Notxor wrote:Posle švedskih i engleskih vina očekujem i sibirski šardone. greta_se_smeška.jpg
Dobro Kent i Saseks su kroz istoriju već imali razvijeno vinarstvo, nije ovo prvi put da im vinogradarstvo eksplodira. Jako me zanimaju njihovi penušavci, nadam se da ću ih probati uskoro.
imao sam i majicu pa mi neka stoka ukrala ali kupit ću opet mmw
When it comes to metal’s unsung heroes, Sabina Classen deserves to be near the top of the list. As vocalist with Holy Moses, she’s spent four decades leading the charge for women in (extreme) metal, with scabrous roars and screams her trademark.
Formed at school in the late 70s in Aachen, Germany, they may not have had the same global impact as their countrymen Kreator and Destruction, but their vocalist is an undisputed underground icon and, as Hammer discovers chatting with her today, one of the loveliest human beings in the entire metal scene. It certainly helps that, as Sabina explains, becoming perhaps the first aggressive female vocalist in metal was an accident.
“My boyfriend Andy [Classen] joined the first Holy Moses line-up and we’d hang out at their rehearsal space,” she remembers. “Their bass player, Ramon, was the founding member, and he kicked the singer out because he looked too much like a hippie! Ha ha! Then he said to me, ‘Sabina, you sing now!’ I was shocked. I said, ‘I can’t sing, I’ve no idea about singing!’ But he was insistent, so I took the microphone and did this deep growl, just to show him that I couldn’t sing, ‘See? Only this fucking noise is coming out!’ But he said, ‘That’s it!’”
_____ Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence
''jeste krindž kad si metalac sa 40 godina, brate ako slušaš power metal i oblačiš se tako, ali ako ćemo objektivno, metal je jedina kvalitetna muzika i što se muzike i što se tekstova tiče''
SLUTBOMB (Ohio, Cincinnati) svira metalizirani thrash fastcore koji podsjeća na CAPITALI$T ALIENATION i divlji ulični punk 90-ih. Nikako nisu traljavi, a isporuka je užurbana i ima onaj intenzivni rani death/thrash vajb. Dijelovi zvuče kao MANKIND?, a drugi kao IRON REAGAN. Soliranje glavne gitare je na mjestu i praši. Postoje trenuci čangrizavog country rocka, koji se brzo prekidaju uzburkanim hardcoreom. Brzo, snažno i in your face!
Dragi forumski metalci, što ovo znači, jel ovo yay ili nay?
Zavela me Nele v Sejo ostavinska rasprava i promaklo mi je ovo:
Fadil Šabović, prije osam i po mjeseci:
Na pitanje da li u narednom periodu možemo očekivati nešto novo iz “kuhinje” Nervoznog poštara, Šabović odgovara:
“Nervozni poštar je bend koji jako propagira svoje ime, a to je nervoza. Kod nas ima jako puno nervoze od početka do kraja i sad smo u jednoj fazi koja je dosta onako napeta, jer bismo trebali reformisati bend. Mislim da Croatia Records sprema neki box od naših pet albuma i da će to izbaciti ubrzo, a što se tiče benda, mislim da postoje neke diskusije da možda pjevač malo krene u solo karijeru – u folk jer on ima taj izražaj i on to voli, a da bend malo više krene u neku varijantu koja je pop-folk ili tako nešto. Tako da je sad ispred nas vrijeme koje će biti malo i nama samima upitno, ali ćemo nešto napraviti i vidjeti kako publika reaguje”.
neću baš na saranu ali može u komšiluk da se žabarofili makar okrastaju
nzm jel urbana legenda msm da nije ugl dođe 90ih žabar kamionom na kelebiju carinik uzme papire pokaže na vagu ovaj gleda belo
- vaga buraz aj na vagu - ehehe skuza sinjore non parlo serbo lingva hehe serbi mei kari amići hehe - ma idi na vagu jebote terazije vidiš vako :vaga rukama gore dole: - ... - KANTAR BOG TE JEBO KANTAR
i mučeni žabar na ivici suza šta će poče da tuli refren
_____ Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence
jedva čekam da se vratim u matičnu gajbu sa svim spravama za mučenje pa da otpanjim mastodona na 11 i odradim 1 ful kršteni trenink #fwp
Do you know this feeling when you listen to an album and think that it was exclusively made for you? That it's just everything you want music to be? I have this feeling with Mastodon's "Leviathan". It's complicated, technically precise, heavy as fuck and some songs almost make me scream and cry.
+mlrd brt
_____ Hong Kong dollar, Indian cents, English pounds and Eskimo pence
Do you know this feeling when you listen to an album and think that it was exclusively made for you? That it's just everything you want music to be?
Kaži mi Konjski, kaži:
_____ "Sisaj kurac, Boomere. Spletkario si i nameštao ban pa se sad izvlačiš. Radiša je format a ti si mali iskompleksirani miš. Katastrofa za Burundi čoveče. A i deluje da te napustio drugar u odsudnom trenutku pa te spašavaju ova tovarka što vrv ni ne dismr na ribu, to joj se gadi, i ovaj južnjak koji o niškim kafanama čita na forumu. Prejaka šarža." - Monsier K.
_____ i would like to talk here about The Last of Us on HBO... and yeah, yeah i know.. the world is burning but lets just all sit and talk about television. again - what else are we doing with ourselves ? we are not creating any militias. but my god we still have the content. appraising content is the american modus vivendi.. that's why we are here for. to absorb the content and then render some sort of a judgment on content. because there is a buried hope that if enough people have the right opinion about the content - the content will get better which will then flow to our structures and make the world a better place