zvezda je zivot wrote:WildRanger wrote:
Koliko je veća crvena teritorija (države u kojima Tramp ima većinu glasova) od plave, a ovamo Bajden vodi.
Nema tu neke logike.
nije ti to riziko. sto kaze cedaj: ljudi a ne teritorija
Američki izbori 2020.
- Posts : 82754
Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°301
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 82754
Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°302
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Talason wrote:ne verujem da je post o bojama napisao ozbiljno
tj nadam se
To je bila i moja prva pomisao, ali jbg.
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Guest
- Post n°303
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
meni je i dalje najbolja aljaska, stoji zakucano na 50% obrađenih, lik što broji se smorio i otišao da odspava polarnu noć
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Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°304
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
40 days of night
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 7341
Join date : 2014-11-07
- Post n°305
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Daï Djakman Faré wrote:haha, znao sam da ces da okrenes na ovozvezda je zivot wrote:feliks je super. zna da gleda i slusa ameriku i njene specificnosti i jedini izgleda ko da zivi i van tvitera. od njega mozes da naucis nesto o midvestu. i smesan je. voleo bih da radi u nekom profesionalnijem formatu.
a ono, cela scena je degeneracija u odnosu na pol satiru iz busove ere. nekad si imo kolbera koji je neverovatno smesan i talentovan i radi humoristicki format. sad imas djimija i cht koji su kao komicari koji nisu ni smesni ni talentovani (sem bidermana) i koji se ne bave vise komedijom nego ukljuce kameru i rentuju o politici. misim razumem da ljudi koji se loze na autsajderske zanrove to gotive, al meni koji sam mejnstrim lik... ne znam
imo, feliks deluje kulji, mejnstrimniji i ne deluje kao streber samo kada je okruzen megastreberima u CTH i arhistreberom cush-om. kada jednom vec bude otisao kod djo rogana u emsiju i ne bude imao streberski backdrop spram koga bi izgledao kulji videces da je i on sam streber, inshallah. mislim da mozda nicija individualna percepcija ne profitira toliko od chapo kao kolektiva kao felix-ova.
sigurno je i do ukusa. posto nisam gik (ni nrd), ili se bar nikad ne bih tako identifikovo, tj. ako jesam gik onda sam autosovinista, bidermanova distanca imponuje, plus cini njegov fin de siecle vajb interesantnijim od metovog i amberinog... koji su mi ono braaate.
a ima i do objektivnog faktora: smesniji je. zao mi je.
ova zemlja to je to
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- Post n°306
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Kirko Skaddeng wrote:Zašto se Ted Nugent slabo sluša u downtown Atlanti?
Ted Nugent je veliki pristalica Trampa. Valjalo bi da on uhvati (muzičkog) kolegu Nila Janga za gušu zbog pljuvanja po Trampu.
- Posts : 82754
Join date : 2012-06-10
- Post n°307
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Necu reci nista novo, ali se sad setih povodom WRa. Kod trampista mi je najjaci ovaj fanaticni zdravorazumizam u kojem se bez blama ispaljuju nalgluplji uvidi prosto zato sto su ti prvo pali na pamet i sto, pod uslovom da na njih ne potrosis mi delic sekunde, mogu delovati LoGicNO.
Vise je crvenog, kako je pobedilo plavo? Nesto tu nije LoGiCnO.
Koliko je samozatupljivanja potrebno da bi se bez problema napisalo ovako nesto.
Ovo je naravno u skladu sa svim ostalim trendovima slicne vrste, ravnozemljastvom npr, koje je zasnovano na slicnoj vrsti fanatizma - ali kad pogledam oko sebe, izgleda ravno! Militantna antirefleksivnost.
Vise je crvenog, kako je pobedilo plavo? Nesto tu nije LoGiCnO.
Koliko je samozatupljivanja potrebno da bi se bez problema napisalo ovako nesto.
Ovo je naravno u skladu sa svim ostalim trendovima slicne vrste, ravnozemljastvom npr, koje je zasnovano na slicnoj vrsti fanatizma - ali kad pogledam oko sebe, izgleda ravno! Militantna antirefleksivnost.
"Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."
Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
- Posts : 8342
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°308
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
evo za pocetak oko neceg da se slozimo - i meni je amber braaate. najgori chapo mi je wil, pa amber. virgil mi je super zato sto i dalje ne mogu da ga uhvatim ni za glavu ni za rep a lici covek na boru milutinovica. on je prosto nekako out there.zvezda je zivot wrote:sigurno je i do ukusa. posto nisam gik (ni nrd), ili se bar nikad ne bih tako identifikovo, tj. ako jesam gik onda sam autosovinista, bidermanova distanca imponuje, plus cini njegov fin de siecle vajb interesantnijim od metovog i amberinog... koji su mi ono braaate.
a ima i do objektivnog faktora: smesniji je. zao mi je.
inace meni je cush smesan, ali njegova primarna intencija uopste nije da bude smesan niti entertaining nego da pravi zanimljive kroslinkove. mislim on nije soumen nego prvenstveno poster, a takesmith koji se oprobava u raznim medijima. a meni je biedrmanova distanca odbojna jer je mi se cini kao putting on a show (profesionalna deformacija), a ako je takav in real life pa to bi mi tek bio pakao. to verovatno jeste a taste thing.
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 41631
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Location : wife privilege
- Post n°309
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Erős Pista wrote:
Vise je crvenog, kako je pobedilo plavo? Nesto tu nije LoGiCnO.
Koliko je samozatupljivanja potrebno da bi se bez problema napisalo ovako nesto.
Па одслушаш и научиш напамет цео равноземљашки дискурс, усвојиш и почнеш да вежбаш на оваквим стварима. Шо рекао 1 колега, ако се с нечим зајебаваш довољно дуго, нема везе шта је, негде ћеш истерати неки квалитет.
cousin for roasting the rakija
И кажем себи у сну, еј бре коњу па ти ни немаш озвучење, имаш оне две кутијице око монитора, видећеш кад се пробудиш...
- Posts : 7341
Join date : 2014-11-07
- Post n°310
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Daï Djakman Faré wrote:evo za pocetak oko neceg da se slozimo - i meni je amber braaate. najgori chapo mi je wil, pa amber. virgil mi je super zato sto i dalje ne mogu da ga uhvatim ni za glavu ni za rep a lici covek na boru milutinovica. on je prosto nekako out there.zvezda je zivot wrote:sigurno je i do ukusa. posto nisam gik (ni nrd), ili se bar nikad ne bih tako identifikovo, tj. ako jesam gik onda sam autosovinista, bidermanova distanca imponuje, plus cini njegov fin de siecle vajb interesantnijim od metovog i amberinog... koji su mi ono braaate.
a ima i do objektivnog faktora: smesniji je. zao mi je.
inace meni je cush smesan, ali njegova primarna intencija uopste nije da bude smesan niti entertaining nego da pravi zanimljive kroslinkove. mislim on nije soumen nego prvenstveno poster, a takesmith koji se oprobava u raznim medijima. a meni je biedrmanova distanca odbojna jer je mi se cini kao putting on a show (profesionalna deformacija), a ako je takav in real life pa to bi mi tek bio pakao. to verovatno jeste a taste thing.
verovatno je to. mene kod menakera i cushbomba izuzetno lejm sto su toliki filmski bafovi a ukus im je na potezu koeni tarantino dzo dante. provincijalci histerici uf. biderman covek posten gejmer i mudrac.
dobro to, nego cuo sam tejkove da je dolaskom na scenu ovog lika iz trueanona cush gubi svoj smisao. posto trueanon lik vise nije na tviteru ne znam koliko je to tacno - sta ti kazes?
ova zemlja to je to
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- Post n°311
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Sve čega ima na filmu, rekao sam, ima i na Zlatiboru.
Ne dajte da vas prevare! Sačuvajte svoje pojene!
- Posts : 35774
Join date : 2012-02-10
- Post n°312
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
zvezda je zivot wrote:sto kaze cedaj: ljudi a ne teritorija
Nas i Trampovaca 3 miliona kvadratnih kilometara
Uprava napolje!
- Posts : 11764
Join date : 2014-10-27
Location : kraljevski vinogradi
- Post n°313
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Teritorija pokradena! Pravda za teritoriju!WildRanger wrote:
Koliko je veća crvena teritorija (države u kojima Tramp ima većinu glasova) od plave, a ovamo Bajden vodi.
Nema tu neke logike.
Ha rendelkezésre áll a szükséges pénz, a vége általában jó.
- Posts : 7341
Join date : 2014-11-07
- Post n°315
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Летећи Полип wrote:
zanimljiv izbor da pol oster prvi iskace s police. verovatno zbog naslova.
