:31 pm

    Del Cap wrote:

    Тешко ће се то одржати али то је један од разлог зашто је Макрон нервозан.
    По испитивањима, да се сада одрже председнички, Ле Пен има предност над Макроном, и нико више. Додуше малу предност али то је пре 5-10 година било незамисливо.
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    EU  - what's next? - Page 9 Empty Re: EU - what's next?

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:57 pm

    Улични ходач wrote:У Британији је формирана странка по угледу на АфД и ле Пенову, зове Реформ УК, већ је сада трећа по снази, креће се 10-15%, јачи од Лиебралних-демократа, али због изборног система у Британији питање да ли ће уопште имати представника у скупштини.

    Taman će samo ošuriti Torijevce i s desna.
    Улични ходач

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    Post by Улични ходач Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:07 pm

    Торијевци су били пукли и пре раста Реформ УК од лета 2023. Они имају велики раст у последњих 9 месеци, највише од свих странака. Видећемо докле ће ићи и да ли могу угрозити чак и распаднуте Торијевце. на 20-25%.
    Del Cap

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    Post by Del Cap Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:17 am


    Will American AI kill European culture?

    April 9, 2024 6:00 am CET
    By Gian Volpicelli

    BRUSSELS — Europeans are racing to create their own artificial intelligence chatbots to stop U.S.-made tech from gobbling up their economies, culture and even languages themselves.

    From Madrid to Sofia, European Union countries have launched and supported a flurry of initiatives aimed at creating chatbots that are truly fluent in local languages.

    The latest AI technology powering tools like the popular ChatGPT chatbot hinges on "large-language models" or LLMs — systems capable of eerily human-like conversation. Language is at the core of these innovations, and the EU — a Tower of Babel with 24 official languages, from Lithuanian to Maltese — wants the booming tech to click with its own cultural content and quirks.

    “Mark Twain should not erase Stendhal,” France’s Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said at a tech event in Cannes in February. “We don’t want to settle just for English … Going ahead, we don’t want our language to be weakened by algorithms and AI systems.”

    The United States lead the current wave of innovations. The country boasts among its ranks ChatGPT maker OpenAI — and its large backer, Microsoft — and Google with its Gemini model. Anthropic, Meta and Elon Musk's xAI are also in the race to build leading models.  

    The speed of the U.S. industry has made European governments anxious. They fear a repeat of the dominance that American firms had in the age of social media and Web 2.0.

    From academic ventures to government-sponsored masterplans to startups and hardscrabble teams of independent coders, the Continent is putting up a fight against the Californian behemoths. In the last year alone, 13 European countries have announced or taken steps to develop local models focused on their local languages, POLITICO research has found.

    Most of the existing or developing projects are open-source, in a bid to make up for the computing and funding gaps with the U.S. by relying on a vast community of volunteer developers.

    With the bustle comes the hope to create a vibrant local AI economy.

    “Having models in the local language is also about encouraging more people in your country to code and develop more AI products,” said Carlos Romero Duplá, a former Spanish diplomat who negotiated the EU’s AI law and is now a Brussels-based consultant with Vinces. “It fosters a whole tech ecosystem.”

    For some countries, like Spain, own-language models could help boost their clout in culturally and historically connected parts of the world. Madrid, which is funding the creation of an LLM able to speak Spanish based on a corpus of high-quality Spanish content for AI training, sees the emerging technology as an area for closer cooperation with Ibero-American countries.

    The scramble for own-language LLMs comes as the cultural industry is in a fierce — and, some say, existential — fight with tech companies over cultural content including film scripts, media archives and even the copyright over musical artists’ voice imprints.

    In past months OpenAI has been busy cutting deals with international media brands like Axel Springer, the owner of German-language outlets Bild and Welt (which also owns POLITICO) and French daily Le Monde, building a trove of high-quality training content in foreign languages.

    The maneuver set off alarm bells in France. In his Cannes speech, Le Maire pitched the creation of a price-controlled European single market for training data to prevent deep-pocketed U.S. tech giants from outbidding European AI companies for access to every last scrap of valuable content.

    France has also spearheaded the creation of Alt-EDIC, a 12-country EU consortium devoted to intra-bloc collaboration on developing LLMs in European languages.

    Lost in translation

    Ironically, to be truly competitive, European LLMs will still need to be fluent in English — which remains the language of most of the world’s scientific papers, and just over half of the pages on the world wide web, according to online surveys outfit W3Techs.

    “There's a power imbalance in terms of the amount and quality of training data: just look at how large English Wikipedia is compared to its versions in other languages,” said Sebastian Ruder, a research scientist at Canada-based multilingual AI company Cohere.

    Some U.S.-made LLMs are conversant in languages other than English, but they do not always have the proficiency and nuance needed to serve local users well.  

    “You need, for instance, to get the right level of politeness,“ Ruder said. Think of teaching a chatbot to use the polite pronoun “vous” instead of the informal “tu” to avoid miffing an elderly French user.

    For chatbots designed to interact in whole conversations with everyone from a country’s citizens to a company’s clients, that can create problems. An August 2023 “cultural alignment” assessment by researchers at University College London found OpenAI’s and Google’s LLMs to be out of whack with cultural norms in countries including China, Saudi Arabia and Slovakia — while acing tests for adherence to U.S. mores.

    As AI becomes entrenched in every aspect of our societies, the impact of such cultural clashes could be significant. Kris Shrishak, a technology fellow at the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, said, “A U.S. tech company can train its model in, say, Lithuanian, but that's loss-making. So it’d usually train it in English and then do some finetuning.”

    The solution, according to Ruder, is for European AI developers to train their bots in both their language and English, thus allowing the LLM to tap into English-encoded knowledge when speaking its native tongue.
    Del Cap

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    Post by Del Cap Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:03 pm

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