MNE wrote:"mutacije su se javile u Britaniji, JA i Brazilu nakon testiranja AZ vakcine"
"MNE lupeta"
Covishield(AZ) Deployment 16 January 2021
Ti si hodajuca kolekcija logickih gresaka.
- A tenant moves into an apartment and the building's furnace develops a fault. The manager blames the tenant's arrival for the malfunction. One event merely followed the other, in the absence of causality.[1]
- The Brazilian footballer Pelé is said to have blamed a dip in his playing performance on having given a fan a specific playing shirt; after getting the shirt back his performance recovered. The loss of the shirt was given as the reason for his dip, and its return the cause of his recovery. However, it was later discovered the shirt returned was not the original shirt.[2]
- Vaccine hesitancy, where people see others diagnosed with illnesses shortly after receiving vaccinations, and assume that the vaccination caused the illness.[3]