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    Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Erős Pista

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by Erős Pista Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:19 pm

    Notxor wrote:Nije fer da tako interpretiraš moje reči jer nisam tako napisao.
    Novak je idiot koji o svom zdravlju sigurno brine više nego mi svi zajedno.
    Sadašnja situacija je da virus prenose jednako i vakcinisani i nevakcinisani.
    Tokom celog turnira on će se susreti sa manje ljudi nego bilo koji gledalac na stadionu.
    Ako se razboli on će sebi platiti najbolje lečenje - neće biti na teretu države.

    Živimo u svetu u kom nismo jednaki, a ako ćemo da počnemo negde da se izjednačavamo bolje je da počnemo od poreza nego od vakcine.

    Izini, ali najblaze receno, pristupas ovom problemu iz sasvim, ali sasvim pogresnog ugla.

    Zbog Novakovih pokusaja da iskrivi ili izigra pravila oko vakcinacije, do sada su najvise trpeli drugi, pre svega gradjani Srbije. Tako ce biti i u svakom narednom pokusaju te vrste. Imamo posla sa man-baby- jem kojem podilaze ludacka porodica i jos ludji enturaz sastavljen od nadrilekara i prodavaca zmijskog ulja, a povrh toga i ceo drzavni aparat.

    Falsifikovanje dokumenta ce postici samo ono sto ti je Lalinea odmah i napisala - srpske vakcinalne propusnice ce doci u sumnju, i to s punim pravom.

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije
    Erős Pista

    Posts : 81421
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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by Erős Pista Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:21 pm

    Uncle Baby Billy wrote:to je tzv burunđanski gambit: niste u pravu jer niste dovoljno levičari. prvo poreska pravda, bato, pa onda da vidimo to javno zdravlje i sl.

    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 3579118792

    "Oni kroz mene gledaju u vas! Oni kroz njega gledaju u vas! Oni kroz vas gledaju u mene... i u sve nas."

    Dragoslav Bokan, Novi putevi oftalmologije

    Posts : 3436
    Join date : 2014-10-29

    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by lalinea Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:25 pm

    Cousin Billy wrote:
    Notxor wrote:
    Sadašnja situacija je da virus prenose jednako i vakcinisani i nevakcinisani.

    Ne. Ovo se ponavlja već nedeljama ali je potpuna neistina, nijedan podatak ne govori u prilog ovome.
    ne samo da nijedan podatak ne govori u prilog tome, vec postoje podaci (iz Danske) koji govore bas suprotno, narocito za bustovane.
    ali ko ce jos da se bavi podacima u Djokovic fanboy univerzumu...

    you cannot simply trust a language model when it tells you how it feels
    Nektivni Ugnelj

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by Nektivni Ugnelj Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:26 pm

    Ovo je sad potpuno drugo. Unapred mu je receno ili se vakcinisi ili ne dolazi (ni ti ni bilo ko). Jedini, i to veliki, problem koji imam sa tim je sto je odredjeno koje tacno vakcine moraju da se prime, ali to sam ja prvi ovde pisao da ce biti tako.

    Posts : 8095
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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by Notxor Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:28 pm

    Erős Pista wrote:
    Notxor wrote:Nije fer da tako interpretiraš moje reči jer nisam tako napisao.
    Novak je idiot koji o svom zdravlju sigurno brine više nego mi svi zajedno.
    Sadašnja situacija je da virus prenose jednako i vakcinisani i nevakcinisani.
    Tokom celog turnira on će se susreti sa manje ljudi nego bilo koji gledalac na stadionu.
    Ako se razboli on će sebi platiti najbolje lečenje - neće biti na teretu države.

    Živimo u svetu u kom nismo jednaki, a ako ćemo da počnemo negde da se izjednačavamo bolje je da počnemo od poreza nego od vakcine.

    Izini, ali najblaze receno, pristupas ovom problemu iz sasvim, ali sasvim pogresnog ugla.

    Zbog Novakovih pokusaja da iskrivi ili izigra pravila oko vakcinacije, do sada su najvise trpeli drugi, pre svega gradjani Srbije. Tako ce biti i u svakom narednom pokusaju te vrste. Imamo posla sa man-baby- jem kojem podilaze ludacka porodica i jos ludji enturaz sastavljen od nadrilekara i prodavaca zmijskog ulja, a povrh toga i ceo drzavni aparat.

    Falsifikovanje dokumenta ce postici samo ono sto ti je Lalinea odmah i napisala - srpske vakcinalne propusnice ce doci u sumnju, i to s punim pravom.

