zelenorcani on the other hand i dalje tragikomicni 4 utakmice - 4 remija (treci rezultatom 0:0, a drugi po redu sa mrtvom ruandom), ali tu su i dalje, grupa je wide open ne samo za njih nego i za mucenu ruandu
African Cup of Nations
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°26
Re: African Cup of Nations
dobro bootstrapsovanje doktor konga na gostovanju u angoli. pa necete valjda da tamo neka gambija ode umesto vas na ACN
zelenorcani on the other hand i dalje tragikomicni 4 utakmice - 4 remija (treci rezultatom 0:0, a drugi po redu sa mrtvom ruandom), ali tu su i dalje, grupa je wide open ne samo za njih nego i za mucenu ruandu
zelenorcani on the other hand i dalje tragikomicni 4 utakmice - 4 remija (treci rezultatom 0:0, a drugi po redu sa mrtvom ruandom), ali tu su i dalje, grupa je wide open ne samo za njih nego i za mucenu ruandu
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°27
Re: African Cup of Nations
sad pogledo prvi put ovo finale ACN posle 20+ godina. ono sto mi je tad bilo epsko kidanje zivaca zapravo sad vidim da je bila apsolutno vrhunska utakmica
ovo je bila borba za prestiz - ko je najbolji africki tim sto je tada bio bas big deal (hint: niko nije mislio da je to bila juzna afrika koja se nevidjeno CNN-ovski hajpovala tad) jer se iz perspektive 1990-ih u 2000-tim ocekivalo da africke selekcije postanu mnogo konkurentnije nego sto su to zaista postale i u tom momentu niko nije znao tacno gde ce im biti plafon. hajp je bio jak i moj interes za africki fudbal je kolateral tog hajpa. kamerunu je pripao sam pocetak 1990-ih i kraj 2000-ih (nastup u 1/4finalu svetskog u italiji 1990 kao veliki breakthrough za njih i generalno za africki fudbal i zlato na OI 2000-te) a nigeriji veci deo sredine 1990-ih i to sa objektivno jacim rezultatima od kamerunskih a i neko bi reko i jacim igrackim kadrom (2x 1/8 finala svetskog - u USA 1994 tukli polufinalistu bugarsku i grcku i nesretno ispali od buduceg viceprvaka italije u 1/8 finala posto je badjo izjednacio u nadoknadi i jos jednom u FRA 1998 gde su tukli i izbacili spaniju 3:2, 1x zlato na OI 1996 i uknjizili 1x titulu africkog kupa nacija 1994).
u tom momentu je bilo 2:2 u ACN titulama (kamerun je poslednju uzeo 1988, kada je mila bio mladic od 36 godina) i ovo je bila utakmica da se stavi tacka na kamerun vs nigerija diskusiju jednom za svagda. igralo se u lagosu i stvarno je bilo no excuses za nigeriju, teret dokazivanja je bio na njima jer su svi rezultati i okolnosti isle na njihovu ruku. no bila je tu jedna mala, sasvim neobicna, khm, istorijska okolnost. obe titule koje je kamerun uzeo 1980-ih je uzeo tukavsi nigeriju u finalu. ili jos plasticnije: kamerun nikad nije bio prvak a da nije bio nigeriju u finalu, ko god drugi da je bio protivnik - odbrali bi nas
ali nigerija... well, they were our bitches. i tako je nekako krenulo. unistavamo ih u gostima 2:0 u 31-minutu, pogadjamo precku, lauren, eto & mboma briljiraju, nigerijci se nisu pojavili na terenu, sve ide bas kako treba u najidealnijem slucaju i u 2 minutu nadoknade prvog poluvremena primimo mega-glup i nicim izazvan gol za 2:1. na samom pocetku II pol nam okoca - koji se uglavnom nije video dotad - rokne odma golcinu sa 25 metara u 47 minutu i tu se mi nacisto raspadnemo. onda se okoca probudi, babangida udje u drugom poluvremenu (zamislite kolka je to klupa da njima 1 babangida ulazi kao izmena u II poluvremenu ... jaki su bili ko crna zemlja), nacisto nas sadzgavaju, u medjuvremenu mi crknemo i pocne da nam visi gol u vazduhu. ali ga ne daju i dopeljamo se nekako penala.