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Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°316
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
to je jako los tejk. objektivno ne postoji dodirna tacka izmedju brejsa i cush-a. brejs radi nesto sto je u ovom momentu jako zabavno i mamojebacki - a zbog cega cemo se svi kasnije vrlo verovatno pokajati - a to je da koristi desnicarske trope i logiku da zabavlja levicare. truanon je zabavan zbog svoje potpune neodgovornosti. brejs nonstop likuje kako njegovi drze sve (posto je jevrej), svako malo namiguje lone gunmen-ima i online ruljama da maltretiraju njegove neprijatelje a npr. ne ume da izgovori non-litigious nego kaze non-actionable mislim, brejs je car zato sto je potpuni debil koji ne zna gomile bazicnih stvari, stalno se ispaljuje i na taj nacin sokratski obrazuje u toku emisije (javni amater). pritom nonstop baronise na temu koga je jebo i opsednut je stepmom/sibling pornografijom. meni je to sve jako sarmantno ali njegov domet je izuzetno limitiran. brejs je konan varvarin, a cush je robert anton vilson, apsolutno nidje veze. prosecni gledalac jedne emisije bi ugasio ovu drugu u roku od odmah.zvezda je zivot wrote:verovatno je to. mene kod menakera i cushbomba izuzetno lejm sto su toliki filmski bafovi a ukus im je na potezu koeni tarantino dzo dante. provincijalci histerici uf. biderman covek posten gejmer i mudrac.
dobro to, nego cuo sam tejkove da je dolaskom na scenu ovog lika iz trueanona cush gubi svoj smisao. posto trueanon lik vise nije na tviteru ne znam koliko je to tacno - sta ti kazes?
a sto se cushovog filmskog ukusa meni je to totalna terra incognita, on voli populisticke akcione filmove sa squibs-ima a meni je to nekako sve nekako uzasno inokosno mom ukusu ali prica o tome na zanimljiv nacin pa nekako tripim. to gde prica o filmovima su meni cush filler epizode.
a inace sad mi je sinulo da ta ista distanciranost koja me smara kod feliksa me zapravo smara kod tebe
znas ono kada te teram da postujes earnestly pa cak i kad to stvarno radis a ja to prosto ne kapiram jer si ti upornim trolovanjem i generisao enormno magnetno polje trol-postinga do tacke da cak i napises neki earnest take na neku temu on ne moze da se registruje kao takav ? ti znas da ja tebe volim, ali to mi je to izuzetno naporno u vezi tebe.
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 7341
Join date : 2014-11-07
- Post n°317
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Daï Djakman Faré wrote:znas ono kada te teram da postujes earnestly pa cak i kad to stvarno radis a ja to prosto ne kapiram jer si ti upornim trolovanjem i generisao enormno magnetno polje trol-postinga do tacke da cak i napises neki earnest take na neku temu on ne moze da se registruje kao takav ?
ej to se desilo ukupno jedanput i zato sto nisi znao da je nejt kon aktiviro iglu. nisam kriv sto nisi bio obavesten.
misim jedna je stvar sto moj *iskreni kontent* nije nista autenticniji od diskursa koji podrazavam i to je okej. nekom iskrenost ide od ruke (posebno amerikancima) ja re:politika moram da rmbacim za iskrenost. al da se ne zajebavamo: koga ja mogu da istrolujem ovde? dobro, juce sam iz nehata lalineu ali to je to.
Last edited by zvezda je zivot on Sat Nov 07, 2020 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
ova zemlja to je to
- Guest
- Post n°318
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
+100zvezda je zivot wrote:znaci kakav je ovo gerijatrijski forum reci nemam u novembru 2020 s djimija dora prelazimo na cth lol
i naravno da je Felix najbolji, bilo jasno još od onih stolen valor dana.
fare, sori, ali ti si pre godinu dana kad je Bajern sadžgao Zvezdu rekao da niko iz te grupe neće stići do 1/4 finala. svi znamo kako se to završilo. Ne mogu više da imam poverenja u tvoje tejkove, jbg.
