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    Блиски исток


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    Post by паће Mon 17 Jul 2017, 13:02

    Е, тако.

    Дакле, од Пакистана до Бурме тамо, од Турске до Ирана овде.

       commented, fermented, demented, mementoed, cemented, lamented.
       анархеологистика: оно кад не знаш где си га затурио, и кад.

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    Post by Filipenko Mon 17 Jul 2017, 13:06

    Mosul. Pre i posle američkog ratnog zločina.

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    Post by Filipenko Mon 17 Jul 2017, 13:07

    Evo i lokacija. Podsećam, Mosul je nekada bio Niniva, prestonica Asirskog carstva, jedan od najstarijih i najznamenitijih gradova sveta.

    Блиски исток Mosul-locator-300_0
    Ointagru Unartan

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    Post by Ointagru Unartan Mon 17 Jul 2017, 13:12

    Predsjednik FBiH Marinko Čavara kazao je danas novinarima u Sarajevu, 12. dan otkako je prijavio nadležnim institucijama sumnjive događaje na autoputu Kakanj - Zenica 5. jula, da ne očekuje spektakularne rezultate istrage, ali da sumnja "na nešto" i da o tome ne može govoriti. Kazao je da je došao do informacija da je u proteklom periodu sistemski praćen i nezakonito prisluškivan.

    "Ne morate krenuti odavde da biste dosli tamo. Moguce je krenuti odavde i vratiti se ponovo tu, ali preko onoga tamo."
    Aca Seltik, Sabrana razmisljanja o topologiji, tom cetvrti.

    My Moon Che Gavara.
    Xexoxical Endarchy

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    Post by Xexoxical Endarchy Mon 17 Jul 2017, 13:21

    Блиски исток 3579118792

    Spomen-naplatna rampa "Zoran Babić"
    Ointagru Unartan

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    Post by Ointagru Unartan Mon 17 Jul 2017, 13:25

    Zezam malo Patjeta na konto ovoga:

    Bliski Istok (sh. sinonimi: „Prednji Istok” ili „Srednji Istok”) je zapadnjački geopolitički naziv za područja sjeveroistočne Afrike i jugozapadne Azije čije su granice slabo definirane. Preuzet je iz francuskog oblika Proche-Orient kojim su se početkom 19. vijeka označavala područja pod osmanlijskom vlašću (uključujući Balkan) odnosno koji je bio antonimom Dalekom Istoku, dok naziv „Srednji Istok” potječe iz engleskog oblika Middle East kojim se na prijelazu u 20. vijek podrazumijevalo područje između Osmanskog Carstva i Britanske Indije (okvirno Iranska visoravan, Mezopotamija i Arabija). Nakon raspada kolonijalnih carstava u 20. vijeku dva su pojma redefinirana stapanjem u jedno geografsko područje iz kojeg je isključen Balkan, a „Bliski” i „Srednji Istok” počinju se koristiti kao sinonimi u svim jezicima pa tako i u srpskohrvatskom, dok je engleski specifičan po tome da je oblik „Srednji” zadržao primarno značenje.


    Ali necu vise, posto je generalno u pravu.

    "Ne morate krenuti odavde da biste dosli tamo. Moguce je krenuti odavde i vratiti se ponovo tu, ali preko onoga tamo."
    Aca Seltik, Sabrana razmisljanja o topologiji, tom cetvrti.

    My Moon Che Gavara.