penali su podjednako hair-raising prospect, nas golman - bukar alijum - je goli prosek iz turskog prvenstva i teska kiksara (i to valda jedina epoha kameruna u mom secanju kad nismo imali krstenog golmana - tacno izmedju penzionisanja songoa, a pre kamenijeve ere). za nigerijce branio ike shoronomu tada prvi golman vicesampiona besiktasa koji je jako tesno izgubio titulu od galate. prve dve serije - shoronmu vrlo blizu lopti, a alijum ni blizu. treca serija, kanu puca tragican penal po sredini koji mu alijum lagano skida, a zeremi salje projektil u levi cosak za 3:2. i onda u cetvrtoj seriji ludilo - ikepeba puca pod precku, lopta prelazi gol liniju za jedno 20 santimetara i izlazi napolje. i svi na stadionu to vide, komentatori u prenosu to vide i ali sudije ne vide i signaliziraju promasaj ! i umesto da ih dokrajcimo tu i tad, pokojni foe dzentlmenski masi citav gol u istoj seriji i ostaje 3:2. zadnja serija, oliseh izjednacava na 3:3 ali nas kapiten song rutinira svoj penal i tako mi uzmemo nigerijce po treci put, AAAAA
nigerijci folklorno ceo dogadjaj oko ikpebinog nepriznatog penala i dan danas pripisuju isi hajatuu, dugogodisnjem predsedniku CAF (od 1988 do 2017) koji je kamerunac.
ovo je bila borba za prestiz - ko je najbolji africki tim sto je tada bio bas big deal (hint: niko nije mislio da je to bila juzna afrika koja se nevidjeno CNN-ovski hajpovala tad) jer se iz perspektive 1990-ih u 2000-tim ocekivalo da africke selekcije postanu mnogo konkurentnije nego sto su to zaista postale i u tom momentu niko nije znao tacno gde ce im biti plafon. hajp je bio jak i moj interes za africki fudbal je kolateral tog hajpa. kamerunu je pripao sam pocetak 1990-ih i kraj 2000-ih (nastup u 1/4finalu svetskog u italiji 1990 kao veliki breakthrough za njih i generalno za africki fudbal i zlato na OI 2000-te) a nigeriji veci deo sredine 1990-ih i to sa objektivno jacim rezultatima od kamerunskih a i neko bi reko i jacim igrackim kadrom (2x 1/8 finala svetskog - u USA 1994 tukli polufinalistu bugarsku i grcku i nesretno ispali od buduceg viceprvaka italije u 1/8 finala posto je badjo izjednacio u nadoknadi i jos jednom u FRA 1998 gde su tukli i izbacili spaniju 3:2, 1x zlato na OI 1996 i uknjizili 1x titulu africkog kupa nacija 1994).
