Kinder Lad wrote:Sve vise dolazim do zakljucka da je iza Trumpa stajao deo, ako ne i dobar deo, vojnog establismenta.
Ne znam, Hilari je imala odlicne odnose sa vojnim establismentom, mnogo bolje nego Obama.
Kinder Lad wrote:Sve vise dolazim do zakljucka da je iza Trumpa stajao deo, ako ne i dobar deo, vojnog establismenta.
Radagast wrote:Kinder Lad wrote:Sve vise dolazim do zakljucka da je iza Trumpa stajao deo, ako ne i dobar deo, vojnog establismenta.
Ne znam, Hilari je imala odlicne odnose sa vojnim establismentom, mnogo bolje nego Obama.
ostap bender wrote:mislim bez rata s rusijom. jednostavno, generali zele, paradoksalno, manje intervencionizma i da se zatvore sukobi koji su otvoreni.
Photino Bird wrote:ostap bender wrote:mislim bez rata s rusijom. jednostavno, generali zele, paradoksalno, manje intervencionizma i da se zatvore sukobi koji su otvoreni.
to je i moja intuicija. no, postoji problem. u slučaju sukoba koji otpočne neko drugi a u kome su ugroženi interesi SAD, generali će razmišljati vojnički i davati preporuke u skladu sa time.
ostap bender wrote:mislim bez rata s rusijom. jednostavno, generali zele, paradoksalno, manje intervencionizma i da se zatvore sukobi koji su otvoreni.
+1паће wrote:Онда, уводимо израз "Трампова хунта"? the Russia obsession represents is a massive ethical failure on the part of American liberals. People really will suffer under President Trump—women, queer people, Muslims, poor people of every stripe. But so many in the centrist establishment don’t seem to care. They’re far too busy weaving themselves into intricate geopolitical power plays that don’t really exist, searching for a narrative that exonerates them from having let this happen, to do anything like real political work. They won’t accept that Trumpism is America, in all its blood-splattered horror—that the dry civics lesson of a democracy they love so much is capable of creating a monster. Decades of neoliberal policy disenfranchised people to the extent that Donald Trump could look like a savior; far better to just hide your bad conscience somewhere far away in Eastern Europe. It wasn’t us, it wasn’t our country, we were all duped by Putin. And if this means falling into reactionary paranoia, screaming red-faced about traitors and spies, slobbering embarrassingly over the incoherent rants of any two-bit con artist whose name isn’t Donald Trump—so be it. None of this will help anyone or achieve anything, but that’s not the point. And then, at the end, with nothing solved, they shrug at us like Eric Garland’s imagined game-theory version of Hillary Clinton. Jesus, what can you do?
Tramp je, da te podsetim, izabran ne zahvaljujući "tiraniji većine" nego upravo zahvaljujući antidemokratskom mehanizmu koji su mudri Očevi osnivači ugradili u svoj projekat ne bi li osujetili demokartiju - elektorskom koledžu. To treba stalno iznova ponavjati - ubedljiva većina je glasala protiv Trampa, na vlast ga je doveo antidemokratski relikt zasnovan na pretpostavci da elite znaju bolje i da je demokratija opasna.
Indy wrote:Obzirom da je (po meni) glavna meta ove "PropOrNot" operacije u stvari Rusija i Putin, sklon sam da verujem da ima nekakve veze sa Ukrajinom. (EDIT. Naravno, to je skroz bez dokaza... )...
Sorry, North Carolina, But You Don’t Really Qualify as a Democracy Anymore
By Daniel Politi
A group of experts that rates the integrity of elections around the world say North Carolina can’t really be considered a democracy anymore. The state where the outgoing governor signed a law stripping his successor of certain powers scored 58/100 in the 2016 election, according to the Electoral Integrity Project, a joint effort between Harvard University and the University of Sydney. That places the state alongside the likes of Cuba, Indonesia and Sierra Leone.
“If it were a nation state, North Carolina would rank right in the middle of the global league table—a deeply flawed, partly-free, democracy that is only slightly ahead of the failed democracies that constitute much of the developing world,” writes Andrew Reynolds, an associate professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, who is also an EIP adviser.
Reynolds was one of the experts responsible for creating the model to evaluate the quality of elections around the world, which involves measuring “50 moving parts of an election process.” And in an op-ed piece for the News & Observer, Reynolds notes he would have never imagined that his state would rank so poorly. But what happens on Election Day is really just the tip of the iceberg. Reynolds explains:
That North Carolina can no longer call its elections democratic is shocking enough, but our democratic decline goes beyond what happens at election time. The most respected measures of democracy – Freedom House, POLITY and the Varieties of Democracy project all assess the degree to which the exercise of power depends on the will of the people: That is, governance is not arbitrary, it follows established rules and is based on popular legitimacy.
Reynolds focused on North Carolina, but looking at EIP’s data it is clear the state is hardly the worst in the United States. Arizona, for example, scored 53/100 while Wisconsin received a 54/100.
That’s the overall ranking though. In a few aspects North Carolina’s elections aren’t just the worst in the United States, but the worst in the world:
North Carolina does so poorly on the measures of legal framework and voter registration, that on those indicators we rank alongside Iran and Venezuela. When it comes to the integrity of the voting district boundaries no country has ever received as low a score as the 7/100 North Carolina received. North Carolina is not only the worst state in the USA for unfair districting but the worst entity in the world ever analyzed by the Electoral Integrity Project.