    Kako su to trpeli građani Srbije?
    Napisao sam da je čovek idiot, ali nisam primetio da sam trpeo više nego što je Buda rekao da treba - život, patnja, i slično.
    Izvini i ti, ali mislim da se Novakovim eventualnim falsifikovanjem neće posumnjati u srpske propusnice. On je slučajno Srbin. Pre svega je multimilioner i po tome je sličniji Kristijanu Ronaldu ili pokojnom Brajantu za koje nisu važili zakoni mnogo ozbiljnijih država nego što je Srbija.

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by Notxor Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:29 pm

    lalinea wrote:
    Cousin Billy wrote:

    Ne. Ovo se ponavlja već nedeljama ali je potpuna neistina, nijedan podatak ne govori u prilog ovome.
    ne samo da nijedan podatak ne govori u prilog tome, vec postoje podaci (iz Danske) koji govore bas suprotno, narocito za bustovane.
    ali ko ce jos da se bavi podacima u Djokovic fanboy univerzumu...

    Ok. Možda Verovatno sam nešto pogrešno pročitao.

    Last edited by Notxor on Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  

    Posts : 7488
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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by MNE Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:36 pm

    od Novakovog poreza koji nije platio Srbiji je zdravlje u Srbiji moglo mnogo više da se poboljša nego da se vakcinisao i da je bio u izolaciji kad je izašao na slikanje sa klincima

    Posts : 8095
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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by Notxor Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:38 pm

    MNE wrote:od Novakovog poreza koji nije platio Srbiji je zdravlje u Srbiji moglo mnogo više da se poboljša nego da se vakcinisao i da je bio u izolaciji kad je izašao na slikanje sa klincima

    Ovo su već argumenti australijskog tužilaštva, a pošto nisam pravnik I rest my case.

      Sweet and Tender Hooligan  

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by plachkica Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:40 pm

    australija je danas odobrila sputnik vakcine, to je eto jako zanimljivo

    nikakvu primedbu ne bih imala da je stav australije bio: nema vakcine - nema igranja. tačka.
    međutim, ono su smislili da pravila ima ali i ne važe a onda važe jer je budala đoković tvitnula
    da ima izuzeće pa je to izazvalo oluju koja se juče zavšrila i niko tu nije izašao kao pobednik.

    o ponašanju u srbiji 17. novembra sa onom decom, nedopustivo, ali sklona sam da verujem da nije video test (jbg, navijam) i btw, jedino to će postati bitno ako sponzori postave pitanje sponzorstva,
    jer sudija koji će se baviti tim neće sa jedne strane imati ministra čija se ne poriče, već dve ugovorne
    a ovo medijsko cipelarenje đokovića poslednjih 7 dana je degutantnije bar kao i srpsko isusovanje novaka.

    (a ako se bude vakcinisao, vakcinisaće se u monaku, princ će biti medijski pokrovitelj spektakla da bi sumnje u srpske papire bile izbegnute)

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by Sotir Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:48 pm

    lalinea wrote:
    Cousin Billy wrote:

    Ne. Ovo se ponavlja već nedeljama ali je potpuna neistina, nijedan podatak ne govori u prilog ovome.
    ne samo da nijedan podatak ne govori u prilog tome, vec postoje podaci (iz Danske) koji govore bas suprotno, narocito za bustovane.
    ali ko ce jos da se bavi podacima u Djokovic fanboy univerzumu...

    Подаци из Данске:
    Сви преносе болест, невакцинисани највише. Али под омикроном се смањује разлика.
    Тренутно најбоља заштита: прележали.


    narandžasto - nevakcinisani
    plavo - potpuno vakcinisani
    zeleno - busterovani
    crveno - preležali

    Slučajevi na 100.000 osoba istog vakcinalnog statusa:
    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 FIWi6NeVEAAvrTZ?format=jpg&name=large

    Hospitalizacije na 100.000 osoba istog vakcinalnog statusa:
    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 FIWnYBNVcAMTcQ7?format=jpg&name=large


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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by rumbeando Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:56 pm

    To je statistika o tome ko se zaražava, a ne ko prenosi bolest. Svakako bolest više prenosi onaj čiji imuni sistem najsporije reaguje na nju, a to nisu vakcinisani i preležali.

    Po svim podacima vakcinisani imaju manje nivoe virusa u grlu i brže se čiste od njega u odnosu na nevakcinisane.