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    Post by паће Mon 17 Jul 2017, 13:36

    Па ево престао сам и ја да пођебавам па уместо тога урадио оно што сам рекао да није тешко. А и доста, дојадили бисмо и један другом, а камоли осталима.

       commented, fermented, demented, mementoed, cemented, lamented.
       анархеологистика: оно кад не знаш где си га затурио, и кад.
    Xexoxical Endarchy

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    Post by Xexoxical Endarchy Mon 17 Jul 2017, 13:57

    Radagast wrote:Zezam malo Patjeta na konto ovoga:

    Bliski Istok (sh. sinonimi: „Prednji Istok” ili „Srednji Istok”) je zapadnjački geopolitički naziv za područja sjeveroistočne Afrike i jugozapadne Azije čije su granice slabo definirane. Preuzet je iz francuskog oblika Proche-Orient kojim su se početkom 19. vijeka označavala područja pod osmanlijskom vlašću (uključujući Balkan) odnosno koji je bio antonimom Dalekom Istoku, dok naziv „Srednji Istok” potječe iz engleskog oblika Middle East kojim se na prijelazu u 20. vijek podrazumijevalo područje između Osmanskog Carstva i Britanske Indije (okvirno Iranska visoravan, Mezopotamija i Arabija). Nakon raspada kolonijalnih carstava u 20. vijeku dva su pojma redefinirana stapanjem u jedno geografsko područje iz kojeg je isključen Balkan, a „Bliski” i „Srednji Istok” počinju se koristiti kao sinonimi u svim jezicima pa tako i u srpskohrvatskom, dok je engleski specifičan po tome da je oblik „Srednji” zadržao primarno značenje.


    Ali necu vise, posto je generalno u pravu.
    ma znam, al opet kazem - ako termin postoji u udzbenicima za osnovnu skolu - onda je legit iako nije u kolokvijalnoj upotrebi. stavise, u ovim konzervativnim, tops-down lingvistickim zemljama tipa hrvatskoj, madjarskoj i sl bi ti vise bio u pravu nego pace.

    Spomen-naplatna rampa "Zoran Babić"

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    Location : квантни физикалац

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    Post by паће Mon 17 Jul 2017, 14:06

    Xexoxical Endarchy wrote:
    Radagast wrote:
    Ali necu vise, posto je generalno u pravu.
    ma znam, al opet kazem - ako termin postoji u udzbenicima za osnovnu skolu - onda je legit iako nije u kolokvijalnoj upotrebi. stavise, u ovim konzervativnim, tops-down lingvistickim zemljama tipa hrvatskoj, madjarskoj i sl bi ti vise bio u pravu nego pace.

    У тим истим земљама постоји prevailing usage, дакле неко наследно право типа "већ сто година говоримо овако, учинићемо изузетак". Оно, енглески и нема правила, само спискове Блиски исток 2849097393 .

    п.с. овде је већ издата гомила наслова са синтагмом "блиски исток", ма ушло чак и у вицеве

    - јел, Милојко, ша мислиш за ову ситуацију на блиски исток?
    - ма јебе ми се
    - јао и мени ал' нисам знала како да те питам

       commented, fermented, demented, mementoed, cemented, lamented.
       анархеологистика: оно кад не знаш где си га затурио, и кад.

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    Post by Guest Mon 17 Jul 2017, 19:53

    Iran Dominates in Iraq After U.S. ‘Handed the Country Over’

    JULY 15, 2017

    BAGHDAD — Walk into almost any market in Iraq and the shelves are filled with goods from Iran — milk, yogurt, chicken. Turn on the television and channel after channel broadcasts programs sympathetic to Iran.

    A new building goes up? It is likely that the cement and bricks came from Iran. And when bored young Iraqi men take pills to get high, the illicit drugs are likely to have been smuggled across the porous Iranian border.

    And that’s not even the half of it.

    Across the country, Iranian-sponsored militias are hard at work establishing a corridor to move men and guns to proxy forces in Syria and Lebanon. And in the halls of power in Baghdad, even the most senior Iraqi cabinet officials have been blessed, or bounced out, by Iran’s leadership.

    When the United States invaded Iraq 14 years ago to topple Saddam Hussein, it saw Iraq as a potential cornerstone of a democratic and Western-facing Middle East, and vast amounts of blood and treasure — about 4,500 American lives lost, more than $1 trillion spent — were poured into the cause.

