by disident Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:43 pm
William Murderface wrote:Teša ti je srpski Alex Jones, ili bi bar teo da bude. Čak pomalo i liči na njega (samo što je mlađi, naravno).
pomalo je kljucna rec
Alex Jones Looked Like An Evil Dojo Owner From A Karate Kid Movie
Conspiracy theorist/"character actor" Alex Jones literally shouted his way into pop-culture relevance. The never-not-yelling InfoWars host makes his living yelling about how the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax and fomenting dumb-ass conspiracy theories like Pizzagate, so it's with heavy hearts to tell you that Alex Jones was once the apotheosis of slam piece.
Not so much these days, as his pillow talk would be all clockwork elves this and gay frogs that.
No, we're talking about photos like this:
Alex Jones
Yes, this is a MySpace photo.
Be honest: Whatever your gender or inclination, if that man started talking to you about chemtrails at the gym, you'd just nod and let him do it so you can admire his pecs. Note that even when he's pumping some serious iron, Jones never once drops his rant face:
Jet fuel can melt our hearts.
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For the love of God, never stop eating those big chili lunches, Alex Jones. The moment you're hot again, our world is doomed.