u tom momentu je bilo 2:2 u ACN titulama (kamerun je poslednju uzeo 1988, kada je mila bio mladic od 36 godina) i ovo je bila utakmica da se stavi tacka na kamerun vs nigerija diskusiju jednom za svagda. igralo se u lagosu i stvarno je bilo no excuses za nigeriju, teret dokazivanja je bio na njima jer su svi rezultati i okolnosti isle na njihovu ruku. no bila je tu jedna mala, sasvim neobicna, khm, istorijska okolnost. obe titule koje je kamerun uzeo 1980-ih je uzeo tukavsi nigeriju u finalu. ili jos plasticnije: kamerun nikad nije bio prvak a da nije bio nigeriju u finalu, ko god drugi da je bio protivnik - odbrali bi nas
ali nigerija... well, they were our bitches. i tako je nekako krenulo. unistavamo ih u gostima 2:0 u 31-minutu, pogadjamo precku, lauren, eto & mboma briljiraju, nigerijci se nisu pojavili na terenu, sve ide bas kako treba u najidealnijem slucaju i u 2 minutu nadoknade prvog poluvremena primimo mega-glup i nicim izazvan gol za 2:1. na samom pocetku II pol nam okoca - koji se uglavnom nije video dotad - rokne odma golcinu sa 25 metara u 47 minutu i tu se mi nacisto raspadnemo. onda se okoca probudi, babangida udje u drugom poluvremenu (zamislite kolka je to klupa da njima 1 babangida ulazi kao izmena u II poluvremenu ... jaki su bili ko crna zemlja), nacisto nas sadzgavaju, u medjuvremenu mi crknemo i pocne da nam visi gol u vazduhu. ali ga ne daju i dopeljamo se nekako penala.
penali su podjednako hair-raising prospect, nas golman - bukar alijum - je goli prosek iz turskog prvenstva i teska kiksara (i to valda jedina epoha kameruna u mom secanju kad nismo imali krstenog golmana - tacno izmedju penzionisanja songoa, a pre kamenijeve ere). za nigerijce branio ike shoronomu tada prvi golman vicesampiona besiktasa koji je jako tesno izgubio titulu od galate. prve dve serije - shoronmu vrlo blizu lopti, a alijum ni blizu. treca serija, kanu puca tragican penal po sredini koji mu alijum lagano skida, a zeremi salje projektil u levi cosak za 3:2. i onda u cetvrtoj seriji ludilo - ikepeba puca pod precku, lopta prelazi gol liniju za jedno 20 santimetara i izlazi napolje. i svi na stadionu to vide, komentatori u prenosu to vide i ali sudije ne vide i signaliziraju promasaj ! i umesto da ih dokrajcimo tu i tad, pokojni foe dzentlmenski masi citav gol u istoj seriji i ostaje 3:2. zadnja serija, oliseh izjednacava na 3:3 ali nas kapiten song rutinira svoj penal i tako mi uzmemo nigerijce po treci put, AAAAA
nigerijci folklorno ceo dogadjaj oko ikpebinog nepriznatog penala i dan danas pripisuju isi hajatuu, dugogodisnjem predsedniku CAF (od 1988 do 2017) koji je kamerunac.
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
- Post n°28
Re: African Cup of Nations
kakav projektil doktor kongau 94-minutu za 1:1 protiv libije i noz u srce zoranu filipovicu
(ovo je ono drugo africko prvenstvo - gde ucestvuju samo igraci iz domacih liga)
(ovo je ono drugo africko prvenstvo - gde ucestvuju samo igraci iz domacih liga)
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
- Post n°29
Re: African Cup of Nations
bas se ispromasivao niger. steta mogli su u 1/4 finale ladno i oni i burkinabedjani, po prilikama
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
- Post n°30
Re: African Cup of Nations
komsije ruandjani se spektakularno plasirali u 1/4 finale nation's championship-a pobedom protiv togoa 3:2 posto su gubili u dva navrata
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 485
Join date : 2016-06-29
- Post n°31
Re: African Cup of Nations
parovi 1/4finala su
mali - obicni kongo
gvineja - ruanda
maroko - zambija
doktor kongo - kamerun
mali - obicni kongo
gvineja - ruanda
maroko - zambija
doktor kongo - kamerun
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the future
In the future
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°32
Re: African Cup of Nations
steta, ipak kraj puta za nase juzne susede ! izgubise 1:0 od gvineje malocas
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°33
Re: African Cup of Nations
mali opet 0:0 i prodje dalje na penale, pa sou
sa stranim igracima ili ne, oni uvek igraju isto. i naravno imaju djigija djaru da odbrani 1 penal.
sa stranim igracima ili ne, oni uvek igraju isto. i naravno imaju djigija djaru da odbrani 1 penal.