- Posts : 7341
Join date : 2014-11-07
- Post n°319
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Sovranije Čonjagić wrote:
fare, sori, ali ti si pre godinu dana kad je Bajern sadžgao Zvezdu rekao da niko iz te grupe neće stići do 1/4 finala. svi znamo kako se to završilo. Ne mogu više da imam poverenja u tvoje tejkove, jbg.
misim ne bi da izgleda ko character assassination ali juce reko da je pozni pedro kosta evropski art haus koji se proizvodi na stotine godisnje. misim posle ja trolujem.
ova zemlja to je to
- Posts : 8342
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°320
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
ooooooooooo djalmodine, pa welcome back. zazivao sam te nekoliko puta na americkim temama povodm AOCSovranije Čonjagić wrote:+100zvezda je zivot wrote:znaci kakav je ovo gerijatrijski forum reci nemam u novembru 2020 s djimija dora prelazimo na cth lol
i naravno da je Felix najbolji, bilo jasno još od onih stolen valor dana.
fare, sori, ali ti si pre godinu dana kad je Bajern sadžgao Zvezdu rekao da niko iz te grupe neće stići do 1/4 finala. svi znamo kako se to završilo. Ne mogu više da imam poverenja u tvoje tejkove, jbg.
istina taj tejk nije dobro ostario. ali podseticu da pre nego sto je lose ostario taj tejk je prvo bio hella good take jer je bajern tipa mesec dana posle meca sa zvezdom pao na 4-to mesto u bundesligi, pa otpustio kovaca pa tek onda se izdigao iz pepela i preokrenuo situaciju.
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Guest
- Post n°321
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Biden’s Lame Duck Presidency
By David Wallace-Wells
On Wednesday, as vote totals grew slowly towards a likely Biden presidency, more than 100,000 new American coronavirus cases were reported—a new record for a country that has already experienced two devastating pandemic peaks. More than a thousand people died—an average toll, these days, equivalent to two 747 crashes, but which may soon come to seem “light” in retrospect. Those planes are going to keep taking off, and crashing, every day for months.
By the time Joe Biden takes office, in January, perhaps 100,000 more Americans will have died. And while the recent experience of once-admired Europe suggests no western governments are capable of truly suppressing the pandemic for long, any interventions implemented by the Biden administration, even on day one, will still take at least weeks, and likely months, to roll out—arriving only in the spring, when vaccines will be rolling out, too, and when warmer weather will mean the disease was likely abating, anyway. Especially in the rollout of vaccines and mass testing, better management will help us—indeed any management would help. But to a large degree the damage is already done.
It is not simply that his presidency will arrive too late to address the pandemic’s winter surge. The tragedy is bigger than that, with Biden hamstrung to act not just in the months before Inauguration Day but, maddeningly, in the months immediately after, as well. Faced with a likely Republican Senate, Biden has dim prospects for “democracy reform,” filibuster reform, criminal-justice reform or court reform, not to mention other meaningful legislative action like a public health-care option or the $2 trillion climate plan around which Biden — surprisingly, laudably — actually built a blitz of closing-message ads. Biden and the Democrats also face, now, a strong opposition on the Supreme Court, which threatens not just the Affordable Care Act and Roe v. Wade but the very legitimacy of the administrative state through which presidential action without Senate support would have to pass. (It is only by a 5-4 margin that the Supreme Court has empowered the EPA to regulate carbon emissions at all, for instance.) And the failure of Democrats down ballot from Biden means that the party whiffed on the once-in-a-decade opportunity to flip state legislatures and at least even out the gerrymandering playing-field that has tilted so many elections GOP-ward over the last decade. Democrats have won the presidency, but probably only the presidency, with nearly everything below broken or blocked or locked into cross-purposed dysfunction.
In March, as the coronavirus was first devastating New York, I wrote about the pandemic prospects for the country and what looked, already, like our deep incapacity to respond. Donald Trump was the last man you’d want presiding over such a crisis, but the problems didn’t stop with him; the dysfunction, it was apparent even on March 12, went much deeper. The CDC failed, developing a flawed test, and the FDA failed, refusing to let anyone else design one at first. And while these agencies had been damaged by federal interference, and would continue to be, the failures weren’t just those emanating from the White House. Instead, the failures were the sign of a country starving for social trust and overstuffed with social cruelty and ill-served by institutions damaged by a decades-long culture war against not just the government, but informed authority in general.
