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    Post by Guest Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:13 am

    паће wrote:
    Cousin Billy wrote:

    Sada ću da objasnim short sale u nekoliko rečenica. Akcije firme Pollution Solutions vrede 100 dolara. Dobiješ informaciju je Pollution Solutions izlio 100 tona otrova u reku i da će dovesti do pada vrednosti akcija u narednih nedelju dana. Uzajmiš (to je složen postupak koji obuhvata i marginu profita za zajmodavca i razna pravila koja koliko-toliko uravnotežuju sistem ali to sad nije bitno) 100 deonica i platiš ih 10.000 dolara. Posle kraćeg perioda ih prodaš npr za 8.000 dolara - vrednost je počela da se "kruni". Čekaš da vesti o otrovu u reci još obore cenu akcija, čekaš, i čekaš, i kada padne na 10 dolara, kupiš akcije i odmah ih vratiš zajmodavcu. I tako si zaradio na tuđoj muci. 

    Ovo je naravno ekstreman primer, pojačan i jako pojednostavljen da bi se razumeo sistem. Shorting je obično zasnovan na proučavanju fundamentalsa™ kompanija, tržišne konjunkture itd. i zarađuje se na mnogo sporijim i umerenijim padovima vrednosti.

    Чекај, овај је луд да ти да зајам и прихвати исплату у деоницама?

    Ne. Ti kao trgovac uzajmiš deonice kao takve, najčešće preko tzv. margin account-a, što su brokerski računi za igranje sa parama i deonicama. Mnogo je to složeno i niko tu nije lud.

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    Post by паће Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:30 am

    Cousin Billy wrote:A postoji i zabavan fenomen zvani short squeeze. To se desi kada short selleri odjednom navale da kupuju jeftine deonice, i vrednost deonica naglo poraste usled smanjene ponude  :ljaksofon:

    Pre dve godine dogodio se verovatno najzabavniji takav slučaj u istoriji, sećate ga se verovatno. Ima reddita, ima Elona Maska, ima memea, ima hedge fundova koji su ostali bez kamara novca...


    А, да, сећам се, ћерка је то пратила корак по корак, ваљали смо се од смеха како банда са неког форума може да забуни ове мутљароше... По оном што је она тада читала, више од половине редитоваца који су ушли у ово је буквално то радило из зајебанције и донекле из освете - оно ако сте ви саранили онолико ствари за које смо ми навијали, е сад мало да обрнемо игру. Добро су се и забавили за то пара колико су турили.

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
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    Летећи Полип

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    Post by Летећи Полип Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:47 am

    Ali jeziv je ovaj otklon levice od ekonomije. U ovakvim situacijama si onda prinuđen da situaciju pratiš preko ovih šarlatanskih izvora, gde svaki u stvari ganja neku svoju privatnu vajdicu.

    Sve čega ima na filmu, rekao sam, ima i na Zlatiboru.


    Ne dajte da vas prevare! Sačuvajte svoje pojene!

    USA - США - SAD Empty Re: USA - США - SAD

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:04 pm

    паће wrote:
    Cousin Billy wrote:A postoji i zabavan fenomen zvani short squeeze. To se desi kada short selleri odjednom navale da kupuju jeftine deonice, i vrednost deonica naglo poraste usled smanjene ponude  :ljaksofon:

    Pre dve godine dogodio se verovatno najzabavniji takav slučaj u istoriji, sećate ga se verovatno. Ima reddita, ima Elona Maska, ima memea, ima hedge fundova koji su ostali bez kamara novca...


    А, да, сећам се, ћерка је то пратила корак по корак, ваљали смо се од смеха како банда са неког форума може да забуни ове мутљароше... По оном што је она тада читала, више од половине редитоваца који су ушли у ово је буквално то радило из зајебанције и донекле из освете - оно ако сте ви саранили онолико ствари за које смо ми навијали, е сад мало да обрнемо игру. Добро су се и забавили за то пара колико су турили.

    Tako je bilo. Na kraju su naravno profitirali špekulanti, ali moj je utisak da je short sale lešinarima pokazano kolio je taj sistem krhak.

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    Post by паће Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:37 pm

    Cousin Billy wrote:
    паће wrote:

    А, да, сећам се, ћерка је то пратила корак по корак, ваљали смо се од смеха како банда са неког форума може да забуни ове мутљароше... По оном што је она тада читала, више од половине редитоваца који су ушли у ово је буквално то радило из зајебанције и донекле из освете - оно ако сте ви саранили онолико ствари за које смо ми навијали, е сад мало да обрнемо игру. Добро су се и забавили за то пара колико су турили.