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°34
Re: African Cup of Nations
kamerun izgubio 4:0 kuci od maroka. to samo po sebi ne zvuci toliko strasno koliko cinjenica da nisu stvorili sansu za 90 minuta kao i da su dali sami sebi 3 od 4 gola. bukvalno za klasu bolji maroko.
videcemo kako ce proci protiv taktickih daveza iz malija u nedelju
videcemo kako ce proci protiv taktickih daveza iz malija u nedelju
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°35
Re: African Cup of Nations
jebiga ako se useres od centralnoafricke republike kuci i ne treba da ides na ACN
on the other hand, gambija
on the other hand, gambija
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°36
Re: African Cup of Nations
gotove kvalifikacije za ACN. znaci iz prvog sesira svi favoriti prosli a samo kantavi dr kongo izd'o, zaklala ga gambija i zavrsila kao prva u grupi sa njima, angolom i gabonom. veliki respect
Senegal (22)
Tunisia (25)
Nigeria (45)
Morocco (47)
Ghana (50)
Cameroon (51)
Egypt (58)
Burkina Faso (59)
Mali (62)
Ivory Coast (62)
Algeria (68)
Senegal (22)
Tunisia (25)
Nigeria (45)
Morocco (47)
Ghana (50)
Cameroon (51)
Egypt (58)
Burkina Faso (59)
Mali (62)
Ivory Coast (62)
Algeria (68)
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°37
Re: African Cup of Nations
iz drugog sesira nekoliko iznenadjenja uganda koja je zadnjih 5-6 godina vrlo respektabilan darkhorse u africkom fudbalu potpuno neverovatno ispala od jebenog malavija ! sapleli se na gostovanju u juznom sudanu, izgubili revans u malaviju i cao. a u severnom, regularnom sudanu se juzna afrika okliznula i zavrsila takmicenje. isto tako zambija - koja je vec dugo u slobodnom padu - izgubila mesto od zimbabvea tako da to nije neko iznenadjenje. zelenorcani su apsolutni krimininal ali su se provukli. mauritania respect, vezuju vec drugi ACN !
Guinea (71)
Cape Verde (76)
Benin (88)
Gabon (89)
Mauritania (103)
Guinea (71)
Cape Verde (76)
Benin (88)
Gabon (89)
Mauritania (103)
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°38
Re: African Cup of Nations
treci sesir, u zadnje vreme vrlo respektabilni madegaskar usro motku, pata karte najvece iznenadjenje sa nicim izazvanim malavijem ! absolutely no one saw that coming ! 3 pobede u grupi sa timom iz domace lige, navalom iz juznoafrickog premieshipa i par zalutalih pecalbara iz dila gorija i serifa iz tiraspolja. respect !
Zimbabwe (109)
Guinea-Bissau (118)
Malawi (126)
Sudan (130)
Zimbabwe (109)
Guinea-Bissau (118)
Malawi (126)
Sudan (130)
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°39
Re: African Cup of Nations
cetvrti sesir i najveca zalost za gaela bigirimanu i burundi da na kraju zavrse ispod mauritanije od koje su bolji u medjusobnom skoru ali jebiga to je tako kad ti 1 centralnoafricka republika 2 puta uzima meru.
komori i el fardu ben ce da budu zabavni, a etiopija ce da bude smaranje kao i uvek.
Equatorial Guinea (141)
Comoros (148)
Ethiopia (150)
komori i el fardu ben ce da budu zabavni, a etiopija ce da bude smaranje kao i uvek.
