by Solus_Rex Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:03 pm
boomer crook wrote:znaci to je stvar estetike? siljiti na domacice je nekako geacki? necamo bas siljiti ni na zaharovu i anuljenog putina i sojguove medalje posto je i to za plebejce duha vec cemo zadrzati kosmicku mirnocu dok nuklearna sila bez povoda razara susednu zemlju svakodnevno obecavajuci armagedeon svakome ko joj se suprotstavi.
no, domacice i blentavi zizak.
Malo po malo se na stranicam ukaže potreba za strožim definisanjem pravila žanra ovoga što već četiri meseca gledamo, da li zato što nam među članovima preovlađuje Pixar/ Netflix publika što šeruje neke dijagrame gde Dreyer, Lynch i Kurosawa kao dele neki sadžalaca sa Wes-om A. - ne znam, no hajde da pokušim sa ličnim kandidatom u nado da ćemo što skorije zajdno dočeketi kraj iz svega, koji verujem neće biti holokaust apokalipsa nego monogo bliže ovom ispod:
William Munny [#Probijo_sve_reglere]:
Who's the fella owns this shithole? [Pita debelog]
You, fat man, speak up.
Debeli kaže:
Uh, I own this establishment. I bought the place from Greeley for a thousand dollars...
William Munny [Kaže civiliam iza debelog]:
You better clear out of there.
[oni to poslušaju]:
Yes, sir!
Sheriff Bill Daggett [dok ga Viljem nišani]:
Just hold it right there. Hold it! [Viljam tu upucava debelog]
Well, sir, you are a cowardly son of a bitch! You just shot an unarmed man!
William Munny:
Well, he should have armed himself if he's going to decorate his saloon with my friend.
Sheriff Bill Daggett:
You'd be William Munny out of Missouri, killer of women and children....
William Munny: [putinovskim glasom]
Harasho. I've killed women and children. I've killed just about everything that walks or crawled at one time or another, and I'm here to kill you, "Little" Bill, for what you did to Ned* [
Ned Logan - visi mrtav u izlogu ispod Azov zastave]. [Dok nišani Azov prašinare pored Bilija kaže]
You boys better move away.
Sheriff Bill Daggett: [dok priliazi Viljemu] All right, gentlemen, he's got one barrel left. When he fires that, take out your pistols and shoot him down like the mangy scoundrel he is! [Probijo_reglere]
[Viljem povlači obarač, kad ono kvrz!]
Sheriff Bill Daggett: Misfire... kill the son of a bitch!
William Munny [prangija celu sobu. U pauzi srkne iz flaše da ogreje stare kosti] Any man - don't want to get killed, better clear on out at the back.
Englez Bob [jedini preživeli prilzi i pita]: Who'd you kill first? Was it Little Bill?
William Munny : Šta, bre???
Engelz Bob: When confronted by superior numbers, an experienced gunfighter will always fire on the best shot first.
William Munny: Is that a fact??
Engelz Bob: Yeah, Little Bill told me that. You'd probably kill him first, didn't you?
William Munny: I was lucky in the order, but I've always been lucky when it comes to killin' folks!
Engelz Bob: Is that so...? Who was next? It was Klein, right? Well, It could have been Deputy Andy? Wasn't he or...
William Munny :All I can tell you who is gonna be the last.
Engelz Bob: [odlazi u panici]
Sheriff Bill Daggett [ dok leži u lokvi krvi]: I don't deserve this. To die like this. I was building a house.
William Munny: Deserve has nothing to do with it.
Sheriff Bill Daggett: I'll see you in Hell William Munny!
William Munny [zakočuje čađavu Spencerku]: Y E A H . . . [raspaljulje]
Mensamočini kako u Kremlju sve sedi neki filotimejski deda iz Istočne šume što ne voli baš kad mu gaze travnjaku. Bagrenje da ne pominjem.
@Frenece, nisam iz Zed ekipe i želim samo da poručim: nemoj 'vakom čoveku travnjak gaziti:
- Spoiler:
@Cowboy Moja iskrena sućut za doživljenu patnju. Od svih nas ti si ovog gore njaviše nagledao. Samo jedno pitanje u prolazu: da ti mučeni ljudi nisu ovi dole:
Italik je poludeo