    From Day 1, Iran saw something else: a chance to make a client state of Iraq, a former enemy against which it fought a war in the 1980s so brutal, with chemical weapons and trench warfare, that historians look to World War I for analogies. If it succeeded, Iraq would never again pose a threat, and it could serve as a jumping-off point to spread Iranian influence around the region.

    In that contest, Iran won, and the United States lost.


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    Post by Guest Tue 18 Jul 2017, 10:44

    I Warned About Iran and the Media Ignored Me
    Because it was Obama's war to lose.

    By Peter Van Buren • July 18, 2017

    The New York Times is featuring a piece stating that Iran is the big winner of the U.S.-Iraq wars that have run from 1991 to the present.

    So what does ‘winning in Iraq’ look like, asks the Times? Something like this:

    A Shia-dominated government is in Baghdad, beholden to Tehran for its security post-ISIS. Shia thug militias, an anti-Sunni and Kurd force in waiting, are fully integrated into the otherwise-failed national Iraqi military. There are robust and growing economic ties between the two nations. An Iraqi security structure will never threaten Iran again. A corridor between Iran and Syria will allow arms and fighters to flow westward in support of greater Iranian geopolitical aims in the Middle East. And after one trillion in U.S. taxpayer dollars spent, and 4,500 Americans killed in hopes of making Iraq the cornerstone of a Western-facing Middle East, Washington’s influence in Iraq is limited.

    It seems the Times is surprised by the conclusion; it’s “news” for some, apparently. The newspaper ran the story on its hometown-edition front page.

    But it wasn’t news to me. I tried writing basically the same story in 2010 as a formal reporting cable for the State Department. Nobody wanted to hear it.

    At the time I was assigned to Iraq as an American diplomat, with some 20 years of field experience, embedded at a rural forward-operating base. All the things that took until 2017 to become obvious to the Times were available to anyone on the ground back then with the eyes to see.

    The problem was what I wrote could never get cleared past my boss, and was never allowed to be sent to Washington. The Obama administration’s message was that America had won in Mesopotamia, and that we would be withdrawing to focus our national efforts on Afghanistan. “Everything that American troops have done in Iraq—all the fighting, all the dying, the bleeding and the building and the training and the partnering, all of it has landed to this moment of success,” said President Obama. “We’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable, and self reliant Iraq.”

    So it was off-message—I was off-message—and thus needed to be ignored. The area where I was assigned in Iraq had a heavy Iranian presence, both special forces working with Iraqi Shia militias to help kill Americans, and Iranian traders and businessmen selling agricultural products. (The Iranian watermelons were among the best I’ve ever eaten.) Busloads of Iranian tourists were everywhere. Most were religious pilgrims, visiting special Shia sites, including mosques that had been converted by Saddam into Sunni places of worship that had been restored to their original Shia status, often with Iranian money, following America’s “victory.”

    In fact, somewhere in Iran are a tourist’s photos of me and his family, posing together in the area outside Salman Pak. He begged me for the souvenir photo op, never having met an American before, telling me about the small local hotel he hoped to finance for Iranian pilgrims in the future. I’d sure like a copy of the picture if he somehow reads this.

    Even after my boss deep-sixed my reporting in 2010, I still thought there was something to this Iranian thing. So I spoke to the designated “Iran Watcher” at the American Embassy in Baghdad. Her job was to monitor and report on Iran-related news out of Iraq, albeit from well inside the air-conditioned Green Zone, without ever speaking to an Iranian or worrying that her convoy might be blown up by an Iranian Special Forces IED.