There were heroes, of course—doctors and nurses and medical researchers, not to mention governors and mayors who hustled to scale up testing and procure necessary equipment, and all of us who did our best to honor what seemed to be the prevailing public health advice. And even when and where there was agreement about what was needed, by and large those needs went unfulfilled. The Senate failed to deliver meaningful pandemic aid in the form of funding testing, tracing, and PPE—only producing economic aid, which then ran out. Many local school systems failed to find ways to stay safely open, as even those in hard-hit countries have managed. We still don’t have sufficient testing to catch asymptomatic cases, which represent almost half of the problem, and are far behind where we’d hope to be on rapid testing, which could easily and affordably suppress that asymptomatic spread. Contact tracing, the great hope of American technocrats, has failed utterly, with response rates, in some places, as low as fifteen percent; in the UK, which has probably mounted the worst coronavirus response in all of Europe, they are counting rates between 50% and 70% as a catastrophic failure.
For most of the last nine months, American liberals distressed about the state of the country could look at the polls and comfort themselves with the thought that the man presiding over all of this suffering, torturing the nation and its tattered self-image with his narcissistic indifference, had merely hijacked American politics and its arc of history for the length of one presidential term, now set to expire. On the campaign trail, mostly virtually, Biden spoke of his hopes of an FDR-sized presidency. Many of his voters reminisced about Obama’s historic margin in 2008, though that victory opened a window of aggressive progressive governance that lasted only 18 months. And some on the left fantasized about a Trojan horse presidency—fuddy-duddy Biden, the Democrats’ Gipper, letting the Warren and Bernie wings of the party at least into the room, if not handing them full control. But while Biden’s national margin is in some ways heartening, what he seems to have won with it is less like any of those transformational models and more like the lame-duck presidency we expected for Hillary Clinton, four years ago. Given the historic stakes of the present, it also raises the possibility of a bleaker medium- or even long-term future: a lame-duck nation, in which neither real reform nor real political progress appears all that possible anywhere on the federal horizon.
To the many millions of Americans radicalized by Trump, his four years in office amounted to a kind of unmasking of America—the sequential revelation of a basic national ugliness previously acknowledged primarily by the sorts of radicals who are typically dismissed by our civic religion and its high priests as naive or rageful or both. But the election of Biden represents an unmasking, too: a showcase of just how poorly divided government functions even in times of screaming need, and how frustratingly little will change, in concrete policy terms, through the replacement of one presidential hood ornament with another. For decades now, political insiders have mocked those disengaged outsiders and third-party voters who insisted there was no real difference between the two parties. Of course, they were right to: as anyone with eyes should be able to see, the two parties stand for very different things, with factions inside them even more divergent. But when structural roadblocks and divided government mean nothing much can actually get done, in a time of great and protracted suffering simply standing for something different and more humane is cold comfort.
America is not alone in its suffering—in Europe, some countries (Belgium, the Czech Republic) have surpassed the U.S. in per capita cases and others (the U.K., Italy, France, Spain) have registered as many or more deaths per million as here. But with only one state in fifty, Vermont, “trending better” on Election Day, according to Covid Exit Strategy, and 47 either “trending poorly” or in “uncontrolled spread,” there is simply nowhere in the U.S. to point to as any kind of coronavirus success story. There are no Angela Merkels or Justin Trudeaus here, let alone Jacinda Arderns or even Scott Morrisons. Given the state of the disease today, and where it is likely heading in the months ahead, even a response modeled on New Zealand or Australia would fail to defeat the pandemic, only curtail it somewhat.
Of course, the suffering is far more numerous than the death. Millions have been sick, many of them ailing months later, from after-effects doctors call “sequelae.” We are dealing with sequelae socially, too. Anxiety and depression have by some accounts tripled during the pandemic, and the number of overdoses have grown, too. American GDP rebounded dramatically in the third quarter, but hundreds of thousands of Americans are still filing new unemployment claims each week—higher numbers, every week, than for any previous week before the pandemic in the history of the statistic. Millions have lost health insurance, in the midst of the pandemic. Forty percent of restaurants are expected to shutter, and, according to some estimates, as many as 50 million Americans are “food insecure.” Four million jobs in the travel industry have already been lost during the pandemic, and as many as a million more are expected to disappear by the end of the year. Millions of people collecting unemployment will see that support expire in mid December. Protections for renters and those carrying student loans will expire, too, without an additional aid from congress, which has, to this point, refused aid to state and local governments, as well. New York State alone is facing a $59 billion shortfall. These are just the very short term challenges, leaving entirely aside the howling need to address injustices far more longstanding (race, inequalities of income and opportunity) and more lastingly consequential (climate, anti-democratic political and economic structures). If ever the country needed a mandate election, this was it. And even with a national margin that could grow to six percent, and support from a larger share of the American electorate than Obama or Reagan achieved in their landslides, Biden has won, instead, a sort of stalemate, if one that comes wrapped in a blue bow.