Equatorial Guinea (141)
Comoros (148)
Ethiopia (150)
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°40
Re: African Cup of Nations
i za kraj prolazak gambije iz 5 sesira je glavna vesti kvalifikacija. drugi prvi put za redom da se neko kvalifikuje za ACN iz poslednjeg sesira
(madegaskar je u proslo ACN ciklusu isti podvig napravio)
(madegaskar je u proslo ACN ciklusu isti podvig napravio)
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 28265
Join date : 2015-03-20
- Post n°41
Re: African Cup of Nations
CAN 2022 počeo a burundi muk!
navijaću u granicama mogućnosti za ekvatorijalnu gvineju, sviđa mi se to ime
navijaću u granicama mogućnosti za ekvatorijalnu gvineju, sviđa mi se to ime
Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°42
Re: African Cup of Nations
meni su fazon 3/4 tima za koje bas navijam u ovoj grupi sto je danas igrala.
da pocnem od najomiljenijih - burkinabedjani par genijalaca u navali, kriminalni u obrani i apsolutno kriminalni u markiranju prostora - africki fudbal as it once was. kamerunci 2 penala, ali jesu bila oba i generalno su bili bolji. vinsent abubakar bog fudbala. kako on nije napravio kavanijevsku karijeru, nikad mi nece biti jasno.
etiopija zemlja od 110 miliona ljudi sa prvim timom izgubila od COVID-om desetkovanih zelenorcana - zemlje ni sa pola miliona stanovnika koji da su ih dovoljno izbacili iz stroja ne bi imali igraca da izvrse izmene. i apsolutno niko nije iznenadjen. eto na tom su nivou etiopljani
da pocnem od najomiljenijih - burkinabedjani par genijalaca u navali, kriminalni u obrani i apsolutno kriminalni u markiranju prostora - africki fudbal as it once was. kamerunci 2 penala, ali jesu bila oba i generalno su bili bolji. vinsent abubakar bog fudbala. kako on nije napravio kavanijevsku karijeru, nikad mi nece biti jasno.
etiopija zemlja od 110 miliona ljudi sa prvim timom izgubila od COVID-om desetkovanih zelenorcana - zemlje ni sa pola miliona stanovnika koji da su ih dovoljno izbacili iz stroja ne bi imali igraca da izvrse izmene. i apsolutno niko nije iznenadjen. eto na tom su nivou etiopljani
Last edited by Daï Djakman Faré on Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°44
Re: African Cup of Nations
pa bojim se da jeste
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°45
Re: African Cup of Nations
bogami danas gambija solidno rasrafila mauritaniju sa run & gun taktikom
egipat juce nepojmljivo los. jedna od istorijskih najlosijih nigerija ih otresla kao sline. it wasn't even close.
ako sve repke sa magreba ispadnu do 1/4 finala, moze da bude najbolji AFCON in recent memory
egipat juce nepojmljivo los. jedna od istorijskih najlosijih nigerija ih otresla kao sline. it wasn't even close.
ako sve repke sa magreba ispadnu do 1/4 finala, moze da bude najbolji AFCON in recent memory
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 28265
Join date : 2015-03-20
- Post n°46
Re: African Cup of Nations
a kaži penal koji je juče promašila gvineja bisao protiv sudana
Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°47
Re: African Cup of Nations
samo jebiga, egipat ce se tu najsladje smejati. bukvalno bilo ko da je dobio bio bi totalni wub od prvog kola
samo jebiga, egipat ce se tu najsladje smejati. bukvalno bilo ko da je dobio bio bi totalni wub od prvog kola
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place
- Posts : 28265
Join date : 2015-03-20
- Post n°48
Re: African Cup of Nations
moji izvori iz egipta proklinju koronu i nadaju se prolasku uprkos svemu
Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.
- Posts : 28265
Join date : 2015-03-20
- Post n°49
Re: African Cup of Nations
el fardu ben >> ričmond boaći
Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.
- Posts : 8532
Join date : 2014-10-28
Location : imamate of futa djallon
- Post n°50
Re: African Cup of Nations
top 3 iznenadjenja turnira, mozda i najvece
i odlicna tekma
i odlicna tekma
i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place