    I told her about the watermelons, those delicious Iranian fruits that were flooding the markets in the boonies where I lived. The melons were putting enormous pressure on Iraqi farmers, whose fruit was neither as tasty nor as government subsidized. The State Department Iran Watcher was quick to point out that I must be wrong about the Iranian fruit, because she had only yesterday been in a meeting with the Iraqi agricultural minister, who explained that the Iraqi government’s efforts to seal the border had been wholly successful; she’d seen a translated report! Things went downhill from there, and the embassy offered only canned peaches in syrup at lunch. The fruit tasted like the can, and there was a joke about the truth being too bitter to swallow that I was too tired to make.

    A year later, in 2011, I was back in Washington. I set down the same broad ideas about Iran being victorious in layperson’s terms—and was turned down for an oped by the New York Times, the Washington Post, and others. One editor said “So you’re telling Barack Obama he’s wrong? That the surge failed, the war wasn’t won, all those dead Americans were for nothing and Iran came out on top? Seriously?” I was made to feel like I was wearing a skirt in an NFL locker room.

    The best I could do with this knowledge—that in yet another way the war had been for nothing—was to settle for being treated as a kind of novelty, a guest blogger at Foreign Policy. Here’s the article I wrote there, scooping the Times by six years.

    As for the U.S. government, I’m still not sure they’ve gotten the story on Iraq.

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    Post by Guest Thu 20 Jul 2017, 21:02

    Saudijski princ Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Musaed bin Saud bin Adbulaziz uhapšen je nakon što su objavljeni video snimci na kojima se navodno vidi kako muči jednu, a upire pušku u drugu osobu. Kralj Salman naredio je da se princ uhapsi i ispita u srijedu, dan nakon što su kratki video snimci objavljeni na Youtubeu i dijeljeni putem Twittera, na kojima se vidi kako udara više mušakaraca koji su krvavi i jednu ženu, prenosi AP. Na video klipu, koji je pregledan više od 760.000 puta, vidi se 18 flaša viskija Johnny Walker Red Label na stolu i svežanj novca.



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    Post by Filipenko Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:29

    Izgleda da je finalni bilans Obamino-Trampove operacije razaranja Mosula do temelja preko 40 hiljada civila.

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    Post by Zuper Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:55

    Prica se da mladi saudijski princ Muhamed bin Salman, koji fakticki vlada S. Arabijom, malo navucen na belo i razne druge susptance koje nisu evropskog porekla. Блиски исток 2304934895
    Ointagru Unartan

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    Post by Ointagru Unartan Fri 21 Jul 2017, 23:22

    The language in 2016-2017 Saudi textbooks that calls for killing people who engage in adultery, anal sex, apostasy, or certain supposed acts of sorcery are not the only passages that encourage violence against those who act in a manner inconsistent with the state’s vision of Islam.

    A 2016-2017 Saudi textbook on monotheism for the twelfth grade teaches that there are four kinds of infidels. The first three of them include envoys who have diplomatic immunity, peoples who have a non-aggression pact with the Muslim world, and dhimmis, a term for non-Muslims forced to pay a special tax that is commonly associated with second-class status. According to this book, the remainder of infidels, who comprise the fourth class, are defined as “combatants,” whom it says Allah has commanded must be fought until they submit to Islam or agree to become dhimmis.

    That book also calls for “fighting the infidels and the polytheists” except under a handful of extenuating circumstances. Those include: (1) if such non-Muslims have not been given a chance yet to convert to Islam or become dhimmis, (2) if Muslims are not strong enough to win such a fight, (3) if the ruler does not support it, or (4) if such non-Muslims have a non-aggression pact with the Muslim world.

    According to a February 2017 Wall Street Journal article, a current eighth-grade Saudi textbook on Islamic law instructed readers to support people who are waging jihad, including by arming them. The passage was translated by the Journal as follows: “the mujahideen who are doing good deeds for the sake of Allah … should be given transportation, weapons, food and anything else they may need to continue their jihad.”


    "Ne morate krenuti odavde da biste dosli tamo. Moguce je krenuti odavde i vratiti se ponovo tu, ali preko onoga tamo."
    Aca Seltik, Sabrana razmisljanja o topologiji, tom cetvrti.