    Tako je bilo. Na kraju su naravno profitirali špekulanti, ali moj je utisak da je short sale lešinarima pokazano kolio je taj sistem krhak.

    Каже се precarious... да виде мало и они шта то у пракси значи.

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
       чланак садржи негативну количину информације, прочиташ па знаш мање него пре.

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    Post by disident Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:02 pm

    Ne znam jel imamo ekonomsku temu uopste ali 

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
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    Post by plachkica Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:41 pm

    Del Cap

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    Post by Del Cap Wed Mar 15, 2023 12:05 am

    Chartbook #201 Venture dominance? The meaning of the SBV interventions.
    MAR 14

    At the weekend the Treasury, Fed, FDIC stepped in to stop developing bank run getting any worse.

    Rob Armstrong at Unhedged has the list of the smaller banks that have been in thh crosshairs.

    I am as much a sucker for a financial crisis-fighting story as anyone. But even I could not repress a horrible sense of deja vu and disgust at events over the weekend. Are the same people going to go on doing this over and over again: Tragedy, farce and then what? Zombie horror show? Of course the authorities should have seen it coming. If there are no resignations at the Fed, it will be a sign of the morbid state of the US governmental elite.

    Was what the authorities in Washington organized a bailout? Not in the sense that the management at SVB, or the bank or the shareholders were saved. But Joe Weisenthal, Matt Klein and many othersm, rightly have little patience for that face-saving argument.

    The crucial point is that an ecosystem of depositors was saved. And SVB’s depositors were in no regular sense, depositors. They are badly run and ill-advised businesses that for obscure reasons parked huge cash balances in a highly vulnerable bank . As Matt Klein remarks in his brilliant post at Overshoot the real problem at SVB was that its depositor was base was so “low quality” i.e. extremely prone to run with influence exerted by a small group of VC advisors. This was not so much classic large-scale bank in which mass psychology played its part on a grand scale, as a bitchy high-school playground in which the cool thing to do was to bank with SVB until it no longer was. As Klein puts it: “this was more a case of a “bank-run by idiots” rather than a “bank run by idiots”.”

    It is those idiots that got bailed out. Why?

    One could refer to the theory of financial dominance, which in the wake of 2008 argued that the Fed would ultimately face insuperable pressure from asset holders to step back from a high interest rate policy that inflicted losses on them.

    But what happened over the weekend has a particular quality. On the face of it SVB is not a bank big enough to do systemic damage. That was the prima facie reason for exempting it from the oversight that extends to really big banks. Finance per se will not explain the emergency intervention.

    But as should have been obvious all along SVB matters very much indeed, because its depositors are very powerful, very rich and very influential people who own a narrative that makes them indispensable to one vision of America’s future. And that force was brought to bear on the Biden administration over the weekend in an extraordinarily overt exercise of “venture dominance”

    As Bloomberg reported:

    SVB’s vast reach was laid bare to Joshua Frost, Treasury’s assistant secretary for financial markets, as he addressed a virtual audience of almost 1,000 venture capitalists and their portfolio companies on Friday evening. During a members-only Zoom call, representatives of the lobbying group National Venture Capital Association threw question after question at Frost, who would later that evening speak with FDIC officials. They implored him to consider the industry’s view when officials crafted a response. “The magnitude of what this industry is responsible for, and on behalf of the country, this is significant,” said NVCA president Bobby Franklin. “This is where the innovation happens.” The same day, some 20 private equity CFOs and executives with exposure to SVB jumped on a call. Some said that if it became clear deposits weren’t secure at smaller institutions like SVB, they would stop parking assets in them altogether, said a person briefed on the call.

    The FT’s reporting on the same meetings exposes further piquant details:

    Amid fears the government was prepared to let SVB and its uninsured depositors go to the wall, venture capitalists launched a concerted lobbying effort. They argued that it would not only have big economic repercussions, with companies struggling to write paycheques, but also that an outright failure would have geopolitical ramifications. “The theme was: ‘this is not a bank’,” said one person involved in the lobbying campaign. “This is the innovation economy. This is the US versus China. You can’t kill these innovative companies.” According to Brad Sherman, a Democratic congressman from California on the House financial services committee, the government became convinced that it had to take aggressive action to restore confidence after the failure of Signature. “One black swan is a black swan. Two black swans is a flock,” he said. “Once a second regional [bank] was shut down, this was systemic.”