Will Joe be able to do some things? Well, yes, of course, maybe even some quite consequential things. Biden’s own center of gravity has long been on international affairs, where he can now act more or less unencumbered. His pandemic policy will be immediately better, as will his environmental policy. But government through executive action — monitored by a 6-3 Supreme Court that has already signaled its skepticism about the powers of the federal bureaucracy — is not the same thing as a public option or a Green New Deal, both of which felt morally necessary for many progressives all through the campaign. And unless the upcoming Georgia runoffs give Senate control to Democrats, an optimistic projection for progressive policy under the new president looks a lot more like Obama’s last six years than his first two. Those first two disappointed the left, then, of course, and the party has moved dramatically leftward since. The crises the country faces have been made more urgent, too: racial and criminal justice by the largest protests in half a century; health care by an onrushing and ongoing pandemic; climate change by the worst wildfire seasons in history, catastrophic flooding and storms across the country’s agricultural heartland, and so many hurricanes through the Carribean they had to move onto the Greek alphabet to name them.
The impediments loom almost as large, unfortunately. They are structural (the Supreme Court, the filibuster, the disproportionate power of rural states in the Senate and the Electoral College, though that last one can shift a bit); temperamental (the new president swearing he can persuade Republicans who didn’t cooperate on anything when he was vice president and the country was less intensely polarized than it is today); political (Mitch McConnell still in charge of the senate and Joe Manchin still a key Democratic vote); media-driven (Fox News and OANN, not to mention Facebook’s outrage algorithms); and social (a Republican electorate that is distressingly militia-like in parts, featuring both QAnon truthers and suburban moms chanting outside county clerk offices to stop the vote). And though you can imagine your way to theoretical solutions to each, a fair distribution of political power seems only possible through structural reforms that won’t be even available to Democrats, let alone enacted, without the kinds of electoral victories that, today at least, seem difficult to achieve without structural reform—a sort of progressive doom-loop it’s hard to see one’s way out of.
Can these dynamics change? Yes, and likely will. But for now, we are experiencing what the Portuguese author Bruno Macaes has described as a peculiarly American kind of culture-war cosplay, performed on top of an inactive government, in which figureheads representing very different visions of the country and its values compete less over the right to implement those visions , than the right to simply project them. Of course, the stakes in this election were much higher than that, but its resolution in a Biden presidency probably feels to most liberals less like a victory that points forward than a reprieve from what might have been.
Still, it is a reprieve—from particular Trump policies now discontinued, and from more extreme possibilities contemplated for the second term; from a further decline of American standing in the world. Personally, I have to admit, it is also a psychological balm: evicting Donald Trump from our collective brainspace does seem to have motivated a lot of Biden supporters and indeed the president-elect himself, with his campaign mission — both grand and insubstantial — to heal the soul of the nation. But if the most we can hope for from political victory in a time of crisis is psychological comfort, rather than policy transformation, we are in for some very bleak times indeed. In other news, shrooms are now legal.
- Posts : 8342
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°322
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
zvezda je zivot wrote:misim ne bi da izgleda ko character assassination ali juce reko da je pozni pedro kosta evropski art haus koji se proizvodi na stotine godisnje. misim posle ja trolujem.
izvini cavalho dineiro i vitalina varela su bukvalno to - klasicna art house slow cinema smaracina. i stand by my guns.
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 7341
Join date : 2014-11-07
- Post n°323
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Daï Djakman Faré wrote:zvezda je zivot wrote:misim ne bi da izgleda ko character assassination ali juce reko da je pozni pedro kosta evropski art haus koji se proizvodi na stotine godisnje. misim posle ja trolujem.
izvini cavalho dineiro i vitalina varela su bukvalno to - klasicna arh house slow cinema smaracina. i stand by my guns.
el imamo nekog prevodioca, tumaca da prevede sta pise ovaj covek, vidim da mi se obraca al nista ne razumem sta mi prica
ova zemlja to je to
- Posts : 8342
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°324
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 11623
Join date : 2018-03-03
Age : 36
Location : Hotline Rakovica
- Post n°325
Re: Američki izbori 2020.
Ima Paće. On je bio u Americi, pa im zna jezik.
Sve čega ima na filmu, rekao sam, ima i na Zlatiboru.
Ne dajte da vas prevare! Sačuvajte svoje pojene!