Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:
Pa lepo. Mozda jednog dana na vlas' dodje ateista
...а паће наручи вињак, кафу и киселу.
Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:
Pa lepo. Mozda jednog dana na vlas' dodje ateista
Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:po uzoru na Kanadu i Australiju.
Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:Ma znam ja da nije Australija zlatna olimpijska medalja, ali AUS i CAN imaju ono sto Amerika nema: legalnu imigraciju zasnovanu na nedostatku strucnih kadrova, nesto slicno Nemackoj. Ne postoji nacin da udjes u Ameriku sa radnom dozvolom na neodredjeno vreme (green card) a na osnovu toga sto si deficitaran kadar, za razliku od ove tri zemlje koje sam pomenuo. I onda ispada da su ti vece sanse da pretrcis Rio Grande iz Meksika pa valjda ce te amnestirati nekad neka vlada, nego da dobijes zeleni karton ako si Indijac ili Kinez (cuo sam da se ceka 20+ godina).
Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote: Drugi je problem što sa privremenom vizom nema državne penzije. Radiš decenijama, nemaš penziju.
bela maca wrote:ako uplaćuješ vrate ti pare.
bela maca wrote:ako uplaćuješ vrate ti pare.
паће wrote:bela maca wrote:ako uplaćuješ vrate ti pare.
Стварно? Хмммм... ајд д' извучем бар нешто.
Vilmos Tehenészfiú wrote:bela maca wrote:ako uplaćuješ vrate ti pare.паће wrote:
Стварно? Хмммм... ајд д' извучем бар нешто.
Vi govorite o 2 razlicite stvari, mensecini.
BM govori o uplacivanju u privatni fond (401k), gde poslodavac uplacuje 401k matching contribution. To se zaista vraca kada napustis posao.
Pace prica o social security penziji. I tu poslodavac uplacuje matching contribution, ali te pare ostaju u soc security fondu dok ne odes u penziju. E da bi uopste imao pravo da podizes tu penziju treba minimum 10 godina da radis. Ali, ako nisi drzavljanin ili kako nemas zeleni karton, drzava ti ne uzima taj doprinos, a poslodavac ga ne uplacuje. Isto tako, ako si radio manje od 10 godina a drzava ti uzimala pare za taj doprinos, pisi propalo, te pare videti neces a penziju primati isto tako neces.
When Biden said he would put human rights at the center of his foreign policy, he meant it in the sense of an ornamental centerpiece that sits in the middle of the table but goes largely unremarked
— Gregg Carlstrom (@glcarlstrom) September 30, 2021
He's just having fun with it
— Populism Updates (@PopulismUpdates) December 24, 2021
The caller who ended a conversation with Joe Biden with the rightwing meme “Let’s go Brandon” – which means “fuck Joe Biden” – has insisted he was joking and meant no disrespect to the president.
“At the end of the day I have nothing against Mr Biden,” Jared Schmeck, 35, told the Oregonian newspaper. “But I am frustrated because I think he can be doing a better job. I mean no disrespect to him.”
Schmeck, from Central Point, also said he was not a “Trumper” but rather a “free-thinking American and follower of Jesus Christ”.
On Christmas Eve, the president and his wife, Dr Jill Biden, took calls to the North American Aerospace Defense Command Santa Tracker, which each year purports to follow the progress of Santa and his reindeer.
A traditional duty for American presidents, in 2018 it was nearly upended when Donald Trump told a seven-year-old belief in Santa Claus was “marginal” at that age.
Biden and Schmeck discussed presents Schmeck’s four children were hoping to receive, and how one, Hunter, shared a name with the president’s son and grandson. Schmeck said he was hoping for a “quiet night”.
Biden sad: “Lots of luck, dad.”
All on the call laughed.
At the end of the call, Schmeck said: “Merry Christmas and Let’s go Brandon.”
“Let’s go Brandon, I agree,” Biden said, as his wife winced.
Interesting factoid: Joe Biden's birthdate (1942) is closer to the assassination of Lincoln than it is to today.
— Gideon Rachman (@gideonrachman) January 4, 2022