    This is what it looks like when the bourgeoisie in the true sense swings into action. It is what it looks like when an executive committee or committees constitute themselves and demand action from the state. It is highly reminscent of 2008 thought he specific sociology of Wall Street-Treasury relations in 2008 was rather different then from the Silicon Valley-Washington connection in 2023.

    But as revealing as this is of underlying power relations should we be scandalized and lose ourselves in silly discussions about what is and what is not a “bailout”? Surely not. This is how financial capitalism operates. We know it.

    As Yakov Feygin argues in a brilliant substack post.

    The bailout is how modern capitalism deals with investment cycles through the state's intervention. And in doing so, the state assigns losses to someone. That's where the politics lie! This dynamic is especially vicious in the United States. As I like to tell my European counterparts, "America does social policy through investment and industrial policy." This means that the US has a very weak welfare state but is not a small state. The American government is very good at stimulating investment and cleaning up the consequences of bubbles. At its best, this makes the American economy extremely innovative and productive and creates many highly paid jobs and employer-provided benefits. However, at its worst, it leads to lost decades and massive inequality…. the tools we developed to do so were constructed in ad-hoc ways in response to lots of crises and learning by doing. Thus, what we don't know how to do as well is to apply these mechanisms in a way that is pre-planned and explicit in how it distributes the downside.
    This is where my friend Saule Omarova steps in! In her work with Robert Hockett and others, she has noted that the state is vital to the smooth functioning of the private banking system and its support for investment. So, she asks, why not make it official? Instead of an ad hoc bailout of real assets through a private financial system, which tends to be very indirect in its effect, why not have some public entities which can do the work directly? This is most explicit in work Saule, and I did together on a "bailout manager" whose job is to buy out the tangible assets of critical sectors facing bubble dynamics. However, this theme of recognizing the state's enablement of private investment and, thus, the need to have an explicit policy for managing the bailout and fallout of financial capitalism runs through all her work. And this recognition of capitalism's natural and normal functioning and how to make it more efficient apparently makes someone some raging Marxist...

    Saule Omarova was the proposed candidate for OCC of the Biden administration who was red-baited in the Senate with a bipartisan coalition of credit unions and bank lobbyists blocking her progress.

    I take Feygin’s proposal to be a diagnostic thought-experiment rather than a realistic proposal under America’s current political conditions. But it is indeed highly diagnostic and a useful political economy corrective to moralistic and legalistic arguments about the meaning of the current interventions.
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    Post by Bleeding Blitva Wed Mar 15, 2023 1:49 am

    Koliko ćemo ovih ciklusa 'nećemo regulativu->sranje->bailout' gledat...al najjači mi je argument 'this is us versus china'  kad ih treba spasit:biggreen:

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    Post by паће Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:26 am

    Ма и оно 2008. је било „само овај пут“, па ем су конгресу прислонили цев уз слепоочницу кад на првом гласању није прошло, ем су се хвалили како су све вратили за пар недеља... и онда тражили и добијали паре за вађење још неколико пута.

    И шта, сад ће неко да очекује да је „нећемо више“ било за озбиљно? Може само да буде „ово би требало да прође глатко, ал' у најгорем случају рачунамо да ће држава да нас вади“. Тако на том трапезу видиш чуда од акробатике, јер сасвим озбиљно рачунају с тим да је доле разапета та мрежа.

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    Post by disident Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:57 pm

    Gerontokratija 3.0

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
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    Post by паће Thu Mar 16, 2023 6:25 am

    Чегбре, који је овде редослед догађаја? Био повређен па је то објављено, а онда је тек претрпео још повреда након што је  „претходно објављено“? Или је био све то повређен одмах, ал' их испрва још није претрпео? А?

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
       чланак садржи негативну количину информације, прочиташ па знаш мање него пре.

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    Post by rumbeando Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:36 am


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    Post by disident Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:04 pm

    rumbeando wrote:
    Kao sto rekoh vise puta na temi, najbolesnija policijska drzava na svetu.

    Što se ostaloga tiče, smatram da Zapad treba razoriti
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    Uncle Baby Billy

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    Post by Uncle Baby Billy Sat Mar 18, 2023 3:16 pm


    Donald Trump has posted on his own social media platform Truth Social that he expects to be arrested on Tuesday in the criminal case in New York involving hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

    ja se rukovodim logikom gvozdenih determinizama

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    Post by rumbeando Sat Mar 18, 2023 3:51 pm



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    Post by MNE Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:03 pm

    AL Kapone pao na porez Tramp na pornićarku

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    Post by Notxor Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:51 pm

    Tako je bre!