    Posts : 13665
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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by rumbeando Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:58 pm

    As a family, we are very focused on a well-being and we know that the healing happens when you are taking care of your body, when you're resting enough, when you're eating well... And when he was starting to take those painkillers, it was something that was completely against everything we believed in.
    To do the surgery, it was against his core values. It was really huge, it's like he buried one part of him with that decision.
    Novak Djokovic exclusive: 'I cried for three days after I had surgery - I felt guilty'
    “I just cried for two or three days.” So says Novak Djokovic, the new world No 1, as we speed through the streets of Paris in a shiny SUV. “I cried after I had the surgery on my elbow. Every time I thought about what I did, I felt like I had failed myself.”
    It is a surprising admission of vulnerability from one of sport’s most implacable competitors. But then Djokovic has a variety of personas: not just the raging bull who rips his shirt to shreds after a significant victory, but the sensitive type who swears by meditation. Sometimes, you wonder if even he knows which version will wake up tomorrow.
    The conversation has settled, as so many conversations with Djokovic do, on the subject of his recent title drought. This is a man who usually attracts trophies like a powerful magnet. So a two-year run without a major was difficult for everybody to compute, especially Djokovic himself.
    The lean times began in the summer of 2016, and only came to an end at Wimbledon, four months ago. During that frustrating spell, his winning percentage slipped from around 90 per cent to a more humdrum 76. Casting around for solutions, he sacked all his coaches, including long-time mentor Marian Vajda. And as gossip swirled about tensions in his marriage, he admitted that “private issues” had been a factor in the slump.
    In the circumstances, you might have expected Djokovic to come away from February’s elbow operation with a smile on his face. Many players would have felt a sense of liberation – at least, that was Andy Murray’s experience after hip surgery the previous month. Yet his dominant emotion was guilt.
    “I was trying to avoid getting on that table because I am not a fan of surgeries or medications,” he tells me now. “I am just trying to be as natural as possible, and I believe that our bodies are self-healing mechanisms. I don’t ever want to get myself in the situation where I have to have another surgery. But I think it was a call that I had to make. I was not ready to take another six months or 12 months or whatever. I needed to get back on the court and that was the compromise.
    “At the time I was filled with mixed emotions. I was doubting. I was also being a bit afraid of whether I am going to recover at the fullest. Because you never know how your body will react to very aggressive medical treatment.
    “Luckily for me the surgery was done right, very well. But I was feeling guilty for maybe a month or two afterwards – through March and April this year. And then there was one point where I was like ‘Okay, right, I just have to accept that what’s done is done, you can’t reverse time to change events.’ I could choose to be grateful or I could be resentful, and I didn’t want to be trapped in that emotion.”
    Djokovic has unconventional views about medicine. In 2010, he was diagnosed with gluten intolerance via a hare-brained process called kinesiology. To test his reaction to wheat, Djokovic held a piece of bread while a nutritionist pulled down his other arm. And while the science may have been bogus, the allergy turned out to be real enough. Surfing on a new wave of energy, the wheat-free Djokovic lifted the Davis Cup at the end of that same season, followed by three of the four majors in 2011.
    The debate over Pepe Imaz, a former top-150 player who became close to Djokovic in 2016, is more equivocal. Apart from being a tennis coach, Imaz is also a new-agey guru who believes in “long hugs” and a strict vegan diet. But there were times last year when Djokovic looked excessively thin. One of Vajda’s first suggestions in April, when he returned to the camp, was that his client should cease collaborating with Imaz, and at least start eating fish.
    During the form dip, Djokovic’s player box could have been fitted with a revolving door. On top of Imaz, he experimented with a pair of first-time coaches: international superstar Andre Agassi and then Czech doubles maestro Radek Stepanek. With the benefit of hindsight, though, he concedes that there was a certain futility to these appointments. “I wasn’t mentally in the right place,” he says.
    It wasn’t the gluten that had got him this time, just the grind. “After I won Roland Garros [in 2016] I did burn out emotionally,” he says now. “I was surprised. I thought it would never happen because I never have an issue to motivate myself. I love to hold the racket, I never need to force myself.
    “But there was a difference between playing and competing. When I started to hear the score and I needed to compete and I needed to travel to tournaments, that’s when I felt empty. For the first time in my career, it was a struggle to be there. I felt ‘What am I doing?’ And it took time for me to balance everything out, to centre myself in every possible way.
    “Injury came aboard as well, and it escalated exactly in that time around when I won Roland Garros, that time when I was experiencing some emotional imbalance. For a year I was under medications, trying to play with anti-inflammatories.
    “But I didn’t need only a break from my injury, I needed to recharge mentally as well, emotionally. I just felt that I played for so long that I needed something like that, and an injury was an excuse to be absent from the tour for a little bit.”
    The operation – which was carried out after months of consultation with “six or seven different orthopaedic surgeons” – was clearly a turning point for Djokovic’s season. Maybe even for his career. Yet the same could be said about the moment in late spring when he phoned Vajda. It marked the end of his post-surgical introspection – a time when Djokovic admits that he lacked direction.
    “I feel like Indian Wells and Miami [the two big American hard-court events in late March] were the low points mentally for me,” Djokovic says now. “I just felt really helpless on the court. I wasn’t experiencing pain, but the game was not there. I was compromised, my service motion was changing week to week, and then I actually understood what other players were going through that had major injuries.”
    Frustrated all over again, he considered rebooting his whole approach to the game. “I thought maybe I should prioritise differently, go and play certain events and certain surfaces where I feel more comfortable, not having the same schedule that I used to have for a decade.”
    But then, as the Buddha-like Vajda preached patience and forbearance – two virtues that Djokovic had lost touch with during his glory days – the clouds began to lift. He beasted compatriot Dusan Lajovic for the loss of just one game at the Monte Carlo Masters, a tournament staged a stone’s throw from his high-rise apartment. Even at Roland Garros, where he threw a tantrum after an unexpected quarter-final exit, you could see that the old fire was back.
    By the time Wimbledon arrived, Djokovic was starting to purr like a vintage Jaguar. The two-day, five-hour semi-final against Rafael Nadal was an old-fashioned brawl, stating the case for best-of-five-set tennis in magnificent style.
    And then, with the raising of the Gentleman’s Singles Trophy, the rightful order of this tennis decade was restored. Remember that, since 2010, Djokovic has won an average of almost one-and-a-half slams per season. Tennis tragics nodded in recognition as he sauntered through the US Open, dominated Shanghai, and finally took out Roger Federer in another titanic collision in Paris.
    The statistics told us that what he was doing was unprecedented. No-one in the Open era had climbed from outside the top 20 to finish the same season as No 1. But the real surprise was not that Djokovic was back on top of the world game; more that he had ever been away.
     “All in all it was just a year full of twists and turns,” he concludes now, “that is ending in a really great way for me. “I have learned that who is in your ear is very important. Who you surround yourself with. And another lesson is that, even when you reach your comfort zone, I don’t believe you stay there for more than a day. When you wake up the next day, you might be experiencing some difficulties – mental, physical and emotional – that you haven’t had yesterday. That’s just how life works.
    “To take one example, I was unable to play unless I took a pill which in the short term is a quick fix but in the long term is actually going against your health and wellbeing. I did that for a year. A lot of athletes actually do that for an entire life.
    “If I ever get myself into this situation again, I will definitely approach it differently. So I truly believe in the holistic approach to life. I believe that every day is an opportunity to grow, and a chance to get to know yourself and evolve. Maybe I am getting into more philosophical and spiritual stuff but we have the answer inside. We can always find it if we search for it.”

