boomer crook wrote:actually briti su sortirali u dnkirku
Од два-три значења речи која ми падају на ум, не уклапа ми се ниједно.
boomer crook wrote:actually briti su sortirali u dnkirku
Evo, reći ću, a do danas nisam nigde pričao o tome. Zato što smo se dogovorili da to bude tajna“, kazao je Dačić.
A ta tajna je bila da su predstavnici pale avganistanske vlasti i talibani prvi put ikada pregovarali u Beogradu tokom 2019. godine.
„Ovde su razgovarali tri puta – međutim, kad su to videle velike sile, da mi to radimo, onda su oni rekli ‘ma dajte, mi ćemo to da uradimo u Dohi, u Kataru. Rezultat ste videli“, rekao je Dačić.
Amrulah Saleh: If US decides to leave it does not mean we will cease to exist. These mountains will remain for ever. These rivers will flow for ever.
— Vikram Razdan (@VikramRazdan1) August 16, 2021
US chose to abandon people like him and parter with the Taliban.#SanctionPakistan #Afghanistan #AfghanistanBurning
Swedish embassy in Kabul did similar thing. Swedish embassy staff just walked out on their Afghan colleagues. When Afghans inquired what was happening, Swedes refused to answer phones and also blocked their official email accounts.@akhbar
— Jenan Moussa (@jenanmoussa) August 17, 2021
Невероватан је презир свих људи који су икада били у Авганистану према Авганистанцима.plachkica wrote:Swedish embassy in Kabul did similar thing. Swedish embassy staff just walked out on their Afghan colleagues. When Afghans inquired what was happening, Swedes refused to answer phones and also blocked their official email accounts.@akhbar
— Jenan Moussa (@jenanmoussa) August 17, 2021
First protest of women in Kabul.#Afghanistan
— Pajhwok Afghan News (@pajhwok) August 17, 2021
Video of @HameedMohdShah
ficfiric wrote:Sad glume kako su se promenili - vozaju se u auticima i na vrteskama, za koji dan ce po instagramu kaciti slike kako jedu grasak i boraniju kod majke a kad se uspostavi vlast i pogase reflektori...
Ovim zenama zelim da im ta beda ne traje dugo pa da na nekom letovanju sretnu Suleta i da ga isutiraju ko konja
China’s Global Times warns Taiwan that the US will abandon it, like it did Aghanistan, “once war breaks out” (not “if”). “The island's defense will collapse in hours and the US military won't come to help.”
— Liz Sly (@LizSly) August 16, 2021
can you please DM me? This photo is from my interview with him
— Clarissa Ward (@clarissaward) August 17, 2021
rumbeando wrote:China’s Global Times warns Taiwan that the US will abandon it, like it did Aghanistan, “once war breaks out” (not “if”). “The island's defense will collapse in hours and the US military won't come to help.”
— Liz Sly (@LizSly) August 16, 2021
The geopolitical value of Afghanistan is no less than that of Taiwan island.