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  

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    Post by Filipenko Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:05 pm

    USA - США - SAD 1727922752

    Sto je najjace, da mu sada das vlast, zavrsio bi tako sto bi postavio sefove CIA, jurio bi Dzimija Dora i Maksa Blumentala i rutinski hapsio one koji likuju videe ubistava crnaca od strane policije, dok bi mu kabinet bio napunjen bas ovima sa kojima bi se navodno razracunavao.

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    Post by паће Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:46 pm

    Filipenko wrote:USA - США - SAD 1727922752

    Sto je najjace, da mu sada das vlast, zavrsio bi tako sto bi postavio sefove CIA, jurio bi Dzimija Dora i Maksa Blumentala i rutinski hapsio one koji likuju кад гледају videe ubistava crnaca od strane policije, dok bi mu kabinet bio napunjen bas ovima sa kojima bi se navodno razracunavao.

    Ликовати није прелазан глагол, ни заразан.

       What is it before it is called a day? Why do people try to call my name and not me?
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    Post by Filipenko Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:10 pm

    Slazem se, neka visi Pedro curi video!

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    Post by plachkica Sat Mar 25, 2023 4:00 pm

    [size=36]Principal resigns after Florida students shown Michelangelo statue[/size]

    A principal of a Florida school has been forced to resign after a parent complained that sixth-grade students were exposed to pornography.
    The complaint arose from a Renaissance art lesson where students were shown Michelangelo's statue of David.
    The iconic statue is one of the most famous in Western history.
    But one parent complained the material was pornographic and two others said they wanted to know about the class before it was taught.
    The 5.17m (17ft) statue depicts an entirely naked David, the Biblical figure who kills the giant Goliath.
    The lesson, given to 11 and 12-year-olds, also included references to Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" painting and Botticelli's "Birth of Venus".

    Principal Hope Carrasaquilla of Tallahassee Classical School said she resigned after she was given an ultimatum by the school board to resign or be fired.
    Local media reported that Ms Carrasquilla did not know the reason she was asked to resign, but believed it was related to the complaints over the lesson.
    They also said Ms Carrasquilla had been principal for less than one year.
    In an interview with US outlet Slate, the chair of the school's board, Barney Bishop III, said that last year the principal sent a notice to parents warning them that students were going to see Michelangelo's David - but that this wasn't done this year. He called it an "egregious mistake" and said that "parents are entitled to know anytime their child is being taught a controversial topic and picture".
    "We're not going to show the full statue of David to kindergartners. We're not going to show him to second graders. Showing the entire statue of David is appropriate at some age. We're going to figure out when that is," Mr Bishop said.
    On Thursday, Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, moved to expand a law that banned public schools from teaching sexual education and gender identity.

    Teachers who violate the law face being suspended or losing their teaching licences.
    The David was completed by Michelangelo between 1501 and 1504. It was instantly hailed as a masterpiece, with Renaissance artist Giorgio Vasari saying the David "surpassed" any statue that had ever existed before.
    Queen Victoria gifted a copy of the David to the South Kensington museum - later the V&A - in 1857. When she first saw the cast, she was apparently so shocked by the nudity that a fig leaf was commissioned to cover up the genitalia.
    The V&A's website says that the leaf was kept "in readiness for any royal visits, when it was hung on the figure using two strategically placed hooks.


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    Post by plachkica Tue Mar 28, 2023 2:22 am

    pucnjava u hrišćanskoj školi u nešvilu, tenesi, 7 ubijeno (3 dece, 3 odraslih) i ubica, transmuškarac, navodno je ostavio i manifest, ali još nije objavljen.
    krenulo je antitrans ludilo, potpuno. bukvalno se čulo kako republikanci otvaraju šampanjac

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    Post by MNE Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:30 pm

    USA - США - SAD K64gon6
    boomer crook

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    Post by boomer crook Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:34 pm

    mislim po ovom glupiranju oko izjave zene koja niti je izabrana niti predstavlja bilo koga jasno je kako ce izgledati sledeci izbori u US of A

    And Will's father stood up, stuffed his pipe with tobacco, rummaged his pockets for matches, brought out a battered harmonica, a penknife, a cigarette lighter that wouldn't work, and a memo pad he had always meant to write some great thoughts down on but never got around to, and lined up these weapons for a pygmy war that could be lost before it even started

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