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The pandemic affected the reproductive health of Russians, said Murashko
The head of the Ministry of Health Murashko urged Russians planning children to be vaccinated against coronavirus
According to him, today it is necessary to continue work on the timely vaccination of men and women at the stage of planning the birth of children, as well as pregnant women.
Last week, Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, said that it is necessary to update the composition of coronavirus vaccines every 9-10 months. In addition, a few days earlier, the scientist told RIA Novosti about the start of work on a drug that will provide protection against new strains.
MNE wrote:a ovi što su do sada vakcinisani...jebigica.
https://nltimes.nl/2023/01/11/dutch-health-council-scraps-advice-vaccinate-healthy-children-covidThe Dutch Health Council dropped its advice to vaccinate healthy children between the ages of 5 and 11 against Covid-19. From now on, the Dutch health services should only invite children who have other medical conditions that make Covid-19 more dangerous to them to get vaccinated, the Health Council said on Tuesday.
Covid-19 vaccinations became available for kids aged 5 to 11 in December 2021. The Health Council advised parents to vaccinate their kids because the vaccine protects against MIS-C, a rare condition children can contract when they first become infected with the coronavirus. Since then, about 3 percent of kids in that age group got vaccinated.
The vast majority of children in the Netherlands have now had a coronavirus infection at least once, the Health Council now said. And the risk of MIS-C is almost non-existent at a second or subsequent infection. The risk of MIS–C is also smaller with the currently dominant Omicron variant of the coronavirus.
The Health Council, therefore, considers the usefulness of vaccinated children in this age group “limited.”
MNE wrote:a vakcinisati zdravu djecu je bilo suludo
MNE wrote:ne mislim, ali znam da su sve odluke donosili pod pritiskom političara i SZO, pazi da ne bi u Srbiji ili CG donijeli bilo kakve mjere osim zatvaranja škola kao kad je aktuelan neki jači grip
govorimo o zdravoj djeci, za starce i kritične je vakcina 95% efikasna u prevencijificfiric wrote:MNE wrote:a vakcinisati zdravu djecu je bilo suludo
Pa kakvi su rezultati? Koliko je povecana smrtnost tamo gde su se suludo vakcinisali a koliko tamo gde nisu?
Mislim, ako je u 2021. u Srbiji umrlo 136 000 ljudi (34 hiljade preko proseka, skok od 30-ak procenata), koliko li je tek umrlo tamo gde su vakcinisali sve - i staro i mlado, i to fajzerima?
MNE wrote:takođe ako gledaš od godine do godine u Srbiji 2022. nije bilo skoka u odnosu na 2021.
ficfiric wrote:Sta ti je ovo?
Brt, prijateljski je savet da pazis kakvim graficima mlatis pred Rumbijem, nosiocem odlikovanja Zlatne krivulje sa ukrstenim koordinatnim osama
— Dr. Lucky Tran (@luckytran) January 13, 2023