    Posts : 3436
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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by lalinea Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:59 pm

    Sotir wrote:
    lalinea wrote:
    ne samo da nijedan podatak ne govori u prilog tome, vec postoje podaci (iz Danske) koji govore bas suprotno, narocito za bustovane.
    ali ko ce jos da se bavi podacima u Djokovic fanboy univerzumu...

    Подаци из Данске:
    Сви преносе болест, невакцинисани највише. Али под омикроном се смањује разлика.
    Тренутно најбоља заштита: прележали.


    narandžasto - nevakcinisani
    plavo - potpuno vakcinisani
    zeleno - busterovani
    crveno - preležali

    Slučajevi na 100.000 osoba istog vakcinalnog statusa:
    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 FIWi6NeVEAAvrTZ?format=jpg&name=large

    Hospitalizacije na 100.000 osoba istog vakcinalnog statusa:
    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 FIWnYBNVcAMTcQ7?format=jpg&name=large

    gledas u grafike o slucajevima i hospitalizacijama a pricas o transmisiji. Ja mislim na onu studiju sto je pratila household transmission i gledala izdvojeno omikron i deltu. Pocetkom januara je ta studija bila po medijima.

    edit: naravno, rumbi brzi da uoci nekonzistentnost u podacima u sotirovom postu lol.

    you cannot simply trust a language model when it tells you how it feels
    Janko Suvar

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by Janko Suvar Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:01 pm

    Predsednik Narodne stranke i bivši ministar spoljnih poslova Srbije Vuk Jeremić izjavio je da je Novak Đoković ne samo najbolji teniser u istoriji, nego i "Muhamed Ali našeg vremena", jer je pokazao neverovatnu čvrstinu svojih uverenja i nepokolebljivu spremnost da ih brani bez obzira na cenu, slično Aliju koji je svojevremeno ostao istrajan u svom odbijanju da učestvuje u ratu u Vijetnamu, uprkos suspenziji.

