Djamolidine Abdoujaparov wrote:jebem ti sve. Ekvador, Čile, al jok, mora da uspe tamo gde je levica na vlasti pa to ti je. mučena Camerika i Jamerika.
elem, nisam lekar al mogu da pogledamTHREAD: If you haven't been following the situation in Bolivia here's a rundown. Briefly, the OAS, an emboldened opposition (which clearly is not the most popular party in the country), the media, and the Trump admin ousted a successful leftist leader. For the longer story:
— Kevin Cashman (@kevinmcashman) November 11, 2019
No Evidence That Bolivian Election Results Were Affected by Irregularities or Fraud, Statistical Analysis Shows
- Spoiler:
Gargamel incoming in 3...2...1...
Bice svuda promena...znam da si mnogo ljut i da ne znas sta ces sa sobom, tezak je taj zivot levicara beogradskih.
Ali nemoj brinuti, bice svuda promena.