    My Moon Che Gavara.

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    Post by Guest Sun 23 Jul 2017, 20:51

    Kako javlja BBC, u zgradi Ambasade Izraela u Amanu, glavnom gradu Jordana, došlo je do pucnjave. Strani mediji javljaju da ima poginulih i povrijeđenih. Jedan neimenovani zvaničnik jordanskih snaga sigurnosti saopćio je da je u zgradi izraelske ambasade u Amanu došlo do pucnjave iz vatrenog oružja. BBC izvještava da je poginula najmanje jedna osoba. .
    Pročitajte više na: http://avaz.ba/globus/svijet/284616/napadnuta-ambasada-izraela-ima-poginulih-i-povrijedenih

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    Post by Zuper Wed 23 Aug 2017, 10:21

    Pitko i slatko napisano da se ne uzbudjava raja.

    Saudi Police Detain 14-Year-Old After Viral Macarena Video

    Saudi authorities have detained a teenager after a video of him dancing Macarena at a Jeddah traffic light was widely viewed and shared online, local newspapers reported on Wednesday.
    Saudi police analyzed the video showing the 14-year-old and managed to locate him, Ati al-Qurashi, a police spokesman, was quoted as saying in Alriyadh newspaper. The boy, whose act violated public decency norms, was held for questioning and would be referred later to the public prosecutor, he said. The report didn’t identify him by name.

    The short clip showed a young boy, dressed in shorts and a striped t-shirt, with headphones on, dancing in a zebra crossing during a red light.
    Блиски исток 2304934895

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    Post by Guest Sun 22 Oct 2017, 14:07

    JeruSalem Yahoodi @yoskesh

    Haaretz: isr police arrested a Palestinian man because he wrote on Facebook in Arabic "Good morning" and Facebook mistakenly translated it into "hit them"


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    Post by Zuper Thu 26 Oct 2017, 13:57

    Narkoman bin Salman Al Saud, pravi vladalac na Saudi Arabija, veli da nisu oni krivi za ekstremizam i vehabizam vec Iran:

    The ultra-conservative Wahhabi doctrines currently propagated by Riyadh are “not normal” for the country, and only developed as a domestic reaction to the Iranian revolution, the prince said. Leaders in the KSA since Tehran’s 1979 political shake-up “didn’t know how to deal with” a new Islamic Republic in the neighborhood, he added.

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    Post by Zuper Sun 29 Oct 2017, 19:39

    Kurdi se zaleteli i sada glave padaju, previse ocekivali od Amera koji ih lako pustise niz vodu.

    Iraqi Kurdish leader to step down over fallout from independence poll
    President of autonomous region Masoud Barzani informs parliament as disputed territory is lost to Baghdad forces

    Masoud Barzani is to step down as Kurdish president after the contentious independence referendum he called backfired spectacularly, with the Kurds of northern Iraq stripped of a third of their territory and facing continuing attacks by Baghdad.
    The veteran Kurdish leader told a parliamentary sitting in Erbil on Sunday that he would not re-contest the presidency and asked for his powers to be dispersed. His decision comes six weeks after the poll, which returned a 93% yes vote but immediately prompted recriminations from neighbouring states and a rival political bloc.
    The move had been expected following the ballot, which rather than strengthen the Kurdish hold on northern Iraq has left it splintered, with officials scrambling to avert the imminent loss of their last remaining revenue streams – border crossings to Syria and Turkey through which the region’s oil is exported.


    Da je Sloba ovo uradio 1993 ili 1995...
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    Post by Zuper Sun 29 Oct 2017, 23:09

    Barzani: Zašto Vašington želi da kazni Kurdistan?

    Kurdski lider Masud Barzani danas je, objavljujući svoju odluku da napusti položaj, izjavio je da niko nije podržao Kurde u njihovom pravu na samoopredeljenje

    Kurdski lider Masud Barzani danas je, objavljujući svoju odluku da napusti položaj, izjavio je da niko nije podržao Kurde u njihovom pravu na samoopredeljenje.