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by rumbeando Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:03 pm

    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 FJUPbCPXIAMvWme?format=jpg&name=medium

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by Sotir Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:05 pm

    lalinea wrote:
    Sotir wrote:Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 FIWi6NeVEAAvrTZ?format=jpg&name=large

    Hospitalizacije na 100.000 osoba istog vakcinalnog statusa:
    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 FIWnYBNVcAMTcQ7?format=jpg&name=large

    gledas u grafike o slucajevima i hospitalizacijama a pricas o transmisiji. Ja mislim na onu studiju sto je pratila household transmission i gledala izdvojeno omikron i deltu. Pocetkom januara je ta studija bila po medijima.

    edit: naravno, rumbi brzi da uoci nekonzistentnost u podacima u sotirovom postu lol.
    Дај линк.

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by MNE Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:06 pm

    što se omikrona tiče vakcine usporavaju transmisiju, ne smanjuju je

    tako da vakcina ima smisla kad je u pitanju izbjegavanje preopterećenja zdravstvenog sistema, ali toga sa omikronom očigledno nema

    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:14 pm

    da da deblji je vakcinisani virus pa se sporije prenosi kroz vazduh, često samo padne na pod gde ga poližu psi i mačke


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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by MNE Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:19 pm

    ne nego kad si vakcinisan treba malo više čestica da pokupiš da bi nastupila infekcija, tako da ako vakcinisani i nevakcinisani izlaze u isti klub nevakcinisani će se zaraziti 2. dan a vakcinisani 4. dan

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by kondo Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:21 pm

    vakseri na svom istorijskom vrhuncu, ladno su postali odvratniji od avaksa.

    čestitam svima koji slave.


    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.

    Posts : 3436
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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by lalinea Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:24 pm

    Sotir wrote:
    lalinea wrote:
    gledas u grafike o slucajevima i hospitalizacijama a pricas o transmisiji. Ja mislim na onu studiju sto je pratila household transmission i gledala izdvojeno omikron i deltu. Pocetkom januara je ta studija bila po medijima.

    edit: naravno, rumbi brzi da uoci nekonzistentnost u podacima u sotirovom postu lol.
    Дај линк.
    mislim da je to ova: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.27.21268278v1.full.pdf+html

    "The effect of vaccination on susceptibility and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 within
    households is shown in Table 2. The estimates of susceptibility by vaccine status were
    stratified by variant because we observed an interaction between variant and vaccination
    status of the potential secondary cases (p < 0.001). After adjustment for confounders,
    we found that in households with the Delta VOC, the OR of infection was 2.31 (95%
    confidence interval (CI) 2.09-2.55) for unvaccinated individuals and 0.38 (CI: 0.32-0.46)
    for booster-vaccinated individuals when compared to fully vaccinated potential secondary
    cases. For households with the Omicron VOC, the corresponding OR for infection for
    unvaccinated individuals was 1.04 (CI: 0.87-1.24) and 0.54 (CI: 0.40-0.71) for booster vaccinated individuals.
    When considering the vaccine status of primary cases, i.e. transmissibility, we observed no difference in the OR of infection between households with the
    Omicron and Delta VOC. An unvaccinated primary case was associated with an OR of
    1.41 (CI: 1.27-1.57) for potential secondary cases compared to fully vaccinated primary
    cases, while a booster-vaccinated primary case was associated with a decreased OR of
    0.72 (CI: 0.56-0.92)."

    you cannot simply trust a language model when it tells you how it feels

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by rumbeando Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:31 pm


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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by kondo Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:32 pm

    pizde govnarske


    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by MNE Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:34 pm

    mogli bi oni i još govnarskije, npr. da od sjutra dozvole ulaz i nevakcinisanima bez ikakvih izuzeća

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    Novak - četnik sa reketom - Page 9 Empty Re: Novak - četnik sa reketom

    Post by kondo Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:40 pm


    Дакле, волео бих да се ЈСД Партизан угаси, али не и да сви (или било који) гробар умре.

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