    Kako navodi Rojters, nakon što je kurdski parlament usvojio njegov zahtev da mu se posle 1. novembra ne produži mandat predsednika iračkog autonomnog regiona Kurdistan, on je u ogorčenom govoru na televiziji kritikovao SAD što su dozvolile da se napadi na Kurde izvode američkim oružjem.
    Barzani se povlači nakon što je 25. septembra održan referendum o nezavisnosti Kurdistana, koji je on raspisao, a koji je doveo do ekonomske izolacije tog regiona, kao i vojne akcije iračke vojske u kojoj su Kurdi izgubili skoro polovinu teritorije koju su godinama kontrolisali, uključujući naftom bogati Kirkuk.
    "Tri miliona glasova za nezavisnost Kurdistana izgradilo je istoriju i ne može biti obrisano", rekao je Barzani u govoru.
    "Niko, međutim, nije stao uz nas, osim naših planina", dodao je.
    Barzani je kritikovao SAD jer su dozvolile da tenkovi "abrams" kojima su snabdele iračku vojsku za borbu protiv Islamske države, upotrebe protiv Kurda.
    On je, takođe, rekao da su u napadima na Kurde američko oružje koristile i paravojne snage koje podržava Iran.
    "Bez pomoći pešmerga (kurdskih boraca) iračke snave ne bi same oslobodile Mosul od Islamske države", rekao je Barzani i dodao: "Zašto Vašington želi da kazni Kurdistan?"
    On je takođe rekao da su sledbenici rivalskog kurdskog lidera Džalala Talabanija, koji je umro početkom oktobra, krivi za "izdaju" jer su pre dve nedelje bez borbe predali Kirkuk iračkim snagama.

    Barzani kaže da su ga iračke ofanzive nakon 16. oktobra i odbijanje iračke vlade da pristane na dijalog ubedili da "Irak više ne veruje u prava Kurda".

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    Post by Zuper Sat 04 Nov 2017, 23:30

    U Saudijskoj Arabiji ozbiljan picvajz iza scene, ciscenje mase princeva...

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    Post by Zuper Sat 04 Nov 2017, 23:40

    Izgleda da su neki pokusali da uteknu:

    unconfirmed news: all private flights and VIP departures in #KSA are suspended temporarily

    Inace je Rijadu danas bilo zanimljivo zbog eksplozija kod medjunarodnog aerodroma. Navodno Huti ispalili rakete iz Jemena...posle ovoga nocas nesto ne verujem u to.
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    Post by Zuper Sat 04 Nov 2017, 23:42

    Danas je i Hariri mladji podneo ostavku na mesto prmeijera u Libanu, napao Hezbolah i Iran iz Saudijske Arabije.
    Neki ozbiljan picvajz u pozadini se desava.
    Ointagru Unartan

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    Post by Ointagru Unartan Sat 04 Nov 2017, 23:46

    Najavili i novi zakon protiv terorizma.

    Under the new law, anyone who refers to the king or to the crown prince directly or indirectly in terms that challenge religion or justice will be sentenced to between five and 10 years in jail.


    Kad se sve to uzme skupa, ukljucujuci poteze koji su zahtevali dugorocne pripreme (ovaj zakon, uspostavljanje komisije za borbu protiv korupcije), ocigledno je da se radi o isplaniranom jacanju svoje pozicije od strane prestolonaslednika, mozda u okviru priprema za neke vece reforme.

    "Ne morate krenuti odavde da biste dosli tamo. Moguce je krenuti odavde i vratiti se ponovo tu, ali preko onoga tamo."
    Aca Seltik, Sabrana razmisljanja o topologiji, tom cetvrti.

    My Moon Che Gavara.

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      Current date/time is Sun 12 May 2024, 08:50